L141 Peckoltia snethlageae

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Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
All assigned numbers: L141, L215

Name: Peckoltia snethlageae

Common Names: L141, L215

Location: Brazil: Pará, Rio Tapajós (Santaré-Jacaréacanga)


The Peckoltia snethlageae is part of the Ancistomus/Hemiancistrus group, the plecos are longer and more slender than other peckoltia.


Sexing and Breeding:
Longer bristles behind the gill covers and on the pectoral fin spine, mature males have fine odontodes on the body. Mlaes also have longer, slimmer heads.

Bog wood is a necessity in any Loricarid (Pleco's, Panaques, Whiptail Catfish, Bristlenose Catfish etc.) tank, since they feed themselves on the organic layer that forms on submerged wood - the so-called "Aufwuchs". Because of this, wood is essential to keep this species healthy, and therefore strongly recommended. Besides that, the Peckoltia snethlageae will also readily accept vegetable matter, as well as prawns and shrimp, sinking pellets, and frozen or live foods like bloodworms, mosquito larvae etc.

Water parameters:
Temp 26-30c PH 5.0-7.0
This medium-sized Loricarid prefers a dimly lit tank with a good number of hiding places, either created with plants, drift wood, rocks or artificial (pleco spawning) caves. To keep more than one adult specimen in the same tank, or together with other bottom dwelling fish, you need at least a 40x18" (100x45cm.) tank: this fish can be quite territorial, and when suitable hiding places are lacking, it can be aggressive towards other bottom dwellers. When kept as only catfish in an aquarium, a tank size of 32x16" (80x40cm.) is sufficient.
Although it can adapt to different conditions, Peckoltia snethlageae does best in soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0-6.5), heavy oxygenation and a lot of underwater currents. A powerful filter system is recommended, as this fish produces a lot of waste.

Max Size: 18cms

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Additional Comments:

Some info used with permission from www.piranha-info.com
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