Mountain Misfits

Mountain Misfits

Harry’s Ridge Hike: A Scenic Odyssey in the Shadow of Mount St. Helens

Harry’s Ridge Hike: A Scenic Odyssey in the Shadow of Mount St. Helens admin December 26, 2023 May 18, 1980, unleashed the long-dormant wrath of Mount St. Helens in a cataclysmic eruption that reverberated through the annals of geological history. This stratovolcano, nestled in the Cascade Range of Washington state, had been dormant for over […]

Hiking and Birding along the Makiki Valley Trail on Oahu

The Makiki Valley Loop Trail near Waikiki on Oahu, Hawaii, offers a picturesque escape into lush forests just a short distance from the bustling tourist hub. The trail, approximately 4 miles in length, provides a serene experience with green surroundings, natural tree arches, and the soothing sound of running water. The trail starts at the Hawaii Nature Center in Makiki, accessible within a short drive or bus ride from Waikiki. 

Unveiling the Evolutionary Journey of Butterflies Using Phylogenomics

Nero Clearwing - Godyris nero

Unveiling the Evolutionary Journey of Butterflies Using Phylogenomics admin December 5, 2023 Butterflies, with their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, have remained enigmatic in terms of their origin, diversification, and evolutionary interactions with plants. Recently, researchers from the University of Florida sequenced 391 genes from nearly 2,300 butterfly species, creating a robust phylogenomic tree that […]

When Wilderness Camping Becomes a Gamble

Hidden Lake

When Wilderness Camping Becomes a Gamble admin December 5, 2023 Remember when obtaining a wilderness permit for Glacier National Park was simply a matter of walking into a ranger station when an available site on a first-come, first-served basis? Oh for the good old days. In the last few years, you have to log into […]

Tremella mesenterica: The Witch’s Butter

Witch's Butter - Tremella mesenterica

Tremella mesenterica, commonly known as Witch’s Butter, is a fascinating member of the fungal order Tremellales. Its unique qualities, intricate biology, and ecological significance make it intriguing.

Bleeding Tooth Fungus – Unveiling the Enigmatic Hydnellum peckii

Bleeding Tooth Fungus – Unveiling the Enigmatic Hydnellum peckii admin November 30, 2023 Hydnellum peckii, commonly known as the Bleeding Tooth Fungus or Red-juice Tooth, stands out among the diverse array of fungi for its unique and intriguing characteristics. Hydnellum peckii belongs to the family Bankeraceae in the order Thelephorales. Found across the Northern Hemisphere, […]

A Wayward Black-throated Blue Warbler -Navigational Anomalies in Migration

Black-throated Blue Warbler from Lolo, Montana

A Wayward Black-throated Blue Warbler -Navigational Anomalies in Migration admin November 29, 2023 In the blink of an eye, I was jumping in Sam Koenen’s “Birdvan” and we were off to chase a Black-throated Blue Warbler that lost its way during migration, and it ended up in an apple tree in small, old Lolo, Montana. […]