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Lysimachia christinae Hance

English Name Christina Loosestrife,
Latin name Lysimachia christinae Hance
Family & Genus Primulaceae, Lysimachia
Description Perennial rampant herbs. Stem delicate, prostrate or stretching, 20-60cm long, surface greyish green or reddish violet, glabrous or sparsely pubescent throughout. Young parts densely covered with brown sessile glands, below internodes short, always sending out adventitious root, middle internodes 1.5-5(-10)cm long. Leaves opposite; petiole 1-3cm long, glabrous; blades ovate, nearly orbicular to reniform, (-1.5)2-6(-8)cm long, 1-4(-6)cm wide, apex acuminate or round obtuse to round, base truncate or shallowly cordate, slightly fleshy, densely covered transparent glandular stripes pervious to light, glandular stripes black when dried, both surfaces glabrous, glandular. Flowers single in axil; peduncle 1-5cm long, generally not exceeding leaf length; calyx 5-7mm long, lobed to base, lobes lanceolate, elliptic lanceolate to linear or the upper expanding slightly to nearly cochlear, apex acuminate or obtuse, glabrous, pubescent or margin ciliolate. Corolla yellow, amplitude campanulate, 7-15mm long, 5 parted, base connate part 2-4mm long, lobes narrowly ovate to nearly lanceolate; stamens 5, filament 6-8mm long, below connate to tube shape, anther ovate; ovary ovoid, style 6-8mm long. Capsule round, glabrous. Flowering: May to July, fruiting: July to October.
Distribution Growing at roadsides of hillslopes, limesmarginis and dank place of forest margins. Distributed vertically to altitude of 2,300m. Distributed in South-central and Southwest China, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian and etc.
Part Used Medical part: whole plant. Chinese name: Jinqiancao.
Harvest & Processing Harvested from Sept-Oct on the very year of planting, harvested twice per year afterwards, the first time in June and the second in Sept sliced by sickle, stubble left to about 10cm for germinating. Cut the whole plant, removed weeds, washed, sun-dried or baked to dry.
Chemistry Whole plant contains quercetin, kaempferol, uridine, polysaccharide and various microelements.
Pharmacology Effective on lithiasis, anti-inflammatory and immunity strengthening.
Properties & Actions Sweet, little bitter, cool.Disinhibiting diuresis and relieving strangury, clearing heat-toxin, dissipating stasis for detumescence.
Indications & Usage Calculi in the liver, gall bladder and urinary system, pyretic stranguria, edema due to nephritis, jaundice with damp-heat pathogen, anthracia and swelling, venomous snake bites, injuries from falls.Oral administration: decocting, 15-60g, fresh products double in amount; or extracted juice to drink by pounding. External application: appropriate amount, fresh products smashed for applying.
Examples Cholecystitis: snowbell-leaved tick clover 45g, tigen stick root 15g. Decoct in water and swallow. If it is painful, add curcuma aromatica 15g.

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