Mass update on what’s been blooming over the past few months

Life keeps getting in the way of me posting regular updates and it resulted in having a long list of posts to write blocking me from posting anything new. Well, it happens, I’ll just post all bloom photos in one post and add maybe a couple more on semi hydro and other stuff that’s been happening with my orchids.

They’ve generally been doing well, I’ve been generally doing well by not adding any more to my collection (except for some raffle winnings and an occasional plant or two here and there). I’ve watered them all today, I usually split the watering in two: upstairs and downstairs, but I didn’t water any yesterday as I got tired from a Spring repotting session. They all look good, some better than others, there’s some flowers, some spikes and some new growths. I’m happy with how they’re getting on.

New additions

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about something new, mainly because I haven’t really been getting new orchids or if I have they’ve not been in bloom and also I’ve been just busy keeping on top of taking care of them all 😂

My sister was visiting me and I took her to the botanic gardens. With only a hint of hidden agenda of seeing what orchids they might have currently in bloom on display. They’ve had quite a few lovely orchids, though my sister wasn’t much impressed with them.

They’ve had quite a few Coelogynes in bloom. I’m kind of wishing now that I’d taken note of the species name.

That’s another Coelogyne

A lovely Cattleya or similar.

A delicate looking Phragmipedium

Dendrochilum longifolium. I took note of that one as it needs to go on my wish list 😉

And an amazing Brassia!

But guess what, they have a gift shop there, and I “accidentally” stumbled upon some orchids. The Cattleya from which all of this started had been purchased at that same gift shop and so it was difficult to leave empty handed.

Another Cattleya to the collection
And beautifully scented Den nobile

In flower: Dendrobium Sa-nook Thailand Black

Generally my Den Phals have been recovering after our winter holidays when the heating went out. This one didn’t do badly and bloomed nicely. Except for those mutated flowers… I’m not sure what happened there, still it put on a good show and it’s got magnificent colours! Probably one of my favourites.

Den Thailand Black normal flower
Den Thailand Black mutated flower
Another mutant
Beautiful deep red flowers

In flower: Dendrobium Polar Fire

My poor abused Den (by me insisting to convert it to semi-hydro) decided to as I thought at first grow keikis as a last resort. Which then turned out to be flower spikes with roots… although I’ve been told to leave them and wait and they might turn into proper keikis.

Dendrobium Polar Fire flower spikes with roots

Flowering: Dendrobium Stardust ‘Firebird‘

So my pretty Den that I got last year in bloom, promptly after flowering decided it was a good idea to grow some keikis. Well here’s one of them:

Isn’t he just amazing? The mother plant is currently growing buds. I’ve kept the keikis in the house thinking they won’t be blooming as they’re too young, clearly I was wrong about that. I have however moved the original plant to my cool (or really cold in winter) conservatory, because winter rest and such. I’m starting to think that it wasn’t necessary and what really matters is the temperature difference. A few of other Dens that I decided to put in the cold didn’t bloom or are growing some buds, but not many. Den Stardust ‘Firebird’ however looks like it’s going to have a decent amount of blooms, just like it’s keikis.

I think next winter all the plants are staying at home. They still get a temp difference as it drops in winter to around 10C even sometimes, and around 12-15C most nights, during daytime it’s around 18-20C. Which I’m hoping will be enough for all the Dens to rebloom, as the ones that stayed in the house did.

In flower: Dendrobium King Zip ‘Red Splash’

I’ve had it a bit under a year and was surprised to see it develop buds. Half of my Dendrobiums didn’t bother blooming and somehow I assumed it would be one of them. A lovely hybrid. See if you’ve not seen the particular plant in bloom, even though you looked up how it will look like, you tend to forget as months pass. It has a strong scent and lots of lovely little flowers, similar to Den. Berry Oda.