Schoenorchis fragrans

Schoenorchis fragrans 3

I have finally discovered what this plant likes.  I water it every day during warmer temps by soaking in a bucket of room temp water.

I mix a small amount of powdered fertilizer in, and let soak from either 30 minutes to an hour or so.

It is mounted on a piece of aquarium wood, which I purchased from a local pet store.  The original piece of wood was extremely large, I had intended to mount my Bulbo lobbii on it, so I needed to cut a piece off to fit my Schoenorchis.

Schoenorchis fragrans 1

I have it sitting on the top level of my orchid case, which sits in an East facing window.  It gets warm temps during the day, anywhere from 20C to 35C.  I have it facing a supplemental light, so it gets even more light.

Schoenorchis fragrans size shot

I had problems when I first began growing this, and it lost a few leaves.  I was unable to keep humidity up enough for it.  To solve this problem, and help position it better in front of the light.  I placed a tall glass with a small amount of water In the bottom, and hang it within the glass.

Schoenorchis fragrans 2

Since I’ve had it it has grown 1 new leaf on each growth, 2 new roots and the 2 spikes it’s currently growing.

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