1. Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia - San Francisco Gartersnake

    This amazing snake, scientifically named Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia (Colubridae), is a medium-sized snake (adults measure 46 - 140 cm in length, but the average size is under 91 cm), with an impressive combination of vivid colors (blue-green, black and red). 

    The San Francisco Gartersnake is endemic to California, found only on the San Francisco peninsula, from near the southern San Francisco County line south to Ano Nuevo in San Mateo County. 

    This subspecies is listed as endangered by the state and by the federal government. Some authorities believe that the remaining fragmented populations of this snake could be further threatened by overcollecting for the pet trade. San Francisco Gartersnakes are popular pets in Europe, where it is possible that there are more of these snakes than there are in the wild in California.


    Photo credit: ©vabbley

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