End of Summer Flowers – August 2021

This summer has been notable for a late spring, then heat, drought, dashes of rain, and smoke. Flowers burst forth starting in June, sped along with the warmth, but then began to crisp early in many locations. Reports include tall forb and alpine flowers averaging three weeks early. 

Flowers still bloom along streams and shady canyons, and road sides are sporting late summer yellows in abundance. Fruits are ripening fast. Here are some of the most obvious flowers at lower elevations, which means they should still be going strong farther up the trail. Butterflies are active on these remaining nectar sources: fritillarys, coppers, blues, tortoiseshells, and parnassia, to name the more recognizable groups.

Showy Goldeneye (Vigueria/Heliomeris multiflora) is abundant along roads, in meadows, and up hillsides ranging from Jackson Hole to Yellowstone National Park. The cheerful yellow heads wave atop slender 2-3’ stems with mostly opposite leaves. Sometimes the rounded ray flowers are visibly lighter toward their ends—under UV light they look like bulls-eyes to pollinators. These “composite” flowers with both ray and disc flowers provide a showy and easy place for pollinators to land and gather pollen and nectar from many tiny flowers. Like going to a big box store.

Pacific Aster (Symphiotrichum ascendens) forms colonies of blue along roadsides and smaller patches in more wooded areas.

They bloom at various heights: mowed, grazed, or just left alone. One way to tell these blue asters from others is to look at the venation of their elongate leaves.  The veins outline elongate areas. 

Curly Gumweed (Grindelia squarrosa ) has colonized along main highways and park roads. Early herbarium records indicate that they have naturalized relatively recently in the county. 

They tolerate drought and winds of roadsides with their tough slightly succulent foliage. Their sap is also thick. Flower heads are sticky and the bracts curl under, hence its common name. It has an interesting fragrance.

Golden Aster (Heterotheca/Chrysopsis villosa) also colonizes park roadsides and collects in dry depressions.  The leaves are clearly hairy, shorter, and the yellow composite flowers abundant. Flowers are now forming heads of individual fruits: each fruit with one seed inside is attached to a fluffy pappus of hairs that helps them disperse into new dry sites. 

Canada Goldenrods (Solidago canadensis var. salebrosa) have been blooming strong over the last few weeks. Goldenrods have a reputation for causing allergies. This is a bum rap. Wind pollinated grasses and ragweeds (Ambrosia spp.), which are found farther east, often bloom at the same time unnoticed. Wind pollen is light and abundant and designed to disperse on the wind, and therefore gets up our nostrils. Flowers with showy petals like goldenrods have evolved to attract insects to carry the pollen from plant to plant—pollen is relatively heavy and not flying about on its own. 

Canada Goldenrod has many slightly toothed, pointed, 2-3” leaves alternating up 2-4’ stems.  Tiny heads contain about 13 ray flowers. Here the many small composite flowers bunched together create a show signaling in pollinators who can perch and wander about for the goods of pollen and nectar. Also, there are many other tiny and large insect crawling in and about the flower heads, some munching, others laying eggs, some just hiding from predators.

For plant nerds: Two other common goldenrods are smaller, smooth all over, with most of their larger leaves bunched near the base. Rocky Mountain Goldenrod (Solidago multiradiata) is distinguished by ciliate hairs long the petiole of the basal leaves and 13 ray flowers per head.

Sticky Goldenrod (Solidago simplex) has smooth petioles and heads with only about 8 ray flowers. Flower heads can be a bit resinous or sticky.

Thickstem AstersEurybia integrifolia – are tough, 2-2.5’ plants seen in a variety of habitats and elevations.

Their flower heads have sticky bracts and stems, and its thick stems tend to zig-zag. Flower heads have deep blue to purple ray flowers surrounding the yellow to rusty disc flowers. Lower leaves are much larger than those along the upper stems.

Fireweeds (Epilobium/Chamerion angustifolium) were also notably early this year and some didn’t bloom at all. Those still blooming tend to be at high elevations or in moist or shady locations lower down.

If you observe closely, you can see the flowers change flowering stages. First the anthers (above) produce male pollen while female part located in the center is still undeveloped. Then the anthers wither and the female stigma matures (below) ready to receive pollen from another flower. This progression from male to female avoids flowers self-pollinating. Flowers at the bottom of the inflorescence bloom first.

Many plants are already going to fruit and seed. Their seeds, dispersed on the wind, remain viable for only a few weeks.

In high meadows where fireweed can be abundant, hummingbirds are important pollinators. They load up on nectar before migrating south. Hummingbirds lap, don’t suck, nectar. They have little bristles at the tips of their tongues and rapidly dart their tongues back and forth into their long beaks while hovering. Truly a feat.

Rufous Hummingbirds Turning Up in Unusual Places | Audubon
Rufous Hummingbird – National Audubon Society

Rabbitbrushes are flourishing right now, with more to come. They are particularly important for supplying nectar at the end of the flowering season: look for myriad butterflies, bees, and other winged invertebrates working them over.

We have a 4 common varieties of rabbitbrushes in Teton County. These shrubs typically range from 1-3 (4)’, grow in relatively dry, sunny conditions along roadsides and hillsides, often on disturbed soils. They stand out at this time of year. Once in one genus, they are now split into two. All have linear leaves and bunches of flower heads with only yellow disc flowers, giving them a similar appearance. The varieties can be difficult to tell apart!

Rubber Rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosus) has straight narrow leaves and tomentose (felt-like hairy) stems. They smell when broken and when fresh twigs can exude a white sap – hence “rubber” rabbitbrush and nauseosus in the name. 

For the botany nerd:

var. oreophilus (above) has very narrow 1-nerved leaves, greenish tomentose stems, and smooth involucral bracts.  2.5-5’ tall.

var. nauseosus has white tomentose stems, narrow grayish green leaves, and tomentose (hairy) involucral bracts. 1-2’ tall.

Compared to Rubber Rabbitbrush, Yellow Rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus) typically has twisted, often wider, leaves, often with stiff hairs on leaf edges (ciliate). Also they are somewhat sticky e.g. viscid, as in the name.

var. lanceolatus has hairy upper stems and often hairy leaves which are mostly 2-6 mm wide. Involucral bracts are hairy. More common and low growing at 6-18” high than var. viscidiflorus (not shown.)

See the next posting for fruits found at this time of year. https://wordpress.com/post/tetonplants.org/4696

Frances Clark, Program Coordinator, Teton Plants, Wilson, WY


Falling into Fruits – August 2021

While flowers are disappearing, many are in fact forming fruits. Some fruits are dry and brownish, others soft and berry-like, often turning red.

Three red berries and one speckled:

Walking in the moist, shady forest and openings such as along the Trail Creek and Cache Creek trail systems, you may come across the following berries on herbaceous plants. After the fruit photos we show the flowers.

Red BaneberriesActea rubra—are poisonous to us but not so to birds or small mammals. Its shiny fruits are arranged in racemes: stalks arise off a central axis as if all are racing away. Sometimes baneberries appear in white. It is in the Buttercup Family.

Three species in the Lily Family have elliptical to egg-shaped leaves with parallel veins.

Twisted StalkStreptopus amplexicaulis — has long arching forked stems 3’ high which zig zag slightly. Leaves clasp the stem and at each joint (axis) a single ovoid red berry dangles below. Take a close look for the kink in the pedicel where there is also a small gland (perhaps to attract insects?). Twisted Stalks often grow along stream edges. 

Fairy BellsProsartes trachycarpa –usually have two berries to match where there were once two yellow flowers at the end of each stem. Berries change from green to orange to a velvet red. They are not quite round nor are they smooth. The covering is textured and contains several seeds.

False Lily-of-the-ValleyMaianthemum racemosum – has a panicle of spotted fruits held at the end of 1-3’ arching single stems. In a panicle, stalks come from a central stem and then branch again, as if going off in a panic. The leafy stems arise from a thick rhizome underground.

While the speckled berries ripen to red, they are often scarfed up by birds or rodents before you see them.

Umbellifers:  This large family of plants was recognized by the Greeks for its distinctive flower arrangement. The Umbelliferae Family is now called the Apiaceae or Parsley/Carrot Family. The flowers are arranged in an umbel: spokes from a central point like ribs of an umbrella.

The dried fruits are termed schizocarps: they split into two parts each with one seed, dangling from a cool hanger-like structure-carpophore. When we eat “seeds” of dill, celery, caraway, cumin, anise, and coriander, we are actually consuming schizocarps.

The largest umbellifer we see is Cow ParsnipHeracleum spondylium — with its 3’ divided leaves with very broad leaflets. The stems are over one-inch thick, hollow, and have hairs that can cause a rash with some people.

Plants with big leaves need a lot of water to keep them turgid so you often see them near streams or in wet meadows.

Cow Parsnipis is related to Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), a highly invasive introduced species found in the East and northwestern states. Hogweed is highly phototoxic, meaning the sap combined with sunlight can cause a very nasty burn-like rash.

Sharptooth AngelicaAngelica arguta — is only slightly shorter but the leaves are twice divided with smaller leaflets. The schizocarps are more bunched and also have more ribs to them.–reminiscent of celery leaves, to which it is related.

The 2’ long and wide lacy leaves of Fernleaf Licorice-root or LovageLigusticum filicinum—turn a beautiful gold as they begin to dry out. (Below is one whole leaf)

Schizocarps are held up to 3’ high, are abundant, but are very small and fragile:

The flowers were also very delicate and lacy in their umbels. These plants can be plentiful in open meadows low and high. Their fragrant roots were used for medicine.

Western SweetrootOsmorhiza occidentalis – has almost disappeared for the season; however, you may still find the elongate schizocarps dangling along a trail edge or meadow. Earlier they had a licorice-anise flavor to them. 

If you look closely at the thine dark-brown shiny schizocarps above you can see how the one to the right is split and the two sides are dangling from a very delicate carpophore. This is the same scheme of all the other schizocarps but they are so delicate we often miss it.

It is fascinating to watch the development of flowers to fruits. While we may bemoan the passage of summer, there are always botanical treasures to behold!

Frances Clark, Program Coordinator, Teton Plants, Wilson, WY


August 18, 2021

Shrubs in Fall: Fruits and Color – Lots!

Aspens are turning yellow and orange, canyons are flaming with colors, and fruits provide feasts for wildlife. It’s a great time to get out and observe the final flings of fall.

The Rose Family is one of the most beautiful and productive families in our temperate climes. 

In the grocery store we see a cornucopia cultivated apples, peaches, pears, plums, strawberries, and raspberries. On sunny slopes and forest openings birds and mammals find a similar feast of fruits provided by the Rose Family at this time of year. The background leaf color helps accentuate the display of luscious berries. This is a great year for fruits which is good because our migrating birds, small mammals including coyote and fox, and big mammals including bears, moose, and deer all relish them.

Fruits of Black HawthornCrataegus douglasii – are dripping along Moose-Wilson Road, around Trail Creek, and elsewhere. Despite their inch-long thorns, these 20-25’ large shrubs or small trees appeal to bears which will climb into the crowns and scarf up the fruits. Larger bears will use their weight to bend over the branches.  “Crataegus” means strong and sharp—descriptive for sure. Leaves are oval with shallow lobes and many teeth and they turn maroon or scarlet in October.  Fruits are deep-red to mostly black.  Another species Red Hawthorn – C. rivularis – is scarcer to find and harder to identify – slightly redder fruits and leaves are less lobed. It grows in moister sites. They are unusual to find in Wyoming.

ServiceberriesAmelanchier alnifolia – are being picked off by flocks of robins, cedar waxwings, Swainson’s thrushes, and more as they migrate south.  Purple poop is apparent in coyote or fox scat – could be chokecherry as well.  

Oval leaves with teeth at the end often turn a mottled maroon. After a frost the slightly wizened pomes are particularly delicious—like raisins with a touch of almond. Note the round fruits are in cymes (the stalks are variable in length) and have 5 dried sepal tips sticking out the top.

ChokecherryPrunus virginiana – has more elongate, toothed leaves which turn a shiny orange to red. Fruits are held in racemes—on equal-length stalks off a central axis. The round berries (drupes) do not have sepals at their ends.  It is important to know the difference from Serviceberries, especially as the leaves fall off, as cherry pits can be poisonous. Also the twigs have a distinctive strong odor of prussic acid (hydrocyanic acid), a precursor to cyanide which can be poisonous under certain circumstances. However, the wildlife enjoy them equally to serviceberries.

Rose hips of Nootka vs. Woods Rose stay on the thorny shrubs all winter.  As with other roses, the leaves are pinnately compound—several leaflets coming off a central rachis. Hips are swollen hypanthiums—the merged bases of the sepals, petals, and stamens that swell over the pistils that turn into seed-like fruits (achenes) inside. The hypanthium is a tough, nutritious casing with lots of vitamin C.  The five dry extensions from the top of the hip are actually the dried sepals that surrounded the flower petals. 

Nootka RosesR. nutkatensis – usually have only 1 (2) hip on a stalk which is 2-3x larger than the hips of Woods Rose and they have longer sepals. Rose hips are most favored by deer in the winter. 

Woods RoseR. woodsii – has several hips together. I remember the name by thinking that many trees are in the woods. 

Mountain AshSorbus scoparia – fruits are abundant this year. Here again the leaves are pinnately “compound” and arranged alternately up the stem. The fruits and foliage colors are some of the most dramatic out there. 

The berries may not be eaten right away, leaving good sustenance for wildlife into winter. 

Shrubs with Opposite leaves:

Red Elderberry Sambucus racemosa – at first may look similar to Mountain Ash with big bunches of red fruits and compound leaves. However, elderberry is overall coarser in appearance.  Stems are finger-thick, the leaves heftier and arranged opposite on the stem, and the plant stinks.  Different plants have different concentrations of hydrocyanic acid that makes individuals more or less appealing to wildlife and can cause diarrhea in humans if fruits are not prepared properly for wine and jellies, etc.

European Black Elderberry – S. nigra – has been used to make whistles—the core of the stems (pith) is very soft.  People used to hollow out the cavity, add a few holes along the stem—and voilá a whistle!  Sambucol, an over-the-counter medicine, has been proven efficacy as an anti-viral flu medication. We have two varieties of Elderberry: S. r. var. racemosa has red berries and smooth leaves, S. r. var. melanocarpa has black fruit and slightly downy vestiture on the leaves.

Red-stemmed DogwoodCornus stolonifera – is a favorite and readily available landscape shrub. It has tidy, opposite oval leaves with parallel veins that turn a beautiful maroon on red stems.

The white flowers form bunches of white berries which are high in lipids—concentrated energy for migrating birds: They soon disappear.  Moose also love to munch – prune – the red stems. In Montana they say dogwood is “moose ice cream!” Dogwoods grow mostly along streams.

SnowberriesSymphoricarpus spp. – are sporting soft white berries. The Greek root of the botanical name means “to bear together…fruit”. Which indeed it does – like piglets to my eye. Some flowers were clearly pollinated, other flowers were not.

Sometimes the foliage—opposite oval leaves–turns a bright yellow under aspens, but this seems a bit spotty this year.  

The slightly mushy berries – soft like marshmallows – are not for us humans to eat. The berries contain an alkaloid chelidonine which can cause “mild symptoms of vomiting, dizziness, and slight sedation in children.”  Sources vary on the level of toxicity—my thought is to not yield to temptation. That being said, Snowberries are hardy landscape shrubs and are good wildlife food with early leaves in spring and berries that grouse and others will eat. Our two Teton County species – S. oreophilus and S. albus – are hard to tell apart except in flower.

Related to snowberries – both are in the Honeysuckle family Utah HoneysuckleLonicera utahensis – also has bright yellow oval opposite leaves.The twin red fruits are long gone. 

When leaves fall off, the oval buds with 4-6 scales on relatively thick stems (compared to the thin twiggy stems of snowberries) help differentiate the two cousins during dormancy.

Mountain MapleAcer glabrum – is a very shrubby plant that can grow to 15 feet tall. Winged samaras await the wind to break them loose so that the winged seeds can helicopter to new lands. The rather skimpy, lobed leaves turn variable colors along our mountain trails and slopes here in Teton County.

Much more brilliant and barely in the county is Big-tooth MapleAcer grandidentatum. Joyce Batson took this picture last week along Rte 26 near the Palisades Reservoir in Idaho. 

The leaves are arger with bigger teeth than Mountain Maple and the samaras are broader. 

An Odd Ball:

SilverberriesEleagnus commutata – are dangling among silvery leaves in the Snake River floodplain and elsewhere. Right now the fruits and leaves are similar in color—the fruits are hard to see. 

Birds eat the berries and moose particularly like the plants. Otherwise, it has moderate wildlife value. The 10-15′ tall rhizomatous shrubs can fix their own nitrogen, enhancing their own growth and that of other plants nearby.  Where our floodplains are used for pasture, cattle tend to graze other species leaving alone the less palatable (to cattle) silverberries, which remain standing tall.   

For Pure Color:

Mountain Huckleberries – Vaccinium membraceum – color up along forest paths and openings. Foliage is more intense with more sun. The delicious fruits are gone, but the leaves bring delight to the late season hiker. 

Often overlooked (at least by this botanist), False HuckleberryMenzeisii ferruginea – turns a clear yellow in large patches along canyon trails such as Cascade Canyon. Below it is mixed in with the much larger leaves of Thimbleberry.

False Huckleberry leaves are oval, hairy, slightly sticky, and usually larger than its relative Mountain Huckleberry. And it can have a slightly skunky odor. The fruits are dry capsules, similar to its other relative azalea. For this reason it is also called False Azalea.

Birch-leaf SpiraeaSpiraea betulifolia – lines many woodland trails with a sweep of yellow. The oval, toothed leaves alternating up thin, rhizomatous stems contain salycidic acid – the same ingredient found in willows. Salicylic acid is the original source of aspirin, now synthesized as acetylsalicylic acid.

Of note, Spiraea is in the Rose Family, but does not have the luscious fruit of its many relatives. Instead, 5 dry fruits sit in each tiny cup of a hypanthium.

Found along streamsides or up canyon trails, Thimbleberry Rubus parviflora – has the largest “simple” (vs. compound) leaves in the valley for shrubs.  Lobed like a maple, these solar collectors are expansive, and turn bright yellow as they slowly go limp.

As shorter days and cooler temperatures trigger dormancy, the vessel system to the leaves is slowly sealed off, reducing available water and nutrients. Green chlorophyll dies revealing yellow pigments that have been there all summer long capturing different light spectrums. And then these too fade as their purpose is extinguished and leaves crinkle brown and drop. Buds remain the hope for the next year.

Different plant species have different arrays of yellow to orange pigments (carotenoids), and some manufacture additional red to purple anthocyanins in the fall if warm days are followed by cool, but not freezing nights. This temperature combination enables plants to produce more sugars to fuel formation of these extra pigments. Moisture can also affect the amount of color. So each species, each plant, and each year the foliage display is unique.

The season is very short. Enjoy getting out for the fall extravaganza!

Frances Clark, Wilson, WY

As always we appreciate corrections and suggestions. To get on our email list for program announcements, please contact us at tetonplants@org.

Wildflowers of Teton Pass – July 2020

A late-July hike to Mt. Elly, south of Teton Pass, is an adventure through fields of wildflowers.

This post is in cooperation with the Wyoming Wilderness Association.   (https://www.wildwyo.org/ ) which promotes the preservation of Wyoming’s wild lands.  Peggie dePasquale, Associate Director, asked us to lead a group wildflower hike into the Palisades Wilderness Study Area at the end of July; however, due to concerns of Covid 19, we decided it was best not to be crowding around to view intriguing plants.

The following post encourages you to get out to see the flowers now along Teton Pass and other trails at similar elevations both in the Palisades WSA and elsewhere. Many, if not most, of the flowers will be the same. And they will keep on blooming at higher elevations or in cooler sites over the next couple of weeks.

The mile-and-a-half hike south from Teton Pass to Mt. Elly gently rises from 8,400’ to 9,200’ in elevation. The trail takes you across moist and dry mountain meadows covered in perennial wildflowers, through the dense shade of older growth Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir forests where fewer flowers persist, and to a south facing prominence dominated by sagebrush. At the end of the trail before it descends into Black Canyon, you can take in the expansive view south into the Palisades Wilderness Study Area (WSA).

The WSA is one half of the Greater Palisades Area that encompasses a quarter of a million acres of wild and untrammeled land. To learn more about the management challenges that surround the Palisades check out the website for the WWA film, PalisdesProject.org.

WWA_TetPsTr_Vw S_1_PdP_7.22.20_5x3-200{photo by Peggy dePasquale, WWA)

On to Trees, Shrubs, and Wildflowers!

The following plants are organized more or less in the order of appearance. Most can be seen within the first half-mile to the junction with the cell tower. Numbers on the map by Susan Marsh helps to orient you:

Tetpass map_sm_7.26.20

Along with the photos, descriptions are meant to be helpful in identifying species. At the end of each is a rating of “relative frequency” for this trail: R-Rare, O-Occasional, F-Frequent – C-Common, A-Abundant, LA – Locally Abundant e.g. a plentiful in only one or two places.

Here is a diagram of the basic flower parts to help you to see and identify the flowers – fun puzzles! (image from greenandvibrant.com)

Parts of a Flower and Their Functions (With Diagram) | Green and ...

1.To start, climb up the trail (not the access road) through large old trees:

You will see two very large trees with flaking bark, Engelmann SprucePicea engelmannii. It has square, pointed, stiff needles that sit on little pegs. These sharp needles are typical of spruce. Cones dangle down and stay intact. They are often stashed by red squirrels for their winter food supply. O


Look for 3 small trunks at the bend in the trail that are mostly gray and smooth with horizontal lines of bumps. These are Subalpine FirsAbies lasciocarpa. The bumps are filled with a sticky resin that helps defend the tree from boring predators. The resin has been used by humans for sealing seams of canoes. The wood is brittle and used for light construction. The individual needles are flat, blunt, and feel soft.  They are “friendly firs.” Cones stand up on the upper branches and the scales and seeds will fall off when they ripen in the fall.

AbieLasc_br_GraCan_61011_3x5_180blgThese two tree species are stalwarts of the higher elevation “spruce/fir” forests seen around Jackson Hole and south into the Snake River Range of the Palisades WSA.  They grow where there is sufficient moisture/snow.

In the understory are several large 6-10’ shrubs of Mountain AshSorbus scoparia. The leaves are divided into shiny leaflets arranged along a central stalk—”pinnately divided”. These “compound” leaves alternate along the woody stem. The sprays of small white flowers are fading and will produce bunches of red-orange berries in the fall that are relished by bears, small mammals, and birds. SorbScop_habfl_TetPs_7.20.20_1_Q2_5x3_200blg

2. As you step out into the sunny slope, you will see several of the most common species found in mountain meadows.  A combination of harsh winds and a late-growing season makes it hard for trees to survive. Herbaceous perennials use food stored in roots and underground stems to shoot up fast when the snow melts. New leaves take advantage of the long days of our short summers. It is amazing how such abundant biomass is produced each summer from bare ground.

BTNF_TetPs_Flmix__1_7.20.20_2_Q1_5x3_200blgFern-leaf LovageLigusticum filicinum Tall 3-4’ plants hold up clusters of lacey white flowers. Leaves are finely dissected and skirt the stems to 2-3’. Abundant in montane parks and aspen groves. The shaggy thick fragrant roots have been used medicinally by Native Americans. C LiguFili_flhab_TetPs_7.20.20_1_Q1_5x3_200_blg

Lovage is just one of several members of the Parsley or Carrot Family – Apiaceae –  seen on this trail. The tiny 5-parted flowers are held up in umbels. Umbels arise from a single point, like ribs to an umbrella. The dry fruits are schizocarps, which split in half. Often the fruits and/or foliage are fragrant. Leaves are usually dissected – think carrots and parsley. This family includes cumin, anise, dill, and several other fragrant herbs.  Many have been used medicinally.

Western SweetrootOsmorhiza occidentalis – is a 2-3’ tall member of the Parsley Family. The delicate umbels of tiny green-yellow flowers are now forming 1” elongated, licorice-flavored fruits—have a taste! Sweetroot is fruiting at the beginning of the trail, but flowering farther along. The compound leaves look like those of its relative celery.  Meadows and open forests. C


The ever popular Sticky GeraniumGeranium viscosissimum – is one of the most common and persistent flowers seen right now. Note the 5 pink petals with nectar guides converging on the center which attract many insects to pollinate the flowers. A bit later the dried fruits will catapult the seeds to new ground. The sticky hairs trap and can actually absorb nutrients from tiny insects. A


Silvery LupineLupinus argenteus – is the common lupine of montane meadows and forests (vs. Silky Lupine – L. sericeus – of dry sage flats). A member of the Pea Family, it has stalks of many fragrant small blue pea-like flowers. The upright back of the flower, called the “banner”, is smooth (vs hairy in the Silky Lupine). Like all lupines, the leaves are palmately divided. Also, lupines can fix nitrogen with the aid of bacteria in their roots, and it is often the host for semi-parsitic paintbrushes. C


Blue FlaxLinum lewisii – 5-petaled flowers face up to capture the blue of the sky. The leaves are soft and narrow, alternately arranged along 1-2’ swaying stems. The long strong fibers of a European flax – L. usitatissimum – are used to make linen. This genus also supplies flax seed and linseed oil. C


Fern-leaf LousewortPedicularis bracteosa – 3-4’ plants have spires of yellow, hooded flowers. The pinnately divided, roughly toothed leaves look fern-like. Fading at the start of the trail, it is just flowering at the end. Meadows and open forest. C


Colorado ColumbineAquilegia coerulea – Elegant 5-parted flowers have flaring white sepals; the white tubular petals form 2”-long spurs trailing out the back; and many yellow anthers. Leaves are delicately dissected into 9 parts. These 24” plants are pollinated by moths and hummingbirds that can hover and extend their mouth parts deep into the spurs to reach nectar. In the process, the pollinator’s head/body is showered with pollen. When it visits another flower, the female sticky stamens tag the pollen. Consequently, 3 dry capsules with seeds will form. Moist montane. F


3. After a bit of forest, the trail goes along a drier slope:

Coiled Lousewort – Pedicularis contorta – grows along the trail edge and up the dry slope. This species rarely exceeds a foot in height, and often grows in groups of single-stemmed plants. The deeply divided leaves help in identifying it; compare to the more open, fern-like leaves of Bracted (or Fernleaf) Lousewort. PediCont_flhab_TetPs_7.20.20_1_Q2_crpBlogIts creamy white flowers just fit the shape of particular pollinators, often bumblebees. A bee lands, vibrates its wings, and dislodges the pollen down the coiled “beak” onto its back.  At the next flower, the female stigma is designed to reach pollen stuck between the head and thorax—where the bee can’t reach it. A very precise operation. The divided leaves help in ID. Drier locations. F


Edible Valerian or Tobacco RootValeriana edulis – 3’ robust plants hold up candle-arbors of small white flowers, which then form fluffy fruits. A pair of 8-10” stem leaves are pinnately divided. The basal leaves are entire and elongate to 8-10”. The thick roots have a peculiar odor and taste, and to some noses stink like “sweaty socks”; however, it is nutritious sustenance with its large fleshy root, and it has been used by humans for food. F-C


Western Sweetvetch – Hedysarum occidentale – The magenta pea-like flowers dangle from 12-18” stems, which will mature into uniquely flattened segmented pods. The leaves are pinnately compound with 1.5” elongate leaflets which have obvious veins. Plants form bright, untidy clumps to 3’ tall. More farther down the trail. Montane meadows. O


4. At the end of this stretch where the trail curves sharply to the right,


a large Douglas fir – Pseudostuga menziesii – stands out on the ledge to the left. These trees are more drought tolerant than spruce and fir. Their thick rugged bark helps it withstand low-intensity fires frequent in drier habitats. It is hard to reach the branches here, but the needles are similar to fir—soft and flat, but with a bit of a stalk to them.  The dangling cones have distinctive “bracts” which some say look the tail and two back feet of a mouse diving for cover under each scale. O


As you come around the corner, several new flowers attract attention on an extensive dry south-facing slope:

Blue Penstemons or Beardtongues – Look for stalks of blue tubular flowers and opposite leaves. The flowers have 5 short sepals and 5 fused petals that form a tube that flares out at the end with a 3-lobed lower lip. Four male stamens are curled up inside at the top of the tube. A fifth sterile stamen, more or less straight, lies at the base of the flower, and has hairs at the tip – giving the name “beardtongue”— say ahh!.  Although penstemons are easy to ID to genus, species ID requires lots of fine details. We have identified these two for you:

Low – Penstemon humilis – small 8-12” tall, with deep blue flowers with a bit of pink at the base; dry slopes. O

PensHumi_flst_TetPs_7.20.20_1_Q1_blogWasatch – Penstemon cyananthus – mid-sized plants average 18-24” tall; Dry to moist slopes. F


Paintbrushes – Castilleja spp.can be confusing to identify in part because they hybridize and colors vary within a species. Many species are hemi-parasitic, their roots connect to roots of other plant species, such as lupines and sagebrush, and siphon extra nutrients to help them grow.


In general, the leaves alternate up the stems.  Flowers have a unique design: flowers have a colorful bract (shown to right) under each flower. Each flower has a colorful calyx tube which is lobed. It surrounds the galea = tube of fused petals. The stigma and anthers are protected inside. Here the stigma sticks out from the green and red galea.

Here are some photos and tips to help ID three common paintbrushes.

Wyoming Indian PaintbrushCastilleja lineariifolia – The Wyoming state flower has very slender often narrowly lobed leaves. Bracts and fused sepals are also pointed and narrow, and provide the orange color we see here. The petals are green and form a the elongate “galea” which leans way out between slits of the calyx tube. Look for the stigma protruding at the tip. These tubular flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds. Dry sites. F


Scarlet Indian PaintbrushCastilleja miniata – (we saw many on the first meadow slope, and more later)is more true red here. The flowers are bunched together at the tops of often-branching stems 1-3’ high. The bracts and sepals tend to be wide, unbranched, and pointed. Along streams and meadows, aspen and coniferous forests. F


Sulphur Indian Paintbrush Castilleja sulphurea – The overall look of the flowers is pale creamy yellow. The galea is often tucked behind the calyx and bracts. Stems 8-22” often branched. Subalpine to Alpine.


Sulphur BuckwheatEriogonum umbellatlum – is also common in sageflats and dry slopes of the valley floor. The pale-yellow to white flower clusters have a collar of leaves on 12” naked stems, and then small oval leaves that form a mat on the ground. Later the flowers will turn a rosy pink, and the dry fruits will be eaten by many small birds, such as juncos.


Scarlet GiliaIpomopsis aggregata – Bright red 1” tubular flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds. Hairy leaves are deeply dissected into linear segments that alternate up 1-3’ stems.  Note, at first glance it might remind you of the Wyoming Paintbrush but the flowers here are much more symmetrical in design. Meadows and sageflats. F-C


Silverleaf Phacelia – Phacelia hastatais a lowly grayish plant with dingy blue flowers that is able to tolerate these dry rocky soils. At the end of the trail you will see its elegant relative. O


The Aster Family – Asteraceae – includes many familiar flowers. In this large family, many tiny flowers are arranged in “heads” surrounded by green bracts which together form what look like single flowers—a  “composite” flower. Flower heads may have showy “ray” flowers that look like petals and small “disc” flowers that cluster tightly together in the center. Some genera have only ray flowers, others only disc flowers.  Bracts and leaves are highly variable and help in ID. Fruits are achenes: a dry shell with only one seed inside. Think of your unshelled sunflower seeds. Some fruits are light and dispersed on a hairy “pappus” that floats them away; other achenes sit tight in the drying flower head until eaten by a bird or rodent.


Arrowleaf BalsamrootBalsamorhiza sagittata – is a prime example of a composite flower: It has a large yellow sunflower-like flower head with yellow ray flowers around many disc flowers that bloom over time. Green bracts surround the head. Note the foot-long silvery arrow-shaped leaves. This species flowered abundantly in the valley over a month ago, and is still blooming at these higher elevations. You will see more later. F


Two Little SunflowersHelianthella spp. – are also seen here and there along the trail and are common elsewhere. The One-flowered HelianthellaH. uniflora – has alternate to opposite elongate oval leaves and typically 1 flower at the top of each 2-3’ stem. O


The Five-nerved HelianthellaH. quinquefolia – has larger heads 2” across which stand up up to 3-5’ and seem to stare right at you. The lower 6-8” leaves have 5 distinct veins. O


Comparatively, Tapertip HawksbeardCrepis acuminata – is not the most showy flower, but together its many small yellow flower-heads form a yellow bouquet on top of branching 12-18” stems. The flower-heads are like small dandelions with all “ray” flowers. Each head has only 5-10 ray flowers and the surrounding few bracts are smooth. Note the 8” grayish sword-shaped, leaves with sharp lobes are mostly at the bottom but also alternate up the stems. F on dry open slopes here and in sageflats.


As the trail bends around and there is more moisture, there are places with magnificent mixes of species. These are good “review” spots.


5 Continuing along the dry rocky slope: more “composites”

Dusty MaidenChaenactus douglassii – are grayish plants only 8-10” high. The whitish flower heads have only disc flowers, no ray flowers. The leaves are “pinnately” lobed and silvery hairy. The hairs help to reflect the intense sunlight and reduce evaporation, thus reducing water loss. R


Rocky Mountain Groundsel – Packera streptanthifolia – has bright yellow flower heads with several wide ray flowers, and a center of disc flowers. The basal and stem leaves are highly variable as is the height. It shows up here and there along these dry slopes. O


Rocky Mountain Goldenrod – Solidago multiradiata has compact clusters of bright yellow-orange heads with many tiny ray flowers atop 1’ stems. Lower elongate leaves have stiff hairs along the edges of the petioles – a good ID character. Typically grows in dry rocky sites. O


Mountain TownsendiaTownsendia montana/alpigena – can be overlooked as it is a  very small plant that grows in 6” wide tufts and only 2-3” tall. This tiny aster-like plant has violet-blue flowers and yellow disc flowers. 1-2” leaves broaden toward the tip (obovate). Dry rocky, subalpine locations. R-O.


Another yellow composite that will soon be frequent along the trail: Houndstongue HawkweedHierachium cynoglossoides – leaves are oblong-linear, with noticeably hairy stems—hairs stick straight out.

HierCyno_lfCU_PassTr_71615_1sm blg

Plants will produce clusters of bright yellow ray flowers surrounded by blackish-hairy bracts. O


6. Just before you reach the access road and cell towers are two showy members of the Phlox Family.

The Phlox Family has fragrant tubular flowers with 5 flaring lobes. They are pollinated by long-tongued bees or butterflies that can perch on the wide petals and dip their mouthparts down to the bottom of the  tubes to reach their reward of nectar. Leaves are opposite on the stem.

Nuttall’s Gilia – Leptosiphon/Linanthus nuttalii – White very fragrant flowers cover foot-wide mounded plants. Leaves appear needle thin and whorled around the delicate 12” tall stems. Actually they are deeply dissected opposite leaves. Grows on rocky, usually sunny montane slopes. O, fading


Many-flowered PhloxPhlox multiflora – A reminder of spring in the valley, mats of tubular white flowers waft a wonderful scent. Opposite, “awl-shaped” leaves are about 1” long forming dense mounds. Dry open places. O – most faded here.


After the Cell Towers:

The open meadow has many of the same flowers as before: Balsamroot, Flax, Edible Valerian.

Cinquefoils – Potentilla spp: – become more noticeable. Several cinquefoils are frequent along roadsides and meadows. They all have 5 green pointed sepals, 5 bright to pale-yellow to whitish petals, and compound leaves—some are pinnately compound, others palmately divided–found at the base of the plant and alternating up the stem. Most are very adaptive plants and they can hybridize: They can be confusing to ID! You don’t have to bother with the particular names—just “cinquefoil” is fine. For the avid, here are three common ones found along this trail.  

Tall (Sticky) Cinquefoil Potentilla arguta –stands 2-3’ high, has “pinnately-divided” leaves at the base and up the stem, sticky hairs all over, and pale yellow (to white) flowers that are clustered fist-like at the ends of stiff upright stems.   F


Gland CinquefoilP. glandulosa – is very similar and at times hard to distinguish from Tall cinquefoil. However, the flowers tend to be on branches that are less stiffly upright. O


Slender CinquefoilPotentilla gracilis – has wide-spreading sprays of cheerful yellow flowers. The leaves are “palmately”-divided into 5-7 leaflets, mostly found at the base of the stem. This is a highly variable, common, and adaptable species. F  


7. Entering Palisades WSA:  Note the sign is posted on a fir tree.

BTNF_TetPs_WSA_sign_7.20.20_1_Q2_5x5_200blgYou will continue through the small patch of spruce/ fir forest to more meadow with many of the same species as before. Here we add:

Orange Mountain DandelionAgoseris aurianticum – looks like a large orange dandelion with its many ray flowers at the top of 8-12” stalks surrounded by elongate basal leaves. O


You may see also the more common yellow Mountain DandelionAgoseris glauca. O


Thickleaf GroundselSenecio crassulus –  is another composite that can be common in mountain meadows ranging from 1-3’ tall. Bracts are all the same length, smooth, and black-tipped and surround the several strap-like yellow ray flowers and many disc flowers. The base of the elongate pointed leaves “clasp” the stem. The fruits will have a feathery white “pappus” which will help the seeds disperse in the air, like a dandelion. O


Tall LarkspurDelphinium occidentale– is sending up 4-5’ spires of blue to white flowers. It is a lean relative to the profuse ornamental Delphinium/larkspur blooming in many Jackson Hole gardens right now. Look for its  relative Low Larkspur farther along to examine how the flowers work. O


Sugar Bowls – Clematis hirsutissimais often nicknamed “Dr Seuss plant” for its clusters of unruly fluffy fruits on top of 2’ tall 3’ wide plants.

ClemHirs_fr_PassTr_72714_1_5x3_180These fruits come after the early blooming flowers mature. Flowers have four, 1-2” long violet-blue sepals (there are no petals) that form an elongate, thickened, bell-shaped flower.

ClemHirs_flhab_TetPsS_7.3.18_1_Q2_5x3_180The large opposite leaves are dissected into elongate leaflets. Sugar Bowls are considered a harbinger of spring in the valley, yet it is blooming at end of the trail now!  O

8. Enter another large patch of old growth spruce/fir forest. Note the downed trees that remain intact for years due to the cold dry climate.  Little grows in the deep shade.  A large log serves as a handy place to rest, before you continue you up and on to more meadows!

9.  Got the blues! This meadow has a great selection of blue flowers:

Jessica StickseedHackelia micrantha – looks like a tall for-get-me not. Delicate clusters of sky-blue flowers with yellow centers have much appeal. Plants grow to 3-4’ feet tall with 4-6” elongate leaves, mostly at base, but also alternating up the stem. However, its barbed fruits which stick to clothing and fur are less welcome. The fruits help spread the seeds down the trail. C



Low-LarkspurDelphinium nuttallianum – Another plant that bloomed almost 2 months ago in the Valley, there are still patches here. The deep blue flowers have 5 flaring blue sepals—one of which forms a spur; 2 whitish petals streaked with nectar guides that stand up, 2 hairy petals that drape down. This array  guides pollinators into the flower past the mop of yellow anthers, to reach down to where there is a reward of nectar. They fly off with a dusting of pollen on their backs. If pollen is successfully transferred to another flower, 3 upright seed capsules will form. F


Mountain Bluebells – Mertensia ciliataDangles of pink to blue “bell” flowers at the tips of 3-4’ high arching branches. Oval 2-3” blue-green leaves alternate up the stems. Flower color goes from pink to blue when ready for pollinators. Found in moist meadows and seeps. LA.


Two blue aster-like species have begun to bloom along the trail.  They are actually Fleabane Daisies – Erigeron spp. –flowers have many blue to whitish narrow ray flowers and the bracts to their flower heads are pretty much all the same length. Keep an eye out for them.

Showy Fleabane – Erigeron speciosus – is probably the most common of the larger fleabanes in the area, growing at moderate and higher elevations. Many narrow ray flowers of a violet-blue color, ofen 2’ or more high. Leaves are shiny and they often have slightly wavy margins. O


Wandering (Subalpine) DaisyErigeron peregrinus – This showy daisy has light violet ray flowers that tend to be wider and larger than those of Showy Fleabane. They grow up to 2’ tall, and along this trail they favor the edges of forest where both sun and moisture is available. O


Late melting snow patch 100’ before the Lithium Trail. Wind has deposited the snow into a heap over the winter, and the deep shade of the forest keeps it from melting very early, so you can still find the first flowers of spring here.

Spring BeautyClaytonia lanceolata – bloomed in the valley in April and is just now blooming as the snow melts here. R


Snow ButtercupRanunculus adoneus – has glossy yellow petals which reflect sunlight. Weak stems are about 6” high and the leaves are divided into delicate long segments. R 


10. Meadow near End of Trail:

Amidst the yellow stalks of Fern-leaf Lousewort is Mountain/Alpine SorrelRumex paucifolius. Plants stand 1-1.5’ tall, with a cluster of 6-8” elongate leaves around the base and shorter leaves alternating up the stems. Leaves have a tangy flavor from oxalic acid. Flowers are very small but in numbers produce an intense reddish hue. Male and female flowers are on different plants. Different species of sorrels are used for food and/or medicine. LA


 Enjoy the view south into the heart of the Palisades WSA.

Looking across Mosquito Creek, you can see many of the area’s high peaks from Wolf Mountain to the south to Observation, Palisades, Starvation, and other high points to the west. The plant communities in the area include some that are not common in this part of Wyoming (curl-leaf mahogany; bigtooth maple). The area’s size, diversity, and beauty all contribute to its status as a candidate for wilderness.

TetPs_Vw_WBlkCan overlook_SM_5x3_200blg

11. To the summit of Mt. Elly:

Bear left up a short, steep slope through spruce and fir, and dying white bark pine trees.


White-bark pinePinus albicaulus – is a high-elevation species with 5 needles/cluster and tough 2-3” cones with large nutritious seeds. Clark’s Nutcrackers are able to dislodge them from the cones with their strong beaks and can stash 1000s of seeds each year, remembering where they placed them in holes on mountain sides. They retrieve this highly nutritious food to survive the winters. However, some seeds are left to sprout.  Both bird and pine depend on each other. Climate change is affecting the viability of this keystone species as pine bark beetles and pine blister rust have now spread into the warming high elevations. R


Silky PhaceliaPhacelia sericea – is tucked into the shade.  It is an elegant plant that stands up tall to 1-2 feet.  Stems are trimmed with coils of royal purple flowers, each with elongate, gold tipped anthers.  The leaves swirling around the base of the stem are neatly lobed. R


Dry south facing slope: Sagebrush is intermingled with several common species found in the valley below:


Along with Sulphur Buckwheat, Scarlet and Wyoming Paintbrushes, and Slender Cinquefoil, look for

Ball-headed Sandwort – Eregomone congesta – Needle-like leaves are paired up the 12” thin stems which together form delicate clumps. Each stem is topped with several ¼” white flowers, each with five sepals and petals, congested together. Dry sageflats and slopes. Here scattered on dry slopes. LA


Lance-leaved StonecropSedum lanceolatum – has small pudgy pointed leaves that alternate up the 4-8” stems or form rounded clusters at the base or axils. Flowers with 5 bright yellow petals. The succulent leaves along with a different metabolic pathway help them survive on rocky or desert sites. LA on rocky sites.



On the way back enjoy the abundance of the many different flowers and the large and small critters that depend upon them. Remember the freedom provided by the space and wildness of the Palisades Wilderness Study Area.


We welcome comments, corrections, and shared adventures.

Frances Clark and Susan Marsh, Teton Plants

Teton Plants is a chapter of the Wyoming Native Plant Society.  We are all volunteers who enjoy sharing the delight and intrigue of wild plants through field trips, lecture programs, and postings.  See past “What’s in Bloom” postings for more information on plants throughout the seasons.  To be placed on our email list or to get a list of the plants seen along this trail contact us at tetonplants@gmail.com

Also, contact Wyoming Wilderness Association for more on the Palisades Wilderness Study Area, and the other work they do.  WWA can also provide the list of plants on the trail.  https://www.wildwyo.org/

Wildflower Crescendo at High Elevations

On Thursday, August 22, a friend and I took the JH Mountain Resort tram up to 10,400’ elevation for a hike down through Cody Bowl along the Rock Springs Loop trail*.

While at first glance the slopes appear barren,Rendv_top_vwN_8.22.19_1_5x3_180

we were delighted to find so many wildflowers – from early summer favorites to late season popups – blooming together. 


This spring snows were deep and melted late on slopes and basins in the irregular and spectacular topography of the mountains.  Consequently, there was an unexpected crescendo of bloom  at the end of a summer-long symphony of flowers. 


While we took the tram up and hiked only a few miles, others of you may be able to hike farther and higher to find additional locations still colorful with wildflowers.

Below is a showcase of flowers on Rendezvous Mountain with habitat and ID tidbits.  Avid or novice wildflower watcher, please enjoy!

The very top of the ridge in loose rocks and drying winds


A few Old-Man-of-the-MountainHymenoxys grandiflora – still bloom among the gravelly soils. They indeed look like wizened sages of the alpine.


Mountain Dryad – Dryas octopetala – a member of the Rose Family which can fix its own nitrogen, inhabits these lean, exposed soils, growing in very low mats.  After its saucer-like yellow flowers are pollinated, they produce twisted clusters of fruits


which will fly off individually to find a place to germinate in time.


Gordon IvesiaIvesia gordonii – has tight heads of several yellow flowers that are beginning to fade.  The “pinnately-divided” leaves are at the base: the tiny, hairy leaflets branch off from the center of the leaf. This is also in the rose family.



D—! Yellow Composites:

Two spreading yellow composites can form large patches of yellow:


Shrubby Goldenweed – Haplopappus suffructicosus – is finishing bloom along the mountain shoulder. The whole plant is glandular and fragrant.  Wide-spreading flowers are at the tips of 1-2’ woody stems. The oblong 1-2” leaves alternate up the stem.  


Longleaf ArnicaArnica longifolia – is just beginning to flower near the summit.  The largest of of our arnicas, these 2-2.5’ tall stems have 5-10 pairs of long opposite leaves, and several relatively small yellow flower heads at the top.


Largeleaf Arnicas form extensive colonies in rocky seeps and wet talus visible from the tram.


Two-leaf GroundselPackera/Senecio dimorphophylla – is a high-elevation species with succulent leaves, including at least one relatively large, slightly lobed leaf clasping the stem.  The “two-leaf” of the name indicates the great variety in leaf shapes that adds to ID woes.


It can be mistaken for another mostly lower-elevation Twisted-leaf groundselPackera/Senecio streptanthifolia. It has thinner leaves, longer stems to the flowers, and is generally less compact.  But they are confusing!

Several species familiar from lower elevations:



Common YarrowAchilea millefolium – is one of the most adaptable and widespread species growing not only within a full range of elevations, but also it spreads around the Northern Hemisphere.


False or Mountain DandelionAgoseris glauca var. dasyphyllum – grows to about 6-8” with large heads of ray flowers. This native is commonly seen in the sageflats in May.


Rocky Mountain GoldenrodSolidago multiflora – grows from 4” to 18” high depending on elevation and associated conditions. The tiny flowerheads have about 10-20 ray flowers and the lower leaves have “ciliate” hairs on the petioles.

Three Fleabane Daisies and Asters look very similar. They tend to grow 1-2.5’ high with many oval leaves alternating the stem. They have blue flowers.  Turn over the flower-heads and look at the “bracts” that form the green protective structure around the base.  They are different!


Fleabane DaisiesErigeron sp. – have narrow, equal-length bracts. 


Peregrine DaisyE. peregrinus has wider ray flowers (they look like petals)


than Oregon DaisyErigeron speciosus (above).


Leafybracted AsterSymphiotrichum foliaceum – has wide ray flowers (like Peregrine Daisy) but has broad leaf-like bracts. The low growing alpine variety is “apricus” if you are into the details.


This slope is covered with phlox-like Nuttall’s LeptosiphonLeptosiphon/Linanthus nuttalii – with dashes of common Lewis’ FlaxLinum lewisii – which are also found at lower elevations.


On the same slope is a mix of blue flowers: flax and penstemon.


Thin-stem PenstemonPenstemon attenuatus – seems to be one of the most common of the confusing beard-tongues.  I look for the glandular hairs on the flowers, acute sepals, and inside the smooth anthers spreading at 180 degree angle to help with ID.   In any case penstemons have opposite leaves, blue “irregular” flowers with curled up stamens along with a “beard’s-tongue” inside.

These subalpine species grow in patches with sufficient moisture and nutrients :



Death CamusZigadenus elegans – has beautiful whitish green flowers with heart-shaped yellow pools of nectar on the the 6 petals (technically here called tepals).


It has 6 stamens that stand around the center pistil which has 3 stigmas.  Flower parts in multiples of 3 is a good indication that it is in the Lily Family.  Compare it to your Easter Lily.


Coil-Beak LousewortPedicularis contorta – has 1-foot+ stalks arrayed with white flowers that twist around their bee pollinators to position them for prescise fertilization. The lower leaves are pinnately divided, helping to differentiate it from the similar Curled Lousewort – P. racemosa – whose leaves are only toothed. 


Here Coil-beak Lousewort grows with Sulphur Paintbrush – Castilleja sulphurea


Bog/Explorer’s GentianGentiana calycosa – greets you with blue goblets of flowers.


The interior lines and spots draw pollinators deep inside searching for nectar which is at the very bottom.  As a consequence, the pollinator rubs against the male anthers or female stigma (they are receptive at different times) effecting fertilization for new seeds to come.



Parry’s CatchflySilene parryi – has a swollen calyx decorated with elegant lines: They glow like Chinese lanterns. This alpine native is related to the common, weedy bladder campion – Silene latifolia – that pops up in our gardens.

Tucked into talus rock of Cody Bowl:




Moss CampionSilene acaulis – is often the first alpine to bloom. This tightly growing, mounded “cushion plant” is still blooming and is also forming fruits. Plants a few inches across and an inch high can be dozens of years old. This is related to the much larger Parry’s Catchfly (see above).  Both are related to carnations!

Two miniature 2-4”-tall aster-like plants are readily confused (by me anyway!). They have single blue flowerheads at the top of short stems. The leaves are mostly clustered at the base:

OreoAlpi_flhab_Rendv_ 7715_1_Q1_5x3_180.jpg

Alpine AsterOreostema alpigenus – has deep-blue flowers and long leaves. Note the long tap root that has been unearthed.  These are very old plants.


Alpine TownsendiaTownsendia montana – has much shorter, spoon-shaped leaves.


American ThorowaxBupleurum americanum  – is a member of the Parsley Family with an umbrella-like arrangement of flowers and fruits.


This species is unusual in having undivided leaves. It is common among the rocks here.



Tweedy’s ThistleCirsium tweedyi/eatonii – sprawls out of the rocks attracting a variety of pollinators. It is definitely one of the “good” thistles and is a native found only at high elevations.



Fringed Grass-of-ParnassiaParnassia fimbriata – is worthy of a close look at the frilled petals, lobed yellow nectaries, sculpted pistil.  The oval leaves are also elegant.  These plants like moisture.


Netveined WillowSalix reticulata – Willows are common and confusing in the alpine zones (and elsewhere!) This very low-growing species has small rounded leaves with distinctive veins (reticulate) making it is pretty easy to ID, I think…

Truly on the rocks:



Miraculously, several plants cling onto rock faces such as found along the Rock Springs Loop trail below Cody Bowl.



Brewer’s Cliffbrake FernPellea breweri – was a new one for me.  Black wiry petioles (stipes) hold out leathery evergreen leaflets.


The black sori are protected by the folded leaf edges. Sori produce the spores that are key to reproduction in ferns.


The pale lavender flowers of Mountain PenstemonPenstemon montanus – are fading, but are still a treat to see.  The plants are slightly woody and have toothed leaves (unusual for our WY species). The anthers are woolly.



Common AlumrootHeurchera parvifolia – is a true rock lover! It is in the Saxifrage Family.  Saxi = rock



Telsonix/Boykenia – Telesonix heucheraformis thrives in a rock crevice of a large glacial erratic on the way down to Cody Bowl. You may be able to see some family resemblance with Alumroot.



Tufted RockmatPetrophyton caespitosum – forms a dense carpet draped over a ledge.



No matter how you look at these plants, one can appreciate their adaptability and tenacity, growing in this challenging terrain—rock, snow, abrasive winds, drought, intense UV light, not to mention a growing season of maybe a couple of months.  And consider the luck of a seed to land in the right spot in the first place and mature and reproduce throughout many years of such trials.

If you don’t get up to admire these floral athletes this year, they will be there next year to enjoy on your alpine adventures.

Frances Clark, Wilson, WY,  August 24, 2019

*Note: Check on the trail conditions through the JH Mountain Resort before taking this hike.  At thie time of writing, the summit-access road was closed for construction projects. High elevation and rocky trail can be difficult for some hikers. Saying that we, were able to reach safely a wonderful display of flowers from the trail!

Flowers Blooming Low and High in Jackson Hole – a Sampling

All, it has been a busy wildflower season!  So many places to go and flowers to see.  Here are some observations of flowers around Jackson Hole during these last couple of weeks.  While fading at lower elevations, many of the same species are blooming, often with different companions, at higher altitudes and in different habitats. Others are more specialized to their particular niche.

Sageflats: Dry well drained soils and lots of sun!

TNP_VwTetons_frTSS_flws_7.10.19_1a_Q2_5x3_180A drive along Antelope Flats Road or inner Park Road rewards one with clouds of Sulphur Wild BuckwheatEriogonum umbellatumErioUmbe_fls_AntFlts_7.10.19_2_Q1_crp_5x5_180 Flowers go from white to cream to pink as they age.  The tiny, dried, winged fruits will be relished by rodents and birds.

Silky LupineLupinus sericeus – has been blooming for a week or two. Note the many hairs that cover the leaves and even back of the flowers.  The hairs help prevent water loss.  Bacteria are thriving in root nodules, providing the plants with usable nitrogen while the lofty lupine gives shelter and carbohydrates to the simple, tiny, yet crucial organisms.B_LupiSeri_habfl_AntFl_7513_2smIn some areas such as near Oxbow Bend or up Old Pass Road, Scarlet Gilia  — Ipomopsis aggregata — appears particularly abundant this year. In other areas, it stands more or less among sagebrush. IpomAggr_habfl_mass_OldPsRd_7.2.19_1_5x3_180Look for hummingbirds or sphinx moths visiting the red tubular flowers.  The long tubes are specialized to pollinators that can hover while drawing up the nectar deep inside the flower.  Flowers have no fragrance—most birds don’t smell but they do see red. IpomAggr_FlStCu_OldPsRd_7.2.19_1_Q2_crp_5x5_180These tubular “regular” (petals are all the same shape) red flowers in the phlox family are not to be confused with a more complex “irregular” flowers of the Wyoming Paintbrush — Castilleja liniariifolia, our state flower. Formerly placed in the Snapdragon Family, now Paintbrushes are in the Broomrape Family because they are hemiparasites on other plants, such as sage and lupines.  These plants derive sustenance, even chemical defenses, by attaching their weird roots to the roots of their hosts. CastLini_flst_Mung_6.24.17_1_Q2_crp_3x5_200The green Wyoming Paintbrush flowers lean out beyond the colorful red sepals.  Bracts just below add more color.  The leaves are also lean with narrow lobes. 

Hawksbeards – mostly TapertipCrepis acuminata – are abundant.  Look for the many (up to 100!) yellow flower heads, each with about 5-10 ray flowers, and 5-8 smooth “involucral bracts” below.  CrepAcum_flcuSide_20LkRd_71113_1_25x25Leaves have several deep, sharply toothed lobes and are a bit fuzzy or “tomentose”. CrepAcum_habfl_AntFl_62415_1bModoc HawksbeardC. modocensis – has fewer flower heads (up to 40/plant) but each has more than 10-60 ray flowers and the bracts are stippled with  black stiff hairs.  Leaves and stem are very hairy. See if you can find these two species and discern the differences.  There are other look-alike species as well.2b.CrepModo_fl_AntFl_52814_1crp180Q2_3x3

Another yellow composite with variations – Groundsels – rise about 12-18″ tall.  The bracts are all one size, smooth, often black-tipped, and contain yellow “ray” and “disk” flowers. This one is Rocky Mountain Groundsel –Packera. streptanthifolia. The leaves of three look-alike species are used for ID—leaves are variable in size and shape as they alternate up the stem.PackStre_habfl_TNP_PkRd_1_Q2_crp_3x5_180

Lance-leaved Stonecrops or SedumSedum lanceolatum – prefers well-drained soils to rocks. The pudgy leaves, which store water, alternate up the sprawling 4-6” stems.  SeduLanc_lfst_BTTr_62215_1-crp3x3

Flowers are bright yellow. SeduLanc_FlCU_SlgCrk_7.5.19_1_Q2_crp_5x3_180Members of the Stonecrop Family have a different type of metabolism – CAM – in order to do well in hot dry locations. They also are a host plant for the Rocky Mountain Parnassian butterfly Parnassius smintheus. (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parnassius_smintheus

Yellow Indian PaintbrushCastilleja flava – was still blooming strong in the dry sage and grasslands along Gros Ventre Road near the Red and Gray Hills. CastFlav_flhab_GVRd_7.11.19_1a_Q2_5x3_180Note the arrangement of its flowers:CastFlav_infl_bractCU_GVRd_7.10.19_1_Q1_crp_5x5_180

Also abundant in spots were bright magenta Northern Sweetvetch — Hedysarum boreale — clearly a member of the pea family. HedyBore_fls_GVRd_7.10.19_1_Q2_crp_5x5_180

Ballhead SandwortEremogone congesta – has a cluster of white flowers on the top of very thin stems.  Leaves are opposite and needle like. This is a common, if overlooked, wild relative to our store-bought pink carnations.EregCong_flst_AntFlts_7.10.19_1a_Q1_3x5_180

Various – and I mean various – fleabane daisiesErigeron spp.—are common.  They are hard to untangle botanically to this eye, in part because the roots are key to ID (and I don’t like to pull them up!), and then one examines hairs.  Just knowing it is a native daisy is good enough for me. And I don’t think the insects bother with the difference either.ErigPumi_flhab_MillB_6.1.16_1crp_5x3

Mountain Meadows – cooler and moisterMeadows around String Lake and up the trail to Ski Lake feature lush arrangements of taller “forbs” or perennial flowers:BTNF_SkiLkTr_vwDougFir_713.19_fix 5x3_180Sticky GeraniumsGeranium viscosissimum  — are abundant.  Here is a swallow-tail butterfly sucking up nectar. Anyone know which species?GeraVisc_fl_Swallowtail_GdwLk_7.14.19_1_Q1_crp_5x5_180Scarlet PaintbrushCastilleja miniata – is emerging. A_CastMini_fl_GoodLktr_7613_1Q2sm Note these flowers don’t lean out the same way the Wyoming Paintbrush does (compare with above photos) and the leaves are wider. Colors of paintbrushes can be variable but the flower details are relatively consistent…if they don’t hybridize with a nearby population of a similar species. Paintbrushes can be very confusing to ID!

Silvery LupineLupinus argenteus – is the common lupine of moist meadows and dappled light of aspen groves and evergreen forests.  The back of the “banner” petal is hairless, unlike Silky lupine which is silky-hairy on the back.  Hairs help reduce water loss, which is more of a concern in open drier sites. LupiArge_habfl_LSR_6.26.19_2a_crp_3x5_180

Tall CinquefoilPotentilla arguta – hold their flowers in tight erect fists.  The yellow-to-white flowers are held up on glandular stalks 2 or more feet high. PoteArgu_hab_191GrosVrd_71111_1a_3x5

These are often confused with the more broadly spreading flower clusters of Gland or Sticky CinquefoilP. glandulosa . Both are common (and sticky with glandular hairs). PoteGlan_flCU_PassTr_62915_1crpsmThese open, accessible flowers are important for a variety of pollinators.  Scientists have found plants contain a chemical that prevents tooth decay.   

Several blue penstemons –  Penstemon spp. — stand up through the vegetation or loom over a trail.  ID distinctions include the color, hairiness, length, and angle of the anthersPensCyacf_flside_SkiLkTr_7212_1Q2smBotanists and gardeners thrive on these minute differences.  Flower size affects bee pollinators which land on lower lip—they may or may not fit properly to reach the reward of nectar deep inside the flower while effectively carrying pollen to the next flower.PensCyan_flhab_SkiLkTr_7.12.19_1_Q2_crp_3x5_180This species found along the Ski Lake Trail keyed out to Wasatch Beardstongue — P. cyananthus.

Flowers of our perennial StickseedHackelia micrantha – mirror the summer blue sky above.  Later tiny fruits will stick to socks and fur. HackMicr_fl_SkiLktr_62815_1a_crp3x3

While phlox has mostly faded, its relative Nuttall’s Gilia — Leptosiphon nuttalli – (no good common name) is beginning to bloom.  The deeply dissected leaves form frilly whorls up the slightly woody stems that form a 12″ tall mound. 29.LeptNutt_lfflCU_SkiLktr_62815_1a_Q2_crpCU_1.5sq_300Flowers are extremely fragrant.  Bend over for a whiff.  It is also related to Scarlet Gilia.

Western SweetrootOsmorhiza occidentalis – is common in meadows to open forest. OsmoOcci_Flst_HistTr_7.2.19_1_5x3_180The tiny yellow-green flowers arranged in umbels will hold up schizocarps (split fruits) that taste like licorice.  It is related to cumin, coriander, dill, anise, and many other tangy herbs in the Parsley family. 

Louseworts are going and coming.   Fern-leaf LousewortPedicularis bracteosa – is fading fast at lower elevations, but beginning to bloom over 8,500’. PediBrac_flhab_TetPsS_7.3.18_1b_Q2_5x3_180smIn lodgepole pine forests, Parrot’s BeaksPedicularis racemosa – are unfurling their flowers to attract specific pollinators.  Usually a smart bee, channeled by nectar guides and the unique shape of the flower, lands on the lower petals, wriggles around, and vibrates its wings.  Pollen grains bounce out of the beak-like tube of the upper petal and attach to the bee’s hairy back.  Even with its long-comb-like legs, the bee can’t glean all the pollen: some remains out of reach in the crevice between the bee’s head and thorax.  Visiting the next ready flower, the bee’s positioning will cause the stigma to curve around and tap the pollen out of the crack for successful fertilization! (see lower right flower)PediRace_fl_SkiLktr_62815_7crpsm

High Elevations – late blooming!

Elevations above about 8,500’ are noticeably delayed in flower this year.  South of Teton Pass and above Ski and Goodwin Lakes, one finds only early spring flowers.  Carpets of Spring BeautiesClaytonia lanceolata — are sprouting where snow drifts are finally melting. ClayLati_habfl_mass_GdwLk_7.14.19_1a_Q1_fix_crp_5x3_180Species particularly adapted to very short growing seasons are also blooming where snow has just melted.  Patches of Rocky Mountain Snow ButtercupsRanunculus adoneus – are frequent. Note their fine leaves.RanuAdon_hab_mass_SkiLkTr_7.12.19_2a_Q2_5x3_180.jpg

There are many, many more flowers to see.  This is just a preview and hopefully incentive for you to explore, identify, and understand the remarkable plant world around us.

Frances Clark, Wilson, WY

July 16, 2019

We appreciate comments, corrections, and additions. Please let us know what you think about this posting.  We will do our best to incorporate your thougts.


Tra-la – It’s May! – Early Spring Flowers 2019

WyHab_WL_Mosaic_GameCrk_42915_5x3_180.jpgSpring sun is warming south-facing slopes of buttes and hillsides.  Snow along Grand Teton National Park roads is finally retreating. Wetlands are warming. Bugs and birds are flying about. The delight is in the details of small flowers; no big show yet.

Along roads and low openings in the valley:  

Patches of yellow buttercups are the first to draw the eye.


ButtercupRanunculus spp. – flowers gleam, and uniquely so. The outer layer of the petals – epidermis – is only one-cell thick and the cells are particularly thin and flat.  They hold pigments that absorb blue-green wave lengths of light. Thus yellow wavelengths can keep going through the outer cell layer, penetrate a thin air layer, and then reach a starch layer of cells that scatters the yellow light back up through the pigments again. Furthermore, the thin outer layer with air layer just beneath has the physical properties of a thin-film, creating the shiny look to the flowers. The combination os pigmentation and unique structural qualities of the flower cells provide the bright glossy yellow found only in buttercups and a few cousins.  At certain angles, flowers actually flash a signal to passing pollinators to come visit. (For much more to this complex story see references below.)


Buttercup petals beam intense yellow light and UV wave-lenghs that signal to pollinators. Also, the curving petals with the special cell layers provide addtional warming to the reproductive parts in the center, speeding up the life cycle.

Look closely at our two similar species of buttercups:

RanGlab_habfl_AntFlts_5411_5Q1smThe lowest leaf of Sagebrush ButtercupRanunculus glaberrimus – is unlobed, the upper leaves are 3-lobed. It is a denizen of sage flats.

RanuGlabcf_flhab3_nopetals_BTBut_5.6.19_1_Q2_crp_3x5_180Some individual Sagebrush Buttercups don’t have petals, only sepals. I dont’ know why the flashy petals aren’t there.

RanuJovi_flhab_Cluster2_MuriRch_4.21.18_1aQ2_4x3_180fix.jpgIn Utah ButtercupR. jovis – both the lower and upper leaves are lobed into three parts. Note buttercups have many separate anthers and stigmas—a common characteristic of this family. It is found in relatively moist locations, including woodland edges and openings.

ClayLanc_fllv_JosRdg_2614_1crp180sm.jpgSpringbeautiesClaytonia lanceolata — grow in scattered in patches. Some blooms exhibit obvious pinkish veins that direct pollinators to yellow nectaries in the center. Pollinators bump against the anthers and get dusted with pollen.

OrogLine_habfl_RkCrk_5.2.19It is easy to step on Turkey PeasOrogenia lineariifolia. The plants look like bits of lichen or stone, nothing to think about.

OrogLini_fl_Elkscat_MuriRch_4.21.18_3_crp_5x3.5_180However, Turkey Peas are more interesting if you take a close look at their tiny white flower with maroon centers that together form clusters barely an inch long. Think about what tiny insects must pollinate them–likey small flies and bees.

OrogLin_bulbCU_WilBrk_4912_1a_5x3-180.jpgSandhill cranes, bears, and rodents seek out the thumb-sized bulbs (“peas”) for food.  (Turkeys would likely eat the bulbs if they lived in Jackson.)

DiceUnif_habfl_PkRd_4.23.19_crp_5x3_180ipThe quintessential western plant Steer’s-headDicentra uniflora – requires some belly botany. Scan an area for divided leaves and then get down to stare at the steer-like flowers. This is the larval host plant for the Parnassian butterfly Parnassius clodius, which Dr. Debrinski from MSU is researching in Grant Teton National Park (more info on her research below).


Parnassian butterfly species on Blacktail Butte 5.4.19.


FriPudi_fl_SchwLd_bench_fl_52011_1a_5x3_180fixYellowbellsFritillaria pudica – are always cheerful! The 6-8”-high plants sprout from miniature scaly bulbs. The base of the 6 yellow tepals is said to change from red to green depending on pollination, but I can’t see any consistent difference happening to the outside flower color or anthers and pistil on the inside. Maybe you can.

Violets are flowering here and there:

ViolPurp_habfl_RkCrk_5.2.19_1_crp_5x5_180Goosefoot VioletViola purpurea var. venosa – has leaves shaped like goose feet with a few more toes. The back of the leaves and yellow petals are often purple, hence “purpurea” in its botanical name. Note the dark center of the flower and the convenient landing pad of petals for pollinators.

ViolNutt_fl_JosieRidge_fl52011_1crp180sm.jpgSeveral yellow violets intergrade in leaf features which confuse me and other botanists trying to sort out the names.  This cheerful specimen is one of three look-alike species – V. vallicola, V. praemorsa, or V. nuttalii.  Leaf ratios, shapes, and hairiness, as well as ultimately seed-capsule sizes, determine identification.

Dry slopes and knolls:  Rambles up the south side of Blacktail Butte and rocky knolls around Kelly Warm Springs yield treasures tucked into the rocky soils. Many of the plants are silvery and/or hairy and grow very slowly into low mounds or mats—adaptations to limited water and nutrients and intense light and wind.


Please watch you step…these small plants can be hard to see and some are very old.

PhloHood_flhab_BltB_4.13.17_1_5x3-180sm.jpgHood’s PhloxPhlox hoodii – is often the first out, with its white to bluish flowers. Bees and flies pick up on the sweet fragrance. They come in and land on the flared petal tips and dip their long tongues deep down the center tube for nectar. They then carry the orange pollen off to other flowers nearby. The leaves of Hood’s Phlox are opposite, very small and tight on very slow growing stems that collectively form a cushion shape.  Plants inches wide can be decades old.

WyPl_PhysDidy_FlhabCU_Bt_3.22.15_1Q2_5x3_180Nearby, TwinpodsPhysaria didymocarpa – feature bright-yellow, 4-petalled flowers at the end of sprawling 3-4” stems. Spade-shaped, silvery leaves help identify this member of the Mustard Family. Mustards usually have 4 petals, 6 anthers (2 short, 4 long), and one 2-parted pistil.

AnteDimo_flfm_lvs_KWmSp_5.4.19_1_Q2_crp_5x3_180The first pussytoes to bloom is Low PussytoesAntennaria dimorpha.  The tiny gray, finely hairy leaves form mats on the ground. Look closely for the flowers.


Individual female flowers have stigmas…


that fork to capture pollen.  No males in sight.

Note female and male flowers are on separate plants. This separation helps encourage cross-pollination, but if there are no pollinators present, females can set seeds on their own. Female plants often outnumber male plants in a population.

A_CymoLonp_habfl_kws_42614_3Q1_crpsm180.jpgSprawling CymopterisCymopteris longipes – is spreading its whorl of dissected silvery leaves low to the ground.  As a member of the Carrot Family, plants have umbels, in this case with yellow flowers.


Cymopteris longipes has a buried pseudoscape. This buried stem is surrounded by old leaf bases. The true roots actually branch from below the area shown here.

Later, the underground stem will stretch up lifting the leaves higher to the light above growing competition. The stalk of the umbel will extend, too, elevating the winged fruits into the wind mid-summer.

AstrPurs_flhab_BTBut_5.6.19_1_crp_5x3_180Pursh’s MilkvetchAstragalus purshii – is also just beginning to flower on dry knolls.  The pea-like flowers are slightly yellow to white with a blue bow to the keel (lower two petals). Some flowers open wide for pollinator business. Note the pinnately divided leaves are silvery hairy.

CastChro_bractsLvs_BTBut_5.6.19_1_5x3_180The brilliant red of paintbrushCastilleja chromosa – is provided by the leaf-like  bracts. Soon tubular flowers will emerge from their axils. I am not sure why there is so much color without the presence of any flowers yet. Maybe the plants are announcing to pollinators: opening for business soon!

TownLepi_fllv_KWmSp_5.4.19_1a_Q1_crp_3x3_180Our local Townsendias belong to a beautiful but often confusing genus. This plant has all the features of T. leptotes: narrow leaves, whitish petals, a whorl of 4-5 rows of pointed bracts tinged with color. Apparently this species and T. montana can hybridize or self-fertilize to the point that some experts say separating the two species appears “arbitrary.” I say, let’s just enjoy the flowers if you can find them. They are pretty rare.

Wetlands with catkins:

AlnuInca_flm_MWRd_4.22.19_1a_Q2_5x3_200.jpgShrub swamps throughout the valley are warming up. Ducks, moose, and beaver are moving through the waters under dangling catkins of alders and amidst thickets of pussywillows.

AlnuInca_flMfm_FallCrkRd_4.29.18_1_Q1_3x5_180Male catkins of mountain aldersAlnus incana var. occidentalis – elongate: their pollen is released upon the wind to meet up – purely by chance – with the stigmas of female flowers (above left in photo) in separate, stout “cones.”

BetuOcci_Flst_CUGameCrk_5.30.18_1_Q1_crp_5x3_180Later in May, its relative Bog BirchBetula glandulosa – will bloom after its leaves have filled out.


Male catkin of Booth’s Willow – Salix boothii.  Notice the waxy “bloom” on the greenish yellow stem that can rub off.  This is a helpful winter ID feature.

Willows (Salix spp.) of various kinds (and there are many) are bursting their buds and producing male or female “pussies”.  In willows, female fruits (capsules) are the definitive for identification, but are often elusive. Bees pollinate many willows—they seek out nectar at the base of tiny, petal-less flowers.


A male catkin of cottonwood – note the red anthers that will soon shed pollen.

Cottonwood and its congener aspen (both are in the genus Populus) also have catkins, again males and females on separate plants.  It is fascinating to investigate the differences.

We are seeing just the first flurry of flowers.  We will try to keep you posted on new arrivals.

Enjoy your adventures into spring!

Frances Clark, Teton Plants 5.7.19

P.S. We always appreciate comments and corrections.  Please send an email to tetonplants@gmail.com


“How Buttercups Get Their Gloss” by Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor – link: https://www.livescience.com/57964-how-buttercups-get-their-yellow-gloss.html

“Scientists Discover why buttercups reflect yellow on chins”. By University of Cambridge, Phys.org.  December 2011. https://phys.org/news/2011-12-scientists-buttercups-yellow-chins.html

“Functional optics of glossy buttercup flowers” by CJ van der Kooi, et al.  Journal of Royal Society Interface 14.  Fascinating details including photos of the physics. Available on line at  https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rsif.2016.0933

Dr. Diane Debinski is studying Clodius Parnassia butterfly populations in Grand Teton National Park. Here are a few links to her research:



What Blooms in Wildfire Burns?

RkPkwy_Burn_PeriMont_vw4_8.2.18_1_s_Q1_5x3-180Forest fires can appear devastating at first, but for the most part nature has its systems for resilience. Depending on how hot the fire was and what plants were present both above and below ground and nearby, vegetation will return in its own due course. In some cases, plants sprout that have not been noticed in years, and indeed are triggered to flower after the heat of the moment. Others take advantage of the open ground and fly in with fresh seeds. Still others have stored seed until the magic moment. Wildlife also takes advantage of the changes.

Lodgepole PinePinus contorta – is a fire-adapted species. While the thin-barked trees are killed, thick “serotinous” cones have held seeds for years.PinuCont_FrSerCU_MWRd_32212_1.jpgTheir cones have thick scales with spine tips which protect the seeds inside from mauraders and weather for years.  When a fire comes through, the resin that has sealed the scales shut melts, and cone scales open wide, releasing winged seeds upon the wind. The delicate embryos fall onto newly exposed soil, which may be enhanced by ash, and quickly germinate. Ash often contains recycled nutrients and retains warmth which helps the seeds grow.  Seeds germinate quickly, giving them a headstart among competing plants.  Pines in fact need sun to grow well. A truly fire adapated species!


Mountain MallowIlliamna rivularis – often appears in great numbers after a burn.  Affected by extreme heat, their thick seed coats crack, enabling seeds to imbibe water and sprout. These seeds may have lain buried for decades in the soil waiting for such a moment. BTNF_PalmCanTr_Burn_IlliRivu_7_7.13.18_Q2_5x3_180Due to a prescribed burn south of Hoback, the slopes along the trail up Palmer Creek are now covered with 4-5’ flowering Mountain Mallow plants (photo above taken 7.13.18). Soon fruits, which look like peeled hairy tangerines, will split to release seeds for the next generation decades in the future (photo below).IlliRivu_frsSt_LeiLk_91213_2aCrpsmNote: In mountain mallow the seedbank is in the soil, in lodgepole pine, the seedbank is in the air.

Another plant that responds uniquely to fire is SnowbrushCeonothus velutinus. Hikers can see a profusion of Snowbrush along String Lake (below) and on the way to Taggart Lake in Teton National Park.TNP17_StrLkTr_CeonVelu_CU_WyHab_6.30.17_2_5x3_180This evergreen, resinous, sprawling shrub will shoot up new branches from old roots after a light fire. After heavy burns, it can also sprout from “Rip-van-Winkle” seeds.CeonVelu_fllfCU__StrLk_71105_2_3x1_180

Flowers blooming almost a century ago produced seeds that have been lying in wait until heat and sun stimulated them to germinate. CeonVelu_frLvs_BTTr_82013_1_5x3_180

Others report a profusion of White SpiraeaSpiraea betulifolia – blooming (photo below) within the 34,000-acre area of the Cliff Creek Fire, also of 2016.  This appears to be another species is “released” after a fire.SpirBetu_fllf_20LkRd_71113_1a_5x3_180.jpg

The results of the 20,000+ acre Berry Fire are visible from the Rockefeller Memorial Parkway (photo below) and Grassy Lake Road. The 2016 fire burned fast and hot in some areas forming a mosaic of impact.RkPkwy_Burn_PeriMont_8.2.18_5a_s_Q2_5x3_180Notably, in some areas it burned through lodgepole stands that were recolonizing from a fire only a few years before. Ecologists and foresters are concerned that this unusual short “return” interval will be the pattern of future fires in this era of climate disruption.

PinegrassCalamagrostis rubescens – is a tufted, long-leaved grass that rarely blooms. While a common groundcover in the shade of a forest, it usually goes unnoticed by hikers because it is “just a grass.” However, with the stimulus of fire and sun, 2-3’ stalks of delicate flowers shoot up and flourish (photo below). TNP17_Burn_CalaRube_8.17.17_2_Q2_5x3_180 Deep fibrous roots of Pinegrass are important for holding soils, especially when soils are vulnerable to erosion after fires. Plants are blooming in profusion near the parkway.

RkPkwy_Burn_For_flwMix_Epil_Cala_8.2.18_1_s_Q2_5x3_250FireweedEpilobium/Chamerion angustifolia – is well known for showing up after fires. In the insulating soil, rhizomatous (underground creeping) stems growing 4-6” deep may have survived the above-ground heat to sprout again. Even one surviving plant can shed 1000s of seeds that can catch upon the wind, land, and germinate quickly on exposed ground. (Photo above shows both Fireweed and Pinegrass.)

Other plants flowering among blackend trunks include several members of the Aster Family which have deep roots and seeds dispersed by wind.RkPkwy_Burn_ArniXdive_8.2.18_2_s_Q2_crp_%x3_180Cheerful patches of Broadleaf ArnicaArnica latifolia – and a strange hybrid, likely Arnica X diversifolia – a cross between Heartleaf and Broadleaf arnica, are growing in charred soils (photo above).RkPkwy_Burn_GrsLkRd_SoliMiss_8.2.18_2_s_Q1_5x3_180Large clumps of yellow Missouri GoldenrodSolidago missouriensis – was dense along Grassy Lake Road, brightening the dark scene (photo above).RkPkwy_Burn_GrsLkRd_flwMix_EuryInte_Achi_8.2.18_2_s_Q2_5x3_180A mix of YarrowAchillea millefolium – and Thickstem AsterEurybia integrifolia are common in fields right now, but they are also flourishing in the sun under dead lodgepole pine trees along Grassy Lake Road (photo above).

TNP17_Burn_LupiArge_8.17.17_1_5x3_180Silvery LupineLupinus argenteus – seeds are “scarified” by the heat of fire, enabling  buried seeds to germinate relatively quickly.  As a legume, lupines have a mutually beneficial relationship with bacteria in their root nodules that can “fix” nitrogen. This provides lupines an advantage in colonizing poor soils (photo above). Their heavy seeds pop out of their pea-pod like fruits.RkPkwy_Burn_DracParvi_hab_8.2.18_1_s_Q2_crp_5x3_180A robust member of the Mint Family – DragonheadDracocephalum parviflorum – (photo above) was a new species to this botanist. Apparently it thrives in disturbed soils.RkPkwy_Burn_flwmix_ErigSpec_Peri_Lupi_8.2.18_1_s_Q2_5x3_250Patches of other common meadow flowers have retained a niche as well, including Oregon DaisyErigeron speciosus – (photo above) with its many narrow, lavender ray flowers (ray flowers look like petals). Many perennials have deep storage roots that are often insulated by soils to heat of fire (or the cold of winter.)

It is unclear to this writer how much of the open areas between forest patches of the Berry Fire actually burned, if at all.  (Do you know?) Often meadows don’t provide enough fuel to carry a fire. However, embers often fly across roads, wetlands, and meadow, igniting trees despite the intevening “fire breaks.” In any case, this is what is growing in the meadows.

RkPkwy_Burn_PeriMont_vw1_8.2.18_2_s_Q1_5x3_180Common YampaPerideridia montana – has created a tapestry of white. Upon a walk through the area, one can see that many late-summer flowers which are common elsewhere as here as well: a hidden layer of Sticky GeraniumGeranium viscossimum, blue spires of Tall DelphiniumDelphinium occidentale, yellow sprays of CinquefoilPotentilla spp., orange-yellow Rocky Mountain GolendrodSolidago multiradiata, and spikes of blue Silvery Lupine mix in.

Common grasses include: stiff spikes of TimothyPhleum pratensis (photo below), PhlePrat_fl_2OL_8714_3_5x5_180Mountain BromeBromus carinatus (photo below),BromCari_fl_BTTr_62715_1_5x5_180and elegant spikelets of OniongrassMelica spectabilis (photo below):MeliSpec_flCU_BTTrHd_62215_2Q2_5x5_160(Note all the grasses pictured above are in bloom)

These grasses have dense deep roots or bulbs, as in the aptly named Oniongrass (below).MeliSpec_bulbfl_SkiLktr_62815_1acrpsmGrasses have evolved to sprout from buds at the base of their leaves – an adaptation to both browsing and fire.

As for wildlife, signs of elk are frequent–they enjoy nutritious grasses. Bears will enjoy the storage roots of yampa come spring—or perhaps pocket gophers, which also eat yampa roots. A week ago, a pair of Sandhill Cranes was walking through the downed trunks, feeding on insects. Black-backed and American Three-toed Woodpeckers seek out burned-over forests as long as the bark remains. Using their chisel-like bills, these woodpeckers feast on insects feeding and breeding under peeling, split bark of weakened or dead trees.


Despite the stark appearance, all is not lost after a wildfire.TNP17_Burn_Logs_EpilAngu_8.17.17_1_5x3_180

Much is being researched and understood about fire ecology.  It is facinating to conduct your own observations.  We have a wonderful opportunity to see the variations in progression at the Berry and Cliff Creek Fires, both of which were started by lightning two years ago.

Frances Clark, Wilson, WY

Meadow Flowers: Obvious Favorites of the Sun

BTNF_Munger_vwFl_7.4.18_3_q2_5x3_180smWith summer strong, flowers are blooming everywhere in and around Jackson Hole. Here are a favorite dozen (plus!) wildflowers seen on hikes this past week: around Phelps Lake and up Munger Mountain (above); the start of the Ski Lake Trail; just south of Teton Pass; and the north end of Grand Teton National Park.  Lower elevations fade first while upper elevations are just emerging.

As always, it is fascinating to observe flower shapes and color and to discover which pollinators come to visit. Much is still unknown about how flowers work. Also, much of the action occurs underground.  Enjoy your investigations.

Sticky Geraniums (Geranium viscosissimum) are abundant both in full sun and under the shade of aspen trees. Their wide-open pink to magenta flowers attract pollinators of various sizes. Nectar guides—dark lines—lead into the center of the flower to the reward of both nectar and pollen. Male pollen is offered first by 10 anthers, and as the flower matures, five female stigmas are then exposed to gather pollen from insect visitors.  This way it is not fertilized by itself, which can cause inbreeding depression.


Wide open flowers invite a variety of pollinators.  Here the male anthers are ready before the femail stigmas which lie in the very center of the flower.

One-flowered Little Sunflowers (Helianthella uniflora) form masses of cheerful yellow on hillsides.


About 2-2.5’ tall, each of its many stems sports more or less opposite leaves with three strong veins. The stems are topped off with at least one 2”-wide flower head.


Here the Little Sunflowers are flourishing high on Munger Mountain July 4.

Its more robust relative Five-veined Little Sunflower (Helianthella quinquenervis) stands taller and glares right at you.


Note the number of pollinators and the individual small flowers beginning to bloom!  As composites, sunflowers have many tiny flowers that unfurl in a spiral, starting on the outside.  These many flowers form a “head”.


The large lower leaves have 5 distinct nerves (quinque = 5 and nervis = nerves) and plants usually have only one big 3-4” flower head per stem.

Both of these sunflowers are relatively small compared to cultivated sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) produced for oil and seed. Note, a sunflower head has many tiny flowers that bloom in a spiral sequence. Each flower will produce a fruit with a single seed—think about unshelled sunflower seeds—the shell or husk is the fruit, with a nutritious seed inside. Birds will flock to the seeds when ripe.

Fernleaf Lovage (Ligusticum filicinum) or osha is just coming into flower in some places. Individual tiny flowers are held out in umbels—structures similar to ribs of an umbrella. Umbels are a distinctive feature of the Parsley or former Umbelliferae Family.


Lovage leaves are finely dissected, similarly to its relative—carrot or Queen’s Anne’s lace.


Below the frilly skirts of leaves grows a dense collection of pungent roots that Native Americans have used for centuries for medicinal purposes.

Giant Hyssop (Agastache urticifolia) is one of the few members of the fragrant mint family in Jackson Hole.


Like all mints, the 2-4’ stems of Giant Hyssop are square, the scented leaves are opposite, and the flowers “bilabiate” or “irregular” e.g. flowers have two similar halves—like our faces.

Long anthers stick out, distributing pollen on the heads of hovering hummingbirds or on bodies of pushy bees which use the lower petals as platforms.  Upon visits to other hyssop flowers, these pollinators distribute pollen to female parts which form seeds.

While several of the flowers listed below have faded in southern, lower reaches of Jackson Hole, they are blooming abundantly up near Oxbow Bend and at higher elevations.


Many flowers that bloomed around Antelope Flats a few weeks ago are now blooming at higher elevations or more northern reaches of the park.

Sulphur Buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum) forms “clouds” of flowers above mats of ½” oval leaves.


At this time of year, 1’ stems shoot up forming clouds of fluffy creamy white to yellow to rose flowers. They float low over the hillside or sageflats.  At the base of the “inflorescence” is a whorl or collar of oval leaves.

Sulphur Buckwheat flowers provide valuable nectar to pollinators, such as Parnassian Butterflies. Dr. Diane Debinski of Montana State University is investigating the relation of this species and Clodius Parnassian butterflies (Parnassius clodius) near Pacific Creek to determine impacts of climate change on insect populations.


I think this is a Clodius Parnassian butterfly which is being studied.  The species nectars on Sulphur Buckwheat flowers.

Towering up between sulphur flowers, wands of Scarlet Gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata) wave in the wind.

IpomAggr_flst_AntFl_6.19.17_1_crp_3x5_240The 1-2” red trumpet flowers attract hummingbirds, which are able to hover and extend their long tongues into the deep tube to lap up (not sip) nectar. A bird’s head may be doused in pollen on one visit. On the next stop, it is poked with a sticky stigma that will collect the pollen to make seeds. Pinkish flowers later in the season attract long-tongued sphinx moths, which provide a similar pollination service.

Lupines are another common flower of both sage flats and mountain slopes.

Silky Lupine - Lupinus sericeus

Silky lupine (Lupinus sericeus), which grows in sunny locations, has hairs on the backside of the “banner” of the pea-like flowers and very hairy palmate leaves. The hairs help protect plants from intense sun and wind of open sites.

In the Pea or Legume Family, lupines can “fix nitrogen”, enabling plants to grow in poor soils. Bacteria are harbored in nodules formed by the roots. In return for the plant’s protection and some food, bacteria convert nitrogen (NH2) from the air (soil has air pockets) into a form that plants can use (NH3). For centuries, farmers have grown clovers and alfalfa—also legumes–to provide this same soil enriching function.

Some hillsides along the Ski Lake Trail or under aspens at Munger Mountain are dominated by spires of yellow Fernleaf Lousewort (Pedicularis bracteosa). PediBrac_flhab_TetPsS_7.3.18_1b_Q2_5x3_180sm.jpgThese laterally flattened, irregular flowers require bumblebees to pollinate them. Bumblebees are strong and smart enough to land on the lower lip of the flowers and push and prod their way into the throat to find nectar. In so doing, the bee gets a bunch of pollen on its body. At another flower, it distributes pollen to the stigma protruding from the top of the upper lip.


Flowers of louseworts are designed to fit specialized pollinators. Here you can see the stigma poised to tap pollen off the back of a visiting bee.

Fernleaf Louseworts are hemiparasites—they get extra nutrients and even chemical defenses from “host” plants. Roots of louseworts can attach to Arrowleaf Groundsel (see below) and Engelmann Spruce for these added benefits.

Another “free-loader” or hemi-parasite is Scarlet Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata).   The plants attach underground “haustoria” to a variety of different species. Scarlet paintbrushes, and other paintbrush species, are blooming at different elevations in Jackson Hole.


Cinquefoils (Potentilla spp.) appear pretty much everywhere. Research indicates that the yellow- to cream-colored, 5-petalled flowers of tall cinquefoils (Potentilla arguta/glandulosa) attract dozens of different types of pollinators, which is a good evolutionary trait for success. Different insects may or may not be abundant in different years.


Sticky Cinquefoil (Potentilla arguta) is one of the most commonly seen species at this time. For precise ID, one counts up to 25 anthers, notes the roughly marked stigmas on smooth ovaries forming a slight cone in the center, and sees several flowers held tightly together on sticky stems.  In fact, taxonomists are lumping two look-alike species and now calling the genus Drymocallis. Definitely plant geek talk, you can ignore.

By being a generalist, cinquefoils are always likely to have some pollinators visit in any given year. Note: there are several different look-alike cinquefoils.

Stickseed (Hackelia micrantha) is abundant now at higher elevations, such as Teton Pass.


The blue flowers of stickseed look like fragments of heavenly blue sky.


However, the fruits will not be so delightful—they have devilish fruits with barbs that will attach to your socks. You will be their unwilling disperser to new lands in a few weeks.

A few other tall meadow flowers are seen along Moose-Wilson Road and will soon bloom up higher:


A mix of tall flowers along Moose-Wilson Road where there is plenty of moistsure and sun.

Tall Larkspurs (Delphinium occidentale) are unravelling their deep- to pale-blue stalks of flowers.


Tall Larkspur has trumpet-shaped flowers that require bee pollinators to push deeply into them to receiive their rewards.

Several tall groundsels (Senecio spp.) will soon add bouquets of yellow blossoms. Typically, flower heads all have several yellow ray (petal-like) flowers surrounded by a pallisade fence of even-sized green bracts—often with black tips. The leaves are helpful identifiers to species:


Butterweed Groundsel (Senecio serra) has oblong serrated or toothed leaves. Plants grow to 4-6’ tall.


Thickleaf Groundsel (Senecio crassulus) has somewhat fleshy or succulent, smooth leaves that clasp the stem. Plants  are around 12’ tall.


Arrowleaf Groundsel (Senecio triangularis) are found in wet areas—seeps and stream edges. Leaves are distinctly arrow-shaped and sharply toothed. They grow to 2-3’ tall.

Can you guess what this is?



A flower bud of Cow Parsnip (Heracleum spondylium)! Cow Parsnip has the largest flower cluster (umbel) of any member of the Parsley Family in the west.


Cow Parsnip  (Heracleum spondylium) grows in moist meadows and ravines where there is enough water to supply the very large leaves on 4-6’ plants.

Of course there are many more flowers to see.  However, this “botanist’s dozen” is a good beginning to your explorations. Soon we will add postings for flowers growing in the forest, wetlands, and in just plain odd places.

Have fun!

Frances Clark, Teton Plants

P.S.  We try very hard to be accurate.  If you see an error, please let us know so that we can correct our mistakes at tetonplants@gmail.org .  Thank you!

Spring Emerging – April 2018

Our first flowers are finally revealing themselves as the snow melts along road verges, fields, sage flats, and open forests on the valley floor.

Many early wildflowers are “spring ephemerals”: they flower before there is competition for light by larger plants and then disappear, leaves and all, within a few weeks. They have adapted to this niche of opportunity.  Often just a few inches high, they are best observed on one’s belly – belly botany.


A few sturdy woody plants are also blooming. At this time of year they count on wind for pollination, as insects are few. We often overlook their flowers because they don’t have showy petals: wind cannot see.TNP16_MWRd_AlnusSalix_Spr_1_5x3_180

Spring ephemerals emerge from underground storage units: tubers, bulbs, and rhizomes. Stored starch fuels new shoots to stretch above ground into the light where they can then form leaves for photosynthesis, making new food. They will quickly flower and then store fresh starch reserves underground for the next year. The leaves disappear from the surface—leaving only fruits to release seeds.

The growth pattern of our wild spring ephemerals is similar to our cultivated bulb plants, such as snowdrops, crocus, and daffodils whose foliage will fade by the end of spring. If you let them die back naturally in your garden instead of “tidying them up”, the leaves will make enough food to form new bulbs for a show next year.


The flowers of Turkey PeasOrogenia linearifolia – are tiny: 10-12 or more blossoms will fit on your thumbnail. The plants are barely an inch or two high and hard to detect among old twigs, leaves, and stones. The name Turkey Pea likely comes from their tiny bulbs.



Turkey peas are miniature members of the Parsley Family or umbellifers. The two parted stigma is maroon and surrounded by 5 white petals and maroon anthers. We observed flies and less frequently honey bees pollinating them.

Utah and Sage Buttercups are spreading their bright yellow petals–they gleam! Both species look very much the same; however,

Utah Buttercup – R. jovis has 3-parted leaves and fleshy, tuberous roots. So far I have seen these frequently under cottownwoods and in rough fields.


Sage buttercup – R. glaberrimus – tends to have undivided leaves at least the first ones at the base.  Stem leaves may lobed.  The roots are cylindrical, not pudgy. As the name implies, it is more often found in sagebrush habitats.


Honey bees are a pollinator to this Utah Buttercup.  Note Turkey peas in lower right. (Photo by Mary Lohuis 4.20.18.)


Bending down low you can catch a whiff of their sweet fragrance 1-2’ off the ground. The sun warms the soil and wafts the scent to low-cruising pollinators—flies, bees, honeybees. They pick up the scent, then the color. The slight change in color in the inner part of petals is a change in the UV reflectance of “bee yellow”: the inner part is a contrasting bull’s-eye to the pollinator.

Spring BeautyClaytonia lanceolata – is beginning to appear. Two opposite leaves expand and 1 to several flowers will slowly stand up in between.   White to pinkish peals are striped pink, drawing in pollinators to open saucers of flowers serving nectar.


YellowbellsFritillaria pudica – have been sighted! The 6 yellow tepals (3 sepals and 3 petals) dangle down forming a bell. Pollinators key into the changing of color at the base of the flower: green then reddish—indicating different stages of fertility.


By all appearances Steer’s-heads – Dicentra uniflora – are the quintessential western spring flower with their distinctly bovine design.  The flowers serve to attract bees that can navigate the complex flowers to reach the nectar reward at the base. Bluish leaves are divided several times into rounded lobes and are toxic. Dicentra seeds are dispersed by ants.


The Bleeding Heart (Fumatory) Family includes our ornamental bleeding hearts – Dicentra spectabilis – and our local species Golden Corydalis – Corydalis aurea – which can be seen along Game Creek in late April.


Woody plants – With the lengthening of the days, buds begin to exude a hormone, auxin, which then spreads down woody stems stimulating cell division of the cambium—the stem tissue that encircles the stem just below the bark.  New vessels (xylem) enable water and nutrients from the roots to reach newly expanding shoots and flowers.

Typically, early spring shrubs and trees are wind pollinated. There is plenty of wind and relatively few insects about. Plants colonize open areas where there is little interference by leaves or trunks for pollen to blow from male to female flowers of the same species.

Most flowers are either male or female and come out at slightly different times or are on separate plants altogether to assure cross-fertilization—a mixing of genotypes.

AldersAlnus incana – are dangling their 2-3” long male catkins over the wetlands along Moose-Wilson Road and elsewhere. If you can get up close without getting your feet wet, you can look for the deep-maroon 1/4″ female catkins nearby on the same branch. They have scarlet stigmas which capture the pollen. You can also find last year’s tough 1” woody female “cones”. Male catkins wither away after they have released their pollen.



AspensPopulus tremuloides – Fuzzy, silvery catkins are emerging on some trees but not others, depending on the clone. Male and female flowers are on separate trees and separate clones.  Below female catkins extend their maroon stigmas to catch the wind-dispersed pollen.

12b. PopTrem_fmFl_MosCrk_42814_3b_crp_5x3_180sm

Closely related to aspens, Cottonwood – Populus spp. – buds are bursting. Cottonwoods also have male and female plants. One can smell the distinctive odor of the balsam “oil”. The oil is popularly used as a salve and for aromatherapy.  In the photo below, male catkins are just emerging–note red anthers, also the sticky, fragrant sap on the bud scales.


Pussy WillowsSalix spp. – Since childhood, many of us have loved pussy willows for their silky soft catkins. There are dozens of different types of pussy willows in Jackson Hole, with catkins ranging in size from ½-3” and the leaves of different sizes, shapes and textures. ID to species is very difficult, but the genus Salix is easy to determine. Buds have one covering or scale. Watch as this cap is pushed off as the catkins expand.

While I used to think willows were wind pollinated, in fact many willows are insect pollinated. The tiny scales hidden in the silvery hairs of the upright catkins have nectar glands at their base. UV light and perhaps the shiny catkin hairs attract bees and flies to this reward.  Vistors then carry pollen to a separate female plant. Look for anthers in the males  catkins (shown below) and stigmas in the females to know which gender the shrub is.


Yellow willow stems are obvious in spring. Carotenoids produce yellow and orange hues (the same pigment that colors our carrots!).  These pigments help trap certain wavelengths to aid photosysntheis while at the same time protecting cells from harmful rays.  Willows are taking advantage of the bright unshadowed light for a jump start to growth in spring.


April is a wonderfully subtle time of year when a few blooms count for much pleasure. I hope you can venture outside and enjoy it!

Frances Clark, Wilson, WY


As always, we appreciate any corrections.  Please email tetonplants@gmail.com