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Invasion history of Gyraulus chinensis (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Europe: a molecular and literature-based approach
Hydrobiologia ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10750-023-05157-y
Takumi Saito , Erika Šlachtová , Markéta Nováková , Veronika Horsáková , Bin Ye , Luboš Beran , Michal Horsák

Invasion of alien species is one of the major environmental problems in the globalised world. Therefore, identifying pathways for the introduction and spread of alien species can help to mitigate their impact on invaded ecosystems. This study focused on the freshwater snail Gyraulus chinensis, which invades Europe from eastern Eurasia, where it is native. It was first recorded in Europe about 50 years ago and has since expanded its distribution. However, its origin and the mechanisms of its spread have not yet been studied. Therefore, we performed molecular identification and estimated its origin and dispersal mechanisms based on a literature review, molecular phylogenetics, and population genetics. We found that the haplotypes of G. chinensis in Europe are closely related to southern East Asia, namely Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Ryukyu Islands. The results also suggest multiple introductions, mainly due to the diversity of haplotypes detected in European G. chinensis populations. Currently, the distribution and invasion of the species in the outdoor environments are concentrated in southern Europe, probably due to thermal constraints. However, the species has been recorded in many indoor habitats in the northern part of Europe, indicating a high potential for its spread in the warmer world.
