Correa alba

Correa alba CU KINDIG WEB.jpg
Correa alba KINDIG WEB.jpg

Common Names: white fuchsia


Family: Rutaceae

Origin: Australia

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: To 5 ft. high and wide

Flowers: White star-shaped flowers, winter, spring: small oval dark green leaves

Uses: Groundcover, slopes, large containers, near oak trees. Tolerates salty air. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Nectar for hummingbirds. Deer resistive.

Soil: Fairly good drainage; tolerates some variety of soils.

Water: Low.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: Likes pruning.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Hardy to 20° F. Another good Australian fuchsia: Correa pulchella, Beds C, I.