Sedum telephium ‘Autumn Joy’

One of the very popular plant from the Crassulaceae family is Sedum. As succulent which is also known as Stonecrop plant, sedum is juicy fleshy and it comes in many different colours and shapes…. around 400 different species. Many of them are trailing and pretty, so they are very suitable to be planted in hanging pots and baskets. Some are plump and rounder, some have flatter leaves or come in rosette. Most of the flowers are star shape.

Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’

Sedum telephium “Autumn Joy’ is quite popular lately. People grow it for the flower display in autumn. When the clusters of flower are still in buds and green, they look a little bit like broccoli. The plant will die down in winter and leaf buds will start to grow when the weather is warmer in spring. It is better to plant this sedum species in the garden in a sunny spot.

Sedum morganianum ‘Donkey Tail’ or Burro’s Tail is an odd looking succulent. The plump leaves grow in long strands and the small cluster of reddish flowers grow on the tip of each strand. The leaves are very brittle and can easily come off the stem. This succulent is best grown in a hanging pot as the leaf strands can grow very long.

Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’

Sedum rubrotiinctum is the most popular sedum species. It is commonly known as Jelly Bean plant. It comes in some different colours and it will be very pretty to be grown in a pot in a sunny spot around the house. Just like donkey’s tail, the rounder leaves are very brittle and easily fall off the stem with a slightest touch.

Sedum confusum

Sedum confusum can be grown as ground cover or in a pot. The small rosette leaves will have copper colour tinge when they mature. It will have star shape yellow flowers. The slightly trailing and compact growing habit make this plant suitable as gound cover and it will grow very nicely in a hanging basket.

Sedum nussbaumerianum

Sedum nussbaumerianum is less popular. It will be green if grown in shady area but will have yelowish copper colour in the sun. A nice species to be planted in pots. The flowers are small and white in colour.

Powdery Sedum allantoides var. Goldii

Sedum allantoides ‘Goldii’ is one of the largest sedum. The fleshy leaves are grey green and covered with white powdery substance that will stain your clothing (especially if it is dark colour). But don’t worry as it will be easily come off if you clean it. It will be good to plant in in the garden along the border. The whitish grey green colour is a sharp contrast to other colours. The flowers are soft yellow with long stems.

Note – November 20, 2013: I just saw a succulent plant by the name of Cotyledon orbiculata ‘Delight’. The appearance of this plant is very similar to the above Sedum allantoides ‘Goldii’. There is a chance that the plant above is actually Cotyledon and it is not Sedum at all. ???

Succulents are getting more popular every year as they are very hardy to grow in milder climate. They do not need a lot of water to waste and will tolerate neglect and poor sandy soil. Can be easily grown from cuttings.