The Titans of the Tank: Exploring the World’s Biggest Betta Fish

Betta Buddy
3 min readMay 20, 2023

Unearth the mysteries surrounding the largest betta species, the Giant Betta Fish. Delve into the unique characteristics, habits, and care tips for these aquatic wonders from the perspective of a betta enthusiast and best-selling author.

In the realm of the ornamental fish hobby, a certain fiery, gilled gladiator consistently makes waves. Bettas, with their vibrant hues and indefatigable spirit, have charmed enthusiasts worldwide. Today, we’re going to plunge a little deeper, into the world of Betta Anabatoides, the largest of the betta species, and truly the Titans of the tank.

The Giant Among the Tiny: An Introduction to Betta Anabatoides

Named aptly for their size, Giant Betta Fish, or Betta Anabatoides, are unique and striking, with some individuals reaching lengths of up to four inches and weighing up to 8.8 grams. Not your regular betta fish, these aquatic behemoths are a product of selective breeding, showcasing the miracle of genetics and passion.

The Majestic Origins: Where Do Giant Betta Fish Come From?

Hailing from the southern Kalimantan, in the Borneo region of Indonesia, these freshwater dwellers are paternal mouth-broaders, known for their unique breeding behavior. Despite their imposing size, they’re relatively docile and can cohabit with other non-aggressive species.

Decoding the Titan: Unique Characteristics of Giant Betta Fish

  • Size and Weight: As the name suggests, Giant Bettas are significantly larger than their cousins, with lengths up to four inches and a weight of around 8.8 grams.
  • Color: These fish exhibit a wide range of vibrant colors, just like their smaller counterparts.
  • Behavior: Giant Betta fish have a docile nature and usually show less aggression compared to regular Bettas.
  • Breeding: One striking characteristic is that these fish are paternal mouth-broaders, meaning the male takes the fertilized eggs into his mouth until they hatch.

Expert Tips on Caring for Your Giant Betta

Selecting a Suitable Tank

Given the size of these fish, a larger tank is recommended. A 10-gallon tank should be the bare minimum for a comfortable living space.

Feeding Your Giant Betta

Just like other bettas, Giant Bettas are carnivores. High-quality pellets or frozen foods, such as brine shrimp or bloodworms, are ideal.

Maintaining Water Conditions

Like any betta fish, they thrive in warm, slightly acidic water. A temperature between 74°F (23°C) to 82°F (28°C) and a pH level of around 6.5 to 7.5 is ideal.


How big do Giant Betta fish get?

  • Giant Bettas can reach up to four inches in length.

What do Giant Betta fish eat?

  • Giant Bettas are carnivores. They typically eat high-quality pellets, brine shrimp, or bloodworms.

Can Giant Betta fish live with other fish?

  • Yes, provided the tank mates are peaceful and not likely to provoke the Giant Betta.

Conclusion: The Charm of the Giant Betta

Whether you’re a novice enthusiast or a seasoned aquarist, the Giant Betta fish offers an exciting challenge with its unique size and care requirements. This gentle titan, despite being the biggest betta fish, is a testament to the diversity and wonder of the aquatic world.

