The Allison Inn And Spa

camellia japonica

Japanese Camellia At The Allison Inn and Spa

Botanical name: Camellia japonica

Zone: Hardy to USDA Zone 7

Native to Japan and China

Type: Broadleaf evergreen shrub can reach 10-15 feet high. Flowers are not fragrant and range in color from white to pink to shades of red. The flowers have many different forms, e.g. single, semidouble, formal double, peony. They bloom from early winter to spring.

Grow in sun to part shade. Prefers moist, acidic, organic, well-drained soil.

This easy to grow shrub provides welcome winter blooms. It is also the official flower of Newberg. Newberg holds a Camellia Festival in April each year, this year it is held on April 15. This free community event incorporates a camellia bloom show, a 5k or 10k fun walk/run, followed by performances, kids activities, vendors, and much more.

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