
Albizia acle

These are seedlings came from seeds that were planted in October 2015. We will be planting the them this rainy season.

Family: Fabaceae

Reference: GREENIN Philippines website

Origin: I’m not so sure, but it appears to be indigenous to the Philippines and also found in Indonesia and Celebes

Uses: The wood is one of the best materials for cabinet-making because of its color, good grain quality, and durability. It is also used for gunstocks, carvings, sculpture, and musical instruments, as well as for interior finish, panels, and high-grade furniture. The tree is also a substitute for black walnut. It is also used for house construction, naval construction, railroad ties, high-quality furniture, sills, general construction, charcoal, and interior trim of automobiles and other vehicles.

Propagation: by seeds only





5 thoughts on “Akle”

  1. Hi , Nice site! ! I’d love to get akle seedlings too! it is supposed to be endemic to our place in Batangas and hope to plant more of it! also for the birds! ! couldnt find any online! thanks! 🙂

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