Vestnik 1959 11 02

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Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGE SPJST P. O. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS

Official Organ of Slovanic Benevolent Order or the State of Teas.; BENEVOLENCE



Oislo (No.) 44. 2. LISTOPADU (NOVEMBER)) 1959



VYroeni schfize radova, volba atednika, letos i volba delegate do pristiho sjezdu, ustanoveni rfanYch radovYch vYboril pro nastavajici rok, to v ge by nas melo vybidnouti, sfieastniti se volebni schtze ktera pro dal gi zdarnou praci radovou i rozkvet nagi Jednoty ma velikY qznam. Nespolehme se nikde jen na nekolik aby se o eel na g rad starali a proto vgici berme adast na na gi einnosti. Svoji aeasti nejlepe uka,Zeme radovYm arednikilm, ze si vaZime jejich prate pro rad a na g Jednotu a povzbudime i ty nase "liknave", aby se budoucne lepe podileli. Nesmime se nikdy spokojiti s tim, ani po dosaZeni tech peknYch vSrsledka, co bylo v tomto rote docileno, nebot' jest nagim akolem snaZiti se dal a najit nove a cesty spoleenou snahou, k vrcholnhn aspechfim.

To The Membership of Lodge No. 133 of San Antonio, Texas

Ten nen kterY prijde do radove schttze a mute se prihlasit, 2e mu neco napadlo co by mohlo zlep git na g postup a to na ge snaleni, nideho neztrati i kdyi by jeho doporueeni nebylo schvaleno, ba naopak, men bychom jemu bYti povdeeni za dobrou snahu. Zde rad bych pkipomel, ze nekterS7 stargi Glen vkly donese do schtize kus toho stareho bratrskeho spolkovani, co2 na mladgi elenstvo priznive pusobi.

By this I wish to inform the members of the San Antonio Lodge, that I will be present at your next meeting held this coming Sunday, November 8th. I wish to discuss the preparations for the coming 18th Convention which will be held in the Gunter Hotel in June, 1960. I hope to see as many present as are able to come. Fraternally yours, Edward L. Marek, President, Supreme Lodge



elemirn iidu 133 v San Antonio Tirrito si pieji V6s uvidornit, ze budu pritomen Irak pristi kadove schfizi v San Antonio v nedeli dne 8. listopadu (Nov.) Prej si pohovorit s Vami o pkipravich pro nag' peigti 18. sjezd, kterSr se bude konat v Gunter Hotel v eervnu 1960. Douram, ze kaitlY z Vas komu bude moino se sileastni. S bratrskfm pozdravem Edward L. Marek, peectseda Illavni fikadovny • 4, • t

kteri s tech star gich dosud drEme v iiradech "pi:es eas" jak jsem posledne poz namenal, a to jen proto, Ze se east° vyhYbame zodpovednYch mist. — Kdy2 po celY rok jsme si hoveli, priloZme koncem roku ruce k dilu dobremu at' jiZ to kona rad nebo na g okrsek. Neyerte sestry a bratti, Ze by vase pomoc byla bezvYznamna. KaZda i male pomoc prospeje. Ve vgech nagich tadech jest treba opravdu rozumneho rozdeleni prate spolkove a ye Oroenich schfizich by se na to melo pamatovat. DobrSi einovnik ma praci nad hlavu a tu sly gime narky, Ze je praci pretiZen a neni mu dovoleno aby v jeho einnosti pfestal. Zaptahneme jej do rtiznSrch vYborti ponevadt nikdo jinY tu praci nechce konat. Pri sYSTch navgtey rtiznSrch osad poznal jsem, ze prate v mnohSrch nagich radech spoeiva na nekolika malo jednotlivcich. Sestry a bratti, kdy't Vam pak se stane, 2e nekterST ten jednotlivec se vzda, vyptahne aneb je nahle na yeenost odvolan, tak Vag rad to pak velice pocit'uje. To ov gem nam velice neprospiva. Proto Vas vgude snaZne dam, abyste koncem roku ph volbach vgude na to pamatovali a rozdelili si rozumne tu praci radovou. Tu je prase prilegtost i tem nagim "mladgim" trochu to zodpovednosti ph-

English Section Starts on Page 12

(Pokraeovani na str. 4.)


Ve stPedu, dne

2. llstopadu 1959

()d redakentho rtcacu chom obeas nezklamali. Ale na ge pochyNaie poznamky beni, neuspech nikdy neni fipinVm, kdyZ

Entered 8e second class mail matter. January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas, under the Act of Con g ress of Au g . 24, 1922. Send Form 3579 to Su p reme Lodge SPJST, Box 400, Tem p le, Texas. {HIEDlif ORGAN SLOVANSKE PODPORUJICI JEDNOTY STATU TEXAS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLAVONIC BENEvoutwr ORDER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS 1LEDAKTOR — EDITOR L, 0, 1108EK Box 85 — West, Texas V y davatele — Publishers CECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY. WEST. TEXAS Pfechdatne $3.25 --- Subscri p tion $3.25 Per Year Smelly adres zasilaji se do Filavni ttfadovnY Box 400. Tem p le. Texas Chan g es of address mutt be sent to Snore/sae Lodge Box 400. Tem p le, Texas Pfeci p latne a o g nemk y ‘bucl'te. adresovan y na Vestnik. West. 'Texas. zemfelYsh Menu se uvefelnull bezPlatne The obitearies are p rinted without charE.Y. SUPREME LODGE HLAVNi fittADOVNA EDWARD L MAR EK, President JOE B. REJNY. Vice-President J. P. CHUPICK. Secretary , 1 08. KOLISA. JR. Treasurer A. ITRBANOVSKY. Bookkeeper Ali In Temp le. Texas. I3ox 400 A UGUST KACIR. Attoi ney Tem p le. Texas DR. MARVIN LIlSIKAR. Medical Director Taylor. Texas P. 0. Box, 410

it-o,orrErat — DIRECTORS 19.?,ANK V. STEPAN. First District Bellville. Texas CHAS NAVRATF,, Second District 816 E. Ave A. — Tem p le. Texas ROBEii,T CFR.VENK.A. Third District Uleet. Texas rourth District at 3, Fifth Dist del $ Blvd: ism'- ire, Texas AD. P. SRALLA. Sixth District. Rt. 1, Box 110, Edna, Texas CHAS. HOLASEK. Seventh District 2513 Nemec St.. Corrnm Christi. Texas

Pamatujte na to. Se jednou do roka pakli se vubec zajimate 0 pokrok sveho radii a sve Jednoty, mel byste se saeastnit vyroeni schuze radove kdy voli se iirednod radavi a laws i vyslance pro budouei sjezd Jednoty. • Nejeden mu Z pro2,i1 celj'T svaj Zivot v touze Po bohatstvi a potom v stab, posledni sva leta prosedel na verande sanatoria, odkud sc dival, jak zdravi chudaci jdou . kolem, •

silu ze vzpominek na sve zakladatele k upevneni vgeho toho co pied 62 lety v Texasko• padu pro nas zaseli avgak pokradujme s duchem easu. • • Leta byla pridand k prainerne deice lielskeho Zivota, ale Pres to nemilZe nikdo s ureitosti o sobe ric, kolik let bude na tivu, KaZdST jeden z nas ma bS7ti tedy pripraven na modnost sveho odchodu. eerpejme

Pro nage nove a rulade eleny mejme vddy pripravenou ruku vreleho pratelstvi a pestujme naddle to bratrstvi a sesterstvi v srdeenem privitani. trspech ze pa'tri odvanSim. Kdo stoji na pra,vdivem zaklade, Zije spravne a ma v Idsku i pro ty ktere pochybi, ten nemusi se nikdy nieeho obavati, •. • Povrchni elovk se uspokojuje zlomyslnosti. Dobre se mu vyhnouti. Lidskost jest panern kaZde situace. Je vgude vitana jak, nebeske sluneeko po dlouheni degti. elovek skuteone "lidskSr" dovede se usmivat, promluvi zdvofile, ma zpilsoby na ktere jest pote geni pohliZet. Dovede vyjiti Vain vstric a dava prednost laskavosti pied ukvapenirn. • • Odva gnfan patri svet a bez kuraZe se nic nedokage. OdvaInSi veri, ze se mu vge co podnikne podari a proto se bedlive pripravi ku kaZde praci i vytr- , yd. t i

se z neho poueime. • • Dobre vime, he sebemengi ein vyvaZi pinou knihu krasn'ych slov. •


Zivotopisy mula a den, kteri mnoho prospeli lidstvu a musime se obdivovati jejich drivere v sebe a jejich trpelivosti. Tak mnolie prekaZky jim jsou kladene v cestu, nizke pomluvy a podezkterVmi nirivani a easto prave kdy, neublizlt ba easto sloudili. • KaZdV z nag maize prokazati trochu vice pochopeni pro sveho bliZniho kdyd snadi se lepe porozumeti tem s nimiZ denne prichazime ye styk. Oteme

zlo, bled' jej napraviti. Netreba s tim chodit na buben. Hubovanim so ted nic nepopravi. Ten kdo jen lmbuje, je obyeejne sam MIS?. prikait ruse k clilu. Karakter eloveka je to, co elovek skuteene jest, jeho povest v gak je to, co si verejnost o nein mysli, ze jest. • Nasklonku roku Caceme se snaZit vzpo menouti na geho "Domova Odpoeinku" a kolik to dobroeinnostl jsme v nagich radech projevili vrtei tomato astavu. Pak li Vas toto moje upozorneni zastihne pied VaSi vYroeni schtzi, to prosim Vas za Domov, pamatujte dareekem na ten-. o MechetnY teel! * HOUStC,'

Schfize 5 distriktu nas: Jednoty konano, minulou nedell a fadu 88. by F a velice zdafila, vzorne uspoi-adand, a pl'Otelska. Zahajena po spoleenem obede ve vyzdobene dvorane mela rychlY sped. Program mladde pfeclveden velice peknY. "Blue Bonnet Waltz" sester nas dozajiste pfekvapil a za ten poZitek vSem ueinkujicim nab dik. Po kratSi pi-estav ce yeeer zakoneen Contest l'adovYch prin PITBLIes TTONS COM SKOVIe V.OBOR 1 Ell cezen korunovaci vitezne kralovny con Kdo se boji, jlste ztrati, bazlivci zdar bylo n6dherne pPedvedeno. — Vic o torn Lf 1StiARD N., ICE X, Chairman rTh i rci . s■ t •,-.ton. St, Austin. Texas neponraZe. VYtrvalost itspech ziati, od- vSem v ptialm eisle. Prozatim nas' obSeeeet a iihodlani nese rade. : ! 3u,i1.11olts, Texas. diV. FRANCES; OLEXA ) 9% 5102 Ta g g a tt 30.. Houston, Texas Pamatujme na to, he jest pozde kupoSTANOVNf `t*BOR — BY-LAW'• COMMITTE "Jakeho, my ZvlaStni mathematika. vat Zivotni pojigteni kdyZ churavisne. FRANK IlLOZEK, SR., Chairman slite, obratu jsem docilil Toni?" -- "50 P. 0. Box 137, Blessin g , Texas ISP VALCIK. Secretary "Z My vgichni obeas zakopnem, klopSd- proce.nt". — "Z eeho 50 procent?" 602 Pra g ue Street nerne. Nebyli bychom ani Tide, kdybytoho, co nine keknete." Eggleston g. Tessa

Ve sttedu, dne 2. listopadu 1959

Co pies tyden jsem zaslechl — 2e pani F. Vytopilova, po operaci odpoeiva v Marlinske nemocnici a pkejeme rychlk obrat k lepgimu. • • — 2e sleena Jeanette Jukicovo, bude se vdavat. Vyvolila sobs syna George Chudejoykch, Royce. Oba z Moravii a pkejeme mnoho gtesti. • • — 2e dostal se ak k nam ten student host "severak" a kde kdo hied& teplejgi pradlo. Tegim se, Ze to yge zas nejak pre drZime. • • — Ze v Shiner, sap zanechal mankelfim G. Janakovkm hezke deveatko. Na ge blahopkani. • • — Ze v San Antonio mankelfun Eugene Kutadovkm narodila se buclata dcerugka a pojmenovali ji, Linda. Gratulujeme. o • pry na to Florida je temek prave nebe na zemi zdeluje bratr Bukovjan jen Ze opomel poznamenati, pro toho "kdo ma penize". • • — 2e pan Jim Pechdeek byl operovan na oei a daki se mu aspokojive. Je z osady nagi pki Smithville. • • — 2e stkibrnou svatbu slavili osadnici z Moravii manZele Anton Hrneitovi. Pkejeme dalgich 25 let ye zdravi. • • — 2e nagemu pkiteli Frank Tesatovi ve Fort Worth zemtela matka v Shinerske nemocnici. Na ge soustrast rodine. • • — 2e je moan motskou vodu ptemenit na sladkou zmrznutim. Co bylo yyzkouSeno na pokusni stanici v New Yorku. Zmrznutim prk motska voda pozbude slankch mineral(' a je mokno ji pak uZivat. •

— Ze v Houstone zemtel nag znamk, Fr. Hercik. Byl dovednim pekatem a podlehl srdeeni mrtvice. Na ge soustrast rodine. •

Strana 3


me na htbitove 6mB v Industry byl minul ktkden pochovan br. Martin Kosloyslck. Byl star pouze 68 let a zemkel v Bellyillske nemocnici. Nage soustrast rodine. • • — 2e v Ammansville se shromakdi bkvali gkolaci uditele Frant. J. Parmy davnkch dob. Tomuto sjezdu pfejem ho zdaru a radi od Vas uslygime. 9, • — 2e dosud nic znamo o temek dvou tnagich vojakii ktere jsou drkeni co va)or ni zajatce v Rusku od korejske valk 2adost presidenta u Chru geeva o jo„ propugteni dosud je bezyksledna. • • — 2e mankelka bratra Hugo gefeaka onemocriela v Dallas a nalez ase co toto pigeme v St. Paul nemocnici. Pkejeme aby se co nejcitive maw zas pozdravila. • • — 2e nag gestk okrsek chysta v Talton peknou schnzi a program seznate s ptihlagek nagich vyvolenkch princezen s kterkch jedna bude prohlaaena kralo y -nou6tehdisrku.Jenatclkdohoto okrsku mel by dne 8. listopadu v Taiton bkti zastoupen. Laskave si povgimnete dopisu br. 8enkykika a na shle danou! 41111p— 2e redaktor "Svobody" v El Campo p. Seveik je nemocen a ke jej zastupuje ses tra tone Hradecka Pkejern obrat k lepgimu a sestke Hradecke mnoho zdaru. • • — 2e do nedayno konane schfize Tex. Farm Bureau byli z Ennis zvolene zastupci bratii A. C. Trojaeek, Frant. La Bokek. -novskyaBil

Ze gesteho distriktu Program sehiize 6teho Distriktu kterk se bude konat dne 8. list. v New Taiton. 1. Schilze bude zahajena v 1,11) hodinu odpoledne. Ptivitani fikednikil Hlavni fikadovnY, dent' a obecenstva. 3. (Aeni protokolu z minule schilze. 4. Zpravy distriktnich ttednikil 5. Zpravy vkboru, (dist.) 6. Nedokoneene jednani. 7. Volne navrhy. 8. Zvoleni misto pro pki gti Dist. schfizi. 9. Program dist. kiditelky mladeke, sestra Frank Brdeeka. 10. keenici. 11. Pochod, (March of the Princesses.) 12. Jmenoyani sleeny Dist. Cis. 6 (Miss Dist. No. 6. SPJST) 13. Svaeina. (Refreshments). Muzika. Poznamka, aby tato schfize byla ukoneena yeas, bude se jednat ye schfizi dle stanov, jako ye sjezdu. Paul 8ablatura pted. dist. 6ho. ) • 3,

Kalendai okrskovich schuzi)

Okrsek 2 Dne 24. dubna 1960, ykroeni schtize druheho okrsku bude se konat v nedeli u •adu Praha eislo 29. poblike Taylor.— zpravy budou zde podane jak bude mokno. ♦ • Okrsek 3. Bude konat svoji ykroeni schfizi 1960 u tadu Jaromir 'Oslo 54 ye West. — da—Z ‘ e oslava 35 leteho silatku na geho va- tum a potad budou oznamene vkboknell° bratra a sestry Ed. G. Illazanco- rem. • • vi st., v sini kadu 66 se velice pekne vyAestk okrsek datila. — Kolem 300 hostu bylo pkitomno a nalada dle zdeleni byla po yznaPodaimni schOze gesteho onagejici. — Bratr Geo. E. Kacit pravnik ti se bude dne 8. listopadu ( v.) v Taibyl ceremoniatem a oslavence ovgem 2e ton, Texas. Zadatek schilzc , , 1 hodine vhodnkmi slovy poctil. Litujeme, 'ke nam odpoledne. ) • 4 • (--, nebylo mokno v ten den se teastnit a sklaciame na ge uptimne ptani k dalnm Skuteenk plipad petatticet let gt'astneho Prva sousedka: Ohteju tizek od obe• 4i • (— da, dam k tomu kyselou okurku a kouNagemu bratru Frantikovi Codek kterk sek chleba, a main weal hotovou. — jest v ogetkovani v Hillcrest nemocnici Druha (matka pet dorostlkch synti): — ye Waco, pkejeme brzke. uzdraveni a na- A vidite, to u nas by veder nikdo nic ovrat domu. htivaneho nejedl. Frye,: A proe? — ) • 4 • Druha: Proto2e nam od obecla nikdy ni"Stihla linie" na vesnici. Mankelska, deho nezbyde.


— 2e redaktor V. Malec pige, "Z'e neni 2adne nahrady za to co Sokol (pro narod) konal. Vychoval nejen zdatnej gi ale take lepgi lidi. Takovkch spolku tte• • ba v Warn narode. Toho tkeba ve gko dvoj ice se " gtihlou linii": "Dostaneme Have you secured, or at least helped lath i v narodu vabec" Za to slova, zde nee° k jidlu?" Vesnidan: "Vic nek to secure a new member this year? tam, odkud jste diky pane Malec.

Attrari a 4


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rum sc....num.

znamka TG

(Dokoniieri se strany 1)


cleliti. VAude je mame k einnosti vychovati a proto dejme jim prilelitost. Je k tomu ovgem treba trochu porozumeni a trpelivosti u star gich a dobra yule. Uvidite, Ze to piljde a bude Vas to v gechny twit.


Casto jsem o torn uva2oval, ae teener u kaZdeho vets ho radu ileetni ma obtanY Arad a na jeho yYpomoc by melo bYti pamatovano. Tento dillelitY tiltednik za glouZi si za sve sna‘Zeni sluSne odmeny, pamatujme na to a poznejme ruzne ty potreby radu a Jednoty aby spokojenost a radost k lep gimu snaZeni pre vladla. Jakakoliv prace radova, bude korunovana iispechem kdy je posilovana opravdovou laskou v gech 61enti k veci same. KaZdY rad ma moZnost si vytvorit takovY spole6enskV zivot kterY nejlepe odpovida jeho zajmiim a aby Jednota a na ge celd vetev prospivala. Neda se Ze nejlepe se v kahlem radu pracuje, kde panuje svornost a klid, a vyvolene arednici se teai vaestranna podpory elenstva. —

i. ri a


28. rijen 1959 byl zaznamenan nesmazatelnYm pismem v krajansk'ch dejinach. Je to den, kdy americka vlacla vydala prohlageni, Ze 7. brezna bude vydana poatovni znamka T. G. Masaryka v serii "Champions of Freedom". Celondrodni krajanska, akce, zahajena loriskeho roku, vyvrcholuje naaim spoleenYm viterstvirn.

Ve sti'edu, dne 2. listopadu 1959 NRA noddle vybizile svSmai elanky ye Vestniku, American Bulletinu a krajan-skem tisku, abychom neustavali a stale udrZovali v proudu svou aadost. Uverejno valy se vzory dopisti, rozesilaly se na schuze mimeografovane dopisy, psaly se obalky i dopisy za krajany, kteri se o tuto sluZbu hlasili. Je obdivuhodne, jak =oho dokazali nekteri jednotlivci, na pr. br. John Martin v Portland, Ore., tajemnik lole ZOBJ, ziskal nekolik vlivnYch Amerieana, senatora Richard L. Neubergra, Congr. Edith Greenovou a bYv. guvernera Douglase. Br. Anton Vosyka v Chicagu, e'en Lyry ,sprostredkoval pro akci na 300 dopisd. Dopisy ziskavaly se snadno a to i mezi Amerieany, nebot' president Masaryk pa tri celemu demokratickemu svetu. koda, Ze nemarne kopie a ie si y etainu jich nikdy ani nepreeterne! Ozvalo se jen nekolik protestnich hlasu a elankt, na ktere se ihned odpovidalo a tak celd akce vyznivala mohutne a radostne. V predveeer MasarykovY'ch letagnich narozenin pronesl kongr. Leonard Wolf roc v kongresu a to byla rozeslana vgem zastupcurn snemovny a oveem Arthur Sommerfieldovi. Nasledovala pak resoluce senatora Romana Hruaky v Congressional Record. Dnes raduje se cela krajanska verejnost a ma se pree radovat! Doalo mnoho dopisti, tisice a tisice jich, sam Assistant Postmaster General L. Rohe Walter ukazal Dr. Matejkovi zapinene skladigte a pH tom poznamenal, Ze ve Washingtonu ani netuaili, se je je gte tolik choslovakd v USA, melt pry dojem, Ze je ,nas 112 malo. To vysvetluje jeho otazky kladene organisatorce eSNRA dne 5. ledna, kolik je tu Amerieant eeskosloven skeho pavodu a kde vlastne Ziji. Odpovedali jsme mociVm hlasem a tim nepochybne stoupla oak presty2 u americkYch aradt. Budi2 nam to ponaueenim, se dokaZeme jeate mnoho spojenou silou. Vydani TOM znamky je svetovou udalosti. Vaude kde Ziji obeane eeskoslovenskeho pavodu i pfatele demokratickeho Ceskoslovenska a svobody yabec, at' je to v Kanade, Anglii, Prancii, Rakousku, i v Africe a Australii, veude budou s nami oslavovat tuto udalost, nejvice ovgem v Ceskoslovensku. Na gim drahS7m to bude novSim zdrojem viry, Ze my ye svobodriern svete jsme na ne ne.zapomneli. )

Byl to Dr. James J. Matejka ml., pied seda eeskoslovenskeho Filatelistickeho Spolku, ktert na jake r. 1958 pojal tuto myglenku, za coZ jsme mu velmi vdeeni „ . , . a ktery svynn osobnum styky s washingtonskYm poatovnim Madem usilovne sledoval ell as do konce. V srpnu v mesieniku 6zechoslovak Philatelic Society se poprve objevila yYzva krajantim. d'es koslovenska, Narodni Rada Americka okainZite si uvedornila velkSi vSrzna,m tato akce a vzala si za itkol informovat kraNage Jednota a my drZime sice v pa- janskou verejnost. met einnost i obetavost naalch zaklada,Jia dlouho nebyla tak nad gend odezva telt', ale pH torn nam dluZno si uvedomiv nag em krajanskern Zivote! Americka, ti, udrZeti krok s duchem easu a prizpusobiti se potrebarn piltonme doby. — °bee, sokolska reagovala okamZite proChceme dozajiste aby na ge Jednota se volanim na rozhlase a v3izvu v sokolskem stala organisaci moderni a aby stala na organu, na kterou odpovidaly sokolske vSial doby ,rozumejici a vyhovujici pot- jednoty, pa cele zemi svymi dopisy do Washingtonu. Stejne tak SlovenskSr SoPebain tato doby. kol, jak pismem tak skutkem. Bratrske Pro nag bratrskou Jednotu nemitZe OSA prinesly anglickou i rceskou vSrzyu by'ti Zadneho stanuti. Musime si to uve- ye svem organu, take v kratke dobe domiti vgici a pro tu na gi mladou krev rady odesilaly, Zadosti ze svSrch schazi. ueiniti razne ustupky. Bude toho elm Tajemnik Chupick velke bratrske ordal tim vice a pamatujme na to, mile ganisace SPJST v Texasu odpovedel dosestry a bratil, pri budoucich nagich pisem OSNRA do Chicago, a postaral se PadovSrch volbach. — Smikme se s novSrna o zahajeni akce ye state Texasu. Neza,smerem a jeho potiebam a ruku v ruce halela bratrska ZO' BJ, rozvetvena po s mladou generaci dale budujme i v pH- mnohS7ch statech Unie. "Terka pile, ae jsem start blazon. 2e Ulm roce nagi milou RUST. Vedeli jsme, Ze by bylo nerozumne se jsem stark, dokazal jsem ji osobne, ale Na zdar! predeasne radovat a proto filatelisticke ae jsem blazen, to ma od nekoho ) • 44, • spolky neustavaly a tiskova slutha ho!" Nag e verejnost, na ge mladd se nezajima tak mnoho o to, jakYmi lidmi jsme pied lety byli a co vykonali ty na ge pionYri ale vice o to, jakSani lidmi jsme nyni a co dobreho a uZiteeneho mriZemd vykonati v dobe pritomne. — Mimo toho nekoneene mluveni o minulosti mnoho nam neprospeje nebot' zapominame na pritomnost a na zmeny v na gem Zivo'Le a vgechno to novo nazirani okolnostmi nam vnucene.

Ve stfedu, dne 2. listopadu 1959 q

kvel iisp6ch oslavy

Augustina Refmana v Baltimore V nedeli 18. tijna, v den, kdy guverner nakho statu Tawes prohlasil tento den Dnem Augustina Hetmana, konal se v hotelu Sheraton banket, spojenY s programem a taneeni zabavou. Ke slavno sti dostavilo se innoho na gich krajant z Baltimore, Belcampu, Washingtonu a Curtis Bay. Slavnost byla zahajena v 5:30 hod. odpoledne pisni "Baltimore. Oh, Baltimore", kterou na klavir pi. S. Sengrova. Modlitbu prones1 mistopteds. Vaclay Primus. Po to pi. Dagmar HasalovaWhiteova zazpivala, americkou a eeskoslovenskou hymnu. Obtadnice slavnosti pteds. pi. A. '8 vejdova pak pkedstavila starostu mesta pana Gradyho, kterY pronesl krasne promyglenou zdravici. Pani ptedsedkyne, darny a panove! — Jako starosta Baltimore s potegenim ria'Slin pozdravy mestske vlady ku vgem naSim obeantirn deskoslov. ptivodu na tomto slavnostnim vederu. je to take velka osobni radost bYt ptitomen tornuto shromaZdeni, ye kterem vidirn ranoho dobrYch osobnich znamYch a kde spole due s nimi molau sloZit poctu tomtit° vel kemu muZi. Jsa prilkopnikem, badatelem, kresliemu map, zernemetidern a osadnikem v 1Vlarylandu -- Augustin Hetman ptedstavuje neohroMne plemeno muzu, kteti nedbali nebezpedi divodiny a tak zaklad zemi hojnosti a svobody zde v novem svete. Od to doby vime, Z"e nespodetne tisice jeho krajanti cs. ptivodu ptichazeli do Marylandu, aby obohatili aivot tohoto mesta statu svoji raznosti, prtimyslem vzdelanosti a svoji yeenou laskou ku svo bode a demokratickemu zkizeni. PM 'Leto nadmiru potegitelne kdy skladame zaslouZenou poctu vkm Maryland'antim es. ptivodu, naskyta se jedna ne gt'astna, okolnost, ktera vrha stin zarmutku na jinak radostne shromaZdeni. Je to komunisticka tyranie, ktera byla vnucena, stare domovine es. lidu. Je to opravdu tragicke, ze narod, kterY byl main pro svoji lasku ke svobode, stal se °bet' rudeho imperialismu! Av§ak historic nas udi, 2e tyranove byli vZdy syr2eni Cs. lidem — a my vime bezpeene, Ze drive, nebo pozdeji, tyrany potka stejnY osud! Pro nas zde v Americe jest dirldite si ptipomenout, ze to jest vice v same,


S T #S



nez nage vlastni proziti. Na pe dejinna, role v historii byla zarit jako ohen. yegtici svobodu a nadeji pro v gechny lidi sveta! Udr2enim na gi vlastni svobody v jistote, Ze na'Se vlastni demokracie jest dynamicka a kvouci, nabizime nadeji a povzbuzeni syobodnernu lidu vgude i za 2eleznou oponou. Je tudi2 nanej yYg &Mate, aby pochoderi politicks a nabo2enske svobody, ktere es. lid byl tak odclan, hokela nadale jasne v Americe, davajic tak nadeji a posilu svobodnernu lidu vAude, kde oeekavaji zablesk svobody v ternnote za Zeleznou oponou!" Posmrtrii vzpominka na BoutlivY potlesk byl odmenou panu sta Veronica Blinka rostovi za jeho krasnY projev. ktera se narodila dne 27. zati 1879. na Nasledovala vedete, po ni'Z pi. A. S' vej- Vsetine v Ceskoslovensku a zemtela po dova se ujala fikadu obtadnice. Gu y. Ta- deli chorobe 10. kijna 1959 v Alice, Tewes se omluvil a litoval, ze nemohl byt xas. Zesnula sestra zanechala zde eetnott ptitornen a peal ()slave mnoho zdaru. Pi. S' vejdova ptedstavila shromaZde'ne rodinu ktere vyslovujeme na gi uptimpotornky Aug. Hetmana, vedouci v nagi nou soustrast. — Po obradech CMB Cirk osade a Utedniky Gesko-americkeho hi- ye byla na ge sestra k yeenemu odpostorickeho spolku, jeng byl potadatelem einku ulcdena na hrbitove v Alice, Texas.' Budig ji eestna na ge pamet a tato oslavy. necht' odpoeiva ve svatem pokoji. Eugene Holland, kuratorka Maryland) a, ske historicke spoleenosti, se militia o RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI obrazu jejiho ptedka, kterak dr& v ruce mapu, kreslenou Aug. Hetmanem. Prof. My, nine podepsanY resolueni vS7bor 0. Odlogilik mel peknY projev v obou raft Anton J. Cermak eislo 56 v Corjazycich. V Vrazova z Chicaga promlu- pus Ohristi, Texas, vyslovujeme nagi vila anglicky. Nutno se take zminit o uptimne citenou soustrast portistale roprojevu nageho mladeho krajana stat. dine, nad ztratou jejich mankla, otce, senatora J. Macho,. Libila se jeho uptim- a nageho spolubratra nost a to, '2e se lira . hlasi k Cs. pfivodu. Josef J. Dlabaja Pi. D. Hasalova zazpivala po to nekolik narodnich pisni za doprovodu na klavir kterY nahle zemkel na srdedni vadu 20. Wm. Petersona. StarodavnY Minuet, kijna 1959. Jeho telesne portstatky byly zatandeny ses. M. Beekovou a dorosten 22. fijna ulo2eny k veenemit odpoeinku kou P. Maregovou, byl nadkne ptijat. v Seaside Memorial Park, za eetneho doPotad byl zakoneen doslovem V. Pri- provodu pfibuzenstva, elenstva SPJST a muse, kterY podekoval v gem ptitomnym jeho ptatel. za Aeast a zakoneil svirj doslov sokolskym ZesnulY bran. byl ye veku 47 a posNa zdar! lednich 18 rota se venoval rolnieeni po Nasledovala taneeni zabava pki hud- blz mesta Corpus Christi. Zaneehava zde zarmoucenou manklbe znamYch Svitakovcu. Slavnost se vydatila, byla pietni a pekne uspotadana, ku, dceru Delorees Gregoryek v Robsrovnea navAteva byla pekna. Potadajici- town, dva syny Joseph a Johnny v Cormu spolku milZeme jen k dosaZ'enemu is pus Christi, rodiee Anton Dlabaja v Corpus Christi, tri sestry pi. G. Kral v Sinpechu blahoptat. Antonin Cihlat. ton, pi. Charles Kneera v Gregory a Pi. Jerry Pazdern'y v Corpus Christi. Tri (v Hlasateli.) bratry, Henry, Rudolf a Victor v Corpus Christi. Zesnulemu bratrovi ptejeme kliDuch dnY odpoeinek a dest budrZ jeho pamatV nabo genske hodine dovedely se deti, ce. ze duch je bytost bez tela. Druheho dne pta se ueitelka: "Co je to duch?" Dano 23. kijna 1959, v Corpus Christi, Matej Varoriii se Masi: "Ja vim, sleeno Texas. velebnY pan nam to povidal: "Duch je Pi. Albert Regmund, bytost, ktera ma hlavu hued na noRaymond Peters hou!" John Staga, res. vYbor.




Kraig iivaha v zajmu naieho Domova Odpo'einliu Rychle ubiha eas a °pet jsme na sklon ku roku. Jednotlivci, obchody i ritzne podniky budou uzavirati sve ftety, aby se presvedeili jak se hospodakilo. VYsledky budou rozdilne dle toho jak sprava podniku se darila i jak zajem verejnosti byl prizniv. Namel by i nas konec roku primeti k tomu, abychom uzavreli bilance na gich dobrYch skutkti, vYkaz nagi dobroeinnosti? Co jsme v na gich kadech vykonali, minuleho roku, abychom uleheili starosti nagi sprave Domova Odpoeinku kde se staraji o to aby: dobrou peel zpkijemnili nagim clecleekUm a babiekam zbYvajici tiny j ej ich Zivota ? Jaka je naie bilance dobroeinnosti? — Jak chcete tam u Vas, sestry a bratki zakoneiti tento rok 1959? — Necht' i tarn Vas jest mesic prosinec, mesicem velke a gtedrosti, kterou s upkimnaho srdce prokaZeme na gemu Domovu v Taylor, Texas. Payne verim, ze ohlas Va geho srdce prozbu moji pkizniye vysiechne, a Ze dle sve moZnosti prispejete tak aby tento nag astav mohl roz gikiti svoji lidumilnou einnost i v roce 1960. Diky Vain vgern predem. ) • ot. •

Naie nivitevy

KALE14DAR. Pravidelna, schtze radu Karel Jonag eislo 28 v East Bernard, bude se konat tentokrate dne 15. listopadu v nedeli 2 hodin. Prijd'te • Had Bila Hora eislo 16. pfi Hallettsvilla, bude konat svoji vYroeni schtzi dne 11. listopadu ye stredu veeer. Tento odklad schtlze ueinen, aby na gim alenfim urnoZneno bylo sneastniti se distriktni schtize v Taiton dne 8. listopadu (Nov.) Obe ty schilze by rnely bYti velkYm poetem elenstva na geho navgtivene. — S pozdravem, Victor W. Melnar, tajemnik. • • Hrbitovni spolek radu eislo 35. v Elk, bude konat svoji podzimni schitzi v nedeli dne 8. list. (Nov.) v Elk Community Building. Toto jest dfilelita, schtize a budou se projednavat stanovy a rozpoeet pro elenst yo. eislo 35 po schnzi bude vysluhovat zdarrna zakuskY pro Many a naie sestry jsou active Zadane prinesti nejake zakusky. Veeer taneeni zabava pit Dulakove hudbe. S pozdravem, Jo Ann Mach. • • Nag fad Komensk3i eislo 20. v Granger oznamuje, Ze budou konat dne 8. listopadu (Nov.) t. j. v nedeli odpoledne dtilelitou schfizi vY. roeni a kaZdS7 na g elan by se mel sadastnit. — Budou se konat volby kadovYch arednikfr viech vYborti a delegatti do sjezdu naii Jednoty. — Jste uctive zvane. R. F. Holubec, tajemnik. ) • 4, "Berou ryby na vaie vnadidla?" "To si myslim! I prsty si po nem olizujil"

Sestra a bratr J. R. Bartek na sve caste zpet do Fort Worth z Temple na nekolik slov se u nas v tiskarne zastavili a pekne jsme si pohovokili. Na g bratr Hugo Freund kaclY tYden si na nas cummuntranyjmnsucencranumantiamoinacaur rnmimnio vzpomene nejakou peknou zpravou. Dekujeme. Mrs. Soukup, dopisovatelka du 54 stavila se zde v tiskarne na oPamatujie kam'Zik, pozdeje pan Rob. T. Tala gek od spoleenosti Remington Raud, sestra Bar tonova od Pada 54. dale bratr E. Plagek, na nekolik slay ten bratr Popp zdej gi obNebudete litovat kdyi p11 prvni pileean se prig el na nas podivat. iitosti nafftivite KaZda takova nav gteva nas pote gi a dekujeme Varn za zpravy zde ponechane. Prijd'te pkilelitostne nas. ) • sTe • (

na Domov Odpoeinkta

Ve stfedu, dne 2. listopadu 1959

Naiim poviimnuti


Mate-li Nana va gi rodiny v branne mo ci v zamoki, je eas aby jste chystali "Vanoeni balieek" kterY mu hodlate poslati. Neni snad ani jedina, zeme v tom tak zvanem "svobodnem svete", by naie via da nemela posaclky. Mame v zamofi milion a pfil na gich vojakti a namoknikft. Pegi vojsko je ye 49 zemich, letci v 89 leteckYch zakladnach v Evrope, Asii, Severni Africa, v Arabii, v Pacifiku a na obou ledovYch polech. Nail namornici sloug na 1100 valeen3'rch a zasobovacich lodich po celem svete a Stkedozemni more vyhlili jako Americke jezero. Zde uvadime zeme, do kterYch se mohot( jiZ vanoeni zasilky zasilati, aby tam doily yeas: Cuba, Australia, Jugoslavia, Anglia, Colombia, 8 panelsko, Siam, Belgie, Panama, Hawaii, Saipan, Virginske Ostrovy, Brazili, N. Zeland, Dansko, Bolivia, Pakistan, Francie, Okinava, Holandsko, Italie, Porto Rico, Azory, Kwajalen, Wake Islands, Indonesia, Aleutian Islands, Norsko, Paraguay, Eritrea, Japonsko, Gronsko, ft ecko, Lybie, Bermuda, Midway Islands, Trieste, Venezuela, El Salvador, Formosa, Iceland, Turecko, Peru, Liberia, Malay, Egypt, Honduras, Korea, Rakousko, Filipinske Ostrovy, Sau di Arabia, Iran, Iwo Jima, Portugalsko, Israel, Nernecko, Indoeina, Maroko, Alaika, Guam a Trinidad. ) r stoo

Do kdy je inoino odeslat vanani balieky do Evropy Poitmistr upozorfmje viechny osoby, aby vypravily yeas vanoeni balieky, je2 maji dojit do zamoki je gte pied Vanocemi. Chcete-li bYt jisti, aby Vail znarni nebo pribuzni zijici v kterekoliv easti sveta dostali vanoeni balieky yeas, pak musite odeslat takovY balieek mezi 1. a 20. listopadem t. r. Vegkere podrobnosti o zasilani vannenich baliekft do to ktere zeme dostanete na po gtovnim tirade.

Balielcy posilane normalni po gtou musi bYt vypraveny peed temito dny: JiZni a Stredni Amerika:— 10. listopadu Evropa 10 listopadu Afrika 1. listopadu Hrozne , dite:— "Vidal jsem, jak jste BlizIcS7 VSTchod 1. listopadu Prosim nezapomente! —, libal mou sestru!" — `Tu ma:A, chlapeeku, DalnY VY.chod kijna 15 PkitnItivte se za Domov ve va gieh fashilling, ale nekekni a tom nikomu sloBalielcy posilane leteckou po gtou musi va!" — "Nefeknu, ale to mate pfdshillin dovYch sehtizieh. Diky Vam piedem. gu zpet. Nernate mne platit vie, ne2 ti bYt odeslany v prvni polovine prosince t. roku, ostatni!"

Domov OdpoLinku v Taylor, Texas,

010 1111111 111 01 100 ill 000 1111 0011 00111111


7U P dl i ,

due 2. listopadu 1959

eislo 23. 1.,„ad Nova Mora, NaSim elenem:— Oznamujerne, Ze schuze radu 'Oslo 23. bude se konat az v nedeli due 15. listopadu (Nov.) o dvou hodinach odpoledne co2 je treti nedele v mesici. Datum nazi schfize jsme odlozili nasledkem toho, 2e v Talton, Texas se bude konat okrskova schuze 6 distriktu SPJST dne 8, listopadu a mnozi si preji se seeastn it. S pozdrave-n Frank J. 011ovskY.

VAS TNiK -- WEST, TEXAS zi spojenou se svaeinou a obaerstveni a tak Vas zveme, abyste pzisli v poetu co nejvetaim. Pripadaji nam volby trednikil a delegata do sjezdu a tak si je vyvolte dle libosti, abychom si udr2eli volebni pravo aby se s nisi Jednoty nestala jen pojilt'ovaci spoleenost pak u2 nebudeme volit 2adneho, ale toho si neptejeme. Nal rad je dosti dobrY rad a to doka2em jen, jak se jeho eleni zadr2eji, tak jeSte jednou Vas prosim, prijd'to a zvolte si efiedniky co maji Jednotu v srdci a ktere se budou zastavat radu eislo 81. Chceme aby restl a dale pokraeoval.

Tak na shledanou v sini radu Oslo 81. v Needville dne 8. listopadu co2 jest fiad Ceehoslovan, IliIlje, Texas drubd nedele v listopadu (Nov.) Sestry a bratii:— S bratrskYin pozdravern, Byl jsem po2adan, abych Varn vgem John Blinka, tajemnik. pripomel, 2e p ale priSti schilze radu 6echoslovan Oslo 40 bude se konat a22 na treti nedeli v listopadu (Nov.) t. j. dne SPJST Domov Odpoeinku 15ho, neb na druhou nedeli pripada, dist Taylor, Texas riktni schuze 6 okrsku ktera se bude Sestry a bratti:— konat dne 8. listopadu (Nov.) v New Nic platno, treba pozde, citim se poTalton, Texas. vinen podekovati v gern tern, a bylo jich Poeatek o 1. hod. odpoledne. Tak si hodne, kteri sobe neobte2ovali poslati ten den sestry a bratri zapamatujte a staremu Moravkovi pozdrav k jeho svatdostavte se ye velkem poetu. ku narozeninam a z ylagte tem, kteli mu S bratrskYin pozdravem, nechali zahrat pees Rosenbergskou raE. K. Hajo yskSr, tajem. diovou stanici, jenom lituji, ze jsme zde et. • ( nikdo neposlechli, proto ale view tern Ennis, Texas mojim prateltun srdeene clekuji. Sestry a bratiThS ptatelskYm pozdravem a diky Val VYroeni schtize radu Ennis eislo 25 buF. J. Moravek. de se konat v nedeli dne 8. listopadu • X • I, (Nov.) 0 2 hod. odpoledne a ne jak mylne bylo oznarneno dne 14. teho. itad Vesmernost 68 Telly na shledanou dne 8meho ke schil Nelsonville, Texas. zi a k volbe firednike na p isti rok v Ctene sestry, bratri a ctend redakce:— nali Naroclni sini. Pa dlouhe prestavce pokusim se podaS pozdravern, G. Louis Kudrna, tajemnik, ti zpravu. — NUle scheze jsme meli pravidlne, kde I-4. to ja jsem nemohl tyto navAtivit, co2 Marlin, Texas mne mrzelo. Mili etenati a br. redaktore:-Moje manZelka byla minulY tYden dne Od minule posledni zpravy jsme 28. operovangt v Marlinske nemocnici, a vitali nove eleny do na geho radu moje syni ji cla,rovali krev. sledovne Caroleen. Sue Hein, JP. C. White Ujistin nas lekari, 2e ji bude pa delgi Patsy Ann Sebesta. Ka2clY na $1,000.dobe zas dobre. Nal pan feral :' telefono- 00 a Ch. 8ebesta $500.00. Sestra Lydia val, 2e prijede nemocnou navitivit. Jsem Bravenec si pribrala $500.00. Main narizeno abych upozornil nato v nemocnici pees den a veeer v2dy jezdim dome. se sestry a bratry, 2e je nutno se dostaPozdrav Vam v gem touto cestou, viti do schuze 8. listopadu ye 2 hodiny Frank Vytopil, odpoledne. V -Leto schuzi budou navr2ez Wheelock, Texas ni firednici pro rok 1960 a jsou mnohe Pozn. red:— Prejeme brzkY obrat k dulezite veci k vyrizeni pro dobro lepgimu! Prijd'te co nejvice a uka2te 2e jste hrdi eleni nisi velke jednoty SPJST. Budeme Richmond, Texas se tesiti s yak pritomnosti. Sestry a bratri:— Na shledanou v listopadove schezi :cid§ Na vedomost se Vain diva, 2e rad Need dopisovatel vine eislo 81, bude mit prilti svoji schtiJos. W. Je&k.

Strana 7 Miami Beach, Fla. Mila redakce a etenari:— Koneene se moje prani vypinilo. Byl jsem upozornen lekari ye Veteranske nemocnici, abych odjel do to slunne Floricly k van mernu zdravi. Na floridu jsem jel vlakem z Dallas. ,Ti2 predem jsem si cestu vyplanoval, rozmYllel jsem se, main-li jeti vlakem, nebo letadlem. Pri jizde vlakem jsem toho vice uvidel. Kdy2 jsem prijel do Dallas, aia nadra21 bylo ji2 easne. z rana pino lidu, kteri tam prijeli na to statni svYstavu. Picilti den jsem nav g tivil statni vsistavu. Byl bajeen' den, 'Came z rana se slunk° usmivalo, bylo prijemne teplo. Viechny poulicni busy byly prepineny, v meste bylo spousta lidu a automobile. Pri vchodu u briny stali policajti a ridr2ovali poradek pH torn na,valu lidu. Ve hrilti "Cotton Bowl" byla ten den hra football dvou znamYch foot ballovYch eet. Na vYstave jsem si prohiedl rezne zajimavosti dnelniho vynalezu a pokroku, a2 na ten "Lunik", u ktereho stila vojenska, stra2. Vie tarn bylo jasne znazorneno, i na obzoru mesic. Vyslechl jsem tarn rezne prednalky vojenskYch destojnike. Z Dallas jsme vyjeli v 8:45 rano do New Orleansu kde jsein po druhe presedal. Na ceste z Dallas jsme projeli nasty Wichita Point, Longview, Marshall; a Shreeveport. Bylo ji2 po 12 hodine kdy2 jsme do toho okresniho mesta prijeli. V okoli bylo videti same roviny, bohata pole baviny, nejpeknejii Urociu jakou jsem kdy videl u eistiren i v nedeli stala spousta povozu s bavinou. Dale jsme jeli pees mesteeka, Alexandrie, vlude sarna, rovina. Bylo videti vice dobytkarskYch farem, byly tarn te2 videti pily ye kterYch rezali delnici prkna, dale olejove studno. Uji2deli jsme smerem k New Orleansu, kde vsichui cestujici vystoupili, neb jen tak daleko nai vlak jel. prijeli jsme tarn v 9:15 yeeer. Jest tarn malebne nadra21 drahy Texas-Pacific. Vlak byl zpoz din, a cestujici museli eekati celY den a noc na vlak, kter' jede z N. Orleans. Z N. Orleans, La., jsme vyjeli v 9 hodin veeer, ji2 vie kolem odpoeivalo. Videti bylo jen male zastavky ye kterYch eekali dalil cestujici. Do Chattachoochie, Fla, jsme druhY den odpoledne. Vracim se jelte k tomu New Orleans, mestu na velkem jezere. Jell jsme tam z Texasu pres reku Mississippi po velice dlouhem moste "Hughey Long Bridge" na kterY vede silnice dislo 90. Vlak jel zvolna a zvalo to 15 minut ne2 most prejel. Tam jsme se rozloueili s Texasem. Z Chattachoochie, Fla., jsme jell do Jack-

Straw. 8


sonville, Fla., kam jsme ptijeli v 10 hodin rano. Do Miami, Fla., jsme piijeli ye 4:30 odpoledne. Cestou z Jacksonville, do Miami jsme videli jen same borove stromy, tu a tam male mesto, ale pozdeji se mesta mno2ily, v okoli byly zase dobytkatske f army. Od St. Augustine, Fla., a,2 do New Smyrna Beach jsou vodnate roviny a kopeeky. Jell jsme stale na jih do mesta Cocoa a Rockledge Beach. Tam to bylo veselefai a2 do West Palm Beach, kde bylo videti vice jezirek mezi West Palm Beach a Hollywood. Bli2e trate byly rozsahle oran2ove haje a grapefruit sady. Na Atlantickem molt staly velke lode, a jig jsme se blilili k velkomestu Miami, ktere z dalky vypadalo jako mesto Houton, Texas, nebo Galveston. V Miami je pro mire nove, jine pomery a docela jino zvyky. Kolem mesta jsou pisane roviny. Prijeli jsme k velikemu nadragi, kde eetni lids na jejich ptatele, a "taxi cabs" nesLaeily lidi odva2eti. Do Miami ptiji2di spousta turistb. PkiSti den jsem si vyjel z Miami busem na Miami Beach, kde jsou dlouhe plate, voda je tam slang, a eim hloubeji do ni vstupujeme, je teplej gi. Vlny jsou mohut ne, modre s bilimi eepicemi. Na pla2i jsou ye dne v noci straIe "life guard" kteti se di ye vysokS7ch budkach a pozoruji koupaci se lid. Kdo neumi dobke plavat, do hlubolte vody nesmi. Je zde krasnejgi podnebi net v Texasu, a je zde hodne Cechfr a Moravant. Jak dlouha zde budu, dosud nevirn, ale velice se mile zde libi. Pkipojuji zpravu o Miamskeho eeskoAmerickeho klubu. Dne 25. kijna tam bu dou miti oslavu zalo2eni klubu spojenou s bohatS7m programem. Bude to ji g 28 oslava zalo2eni jejich klubu v North Mia mi. Posilam uptimnSi pozdrav a kadu vzpo rninek svSrm ptateliim v Texasu. Joseph Bukovan.

Povidal jsem mangelce a detem, vzpominam kdy g my jests jsme bavinu pestovali, ja kolem vozu, pak truku ka2dou etvrtku posbiral, ale ted' videt v gude kolem silnice baviny rozhazene jako by byla zadarmo. Jell jsme na Rockdale syn se chtel stavit u lidi u kterYch se stravoval, kdy g pracoval u Rockdale neg li g el k vojsku ale nebyli doma. Jejich soused nam kikal, ge odjeli do Houstonu navgtivit nektere jejich deti. Syn litoval rad by je byl uvidel, ji g je nevidel nekolik let. Syn je easto vzpornina, •Ze jsou to velice hodni lids, ge se mel u nich dobke. Z ylagte vzpomina, onu pani, byla velmi dobra kuchakka a k nemu dobra. Byla nabogna jak mela volnou chvili ge se vgdy s modlicich knigek modlila a deti ge rneli vgechny dobke vychovane. Velice jsme tehdy byli s mangelkou radi, ge se k temto lidem syn dostal. Pki Rockdale jsme se stavili u lejku si trochu odpoeinou a obeerstvit se, pak syn vyjel na silnici eislo 77 a dal se jet na jih ge na to strane statu jeho mangelka jests nebyla. Kdyg jsme pkijeli do La Grange jeli jsme se podivat na "Monument Hill", kde jsou pochovani vojaci z Mexicke valky. Jsme se s mangelkou podivili jak to ted' maji pekne tam upravene. Jig je to nekolik let co jsme tam nebyli. Maji tam men gi park, obchod se sladkYmi napoji, cukrovi a pane veci si mfiZete koupit na pamatku. Syn nas volal ku stanku, ze si vypijem sodovku. Obsluhuje tam gikovnSr star gi pan, ja, kouknu po tech peknYch obrazich a tu milj zrak zastavi na peknYch obrazich Veeeke Pane -- to mile dalo odvahu a ta2u se anglicky, onoho pana jak se jmenuje, ge pry John Vacula. Hned jsme byli jako doma kdyg jsem mu kekl moje jrneno on pravil: "Jste to ten Vytopil co pige ty pekne dopisy do na geho Vestniku?" Ja mu pravim, "nevim jsou-li kne ale jsem to on."


Wheelock, Texas (Opozdeno) Ctend redakce, mile sestry a bratri:® Minul* patek veeer k nam pkijel nag nejmladgi syn s rodinou, ze pry v sobotu a v nedeli dostal volno, ze si rano nekam vyjedem, 2e jig dosti dlouho nikde nebyli. V sobotu rano jsme vyjeli, jell jsme do sti daleko podle teky Brazos. Ale to jsme men peknou podivan.ou, tolik napukane a pane baviny jsme jests nevideli na vgechny strany Tide trhali bavinu a maginami pikovali nebo nebo "stripovali". Vgude kolem silnice baviny rozhazene, ge by ji mohi hraberni hrabat .

Koupili jsme man2elce a sna ge neco na pamatku, syn jig pospichal neb sluneeko se klonilo k zapadu. Srdeene jsme se s timto spolubratrem rozloueili a ubirali se k Brenham. Misty bylo videt kne brody, ale mistami zase velice Spatno. Chudaci farmati, misty nedostanou nazpatek ani to semeno co zaseli. Vzpominali jsme s man2elkou, ze ten nektere roky jsme se na poll te2ce zadarmo napracovali pak jests nekterS T pti tel mire pekne tekl, 2e jsme hloupY. Ze farmujem. Mne ted' nejvice zajima, hovezi dobytek. Stado pekneho dobytka rad vidim, neb ted' co jsme museli pkestat farmakit rname na farms zahradku a mengi stado dobytka. K synovi, bydli u

Ve stkedu, dne 2. listopadu 1959 Bryan jsme pkijeli ji g nam hvezdieky na cestu svitily. Pa dobre veeeti u syna jsme dali nagim milS7m s Bohem a jeli domu. Mili etenaki, kterYm je varn to mogne kdyg budete mit pkile gitost, zajed'te se podivat na tento kopec u La Grange neb kdyg pojedete po silnici 'Oslo 77, se tam stavte. Od La Grange jest to na pravo jednu mill od silnice. Jsem jistY, nebudete litovat, te g seznamte se s panem Vaculou, hodne ho pote gite. Kdyg si Cloy& stoupne na tento kopec a zadiva se k La Grange, to jest krasnY obrazek. Podle kopce teee keka Colorado, voda pomalu utika. k molt. Mesteeko La Grange mezi krasnYmy stromy se pane vyjima. Diky pkateile za vase vybizeni bych po kraeoval v dopisovani do nakho mileho Vestniku. S pozdravem na celou Jednotu, jsem, Vag Frank Vytopil. • de • El Campo, Texas Mile sestry, bratki a ctend redakce na geho Vestnika:— Vim, ge v pkigti nagi schuzi bude pievladati jednani v anglicke keel, jak jinak bVti ani nem-age. V teto naSi okrskove schtizi budou nein kovati na ge ratolesti, na g vYkvet, nage nadeje, na ge budoucnost ktera, po pkevezme spravu na gi mile Jednoty. — Jest pro nas vgeehny eleny radostno pozorovati, jak se krasne na to vedeni pHpravuji. Oh, jakou radost rodide zpusobili svYm svolenim, by jejich decry mohly represen tovati v sestem okrsku jejich kady, ktere jc zvolily za, princezny tato Cestna, pamat ka je bude provazeti po cely jejich givot. My elenove by jsme jim men ukazati nagi k nim lasku a podporovati jejich za,jem o Jednotu nebot' v gechno to pkispiva k udrgeni eeskoslovenskeho vedomi v nagich novSrch pokolenich ktera, se sice vyjadkuji snadneje v keel anglicke, ale piece jenom eeskoslovensky citi. Dokud my v rodinach a v na gich spolcich a ye spoleenosti budeme Ziti, tim eeskoslovenskS7m 2ivotem a vysvetlovati nagi mladdi vgechno, co daly nam dejiny a tradice rodne zerne, dotud bude 2iti i eeskoslovenskST duch v na gich novSlch generacich. V mladYch na gich pokolenich je tteba vypestova,ti oddanou lasku a Actu k praci, a zkugenostem stargiho pokoleni. Ve schrizich spolkovS7ch kde uZiva se dvoji keel, je pro na gi mlade2 ptile2itost aby se v Ceske keel lepe zdokonalila. Je proto pro prospech nas v gech tkeba aby-

Ve stredu, dne 2. listopadu 1959 chom znalost eeske keel uddovali co nejdele a nic neuhaneli, zvla gte tam, kde toho doposud opravdu treba je gte neni. Mile sestry a bratki, jako organisator bych vas v gechny snaZne Zadal, aby jsme se seSli 8. listopadu v Taiton, ruku-s rukou si stiskli, a to krasne slovo "bratrieku", a "sestrieko" at' se ozYva v te nagi okrskove schtlzi. My to dluZime naSim okrsku nakmu rnlademu pokoleni, totiZ nagirn detem, ale take nagi Jednote. A kdyZ uZ si Marne trasti rukami, zajiste kaZdY bratr, kaZda sestra, by si prali potfasti rukou i s na gi celou Hlavni Uradovnou i s na g redakci na geho Vestniku, mankly Ho gkovYmi a proto vas zveme, ale take zveme eleny i pkately z jinYch okrsktl, pomolte nam zpestrit na g okrskovou schtdi 8. listopadu v Taiton, Texas. S pozdravem Ig. Senkyrik Dist. Org . ) • 4i • +. Pro Domov Odpoeinku v Taylor, Tex. Cteni bratri, 'sestry a pratele:— Timto stvrzuji pkijem na SPJST Rest Home, kterY jsem posledni dobu obdrlel. Pan a pi. Burton Riebe, San Antonio, Texas na ucteni pamatky pi. Frances Jelinek, Granger, $5.00. Vzdavam srdeene diky za tento dar. S br. pozdravem Chas Navratil 816 E. Ave A. Temple, Tex. • •(

Hhidka len Houston, Texas Mile sestry:-Pripominam yam, le nag krottztk bude mit svou mesieni schnzi druhou stredu v listopadu dne llho. Schtze zapoene v 10 hodin a v poledne bude obed. Sestry ktere slavi sve narozeniny v mesici kijnu jsou: ses. Mary Elzner, ses. Ara Skrabanek, ses. Helen Schnell a ses. C. Chernoky. Navgtevnice ktere pri gly mezi nas minulY mesic byly; pi. K. Harding, pi. Hil-

V t S TNIK— WEST, TEXAS man, pi. B. Dowel, pi. Dena, pi. Faltysek a pi. Elzner. Dne 10. kijna sestry od na geho krouZku si usporadaly spoleenou veeeri pro svuj krouZek v sini Pokrok, pki torn se sueastnili i jejich mu gekove a jejich rodi ny, takle jsme si pozvaly radovY vYbor jak majetko yY, tak zabavni se svYmi rodinami tak nas tam bylo pekna hromadka a vgchni se pekne spoleene pobavili. Veeeri obstarali pro nas mankle Vine Kilndrovi se s yYmi pomocniky, melt jsme chutne barbecue se v gim prisluS'enstvim. Sestry donesly rozliene peeivo, tak jidla bylo dosti. Mankle Kilnarovi se v tom skuteene vyznaji, v gechna Best jim. Divadlo ktere bylo 18. kijna se pane vydarilo, bylo pekne a vesele. Sestry od nageho krou2ku poradaly pfi tom bazar col bylo dosti uspokojive. Takta jsme mely progivanY kvilt do vYhry col gt'ast ne 'Oslo padlo na me, col me to velmi piekvapilo. Princezna Betty Slo ydeek od nageho fa du Cis. 88 obdrZela od na geho Zenskeho krouZku 25ti dolarovY "savings bond". Tel ostatni kandidatky kaZda dostala pe knY darek od nageho krou2ku. Tak yidite, Ze na g kronZek pracuje a nespi., Pro dne gek toho necham. Tak nezapornerite schtzi druhou stiedu liho rijna. S pozdravem na v gechny, ?a Birthday Club pile, Sophie HrubY. ) • 4. kid Jaromir Cislo 54 West, Texas Mill bratfi a sestry:— Specham abych podala nejakou zpravu, neb jsem jil davno mezi vand nebyla. Tak se nam tu zas trochu rozpr gelo dnes pr gi a ma pfijit zas several kterY nas letos easne nav gtevuje bude asi ranna zima. — Rolnici mail vet ginu Arodu sebranou a zaeinaji orat ba nektefi maj jiz poorano. Ale videt je gte hodne baviny na poli. Schfizi nageho kadu jsme odbYvali weer dne 29. kijna misto prvni nedeli. Navg teva byla prilmerna. Schfizi zaha jil pfedseda br. Robert Cervenka a nag tajemnik br. Frank Coeek nebyl pfitomen pro nemoc neb se naleza v nemocni ci. Jeho misto vzal nag bYvalSr tajemnik E. W. Popp, kterY preeet1 protokal z minute schtize a byl prijat. Smutnou zpravu podal br. pfedseda, le od nas ode gel br. Leo Girard, kterY byl Clenem po 40 let u na geho radu. Povstanim byla dana jemu Cest a jeho rodina at' piijme na g upkimne eitenou soustrast. Take m gme 2 nemocne eleny, kteil se

Strana 9 nalezaji v nemocnici: Br. Frank 6oeek, ktery mel oeni operaci a br. Chas. Fer guson mel take operaci. Prejeme jim by se brzo zas uzdravili a pri gli mezi nas do schtze. Dale byly etene dopisy a podany dal si zpravy yYboru. Potegilo nas, ze k nam pfistoupili 2 no vi eleni br.L. Popp a br. A. Gerlich. Vitame je mezi nas, doufame, le se jim zde bude libit. Take oznameno, ze se bude odbYvat distriktni schtze zde ye West v mesici bkeznu. Tak se budem Ve ga na velkou navgtevu a Ze se sejdeme s vanii mi u nas ye West. Zveme vas v gecky. Da le p16,nuje na g fad poradat vanoCni yeeirek nekdy v prosinci, kterY bude pro mlade i pro stare tak pamatujte na to neb Vanoce jsou jen jednou za rok. Den bude pro tento yeeirek ustanoven v ti na gi schtzi kterou budem odbYvat dne 15. listopadu v nedeli odpoledne. Tak sestry budu Zadane aby kaki& prinesla nejakY zakusek pak bude spoleend svaeina. Bratki, le se o nejake obeerstveni postaraji ov gem, ze kafieko ne bude schazet. Jen tu mladel kaZdY ved'te program bude sestaven a pamatuj te, le kaZdY dostane nadilku i ti star gi si darky vymeni, tak se budem na to telit. Nezapomerite ze schtize prigti sic 15. listopadu (Nov.) pkijd'te v gichni. Se sesterskYm pozdravem Mollie Barton, dop. } • if . teskY den na statni vYstave v Dallas Tex. Piejeme si podekovati v gem, kteii vypomohli tak ze eeskY den na statni vYstave se tak krasne yydatil. — Program v nedeli dne 25. kijna byl dobfe nav gtiyen obecenstvem a ueinkujici i sestry krojich zasluhuji si vkele diky. S pozdravem Lydia Kartous • ee. - t-Houston, Texas Cteni bratfl sestry:— Ja u2 nejsem v Rest Home, SPJST, Tay tor, Texas, ja jsem onemocnela na srdce, a tak jsem pfijela na leeeni do Houstonu, ponevadZ, tu mam moje deti, mam dobreho lekake, kterY mne leci, tak, le dnes se citim dobfe, ze mohu tento dopis pomalu psat. V nedeli 18. kijna jsem byla pozvana na divadlo, ktere ochotni herci fadu Pokrok Cislo 88. Houston, Texas znamenite sehrali. Toto vam pill dye novinky o dvouch svatbach, jak se jedna nevydafila, ale druha se vydafila; toto divadlo sestavil a dovezl ze StraZnice, z Moravy br. Stepan Valeik; herd v gichni hrali ye

Strana 10 slovanskSTch krojich, mladenctim aj drug 'cam ten slovensky kroj hezky slu gel, tak te si katc1S7 mladenec aj katda drutka hezky vykradovala, to bylo pentli na kat dej drutee aj na katclem inladenci, 18. pisni se zazpivalo, ale asi 4. zazpivali mid denci i drutky ye slovenskern jazyku ale ty pisne co se zpivaly byly vSechny Slo venske, muslin het, kteri herci hrali. Hu badek hostinskST a reznik sehral Rudy Seveik, jeho tenu sehrala Frances 0lexova, Kadenka jejich dcera sehrala Anna Karlova, oni men kooku, Beran sedlak v Holubovicich sehral Anton Svest ka, jeho tenu sehrala Marie Johnsonova, Martin jejich syn sehral Johnie L. Sa' la, oni rneli maid kuratka ,a tak Hubadkova hostinskYch kodka chodila krast a ona setrala ty kuratka Beranorn sedlako vi; tedy ta prvni svatba, kterou strojili Hubaelcovi hostin gti svoji deeki Anne, a a Beranovi sedlak strojili svemu synu Maitinovi, taky svatbu, kterSr si bra y za mantelku Anna Hubadkovu hostinsk'kch at byli mladenci i dratky hotovi, aj nevesta, ze svyrni rodiei ale rodide Seranovi ani tenich ne, jen sellca Beranova chodila po dvore a vadila se, te ona to trpet nebude, aby ta kodka Huloa.elcova ty na ge kuratka v gecky setrala, ale j eden mladenec ji tekl, te aby se neziobila a mete bYt veseld, kdyt tenite syna, ona inavla rukou a rekla, kdo by se nezlo bil, kdyt s temi kuraty je velka pypladka, tedy gla se ustrojit a objevili se v geci p. Beran i pi. Beranova, i syn Martin tenich, kteremu pkipnuli kytici. No ale rodiee z obouch stran se zadali vadit, rodide I3eranovi rekli, te oni to trpet nebudou, aby ta kodka va ga narn ty kurata v gecIcy setrala. Beran, te on tu kodku zastreli, ale Plubdeka to nazlobilo, te on tu uratku trpet nebude, te on to (la do soudu; to jsme se ale nasmali at dust, ktersi mladenec rekl, te takove svatby nevidel, co meli jit na zdafku, rodide Beranovi utekli, a potom se zadali vadit spolu tenich s nevestou a tak zustali o samote jen dva a povadili se, at prstenky pohazeli na podiahu a nevesta utekla ale tenich si zazpival, kdybys mela ma panenko 100 dvora a ja, jen rortrhanou stodolu, nebude g rna nevi motna, ani ti to Pan Bilh neda. Ale rodide nevestu ukrotili, i tenich se nechal ukrotit. Rodiee tenicha taky pki gli, tak te se pfece pujde na zda,vku. Otec nevesty fekl pravu nohu vykroeit, udelali dva kroky a nevesta kekla, podkat, ja nemam prstSr nek, tak museli vg ichni hledat prstknek, jak se na gel zase gli, otee nevesty kekl pravu nohu vykroeit ale nevesta zase vykkikla, poekat, to neni maj prst3inek, to je tenichav, zase se musel hledat nevestin prst3inek, kdyt se naSel zase


Ali. Otec nevesty pravil, pravu nolu vykrodit, uAli asi 2 kroky, nevesta vykklkla, te ona na zdavku nejde, te ona si Martina 13erana brat nebude, a utekla mladenci prestupovali z nohy na nohu kroutili hlavami a vgichni jsme se na small, at nam °di slzely, to byla pekna, ale zdaNka. Zase se oboji rodide se gli, a zase se povadili, tak te to deli do soudu, a byli oboji rodide zavteni, a to jen skrze tu kodku, kterou Bera zastkelil netli oboji rodide z hare gtu donati, byla ut ta druha svatba uchystana,, Anto g KratIcSa &inch, ktereho sehral Miloslav Karel, Arida Ptaekova nevesta, kterou sehrala Birdie Hilsherova tato svatba se vydarila, tak se hodovalo, tancovalo, zpivalo 18. pisni se zazpivalo, vSrskalo se jak to pH svatbach byva, mladenci i drutIcy si zazpivali, kdybys mela ma panenko 100 dvort a ja jenom rortrhanou stodolu, nebude g ma neni intik* ani ti to Pan Buh neda; byli vgichni moo veseli, i svatebeane i male deli, ktere byly taky ustrojeni ve slovenskem kroji, ach to bylo vgecko hezke, jen ti litovali, tenich a nevesta co se povadili. Ranbousek nejstar si Holubovicich sehral Tim Kostomlats k3i, ten se time' vynasnatit, aby toho co nejvice namluvil. Turista z jinni Ameriky sehral Jimmie Kadledek, ten jak vite umi vge dohromady sestavit; midden ci i druticy tu svatbu amen znamenite rozveselit, p ak deti i vesnidand vgichni se bavili. Napovecla byla Anna 8vestkova, retiser byl 8tepan Valeik. Na,v gteva byla velka, tak ze sin byla pine navgtevnikii. Bratte redaktore, i vy sestro i dela. rodi no Hogkoval prijrnete ode nine i od dela, moji rodiny tu nejhlub gi soustrast nad ztratou va geho syna, mantela a otce .kte ry yam tak nahle ode gel syna Otty. --0 Pane dejt jemu tithe odpodinuti a zeme budit jemu lehkou. Zarmoucene pote g Pan Buh. Se srdecnym pozdravem Vera '8tefka. Poznanika red.:— Za slova neasti, nase diky, V zarmutku elovek pozna a oceni sve pratele. — Va g popis divadelni hry bude zajiste herefun eastedne odmenou. ) ® as • titad Svaz


Fort Worth, Texas Miyi bratri a sestry:— Prig ti radova. schtize, narn pripacla na, nedeli 8. listopadu, (Nov.) ye 2:30 odp. Cleni jsou tadani, by v hojnem poetu, do schtze se dostavili. Po schrizi bude svadina, jako jindy a tak mile sestry mime prinest nejake salaty a ramie peeivo maso bude jako minule, (studene rezy) v gak jit vite co dobreho k tomu a co ktera, mute. Sestra Claudine Bun

ye stkedy, dne 2. listopadu 1959 ker se pozdravuje dorna po operaci. Piejeme ji vgichni brzke a trvale uzdraveni. — Br. a ses. Billy Charles Handle byli prirtistkem a sice hezkou dceru glcou. Starieci jsou br. a ses. Bill Bundle. — Br. a ses. James S. Philpot Itch dli v Nemecku, ten dostali prirastek do rodiny, chlapedka, ktereho pojmenovali, Robert, Josef Narodil se 30. zari a vatil 8 lb. a 3 unce. Maji 2 devdata, 12 a 11 rokti a chlapce 9 mina staratio. Timto se stali br .a ses. Josef Bedanovi zde jit po trinacte staileky. °nom temto At'astnYin rodietuai i stariektrin gratulujeme a piejeme, by detieky vyrastaly ye zdravi a k radosti. — Br. James S. Philpot je v Neniecku, C.W.O. Chief Warant Officer a mantele Bedanovi se te gi te za dva roky cia-li jim Pan Bah se doekat, svojeho noveho vnouelca uvidi. Po 9 dni trvajici nemoci na strnuti gije, tile zesnula v nemocnici sv. Josefa 10 leta Barbora, dceru g ka p .a pi. William OujeskYch. Pohreb se konal z kostela sv. Toma ge po zadu gni msi sv. kterou slouail dp. John Morse a pochovana byla na rodinnem lote na hititove Mt. Olivet. tkast na pohrbu byla velika. Spo ze skoly sv. Toma ge pH nagi sv. zazpivali a vela tricia byla veder na ratenci a tat na hrbitov jeli na Skolniin base. Mime zarmoucene rodide zanechala 13 letou sestru, Patriciu a babieky, pi. Helenu OujeskY a pi. Katerinti Davidoyou v Granger a celou kad.0 dal gich pHbuziVch. — PozastalYrn vyslovujeme srdednou soustrast, Buh Vas pote g ve Vag em zaranutku a zesnule divence dej leb. ke odpodinuti, 0, Pine. -- Patrila, do KJZT Jednoty. Jest to smutne, tak mladinka, a musela odejit. V sobotu odpoledne, zemi.el v nemocnici sv. Josefa pan Andrew John Jaworski, y e stall. 79 let. Pochazel z Polska a zde y e Fort Worth bydlel 34 let. Mantelka ho pkede gla na vednost, pied Delco lika roky. Pohieb byl z kostela V gech Sva tYch v poncleli rano, po zaclu gni mgi sv. kterou slouzil dp. Joseph Bochenski a pochovan byl na hrbitove Mt. Olivet. Zanechal 4 decry, Miss Victorii, Rose a Frances Jaworski a pi. M. J. (Helen) Paprskar, vlechny zde; sestru pi. Mary Sikorski, v Bryan a 5 vnoudat. PozilstalYin ciceram a dal gi rodine vyslovujeme, pkimnou soustrast a zesnulemu prejeme lehke ocipodinuti. Jeho decry a vnoudata patri I na g emu radu. — Br, a ses. Joe Bartkovi byli na na.v gteve v Temple u rodiny a pratel a ten tam byli na svatbe. Pravili, te v g ude se meli eobre a gt'astne se dome navratili.

Ve stredu, dne 2. listopadu 1959



U br. a ses. Alex Bunker meli nav gte- EDUAWJ. vu ze Shiner, sestry Bunker, strYoka a tetieku, p. a pi. Josef Petra govi s jejich synem Frankem a manZelkou a malou dceru g kou, se kterYmi se potegili. g Pri uzavirce dopisu se dovidam, ke ses. Raymond, (Donna) Hubenakova, je v ne mocnici a podstoupila menk operaci na noze. Pkejeme na gi spolusestre, by se noha brzy zahojila a byla opet zdravd. Jegte pripominam, nezapoinefite na schilzi a prijd'te vgichni. TeZ radi uvidime br. redaktora a jeho milou mankelku, je-li Vkm mokno prijet. Se snleenS7m pozdravem na vgechny Marie Juran, dopisovatelka. 1 • 074. • ( Z ecehoslovaka opisujeme Znalost cizich reel je pfiprava pro budoucnost. -- Na g arnerickY lid dosud venuje pozornosti zachovani cizich reei. Je to noq problem a obyeejnY lid jej nepoznava. Ak zaniknou rozharane pomery zavinene valkami, nastane novY sveto“7 poradek, jiny nek byl pied nam pripominaji lide, kteri tyto pomery sleduji. Proto se vyskytnou tek jine pokadavky, jak pro spoleeenske, tak hospodarske zrizeni, jeZ nam nejsou dosud dosti zname. Je ale dfilck0., se na ne pripraviti. To by melo bSdi, pro nas°Cechy citelnou pobidkou, snaZiti se zachovati si na gi kra snow deskou fee. Ta bude jiste tak diilekita, jako fee arabska a jinn. Nam je mokno vykonati velke sluZby pro nagi americkou vlast, deskou mluvou v rodinach. Zaroven dame na jevo lasku nagi matekske keei a to nam bude ku cti u vgech .spravne snV glicich lidi. Proto pestujte deskou fee v rocline, ktera je zakladem statniho zrizeni. -t,

Obetni beranek Periferie. Tmavou ulici jde dobke obleeeny star gi pan. Za rohem se krei dva pobudove.. Prvni pobuda (ti ge): "Ferdo, jdi se honem podivat tomu panovi na zlate hodinky, mame-li je gte eas mu vyfouknout grajtofli!" Doslovne:— "Co rika va ge kena, kdyk prijdete tak pozde v nod dondt?" "Stava se historickou" — "Minite hyste• rickou:?" — "Ne historickou. Ohtiva nejstargi historie!" Mezi kluky: "Jak zaeala tato rvaeka, Vagku?" — "Zaeala tim zpilsobem, ke nine Tonda vratil kopaneQ."

Hnizdo iedeho konoeTENAik paska je spleen° ze suate me Zeskv the travy a nekoiika CAST osmA. CVD-;UNI. cTWOCATf: konslqich nebo kravki7ich chlupir; je leKuka6ka. hounke prfidu g ne a o4. Pukraeovani teviene,. take kaid1;7 neb lad je pro Je otazkou, pro6 ku. kaela sarna nad svSirni vejci nesedi? Odpoved' A p iece ve v g ech okolje v torn, co bylo poclotnostech vyvine se ku knuto, e tote neldade ka ka &hiea zdrave. vejce v stejne (lobe, ja•eal_ s tatinkem nebo maminkou a rt,Tbri" 6as potom sprivne °pi g do seS'itu! Pokus se jini opet pi'eUene Cesky vypravovati. Moina, od su, take by pro ie Ti nekdo troku pomuie. Tak s chuti do toho, piil dila hotovo. StrYeek vzpornina 28. i• jna 1918 — osvejce vobozeni stare vlasti. S pozdravem hnizdo staveti musi1 a. StrY6ek Mieek z Austinu. Ale jak pozn6 kukaeka hnizdo s v c h dobn-rch chuv, pozna, ie a tei, J ac ana, hmy zern ivi?

Jak mine svei ti sva tak rozEnSTrn teplym a studen:yrra suchir'm i v1h147m?

Adresa strYekova je: Dr. Ed. Mieek, University Station, Austin 12, Texas. • 4, ( Mysliveska, latina "Mfij pes je naramne chytil7", vypravel lesni Hopsem v hospode Na Cibularne. Prede gIS tiden ke mne pri gel nejakY elovek a mel jsem co :delat, abych Cesara udrkel, aby na neho nevlit. Teprve kdyk se me ten elovek ptedstavil, pochopil jsem jeho zurivost: neznamST se jmenoval Srneeek." "A to je gte nic neni", odporoval adjunkt Hoptam ze sousedni hajovny, "ja main sluhu a tome jsem musil k svemu psovi zmenit jmeno, aby se nemusel kaZdou chvili prevlekat; jmenoval se totik Patnik." "elovek je celej blbej, kdyk jde z biografu." "Ale blbejAi je, kdyZ jde do neil"

Straus 12





Wednesday, November 4, 1959 Reports from our Lodges, or any other Reading Matter to be published should reach the Ed ger, Saturday before the date of issue. Address all matters to the Editor: P. 0. Box 85, West, Texas.


Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 With Undeliverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST, P. 0. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEX.

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Life Insurance Is used Dear Readers: We have asked you several times beTo Keep Estate Intact fore that changes of address should be Millions of dollars of life insurance currently in force on the heads of American families will eventually be utilized to pay off the many costs that must be paid before the estates of policyholders who have died can be passed on to their heirs. "Through home ownership, life insurnace, savings, investments and a collection of other tangible items of value, the average family head has created a gross estate often much larger than he realizes," says the Institute of Life Insurance. "However, such prior claims on the estate as Federal estate taxes, state inheritance taxes, unpaid income taxes, administration expenses, executors and lawyer's fee and outstanding bills and debts, combine to absorb a sizeable portion of an estate.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE "I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." the estate. The average cash on hand in small estates was seldom more than 10 per cent and in larger estates the actual cash reserves represented an even smaller portion of the estate assets. Since settlement costs must be paid in cash and with reasonable promptness, assets must be liquidated usually at below their true value.

"Recognizing the financial problems caused by estate shrinkage, the life insurance companies have trained their field personnel to work with policyholders and their lawyers, bankers and accountants, to plan and continually review estate programs that will pro"In recent years, life insurance has Vide minimum of shrinkage," reports the Institute. been increasingly used to cover the settlement costs for estates, leaving the Estates in the high income brackets full values of the estates intact," says can incur settlement costs amounting the Institute. "Well-planned life insurto more than one-half their gross value, andce conserves the full value of the and cases can be cited where close to other property willed the heirs, provides 70 per cent of the estate went to settle- immediate cash funds for settlement ment costs as the result of the financial costs, prevents the forcer sale of valued unpreparedness of the estate owners. property, and releases to the policyA recent check indicated that even holder current funds that would otherfor a morest $10,000 estate, the settle- wise be set aside for last expenses." ment costs average about one-fifth of Additional millions of dollars of life the gross estate. Inheritance taxes may insurance on the lives of business partake 2 or 3 per cent; administrative ex- tners and sole prourietors safeguard penses, usually between 10 and 15 per against the financial problems arising cent; and outstanding debts from 5 to from estate transfers and estate shrink10 per cent. As estates grow large and age where business and personal inmore complicated, the settlement costs terests are concerned. incr-ase. 3 • ate • ( It was also found that the cash needHave you secured, or at least helped ed to pay last expenses in most cases exceeded the ready cash available from to secure a new member this year?.

directed to our Temple Supreme Lodge Box 400 and NOT TO THE EDITOR at West, Texas. Proper addressing will save time for both of us. When sending pictures intended for publication be sure to send them between cardboard sections, which will prevent any damage to them and insure good reproduction, if they are acceptable. Many good pictures, have been ruined because this aded precuation was not taken by the correspondent in mailing pictures. If you read about a brother or sister in your home town paper, sit down, clip it out and send it to your editor at once. We always like to put stories about our members in the Vestnik and in this way you can all help. Make our paper more interesting to all as your friends in distant places like to hear from you. Our address is easy to remember, Box 85, West, Texas. Some lodges do not have correspondents, and we would appreciate it if one of the e officers, would send us a little news item about their meetings. It does not have to be long, but as long as we have something, you will awaken more interest in your lodge. Many thanks! )•A°(

Dear Frien&q, Lately we have received several different announcements for our News column and letters that were not signed by the sender. — They will not be published. )•a r

Notice To All Members Replying to many requests as to why their Vestnik has been stopped, after you paid up your 20 year policy. — This is to inform you, that you are entitled to our paper, but you must inform our Supreme Lodge at Temple to keep you on the mailing, list. — Thanks for your friendly comments. The Editor

Wednesday, November 4, 1959


Strata, 13

Such a man cannot help but be a friendly man whether he lives in an humble cottage or a mansion. ) Gazing at the bare walls —wrote one of our friends — and the ceiling of my hospital room, hour after hour, day after day which ran into months, was most conducive to introspection as well as retrospect. The cheery greetings he reCzech students at the University of ceived from fraternal brothers and sisIn the Youth section meeting of the ters, men and women in all walks of life, Texas joined by Czech exstudents and Texas Fraternal Congress, Brother Edcitizens of Czech extraction and their affected him most deeply. He was told of prayers that had been offered for his friends, recently to observe the 50th an- ward L. Marek , president of SPJST gave ecovery in protestant and Catholic niversary of the founding of the Uni- an excellent report covering the National Youth Counselors Section of the churches, and in a Jewish synagogue. versity Czech Club. National Fraternal Congress of America Historically, 50 years is a comparative Although he is of another faith, a Mass was celebrated for him by a priest who ly short time but during this period meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After the Buffet lunch the youth preshe has yet to have the pleasure of meet- much has been accomplished at the Uniented wonderful program to all present. versity of Texas. ing. It is his sincere belief that each of Dr. Edward Micek, professor of Slav- Brother Robert Lee Hilsher sang two these prayers contributed no small part to his recovery from an illness which onic languages with Dr. Joe Malik Jr. solo numbers accompanied by Sister at times baffled the best of medical stated that the founding of the club was Naomi Kostom on the piano. Sister "the beginning of great interest in a Thalia Stehlich played a violin solo; and surgical science and skill. university education among the Czech all represented the SPJST. Some of these friends are members pioneers in Texas and builders of the Other societies in the program were; of his own and other local fraternal State of Texas." WOW, Boys of Woodcraft, Royal Neighsocieties. It is his carefully considered bors of America, Sons of Herman, DeFounders of the club who still live in gree of Honor, and WBA. belief each and every one of them is a member in good standing of the great Texas include Dr. Joe Kopecky, a promiSons of Herman received first place brotherhood of man — the basic foun- nent heart specialist of San Antonio and for the best Junior Display, SPJST and dation of every fraternal society, be it a former professor in the School of WBA tied for second place. beneficiary or social only. You are not Medicine of the University of Texas in John V. Prince was elected president disposed to spend the time to hunt up Galveston, and Edward E. Krenek of (Modern Woodman) an appropriate "get-well" card, or sit Dime Box, a former teacher and farmer Joe B. Hejny was elected vice-presiclown and write an encoura ging note for who worked successfully in cotton re- dent (SPJST) one who is ill unless there rings a note search. Beatrice IV:liner was elected secretary )• of fraternal fellowship in your heart. • treasurer (Sons of Herman) Those acts are not routine in your daily The teenagers of Lodge No. 84 of Dallife. They are motivated by a God-given las displayed a book with pictures and fraternal spirit of love for your fellow clippings of all activities since they December meetings are always impor- first organized. The book was viewed man who is in sickness or distress. tant in our lodges. — As you all know Hardly a week passes but what the that is the time for the nomination or by many members of other societies and writer, in persuing the froternal bene- election of our Lodge officers. Please received many nice compliments. Confit society magazines among his ex- attend your lodge meeting and do your gratulations Dallas teenagers and sinchanges, reaels the account of some mass part. You owe that much to your lodge cere thanks for the use of your book for demonstration giving aid and comfort and to other members that are always the display! I am sure if the displays to a neighbor. It may be uniting to get there to help your lodge to make it were judged by individual lodges, No. 84 in the crops of one who has been sud- successful in future years. While you would have received first place, but this denly stricken by accident or illness; it are there, plan a Christmas party for year it was judged by societies and not lodges. The 2nd prize consisted of a may be to rebuild a barn that has been the young ones. set of small Texas flags, which are at destroyed bye fireor cyclone or to help I • At. • (the Supreme Lodge office. in the rehabilitaition of one who has • CZECH DAY PROGRAM AT THE The Fraternal Insurance Counselors suffered from one of the numerous misSTATE FAIR, DALLAS, TEXAS Section also had a wonderful meeting fortunes that man is heir to. These misWe would like to thank everyone who with Mr. Lavern Mansolf of Hoisions of mercy are always carried out in on orderly, organized way with out fan- helped to make the Czech Day Program sington, Kansas, and Rev. Edwin Piefare or the besting of dru ins. Rarely do at the State Fair of Texas, Sunday, Oct. ploy of Fort Worth, Texas, being the principal speakers. these fraternal acts even reach the 25 a wonderful success. The program was well attended and Joe B. Hejny was elected second vice., pages of the daily press. When they do, they are played up and picturized as thanks to all who were on the program president to this section. and those who wore their native cosWe think that this was a very sue-, something outstanding and unusual. tumes. cessful Fraternal Congress. It all points to one conclusion. That „/,,• Fraternally, is. true fraternalist regardless of race Lydia Kartous Remember the District 6 Meeting at or creed, is a friend that can be depend)• ( ed upon. Such a man is loyal to his Lodge Princesses and Queen's Ball at Will your Lodge remember our Rest Taiton, Texas, November 8. Contest of country, loves and protects his home and family and is devoted to his church. Home with a Christmas donation? night.

Fraternalism In Action

A Few Remarks From Our Texas Fraternal Czech Club AnniverCongress Held In sary Noted Houston

Don't Let Us Down


b rana 14


Our Annual Fall Meetings

Contest TO ALL YOUNG SPJST CONTRIBUTORS We want to thank all of our readers for the kind words of encouragement and praise heaped upon the Vestnik, which has recently been sent to us. I has given us new strength and pleasure for further work, knowing that our efforts meet with the approval of the majority. We do not intend to remain sattiona ry and would like to even better our Vestnik with your help. An appeal is extended to all readers who have written before, as well as to all of thoseyoung friends who may have not as yet / ind time to do so, to write to us. 4s, tell us in the coming isW sites you would like to discuss or what yo are most interested in. The Vestnik would like to give our young readers an opportunity to earn some extra Christmas money, and this is what we propose. Now, as the evenings are growing longer, we intend to start a Christmas Writing Contest for all young members between the ages of 6 and 13 years, with not over 250 words on the following subject. WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE FOR CHRISTMAS. Please give your honest thoughts, sentiments, and please sign your full name, age and address, and to what Lodge you belong. All essays become the property of the Editor. Prizes will range according to the merits, by impartial judges of the Editor's choosing, and will amount to $5.00; $3.00; $2.60 and three $1.00 respectively. The deadline is December 10th, midnight, receipt here in West, Tex. and prizes will be announced in the Vestnik in the following issue. All prize letters will be published.

Wednesday, November 4, 1959

Dear Fellow Workers, It really gives me great pleasure to be able to make a report as this one. Yes, you have done it again. This month's report reveals the greatest amount of Life Insurance written in any one month in the history of our SPJST. We issued certificates to 275 members for the amount of $425,500.00 of life insurance. We welcome District 5 on the honor roll of those who have reached their 1959 quota. Congratulations, District No. 5 organizers. This makes four of the seven districts who have reached their quota. I am also very happy to report that we have reached our quota state wide for 1959 and I hope that Districts No. 2, 4, and will take advantage of the fall harvests and start writting up their prospects so they too will reach their quotas. Once again I wish to thank all the organizers, Youth Directors , our youth, officers and members who helped us in anyway in securing new membership. Words alone cannot express how much we appreciate your efforts. With best regards, I remain Fraternally yours, Joe B. Hejny • ss • ( Texas dentists must now write prescriptions for all work performed for them by dental laboratories. All members of the healing, arts profession; physicians, dentists, etc., have long been required to write prescriptions for drugs but the dentist now must sign orders for dental plates and other types of appliances which he will fit in his patient's mouth. These orders addressed to a dental laboratory must contain detailed instr ectioiss on their construction. l t /ith the dentist and dental laborat s are required to keep a copy of the , ,tscription by the Dental Board. The Texas Legislature also wrote into same bill a provision prohibiting the Sal technician and laboratory from t,g directly with the public. Texas ate Board of Dental Examiners. ) • et, •

This is your fraternity, your Vestnik and your wishes will, guide us in our work as we are trying to make our Vestnik as attractive and informative as possible. Mail all of your entries to: The Editor Box 85, West, Texas. Fraternally, Your Editor ) • 4, • Scholars 'doubt that Betsy Ross made the first American flag. They believe its principal designer was Francis Hoy kinson, a signer of the Decration of .1 deper / who later tried without sue cess to ' paid for his work. • • Americans spent $16.7 billion for their Will your Lodge remember our Rest medical care last year—$300 million less Home with a Christmas donation? than they did for recreation.

Our Annual Fall Meetings in our lodges, with their custoouary election of officers, and this year's added election of delegates to the 1960 Convention, which will be held in San Antonio, and the appointment of the various lodge committees for the coming year, should move every member in our brotherhood to make a concerted effort to attend this important meeting of the year, to help delegate the responsibility of your respective lodges to deliberate future lodge work which will result in the present steady pace of growth in our membership, lodge activities and of our Fraternal Order. In these Fall Meetings, let's not depend upon the usual few members who generally attend the meetings and who delegate the responsibilities of their respective lodge to again just the few persons present who will accept the nomination to the post, but let's all take a lively interest in this phase of our lodge work and spread these responsibilities into a broader circle of our lodge membership. Let's bring out the many latent talents sleeping in our membership, for the enrichment and enjoyment of the lodge brothers and sisters. With our own personal attendance to cur lodge meetings, we can best assure the group of officers now at the lodge helm of our estimation of their valued work in our lodges and at the same time perhaps embud some "complacent" brother and sister into participation in the future activities of their lodge. We must never allow ourselves to sit back smugly and view with satisfaction the results of the past year, or past few years' activities and successes, but as progressive people in a progressive nation in a progressive Fraternal Order, we must go forward, we must strive for even higher goals of achievement in the coming year. In order to live, a person cannot sit still, but must go forward each day, so it is with any business or Organization. That member who can come to his lodge meeting and offer suggestions for the betterment of the lodge work, even though his suggestions are later vetoed, has gained respect of his lodge brothers and sisters; and what is more important he has gained in self statue, for his honestly meant suggestions. He should strive on, for in the process ofthinking, he will eventually come up with many ideas which can be incorporated in the lodge activity which will enhance the record

Wednesday; Novernber 4, i959 ' of his respective lodge in their activity. It is appropriate to stop a moment and acknowledge some of the older members who always bring some of that atmosphere of "old brotherhood" into the meetings, a brotherhood which was of a more spiritual nature that manifested now in this modern age. However, some of our old membership in office are "sleeping" on overtime, as pointed out in a previous article, and only because we, as members, avoid new appointments in our Annual Fall Meeting to positions of responsibility in our lodges. Now those that have rested the whole year through, let us turn .a new leaf, and put our shoulders to the wheel, whether that wheel is our Lodge or District. Never doubt, brother .or sister, that your personal help would bnwithout value; for even the smallest assistance helps any cause in our brotherhood. It's like the story of the mighty lion who was caught and tied by strong ropes, who was feed by the, tiny and insignificant mouse, who chewed those ropes in two to help the noble and mighty King of Beast in the forest. Even the smallest is important! In all of our Lodges there is need for a sensible division of our lodge work and in our Annual Fall Meetings, this should he kept in mind, during elections. A geo'd worker in the lodge usually has work over his head and the cry by the worker that he is over-burdened with all of this lodge responsibility is heard on many sides; cries that he is not allowed to let-up. We harness them into the various comittee positions just because there is no one else to put in there at the Annual Fall Meeting elections when these positions are usually filled. While the meeting is well attended in numbers, nominations to the different posts are not accepted by the nominees, and again the 'work horse" the good old faithful . Dobbin, is given additional responsibility. In your Editor's travels in the many localities, it has been his observation that much of the lodge work rests upon the shoulders of just a pitiful few brothers and sisters. This then puts the lodge in a choas when a member finally and definately resigns his position in the lodge; or when his Creator calls him Home. Then you lodge feels his loss which of course, is too late to do either much good. Hence, your editor earnestly requests that you bear this in mind in your election of officers meeting and divide your lodge work fairly and sensibly among yourselves.


1E—WEST,MAS This gives us an opportunity to delegate some of this responsibility to the younger membership in our midst. It is up to us to bring up our own future lodge leaders and here is the perfect opportunity to initiate them into this work. Of course, it takes a little understanding, a sprinkle of patience and a generous dash of good-will on the part of the older brothers and sisters. You will see that the younger members fit in very easily for they are still flexible and all of you will be happy to have them work with and among you. They are your children! Wonld you deny them? When we think of Junior Clubs, we automatically think of the future. Working with boys and girls is investing in the future. They become absorbed in the work and take more active interest as time goes by. Our various activities with them prepares them to take part in the scheme of things to come when they can transfer to the adult division. Training juveniles while they are young, would impress upon them the importance of the work, and why it is carried on. It would gradually instill in them a pride, an eagerness to be a part of the Society like their mothers and dads. It would also impress the youngsters with the sense of belonging to the, whole organization and give them a feeling of satisfaction. Little. League Baseball, Junior Clubs, Cultural units, all of these contribute toward the p lan. Is your lodge doing anything in this respect for the juveniles? If not, now is the time to start! We are becoming more and more aware of the importance of our Youth in our SPJST and we should give it more thought in those districts where nearly nothing was done on a large scale for them, because NOW is the time to select future leaders in our local lodges. — Let's take advantage of every oportunity. It has also been the Editor's observation that the Financial-Secretary in most lodges, has a heavy and responsible job, and he or she should have some reward. This important office is entitled to an appropriate remuneration for he or she gives much of their personal time at home, office, from the family, many weekends and many week nights to the management and collection of lodge finances with the membership, who do not care to take it to the meeting. In short, this becomes an imposition to the financial Secretary of their private lives. The handling and watching over the various accounts to keep them current and collected is no small matter to the Lodge, who stands to lose hundreds of

dollars if their Financial Secretary is not on his or her toes and keeps these accounts up to date. Let's remember these needs at our Annual Fall Meeting, so that, satisfactory and happiness in better lodge relations prevails. Any type of lodge work will be crowned with success when it is strengthened with the true love of its membership for the cause. Every lodge has an opportunity to create such a social life which would best answer its interest, so that , our Order, our whole fraternal brotherhood prospers. It cannot be denied that working in a lodge where peace and tolerance reigns; where its lodge officers have the backing of their entire membership, is the most enjoyable to work in. Our public, and our youth, is not very interested in so much what kind of people we were in years gone by, and what our pioneers achieved, as they are in what sort of people we are today and what goodness and usefulness we are to our fellowmen in this new age. Besides that, endless talking of the past will not help us much, except as a matter of historical record, for we then forget the present with its vast changes in our way of life, cur present day thinking and present day circumstances forced up on us. Our Order as well as each and every member, holds in memory the sacrifices and achievements of our founders, but at the same time, theee is a need to keep up with the pulse of time and orientalize ourselves to the needs to our present era. ,Certainly, we want our Order to become a modern fraternal organization, and certainly we want our Order to become one whose scope of, under standing and who can meet the needs of the membership of today! There can be no "Stand Still" for our fraternal Order! We must all realize this! Therefore, we must inake some allowances for the young blood in our Order. There will be more and more of this, brothers and sisters, remember this, at our lodge elections that will come in the future! Let us reconcile ourselves with these new trends of time, with the needs of that time, and hand in hand with our younger generation, let us continue to build even better in the next year, our beloved SPJST. May our next year be another successful one! The Editor ( 44 Can YOU fihord to be a "One Lang. sage" American? "Another Language will open nevJ horizons for you.


Strana ld ADIRESAft tftEDNIKD (TRADOVNY Slovanske Podportijiei Jednoty Statu Texas S. P. J. S. T. Edward L. Mates, pteaseda, Temple, Texas. Joe B. HeinS7, inistopfedseda, Temple, Texas J. F. Chnpick, tajemnik, Temple, Texa3. R. A. Urbanovsky, fieetni, Temple, Texas. Jos. Koliha, ml., pokladnik, Temple, August Kacif, pravni radce, Temple, Texas Dr. Marvin J. Leshikar, vrcnni lekar, P.O. Box 410, Taylor, Texas. editele: Robert eervenka, West, Texas. R. E. 13r4 Rt. 3, San Angelo, Texas. Chas. Holasek. 2513 Nemec St,, Corpus Christi, Texas, Frank V. Stepan, POB 43, Bellville, Texas, Charles Navratil, 816 E. Ave A., Temple, Texas, E. P. Sralla, Rt. 1. Box 110, Edna, Texas. J. M. Skrabanek, 4720 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, Texas. ADRESY DISTRIKTNiCH TAJEMNtKfJ Distrikt prvni: Steve F. Regmund, 109 Coulter Dr., Bryan, Texas. District druhY: Ben L. Mikolay, 101 W. Rio Grande Str., Taylor, Texas. District treti. Mrs. Wilma, Nesuda, Rt. 2, Ennis, Texas. Distrikt etvrtY: Mrs. Ernest Kristinik, Rt. 1. Box 181, Lubbock, Texas District patY: John 131inka, Richmond, Texas. District gestY: Frank J. OltovskY, Rt. 4, Schulenburg, Texas. Distrikt sedmY: Jacob Shartner, Fashmg Rt., Karnes City, Texas TiskovY vybor: Dr. Eduard Mieek, President, University Station, Austin, Texas. Mrs. Hilda Brtis, Secretary, P. 0. Box 207, BuckhOlts, Texas. Frances Olexa, 6402 Taggart, Houston, Texas. ADRESAR TAJEMNIKU MiSTNiCH

ft AD

Slovanske Podporujici Jednoty Statu Texas S. P. J. S. T. 1. Pokrok Texasu — Fayetteville, Tex. P. P. Baron, Fayetteville, Tex. Schulze 2. nedeli v rnesici. 2. Kopernik Itotnov, Chas. Hilsher La Grange, Texas, Rt. 2, Schuze 1. nedeli v mesici. 3. Novohrad — Moulton, Aaolf J. Mika, Moulton, Tex., Rt. 1. Schtize 3. nedeli v mesici. 4. Karel Havlieek — Hallettsville. Chas. Holy, Rt. 1, Box 169, Hallettsville, Texas. Schaze 2. nedeli v mesici. 5 Tioga — Tioga. Mrs. Jerry Faber. Rt. 2, Whitesboro, Texas. 6. Morailati Bratil — Cottonwood. Mrs. Marie Janeeka, Rt. 4, Hillsboro,

Wednesday,. November 4, 1.959

Praha — Taylor, A. L. BoudnY, Taylor, Rt. 2, Box 180, Taylor, Texas. Sehtize 2 nedeli v mesici. livezaa Jihu — Talton. J. E. Fiala, El Campo, Texas, Route 1, Box 292. &haze 1. nedeli v mesici. Pokrok Slovan — Yoakum. Marvin Kunetka, 318 Pat Cleburne St., Yoakum, Texas. Sehtze 2. nedeli ka2de 3 mesiee. NaMnee Schillerville. Leon F. Drozd, 1401 E. Warren, Victoria, Tex. Schtze 2. nedeli v mesici. Hvezda Miru Bleiblerville, Mrs. John Susen, Bleiblerville, Texas. Schtze 2 nedeli v mesici. Axtell. Theodor BorNove Kvety dovskSr, Rt. 3. Mart, Texas. Schtze 2 nedeli v mesici. West — West, Texas. Jerome KopeckY, West, Texas. Scrifize 2. stredu v mesici. Frydek, Norbert Jet, Nova Vlast Route 1, Box 179, Sealy Texas. 15 Svornost Jinu — Buckholts, Texas. 38. Osveta Smithville. Jerry Stepan, Rt 3. Box 115, Flatonia, Texas. SchtVal. Nemec, Rt. 1, Thorndale, Teze 3 nedeli v mesici. xas. Schtze 3 nedeli v mesici. 16. BEA Elora — Bila Hora. Victor Mel- 39 Bedrich Smetana --- Bryan, Steve Regmund, 109 N. Coulter Dr. Bryan, nar, Hallettsville, Texas, Rt. 1, Box 131. Schtze 3. nedeli v mesici. Texas. Schtze 2 nedeli v rnesici. 17. NovY Tabor — Caldwell. Melvin H. 40. Oechoslovan — Hillie. E. K. Hajovske, Rt. 3, El Campo, Texas. Sehtize Skrabanek, Caldwell, Texas. Schfize 2 nedeli o in6sid. 2. nedelei v mesici. 18. Jan Mika — Elgin. Wm. Marek, Box 41. Nova Ratolest ?loft Lavaca R. Machaeek, Rt 1, Box 17 Port Lavaca, 15, Elgin, Texas. Texas. Schtze 2. nedeli v mesici. 19. Velehrad — Velehrad. Fred Mieulka, Schulenburg, Texas. Route 4, Box 42 Moravan — Sunny Side, J. C. Hiba221. Schtze 2 nedeli v mesici. eek. Brookshire, Texas. Schtze 2 ne20. Komensk -- Granger, Raymond Fr. deli mesici. Holubec, P. 0. Box 308 Granger, Te- 44. eft]. Bratil — Industry. Miro L. Petrusek, Route 1, Box 90, New Ulm, xas. Schtize 2 nedeli v mesici 0 2 Texas. Scht2e 2 nedeli v mesici. hodinach odpoledne. 21. Fr. PalackY — Engle. Raymond Ko- 45. Vlastenec -- Shiner. John Podan'', Rt. 2. Box 15, Shiner, Texas. Schtze cian, Rt. 2. Schulenburg, Texas. — 2 nedeli v mesici. Schilze 1 nedeli v mesici. 22. Jiti Washington, Cat Spring. Sam 47. Hvezda Texasu — Seaton. Emil J. Hejl, Rt. 4, Temple, Texas. Schtze 1 Zubleek, Cat Spring, Texas. Schilze nedeli v mesici. 2 nedeli kahle 3 mesice. 23. Nova Morava — Moravia. John Ka- 48 Vy tehrad Eseversville. John W. Maresh, Route 3, Taylor, Texas hanek, Rt. 4, Box 101, Schulenburg, Schtze 1, nedeli v mesiel. Texas. Sehtze 2 nedeli v mesici. 24. oesky Prapor — Cyclone. E. J. Be- 49. Pokrok Rowena — Rowena, Vaclav Kvasnieka, Rowena, Rt. 1, Texas. drich, Rt. 4, Temple, Texas. Schtze Schtze 2. nedeli v mesici. prvni nedeli v mesici. 25 Ennis — Ennis, G. Louis Kudrna, Jr. 50. El Campo — El Campo. Gilbert F. Rod, P. 0. Box 164, El Campo, TexRt. 2, Ennis, Texas. Schtze 2 nedeli as. Schtze 1. nedeli v mesici. v mesici. 26. Slovan Jihu — Skidmore. Mrs. Mary 51. Vernost — Effinger, D A. Juren, Ellinger, Texas. Schtze 4. nedeli. Veroda, Rt. 1, Skidmore, Texas. Schtze prvni nedeli v hteznu, derv- 54. Jaromir -- West. Frank eoeek, nu, zaki a prosinci. West, Texas 27. Pokrok Moulton — Moulton. Frank C. Wagner, Rt. 3, Shiner, Texas. 55. HvezdnatY Prapor — Tours. A. E. Petter, Rt. 2, West, Texas. Schulze Schtze 2 nedeli v mesici. 1. nedeli v mesici, o 2 hodine odpoL 28. Karel Jonag — East Bernard, Caroline Bohaeik, Box 173, East Bernard, 56 Anton errnak — Corpus Christi. Texas. Baulze 2 nedat v mesici, John Staga, 1345. Daytona Dr, Corpus

29. Texas. Schtize 1 nedeli e /ask'. f. Rovnost — Caldwell. J. J. Krupa, Caldwell, Texas, Route 1. Schilze 2. 30. nedeli v mesici. 8. Prapor Svobody — Weimar. Adolf Barta, 1008 Baumgarten St. Schulenburg, Texas. Schtze 2. nedeli v mes. 31. 9. Slovan — Snook, Ernest Jakubik, P. 0. Box 52, Snook, Texas. Sehtize -1 nedeli v mesici. onmer. Aug. Madala, 32. Texasicy Mir Yoakum, Texas, Rt. 2, Box 298. Mattze 2 nedeli v mesici. 11. Svojan — Praha. August Jalufka. 33. Route 2, Box 179, Schulenburg, Tex. Schtze 2 neat v mesici. 12. Dubina Dubina. Albert Midan, 35. Rt. 2, Weimar, Texas. 13. Texaska, Orlice — Dime Box J. J. Krenek, Dime Box, Texas. Schtze 3 36. nedeli v mesici. 14. Veseli — Wesley. Ed G. Vavra, Rt. 3 Brenham, Texas. Schtize 2. nedeli v 37.

Wednesday; November •, 1959 Christi, Texas. Schfize 2 nedeli v mesici. 57. Jan Hus - Gonzales. Jacob 6itek, 923 N. College, Gonzales, Texas. Schtize 1. nedeli v mesici. 58. Rad Columbus - Hungerford. Adolf SabrAura, Rt. 2, Box 257, Wharton, Texas. Schuze 2 nedeli v mesici o 2 hodinach odpoledne. 59. 13ratti Jihu - New Ulm. F. A. Weige, New Ulm, Texas. Schtze 3. nedeli v mesici 60. Bratti Svornosti - Wallis, Chas. Zalesak, Route 1, Wallis, Texas. Sella ze 1. nedeli v mesici. 61. Vesmir - Poth. Adolf Mien'ka t Floresvine, Texas, Route 4, Box 120. Schuze 1. nedeli ka&IY tied music 62. Rozkvet - Galveston. Marie Cordray„ 3923 Ave Q 1/2 Galveston, Tex. Schuze 1. etvrtek v mesici. 63. Pokrok Sweet Home - Sweet Home. Felix Jukica, Rt 2, Box 197, Yoakum, Texas. Schuze 3 nedeli v mesici. 64. Pokrok Plumu - Plum. Mrs. Katie 8ulak, La Grange, Rt. 1. Texas. Schti ze 2. man kaZdV tieti music. 65. Prapor Magnolia -- Crosby. Mrs. Albina Balcar, P. 0, Box 194, Crosby. Texas. Schfize 2 nedeli kahlY druhy music. 66 Slovanska Lipa - Waco, Texas, Anton Mazanec, Rt. 9, Box 397, Waco, Texas. Schtize 1 nedeli v mesici. 27. Brat • i Svobody - Schulenburg, Mrs. Frances Bezecnt P. 0. Box 154, Schulenburg, Texas. Sehtlze 1 nedeli v mesici. 68. Vesmernost - Nelsonville. Edwin D. Shupak, Rt. 1, Bellville, Texas. Sellaze 2 nedeli v mesici o 2 hodinach odpoledne. 69. Nova Osada - Rogers. Jesse E. Shiller, Rt. 2, Rogers, Texas. Schuze 1 nedeli v inkjet. 71. Novy Rdj. - Penelope. R. J. Pkikryl, Penelope, Texas. Schuze 1. nedeli v mesici. 72. POkrok jihu - Cameron, B. A. Sla' vik, 1507 Fannin, Cameron, Texas. Schfize 2. nedeli v mesici. 73. Sam Houston -- Seymour. Frank , Coufal, Rt. 1, Box 44, Seymour, Texas. Schuze 1 nedeli v mesici. 74. BorovY Haj - Lovelady. Chester Shmoidas, Rt. 4, Box 132, Crockett, Texas. 75. Svoboda - Bartlett. Jos. Pacna, Route 1. Box 21. Bartlett. Texas. Schuze 1. nedeli katclY tketi music. 76. Neodvislost - Wichita Falls, Mrs. Berry Sottek. Rt. 1. Box 27. Wichita Falls, Texas. Schuze 2. nedeli v mesici.

V . t 8 T. N K WEST, TEEM na, P. 0. Box 355. Charlotte, Texas. Schtlze 1 nedeli v mesici. 79. Corpus Christi - Corpus Christi. J. J. KruSinskY, 2425 Johana St. Corpus Christi, Texas. Schtize 1. nedeli v mesici. 80. Tyrs - Holland. Joe Belieek, Rt. 1 Holland, Texas. Schtize 1. nedeli v mesici. 8.1. Needville - Needville. John Blinka, Rt. 1, Richmond, Texas. 82. Cechii Domov - Ennis. Wesley F. Strum, 700 N. Clay, Ennis, Texas. Schtize 2. nedeli v mesici. 83. srdce Jednoty - Columbus, Chas J. Hraka, Rt. 2, Box 36 Columbus, Texas. Schtize 2 nedeli v mesici. 84. Pokrok Dallas - Dallas. Frank J. Henzen, 2236 Lolita Dr., Dallas 27, Texas. Sehfize 3 nedeli v mesici. 85. Pokrok Haskell - Weinert. Mrs. J. C. Baty, Munday, Texas. Schtize 2. nedeli v mesici. 86. SiovanskY Svaz - ZOkov. 0. V. Vanieek, 4 N. 34th St., Temple, Texas. 87. Hvezda Svobody - Temple. Mrs. Theresa Kurtin, 812 No. 8th St., Temple, Texas. Schtize v budove HI. tketi etvrtek kaZdeho mesice v 7:30 veeer. 88. Pokrok Houstonu - Houston. F. A. Kadleeek, 614 W. 16th St. Houston 8, Texas. Schuze 2 patek kahleho mesice v 8 hodin weer. 89. RaZovy Dvar-Rosebud. John J. PIASek, Box 88, Rosebud, Texas. Schaze 2. nedeli v mesici. 90. Slovanske SdruZeni - Stamford Frank Piistejovsky. Rt. 2, Stamford Texas. Schuze 2. nedeli, 91. San Jacinto- Crosby. R. J. Lo§t'ak Box 352, Crosby, Texas. Schfize 1. nedeli dopoledne. 92. Svaz echosiovann - Fort Worth. Jay Dee Waggoner, 2107 Ross Ave, Port Worth, Texas. Schtize 2 nedeli v mesici. 93. Karnes - Hobson. F. L. PustejovskY Hobson, Texas. Schtize 2 nedeli v mesici. 94. Dennice - Wheelock, Mrs. Frances Quitta, Rt. 1. Wheelock, Texas. SchO ze 1 nedeli v 95. OeskY Den - Seymour. Emil Holub. Rt 2, Seymour, Texas. Schuze z nedeli v mesici 96. Krasna - Krasna. John Marek, Rt. 2, Box 30, Rosenberg, Texas. Schfize 2 nedeli v mesici. 97. Placed() - Placedo. Mrs. Ed. J. Barns, Placedo, Texas. Schuze 2 nedeli v mesici. 98. Vitez - Guadalupe. Wm. Janota, Rt. 5, Box 330, Victoria, Texas, schfize 2. nedeli v mesici.

Stratuii 17 Lsiycoin. s, Texas. Schuze 1 nedeli v

101. Pokrok Gainesville. Rudolf Paelfk, P. 0. Box 44, Seymour, Texas &Mize 2 nedeli v mesici. 102.Hvezda ivitadeze - Coupland. Raymond M. Machu, Route 2, Box 80, Taylor, Texas 103. Pokrok Flatonia. Flatonia, Adolf Dostalik, Rt. 1, Flatonia, Texas. Texas. Schfize 3 nedeli v mesici. 105. Hej Slovane-Clus. Joe MatejeeK, Rt. Rt 1, Lincoln, Texas. Schtze 2. nedeli. 106. Oecho-Moravan - La Grange E. R. Francke, La Grange, Texas. Schuze 2. nedeli v maid. 107. Rozkvet Zapadu - Floresville. Mary McCloskey, Rt. 1, Box 51, Elmendorf. Texas. 108. Rosenberg - Rosenberg. J. S. Jane, Box 171, Richmond, Texas. Se/laze 2. -nedeli v mesici. 109. RadeckY - Granger, Arnold Zru. bek, P. 0. Box 445, Granger, Texas. Schtize 2. nedeli v mead. 110. Jan RosickY - Kaufman. Steve Stastnt Sr. Rt 2, Kaufman, Texas. Schuze 2 nedeli v mesici. 111. Jaroslav Vrchlickt - Sugarland. Mrs. J. M. Baker, Barker, Texas. Schfize 1. nedeli v mesici. 112 F B. Zdrilbek - Guy, Texas, Mrs. Ol g a Mikeska, Box 325, Guy, Texas. Schfize 2 'lean v mesici. 113 Svepomoc - Geor g e West, Texas, Frank Machart, Sr., Calliham, Texas. 114. Vyzovice - Fairchilds, Mrs. Milady Walenta. 1410 - 1st St. Rosenberg, Texas. Schuze 2. nedeli v mesici. 116. Rozkvet Cooks Point - Cooks Point. John Kubin, Caldwell, Texas. Schflze 2. nedeli v mesici. 117 Robstown - Robstown. Mrs. Herbert Rektofik, Robstown, Texas. Schilze 1 nedeli v mesici. 118 Kin g sville, - Kingsville. Frank Elg ik. P. 0. Box 376. Kingsville, Texas, 119. Slovanska PilleNtost - Brookshire. F L Gregor, Brookshire. Texas, Rt 1. Schtize 1.. necieli v mesici. Jos. 20. Pokrok Deanville Ba Lear, Caldwell. Texas, Rt. 1. EichttnPrifs li mesici. 122. Nova Doba - Wallis. Jos. F. FelcMan, Wallis, Texas, Route 1, Box 97. Sehtze 2. nedeli kaki, druht music. 125. Touha - Westhoff. Louis Zissa, Westhoff. Texas. Schuze druhou nedeli v mesici. 1.26. DubovY H. j - Ross. Jos. Foil, Rt. 2 West, Texas Schtze 1. nedeli V meaid 77. Hvezda Praporu Bomarton. Raymond Pkibyla, Bomarton, Tex. Rt. 1. 100. Pokrok MIAdde - Aebesta. Miss Cla- 127. Pokrok Kenedy Kenedy. Mrs. Ann Marcak, P. 0. Box 337, Kenedy, Tex. ra Schoenemann, Stax%Route No. 2 78. Dobrota - Jourdanton. Julius Vra-

Straint 13 123. Bratrske Spojeni. — Joe L. Mills, Rt. 3, Mart, Texas. Sckqize druhou nedeli v 129. Badimir Klacet — Edge, Feank Wen treek, Wheelock, Texas, Rt. 1, 45. Schuze L. nedeli v mesici. 130.Jaro — Dallas. J. E. Sebetka, 9606 Ferndale Rd. Dallas 18, Texas. Schuze 1 nedeli v mesici. 132. Svatopluk. -- warier, J. J. Kulhanek, Hempstead, Texas, Rt. 3. Box 29. Schuze 2 nedeli v mesici, 133. San Antonio — San Antonio. Jaroslay Kieprlik, 1206 Lamar St., San Antonio 2, Texas.. Schfize 2 nedeli v mesici. 134. firatrejov — Crowell , Chas. Machac, Rt. 1. Crowell, Texas. :35. Voloa Oechie — Ennis, Mrs. Mary Laznovs-kY, Rt. 1, Ennis Texas. Schtize 2 nedeli v mesici. 136. Liberty — East Gate. Jos. Sefeik, Sr. Rt. 3, Box 128, Dayton, Texas. 137. Taft. Mrs. Arnold S. Firanek, Route 1, Box 96, Rosenberg, Texas. SchUze 1 pondeli v mesici. 138. Vytrvalost — Ganado. V. M. HlavatY Rt. 1. Ganado, Texas. 139. Danbury -- Danbury. T. H. Lostak, Danbury, Texas. Schtze 2. nedeli v mesici. Wied. Victor J. 140. Rozkvet Svobcdy Gerlich, Rt. 1, Box 151, Shiner, Tq, 141. Cechoslovak — Mixville. Adolf Felcman, Sealy, Texas, Box 193. Schtze kaZclou 2. nedeli v mesici. 142. k .', telanik -- Houston. Mrs. Emily Mynar, 5620 Mitchelldale, Houston 24, Texas. Schuze 1. nedeli v mesici. 143. Prinnoti — Inez, Leo Krause, Jr. YOB 138 Inez, Texas. Schtize 3 nedeli v mesici. iNada. Ed. Enna, Ulen v.lora 144. S avit Texas. Sclatize 2, nedeli v mesici. 145 Morayska Orlice - - Penelope. Lad Vanduch, Rt, 2, Mt. Calm, Texas. 3chtze 1. nedeli v mesici o 2. nod odpoledne. 1C. Woodrow Wilson — Galveston. Mrs. Lucille Weinberg, 2002-35th St. Galveston, Texas. Schuze 2. nedeli v mesici v 7 hodin veeer na 3323—L. 147 Vesel y Osada — Jourdanton. — Mrs. Willie Ventreek, Rt. 1, Box 85, Jourclanton, Texas. Schuze 1 nedeli v mesici 148. Eh-oaten — Blessing. Tony Ondraeek, P. 0. Box 167, Blessing, Texas. Schnze 2. nedeli v mesici. 149. Tomas Jefferson — Alvin. J. 0. Strouhal, Alvin, Texas. Sclanze 2 nedeli v mesici 151. Wharton — Wharton. Ladik Stavioha. Rt. 3, Box 342, Wharton, Texas. Augua Dulce 152. Pokrok Fgua Dulce. John HranickY, P. 0. Box '15, Orange

Wednesday, November 4, 1959

V S T 1.1 jt K — WEST, TIMAS

Grove, Texas. Sell-the 2. nedeli


Nobel Prize

,53. Pokrok Benview — La Salle., Adoli EJ1K La Salle, Texas. Schtize 2, nedeli v mesici. Czechoslovakia got its first Nobel Prize 154. Fort Worth -- Fort Worth. Mrs. Mary Renfro, 2805 Skyline Dr. Fort recently. The 'United States, which has Worth 14, Texas. Schtnae L ne- won or shared in more than 50 prizes, got another. The 1959 chemistry prize worth $42,606 155. Hiava Texasu -- Austin. Raymona Prasatik, P. 0. Box 1151, Austin, was awarded a Prague professor who gave the world's industries a lift by inTexas 156. Pokrok Baytown. cyril Ptdeek. venting a new method of analyzing comP. 0. Box 3867 --- Baytown, A, Texas. plicated substances. He is Prof. Jaroslav Hejrovsky 68. The Schtize prvni pondeli v mesici, veCer. 157. Rozkvet na Plains — Littlefield. Mrs Sweedish Academy of Science honored Ernest Kristinik, Rt. 1. Box 181 Lub- him for developing since the 1920s the. polarographic method of analysis, which bock, Texas. 158. Texasky Kvet — West, Frank Kofnc has proved particularly valuable in metallurgic fields. A big virtue is that the vec, Route 2, West, Texas. Schtize method is fast. odbYvaji 1. nedeli v "I am very happy at this distinguished 160. T. G. Masaryk — San Angelo, Texas Emil Ktupala, Wall Route, San An- honor," Hejrovsky said in an interview with a reporter of the official Czechogelo, Texas. Schfize 2. nedeli v 161. La Parita — Jourdanton. Joe Juti- slovak news agency at his laboratory in dek, Jourdanton, Texas. Schuze 1. the Polarographic Institute in Prague. The professor, who lectured in pola,onedeli v mesici. 162: Pokrok Brazoria Iowa Colony graphy at a number of American uniCharles Krampota, Route 1, Rosha- versities in 1933, said he regarded the ron, Texas. Schuze 2 nedeli v mesi- award as "futher evidence that new roads for still closer and more fruitful ci o 2 hodine odpoledne. 163. Bay City — Bay City, Mrs. Albino, cooperation between scientists of both J. Gauthier, 3221-8th St. Bay City, world systems are now opening up." Texas. Schtize 1 nedeli v mesici 164. J. R. Kubena — Rio Hondo. Mn LORENDA LOSTAK AND Garclina Kr2tof. 'at 2, Harlingen: DENNIS WALKER OF DANBURY Texas. WIN nisTnicT V CONTEST 165. Culak -- Moulton. Adolph A. Wag. At the District Five Meeting held Nov. ner, Moulton, Texas, Schtize dru• 1, at Lodge Pokrok 88 in Houston, a hou nedeli v mesici o 2 hodinach short business meeting, and Youth Proodpol. gram was climaxed by the crowning of 166. Beumont — Beaumont, Texas. their District Five King and Queen, from Mrs. Mary W. Watson, 2670 Bolivar the participating Princeses and their St., Beaumont, Texas. Schuze 2 pon- escorts, each representing their respecdeli, Elks Lodge. v 8:00 veeer. tive lodges situated in the District Five t orbit — lovely Sister Lorenda Lostak and her handsome escort brother Dennis Walker of the Danbury Lodge 139, took the royal title of the District. DISTRICT TWO TWO Sister Betty Jean Slovacek and her SPJST District 2 will hold its 1960 Anescort Brother Larry W. Plughaupt were nual Business Meeting and Pre-State ConVention Meeting on Stmday, April the runners-up for the title and will 24, 1960, at the SP,)ST Praha Lodge 29 become the Lady and Gentle aoan in hail near Taylor, Tex. Watch the Vest- waiting to the royal pair. The Bluebonnet Waltz performed by nik. for additional announcements conthe young matrons of Pokrok 88, re cerning this meeting. ceived much ovation and praise for its presentation. DISTRICT THREE See your Vestnik next week a District 3 wil hold its 1960 Spring more detailed report on the highlights Meeting at West, Lodge Jaromir Hall in March. Detailed program and date of this District Five Meeting and Corowill be announced as soon as possible. nation, together with the clelightful Youth Program of the talented youngstems. Can You Afford iz be "One La nage" American? d at least h seViref.:.;r "Another Language will (wen TICW ve to secure a new member this year? horizons for you.

Wednesday, November 4, 1959

Reports From Local Lodges LODGE SAN ANTONIO NO, 133

Brothers and Sisters: Don't forget the November meeting when election of lodge officers and delegates to the 1960 SPJST Convention will be elected. That's Siunday November 8, at 2:00 p.m. at the WOW Hall. Fraternally, Charles D. Sazaysky •

46 • (


Brothers and Sisters, This is a correction of the date given in our last notice as the date of our annual meeting and election of officers is to be held on Sunday, November 8 at 2 p.m. at our National Hall of Lodge 25, Ennis, Texas. Fraternally, G. Louis Kudrna, Secretary • ,11, • BILA HORA HALLETTSVILLE, TEXAS

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Just to let you know that our next regular meeting was postponed from Sunday, Nov. 8 to Wednesday night Nov. 11 beginning at 7:30 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Community Center. The reason that this meeting is postponed is that our District Six Meeting will be held on the second Sunday, Nov. 8 at Taiton, Texas and some of our members want to attend this meeting. Fraternally yours, Victor W. Melnar, Secretary )• •( FORT WORTH LODGE 92

Dear Readers: Lodge Svaz Cechoslovanu No. 92 will have its regular meeting, Sunday Nov. 8th, starting at 2:30 p.m. This will be the last meeting before the election of Officers in December for next year. Everyone should be thinking about this and thinking of someone who would be capable leaders in our lodge. We also have the Lodge's 50th year celebration coining up next year an September 4th, 1960, which there is much planning and work to be done and really not much more time left. as we don't want to wait until the last minute to start doing everything. I think we have a good committee picked for this and a very capable leader, Brother John H. Murphy, who is chairman of the Steering Committee. If the committee calls cn any of you Brothers or Sisters to do something don't turn them down, but go ahead and do it and do not expect the committee to do it all, but should


all work together for the good of the Lodge. The Ladies are asked to bring a salad or dish for a Dutch Lunch or pie, cake or kolache. We want to thank all the Ladies who have been so good about co-operating to bring the food all year after our meetings. We want to extend our heartfelt sympathy to our members who's Father, Andrew John Jaworski, 79, of 1007 Circle Park Blvd., a native of Poland, died Saturday in a hospital. Jaworski had been a Fort Worth resident 34 years. He is survived by four daughters, Miss Victoria Jaworski, Miss Rose Jaworski, Miss Frances Jaworski and Mrs. Helen Paprskar all of Fort Worth, a sister, Mrs. Mary Sikorski of Bryan, and five grandchildren. Rosary was recited at 8 p.m. Sunday in Shannon Memorial Chapel. Requiem mass was celebrated at 9 a.m. Monday at All Saints Catholic Church with burial in Mount Olivet. Fraternally, Jay Dee Waggoner • at. • LODGE KOMENSKY NO. 20 GRANGER Dear Members:

The officers of your Lodge want to remind you that our coming November meeting — to be held on Sunday afternoon, November 8th — shall be a most important session and shurely an interesting one. This will be our big Annual meeting wherein all officers for 1960 shall be elected and all of our various Committees appointed. In this meeting we shall also elect Delegates to the Convention to be held in San Antonio in June of 1960. All of the officers urge a big attendance so that as many members as possible can have a voice in choosing officials and delegates for next year. Our meeting shall commence promptly at 2:00 p.m. so it is anticipated that everyone will be on time and take part in all transastions of business. . When business is over, lunch will be served. Our Property Committee promises lots of hot coffee, lots of cold refreshing drinks and especially a good lunch. They say the lunch will be quite different this time. Who knows -- it could be barbecue! Mark your calendar for 2:00 p.m. Sunday, November 8th and be with us for a big meeting and a good time afterwards. Sincerely and Fraternally, R. F. Holubec, Secretary ) • 4 • ( — LODGE VESMERNOST NO, 68 Dear Members and Friends: After a long absence, I again come

Strana '19 among you. Some of you may wonder "what happened?" Have you held any meetings?" etc. Yes, we had all of our regular meetings, but I was unable to attend all of them, which is to my regret. Since the last report, we welcomed 4 new members. They are as follows: Sister Carolyn Sue Hein, brother J. C. White; and sister Patsy Ann Sebesta, who took out a $1,000. policy while Sister Charleen Sebesta took one for $500. Our Sister Lydia Bravanec increased her policy $500. We are glad to welcome these new members into our Lodge Ves• mernost. I have been requested to remind all of you brothers and sisters of Lodge Vesmernost No. 68 to be sure and come to our next meeting on November 8th at 2:00 p.M. There will be the Nomination of Officers for the year 1960 and other important business to attend to. So all of you come and show that you are proud to be a member of our strong SPJST. We shall be happy to see you all in our November 8th Meeting. With best wishes to all of the readers I am Fraternally yours, Jos. W. Jezek, Correspondent ) •4 NEEDY/MU; LODGE NO. 81

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Here I am writing to the Vestnik once again. This is just to let you all know what were going to have at our next meeting. The next meeting is going to be November the 8th; 1959 at 1 o'clock. We're going to have elections of officers and we're also to elect delegates for our next convention in 1960. So come, to the meeting and get the ones you want elected to office. After the meeting there is going to be a special lunch. The ladies are asked to please bring a covered dish and the men will take care of the drinks. So don't forget November 8, and hope to see you all at this meeting. Fraternally yours, Sidney Blinka • s• LODGE NO. 39 BRYAN, TEXAS

Dear Sisters and Brothers, There will be a very Important Meeting held Sunday November 8th Starting at 2 p.m. Election of officers for 1960 and dele-. gates to time .S•pjst Convention for this coming year. In case of bad weather the election of officers will be postponed to our December meeting. We are having some nice weather and the contractor is making good progress in building our

Etrana *0

new Lodge Home. If the weather permits the building should be completed by Dec. 25t/h. we hope to have our grand opening some time in the spring we are building this Hall at Smetana, 5 miles west of Bryan. We have a nice location. We purchased 121/2 acres of land, plenty of room for a recreation area for our youth. Will give you more details as time goes on. Fraternally Steve Regmund e



worked in the kitchen, did the cooking of the turkeys, and trimmings and baked the, delicious cakes, pies and kolaches. Without you our luncheon could not have been such a success. So — many thanks! Our next meeting will be the second Thursday in November, the 12th, at 10 o'clock. It is going to be a quilting party, Sisters get your thimbles ready. So let's all try and be there. Sincerely yours, Tillie Gillis • ( HOUSTON, TEXAS Brothers and Sisters, The entertainment committee wishes to thank all the Brothers and Sisters that helped at the Free Barbecue held October 25th. They all worked hard and we also want to thank all who donated bread or pastry. It was very much appreciated. Nov. 7 a big Dance at our Pokrok Hall will be held. Music by the Vesely Play Boys. Mary Tilich Entertainment Corn. Sec. )• LODGE NO. 35 CEMETERY ASSN. Dear Members, Sunday, November 8 at 1:30, the fall meeting will be held at the Elk Community Building. It is important that all members be present, assements, and some Articles to the by laws will be discused then for the members consideration. Lodge No. 35 is giving free to all members a sausage supper. All the ladies are asked to bring a covered dish, there will be a dance at night, music by Henry Dulak and his orchestra. Reporter, Jo Ann Mach •

LODGE KAREL HAVLICEK NO. 4 Rallettsville, Texas Dear Sisters and Brothers: Our next meeting will be the third Sunday in November instead of the second Sunday in November, since the District Six postponed their meeting in Talton for the Second Sunday (the 8th) in November where the District Six Queen to be crowned. So, don't forget our meeting and eletion of officers the Third Sunday in November, that is November 15th. We shall be looking for all of you. I think that's all for today, with best wishes to you all, I am Your reporter, TANURA, SANDI ARABIA Mrs. Alvin (Linda) Mikush Dear Editor, )® • (' Please change my mailing address to: Ors. Henry C. Burge Jr. — Aramco Box LADIES CIRCLE OF LODGE 92 We are happy to say that our last 46, Ros Tanura, Saudi Arabia. Change eeting, the crazy hat party, was cer- to be effective immediately. I enjoy my Vestnik and it has followtainly ,enjoyed by all. The turkey dinnc was delicious, and was served to ed me so to speak to many foreign 'it) people. Surprised to see so many countries. Thank you for the delightful men and visitors. Were glad to have paper your good wife's articles in the women's section. They are very good, he n all. Commentator for our hat show was more so when a Czech recipe is given. I Sister Clara Cohen. Judges were Joe plan to earn a reputation in Ros Tanura Faprskar, Slim Waters, Alex Bunker, not as Mrs. so and so, but as that "Czech Jce Becan, Henry Longer and Mr. Foyt. cooking lady." — So Mrs. Hosek please Our winners were Margaret Becan, help me out! — Thank you so much. Mrs. Agnes Eizner Brem of Taft, Texas Sister Inez Keivanek and Annie Langer. Wish we could have given all of them a is my mother and we are members of prize. They were all so good. We are the SP,IST. Stanley and Joe Eizner of going to try to have a crazy hat party Houston are my brothers. I thought I would mention this to you, as in your each year, you may win next time. I want to thank all the sisters that travels, you may meet thein.

Wednesday, November 4, 1959 Also if you would like, I'll be glad to write now and then to the Vestnik about live in Arabia as seen through the eyes of an American. — Best regards to your and all. Mrs. H. C. Burge Jr. • • Mrs. Henry C. Burge Jr. Aramco, Box 46 Has Tanura, Arabia. Dear Mrs. Burge: Thanking you for your very nice letter received this morning, we shall have changed your mailing address on cur list, so that the Vestnik will continue to reach you in far away Arabia. I am sure all of the readers of the Vestnik in our brotherhood would be very interested in how that part of the world lives, and h'ow an American house wife fits into it, so, do tell us. I can just see the faces of your folks when they read your letter. Should they overlook reading the Vestnik, you can bet your last dollar someone will call their, up and tell them about it; so we shall all be expecting your letter from Arabia, a country that most of us associate with the flying carpet, Alladin and the 40 Thieves, etc. In reality we know so little about it. As far as Czech recipes are concerned, there shall be more of them as the Editor has space -- for the activities in our brotherhood have first choice. Our primary purpose is to sell insurance; you can see that, but as the weather will get bad and folks will be sitting around the fire, with plenty of time for reading, I shall present some authentic Czech recipes, from time to time. Wishing you and yours much health and happiness in your new location, with our sincerest and warmest, God keep you. Fraternally, Anna Hosek, The Editor's Wife ) • 4 WEST SPJST LODGE NO. 54 Dear Sisters and Brothers: Another month has gone by and that means that it is time to send a few lines into our Vestnik in regard to our Lodge. Our last meeting was held last night which was on Thursday night instead of the first Sunday in October, the meeting was fairly well attended. Brother Emil Popp presided as acting Secretary in the place of Brother Frank Coeek who is in the hospital. A n,oment of silence was held in behalf •of the passing of our Brother Leo Girard of Waco who died Sept. 26th in a waco Hospital. Also Resolution was read for Brother Leo Girard.. Cards of

Wednesday, November 4, 1959 thanks were read from the Louis Horsak family and the Leo Girard family. Two new members joined our Lodge, namely Lawrence C. Popp of West and Alfred Gerlich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerlich of West. We are glad to have you among us and we hope to see you at our metings. The sick Committee reported two members being sick, they are, our Secretary Brother Frank Cocek who is in the Hillcrest Hospital in Waco, having had an operation on his eyes, and Brother Charles Ferguson also was in the Hospital. We wish both of you a speedy recovery. A Christmas Party for members and their families was discussed, we will have a Christmas Tree and gifts will be exchanged and Santa Claus from the North Pole also will be ther. Brother Hugo Freund made a good start to this Christmas party, having said he will give the beer , and the ladies are to look after the eats, more on this party will be discussed at our next meeting on November 15th. President Robert Cervenka announced that at the last District Meeting which was held in Linden Hall in Waco it was voted to have the next District 3 Meeting in our Hall in March, 1960. SPECIAL NOTICE: our next meeting will be held on Nov. 15th instead of the first Sunday in November as the first Sunday is All Saints Day and on the second Sunday RVOS will have a District meeting in our Hall, therefore don't forget our next meeting wil be November 15th. Fraternally, Mrs. Bennie Soukup , FORT WORTH, TEXAS Dear Editor, Recently I wrote to you about sending your Vestnik to a refugee in one of the refugee camps in Europe. There are thousands of thes forgotten people in these camps. Wouldn't it be a friendly gesture for some of your readers to start corresponding with these people. Many of them are Czechs, Poles, Hungarians, all nationalities. Many of them or rather, most of them must remain there the rest of their lives because of TB or other diseases which prevent them from being able to work and move out of these camps. Still, they are our brothers and sisters, children of God. Let us bring a little cheer into their lives. I thought possibly you might mention this in your paper sometime. Anyone interested in writing to someone in these camps, write to the following address, giving your nationality, religion, age, occupation in order that they may go



through their files and select someone that has something in common with you. —Aid to Displaced Persons, 35 Rue de Marche, Huy, Belgium. We, Americans have so much to he thankful for, let us share it with others less fortunate. Mrs. Thos. J. Norman, Jr. Editor's note: This letter needs no comment. Let's all do as our heart commands. )• •( WHITESBORO, TEXAS Dear Editor, Brothers and Sisters, At our regular SPJST meeting held October 11th, our president, Bro. Mike Prihoda, announced that there will be a meeting the second Sunday in November (the 8th) at 2 p.m. at the RVOS Hall to elect officers for the coming year. We want to thank all the nice ladies for bringing the wonderful food. It was enjoyed by all. Lunch will be served after the meeting adjourns. The good sisters are asked to please bring some goodies for this occasion. Come bring your friends and enjoy a good afternoon. Fraternally, Mrs. Tommie Faber ) • ,a, • HLAHOL DRAMATIC CLUB NOTES Houston, Texas My little typewriter has been idle long enough and since I am long past due writing about our different functions in Houston, I now find that much has transpired — so much, that I may have to beat just a little harder in order to catch up. In line with my duties as a reporter, my chief concern is that I report for our Dramatic Club. However, my rambling may go on, and perhaps a little off the subject, then it is up to the discretion of the editor to deal with me accordingly. To my associates of the Hlahol Dramatic Club I owe an apoligy. Partically right in the middle of rehearsals for the last play I chose to fly to the west coast for a visit to relatives. I spent two weeks weaving along the peninsula from Palo Alto to San Francisco and across the Golden Gate Bridge into the surrounding country side after a Jet flight from Los Angeles, a mere 45 minutes from take-off to the runway at destination, or the San Francisco airport. On my return to Houston I took up the serious business of resuming rehearsals and sewing and completing my costume for the play which was presented on October 18. I shall not go into details of the play except to say that Brother S. Valcik, our director, went to work on this play with unusual zeal and interest. In the first

Strana 21 place, he was handicapped by the scarcity of fitting plays, and not having enough appealing material on hand, he verry successfully blended ideas from plays he had and quite appropriately complimented this blend by using some of his folk-song records which he brought from Czechoslovakia. For this unusual presentation, we give him full credit. That the play was enjoyed, you have only to read letters by Ruby Holly and Frank Vytopil. Our thanks to both for their complimentary letters. The attendance was very god and the attention shown by the audience was more than appreciated. We certainly want to thank our friends and members for coming out. And a special word of thanks goes to Mrs. Frank Zimerman and her lovely daughters for the use of their wedding dresses which added so much charm and beauty to our play. Immediately following the play, some of the members of the lodge found them selves involved in preparations in connection with the convention of the Texas Fraternal Congress which was held at the Rice Hotel in Houston, Oct. 22 through 24. Assisting Brother Al Hilscher in registering guests, etc., it was my pleasure to meet and talk to friends from different organizations. In connection with the entertainment program during this convention I am grad to say that Lodge Houston Pokrok 88 as well as the Western Bohex, ian were well represented. The Blue Bonnet Waltz , directed by Sister Birdie Hilsher, was presented, in a number in which our members took part. It was a lovely number, indeed. The members of the Western Bohemian presented a drill in calisthenics which disylayed precision and skill. Brother Jos. Kos organized this drill. Before the Texas Fraternal Congress adjourned I had been toying with the idea of going to Dallas to attend the Czech Day celebration at the State Fair on Oct. 25. It was not difficult to carry out my plans for the weather was very favorable. Accompanied by mother and Mrs. Rose Anton, we arrived in Dallas on Saturday afternoon and headed for the new Sokol Hall on Greenville Avenue. Having missed the grand opening I was anxious to see it. This is a modern and attractive building with accommodations far surpassing any I have seen in Texas. The following morning we made our way to the Fair Park to attend the Czech Day celebration. This program consisted chiefly in the performances of folk dances, renditions of folk songs and other varieties of interest dear to the Czechs. It is remarkable how well

Strana 22 the "little people" of our Czech families are progressing in keeping with the traditions of our customs. The entire program was duly flattered by the colors and costumes so dear to us all, and after hearing and seeing the entire program in the vernavular one is again at ease knowing that our mother tongue is not being forgotten. The youngsters who participated in this program are to be complimented for knowing their parts so well and for their interest and cooperation shown to those in charge as it is no small matter to organize a group for an occasion such as this. I would like to mention the names of participants and directors of this group but since I do not have a complete list I would like to say that it is my understanding that most of the participants were from the Dallas area. I am always reminded of Sister B. Valcik during such programs. She has been a devoted director in the Czech circles for a number of years. Her enthusiasm is an inspiration to all. In conclusion, I want to thank Brother S. Valcik for including me in his party at the San Jacinto Inn. The members of the Illahol Dramatic Club who took. part in "D ye Svadby," were entertained at a dinner party Wednesday evening by Brother Valcik. We all had a wonderful time, and am sure that I speak for everybody present in expressing sincere thanks. Very sincerely, Naomi •Kostom 4 •


that even our lodge business is interesting. Now, all of you members please remember that our next regular meeting will also be the meetin g in which we elected officers for the year 1960 and also the election of delegates to the. 1960 Convention, so, all of you, one and all, come to our next regular meeting and help us with this business of electing officers to the various positions. Our next Convention is to be in June in San Antonio, and the lodge delegates will have to be elected and registered with the Supreme Lodge before then. So all of you come out and vote for the one you want. Recently the August Meduna Family had their sister and brother-in law visiting. They were Mr. and Mrs. Edd Pavlas on vacation and they tried their hand in the field work. They also visited other kinfolks while here' for there are lots of them here and around Flatonia, and Moulton. The vacations are about over now for everyone. Now we will be getting closer to the wood heaters. I am trying to put ours up today, and I hope I can get it done. One of our good neighbors and farmers, Mr. Will Hof ferek is very sick. He is up in years, and we all hope he gets well soon. We have another neighbor who is new, just moved into our community to be near his folks. Te is Mr. Stanley Zimmenhanzel and family. They have moved into the Anton Psencik house. the Psenciks have moved to Smithville, again closer to their children. I 'underKOVAR, TEXAS stand another family from our lodge is Dear sisters and brothers: moving to Smithville very soon. They Guess I will have to write a little are the Frank Volcik Family. We wish letter to tell you all that Mr. Norther all of these moving families much hapfound us here in Kovar, also. piness in their new locations, I want to tell you about our last meetBrother Jerry Stepan had company ing. We had a very nice crowd but could last week. His son and family were over have been even better. After the Meet- and we pulled him in to help us thresh ing we had a good lunch together. Our peanuts. It was fun. good sisters brought sandwiches and our lodge donated the drinks. Those who Last Sunday, the 'August Hajdik famdidn't come sure missed out this time. ily and the Joe Hajdik family all went visiting the Frank Sabersula family at O think those lunches are real nice. plum. I know they had a wonderful You come like on a visit and you get to time. Mrs. Sabersula you know, is a very see people you maybe don't get to see good cook! and talk to for a long, long time. I think it is nice that our lodge has these Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hribek family lunches, for while we conduct our busi- were visiting their daughter and sonness, we thave a nice social hour , chat- in-law in Point Comfort. Mr. Frank and ting and visiting which is entertaining Mary Stepan visited at our home, reto the membership. So brothers and cently; we had a wonderful visit. The sisters those of you who haven't been Leo Hofferenks were visiting the August to your lodge meeting for a long time, Medunas at their home last Sunday. come out and share this nice fellowship My aunt, Mary Rosanky, took a little with us in our Lodge. Once you come vacation to see her daughter and famnut, you'll never miss, and you will find ily the August Hoffereks in Buffalo. So

Wednesday, November 4, 1959 you see, our little community is quite alive. I think I had better stop or my fingers are so cold Where I can't even write plainly anymore. So, all of you —don't forget the meeting November 8th! We hope to see all of you at the meeting! I bet the editor will have to take some aspirins by the time he gets through with imy letter, so lots of luck to everybody. With love to all, Lillie Evicic Editor's Note: It is not so bad as all that. Just keep on writing about the happenings in your Lodge. 4•(

YOUTH CLUB TEENAGERS OF LODGE NO. 84 Dallas, Texas Dear Readers, Sunday, October 25, set the scene for the "Czech! Day" which was held at the State Fair of Texas in the Womans Building. It began at 10:00 a..m. and lasted until 1:00 p.m. The program was very well prepared and enjoyed by all the audience as well as passers-by. The whole program was in charge of our Mrs. Bessie Petr, our beloved "Mania Bessie" and as always she can put on an excellent program. But a program such as this was, cannot be successful by tbe dilligent efforts of a few people. It took the talent of each participant and every organization' SPJST as well as other organizations and all should be proud of their respective talent. It took the cooperation, fraternalism, as well as many other important factors to make the Czech Day bigger and better than last year's. The day was very beautiful, colorful as well as impressive. Many of those present wore their czech costumes. Many were origionals and many had been made here in this country, but one item they all had in common -®- they were

Wednesday, November 4, 1959 beautiful and those who wore them were willing to go through the work in preparing the costumes for showing as well as being proud to show off their Czech descent. Fraternally yours, James 3. Janousek A teenager of Lodge No. 84 o ‘,„ LODGE NO. 84 DALLAS Dear Members and Friends, A series of many weekly practices was brought to a climax last Sunday, Oct. 25, when Lodge 84's teen-agers performed at the State Fair Czech Day. The program was opened by our teen-age club singing the national anthem of America and of our beloved Czechoslovakia. We were led by Mr. Frank Henzen, a man who works with the teen-age choir for all its performances. Upon completion cf the son gs, the groups of dancers went down onto the floor to present the Beseda before a large group of Czechoslovakians and visitors of the day. The program was a lengthy one consisting of numbers from many and varying lodges and societies.

VESTNtIC----WEST,TEXAS TEENAGES OF LODGE NO. 84 Dear Readers, On Satmday, October 24, our Teen age club had an early Halloween and Beatnik Pat'. The Entertainment Committee thought that by having Halloween Party and for all the members to come dressed as beatniks. would be someilhing different as well ay enjoyable. That way it wasn't hard for any of our members to find an appropriate costume to wear. It was held for our members and their close friends. It was a. rather "private party" but it was agreed upon by the teenage mem, sership. It was a very nice crowd with a few new faces who we are hoping to see as members in the near future. It started at 7:30 p.m. and lasted until 11:30 p.m. From the looks of it it was a great success. I haven't talked to any teenagers, or chaperones for that matter who didn't have a good time. Actually that is the only way you can tell if a party is success not the amount of peopde but by the kind of time each one had. So I can truthfully say it was a success for all present seemed to enjoy themselves. Music ws provided by the record player. Carole Nemec and a few other teenagers furnished the records. Well it won't be long till the year comes to a - close. Our Entertainment Committee has enjoyed the year and we believe we have brought a few new things in. We are still planning two parties plus our big Christmas Party and Dance la te in December. Fraternally yours, Entertainment Committee James Janousek. Chairman ) •( LODGE 50 CORPUS CHRISTI Dear Readers, Our next meeting wil be held Nov. 8, 1959. On October 23, on our game night, we started playing volley ball. We enjoyed it very much. We had a nice group present. At my school we are making Christmas Cards like you would buy them. They have fuzz and are painted. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving 'cause my father and I are going fish ing. Now don't forget our next meeting on November 8th, we all plan on going skating. earn Peal

After our part had been done in the day's festivities we teen-agers went out for an exitir' e time on the fair's midway. Saturria , night, October 24, was not a "dead" night for our teen-age club. Though it was somewhat early, our Halloween party was held that night. Instead of coming in costumes and such, we each came dressed as those — ever talked-about "beatniks". The refreshments that were served fit in quite well with the "beatnik" theme. There were a good many teen-agers there and all that attended had an extra good time. Our sincere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ondrusek, our Assistant Youth Director and her husband and to Mrs. Bessie Petr, our Youth Director, for coming to chaperone at this party. One last reminder to all our teen-age members that our next meeting will be held Sunday, November 8, at two in the afternoon. Please try to attend this reeeting. Another reminder to everyone to be sure to attend the Mother Lodge meeting on November 15. Your attendance at this meeting will be greatly appreciated and I'm sure that if you attend you will see how much is accomplished at such meetings. Until then , be good and keep smiling! DISTRICT 6 MEETING AI TAITON Your Secretary-Reporter .District 6 Meeting at Talton, Texas will Queen Jerry Ann Urban be held Nov. 8th. Lodge Princesses fan • (— • nounced so far are Susan Banks, Lodge Will your Lodge remember our Rest l3ila Hera; Helen Galetka, Lodge Ballettsville; Pat Maresh, Lodge Moravia; Lois Home with a Christmas donation?

Strana 23 Rita Simecek, Lodge Culak Moulton; Annette Bartos, Lodge Karl Jones No. 28 (her picture will be in next week's issue) Lorine Kulcak, Lodge 40, Hillje, and Elaine Joyce Ellis of Lodge No. 153 of La Salle, Texas. Fraternally, Mrs. Frank Brdecka Youth Director of District 6 )• a

District Youth Leaders Addresses DISTRICT Mrs. Rud. C. Matejka Rt. 4, Box 504 Bryan, Texas DISTRICT LI. Mrs. Clara Hejl, Route 4,, Texas. DISTRICT III. Mrs.. Emma Ceska, 2709 Park Avenue S. Waco, Texas Mrs. Bessie Petr, Assistant, 5406 Morn ingside Dr., Dallas, Texrir DISTRICT IV. Mrs. Ed. Haisler, Route 1, Seymour, Tex. DISTRICT V Estella. Kelly, Della Kadlecek, Maxine Sefcik, 2301 Airline Drive, Houston 9, roams DISTRICT SIX Mrs. Frank Brdecka, Route 1, Box 150 Rosenberg, Texas DISTRICT VII Mrs. Marcella Kleprlik San Antonio, Texas The worst indigestion you Cult get, comes from having to eat your own criticism. • •

Calendar Of Activities AT LODGE 84. DALLAS Saturday, Nov. 14 — Dance by Wesley (Guy) He za n's orchestra Sunday, Nov. 15 — Monthly Business meeting and Family Fun Night Saturday, Nov. 28 -- Dance, orchestra pending. Sunday, Dec. 20 — Monthly Meeting and Family Fun Night Thursday, Dec. 31 — New Year's Eve Battle Dance. Featuring the music of Ed Faraizl and John Rejcek orchestras, Dancing tram 8:30 p.m. to 4:00 a m.• continuous music. All of our Saturday night dances tart at 8:30 p.m. and the orchestras Lion playing at 12:30 a.m. Dances on any other night start at 8 o'clock and end at 12 o'clock.


Strana 24


Wednesday, Novemher ti., .1!-JD.

Princesses representing their respectiA Lodges of the Sixth District at fte Coronation o f n iqt-ict ollieeh to he heift i. ^-1 11111 , '70; November 8,

SIS. PATRICIA WIAIEsII from Lodge 23, Moravia, Texas SIS. ANN MARIE BERKOVSKY front Lodge 63, Sweet Home , Texas

SIS. HELEN It 0 •;E GALE) KA from Lodge 4, Texas

Ann M• trie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. With Berkovsky. She is 16 year,, of age attends the Shiner Higl. Sohool it:, a senior. Her escort will be Freddie Cinnywhal on of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Chumcha Freddie also belongs to the Sweet Home :e TT No. 63 Lodge and attends the High School.

SIS. LORAINE KUi.CAb from Lodge 40, Hillje, Texas STS. SUSAN BANKS from Lodge 16, Bib, flora, Texas SWEET HOME `13,:7LAS Dear Editor and Friends, A picture of Ann Marie Berkovsky, princess of Lodge No 63 Sweet Home, appears in this issue of the Vestnik. She will represent Lodge 63 at the Taiton District 6 meeting Nov. 8th.

Four million U.S. retailers and other local advertisers invest about $2.4 billion dollars a year in daily newspapers — six times more than in radio and nine times more than in television. * SIS. ANNETTE BARTOS from Lodge

a, East Bernard, Texas.

Have you secured, or at least helped to secure a new member this year?

Wednesday, November 4, 1959


WEST, TEXAS Age Division, I was made the happiest girl alive. For it was then that I was crowned Queen of our Teen-Age Division here at Pokrok 84. I can not find words enough to describe the great happiness that I felt as your President, Mr. Sid Pokladnik, announced me as Queen of 1959-1960. Nor can I fully express the joy I felt as our own Juanita Janousek, last year's wonderful Queen, placed on me the magnificent crown. As I was presented my bouquet of red roses, and the many other gifts I received, I could only think of the wonderful people who made it nos, sible for me to earn the tremendous honor of being Queen.

SIS. Louise Rita eek from Lo dge 165, 1Toilitoti, Texas

Strana 25 Lodge 84, are the most wonderful people in the world and no one will ever be able to replace you. For as long as I shall live, I will remember you for your generosity, aad your kindness. I realize the great honor I have received and the great privilege which was bestowed upon me. I will strive to prove myself a worthy "Queen." My one great wish now is that I will be able to represent the greatest lodge of them all, Lodge 84, in a way befitting a Queen and I hope to be able to live up to the standards set before me by our past Kings and Queens. In conclusion, I can only say that I am proud of my Mother Lodge, I am proud of it because of you, its members, and of what your are. But, most especially, I am very proud to be called the Queen of such a marvelous SPJST Lodge. Thank you once again and may God bless each and every one of you now and in the future with much health and happiness. Very gratefully yours, Queen Jerr y Any Tieleen Teen-Age Division, Lodge 84 May I say that we, the Officers and members of Lodge No. 84 appreciate your wonderful letter, Queen Jerry Ann Urban and King James Janousek, and wish you the best of success during your reign. Fraternally yours, Frank J. Henzen, Secretary Lodge Pokrok Dallas No. 84 e )

SISTER JERRY ANN URBAN ESCORT JAMES JANOUSEK Chosen Queen and King of Lodge 84 Dallas, Texas SYS. ELAINE JOYCE ELLES from Lodge 153, Bennview, Texas ) • 4. • LODGE POKIZOK DALLAS NO. 84 Brothers and Sisters, On Sunday, October 18, 1959, at our regular monthly meeting, I had the distinctive honor and pleasure of reading the following letter to the members present from our newly crowned 'Queen "Queen Jerry Ann Urban," of the Teen age Division of Lodge Pokrok Dallas No. 84, it follows: To the Members of My Mother Lodge: On September 26, the night of the Third Anniversary Dance of our Teen-

The honor and title that I received is a every special one to me. It means more to me than any of you can ever imagine. I will allways cherish that honor above everything else and I can assure you that it will always be something dear to my heart. I wish I could thank you enough for just being yourselves. I wish I could tell you how very grateful I am to you for all the help and support. But thanks can not be expressed by words alone for it goes much deeper than that. I can only say that I will never forget the wonderful things you have done not only for me but for the other Princesses as well. You, the Members of

Praeovni nesvoboda v Dne 7. tuna uverejnila Lidova, demokracie vYklad predpisti, jimiz je absolventhm vysokYcla Skol pridelovana pra ce zrejme bez ohledu na jejich vlastni rozhodnuti. "Absolventi, kteri byli doporueeni fakultou, jsou povinni nejpozdeji do 15 dnfa po skoneeni studii dohodnout se a podnikem o dni nastupu do zamestnani", .vysvetlil list. "Neprihlasili se absolvent v uvedene dobe do podniku, kam byl pridelen — oznami podnik jeho jmOno odboru pracovnich sil — rady okresniho narodniho vYboru, v jeho obvodu absolvent bydli." CelY rok po promoci nemaji absolventi vysokYch Skol svobodu volby zamestnani, nebot' "podniky mohou Po dobu jednoho roku od skoneeni studii prij mout do pracovniho pomeru jen ty absolventy, kteri jim byli doporueeni fakultou." Tato lhilta mute bYt vYjimeene prominuta, jestliZe se vysoko gkolak pig -hlasikprcnmist°,"ane2to odbor provadi (pracovni) nabor". FEC. ,

Strana 26


"Friends" In The Texas News Mrs. Marvin ()Daniel Talasek was Miss Carolyn Elizabeth Hruzek became the bride of Marvin O'Dainel, Talasek Saturday October 24 at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Rosenberg: After a honeymoon in Monterrey, they will make their home at Rosenberg. ) • ati, ( Friends were very glad to shake hands with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dusek of Granger who visited in Needville Sunday and Moire ay. Mr. Dusek operated a grocery store years ago and they came to visit among thesir friends. They were compli mcnted. with a barbecue and chicken di corer and supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Gasch, and were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. August Woytek. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marek, Mr. and Mrs. August Filla and many other friends. Miss Mary Ann Fajkus, bride-elect of .Bobby Marak was honored with a miscelaneous shower Sunday, October 18 at the Abbott Parish Hall. Daniel Kiesel and LaVerne Chudej were married Saturday, October 17th in the church here and the wedding dinner and dance took place at Moulton. • • Mr. and Mrs. Vince Motl of Temple, recently celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary with their children serving as hosts for a dinner-dance. Children are Mrs. Ernest Sell of Littlefield: Mrs. Eddie Bubenik of San Angelo; Mrs. Willie Juroska of Houston; Mrs. Louis Page of Temple and Charles Motl of Houston. • Frank J. Cernosek who is a senior at St. Mary's University, San Antonio, this year, was voted the outstanding pitcher in the World Wide Amateur Tournament. Dearborn, Mich. A w edding was solemnized in Fayetteville 'Unity Brethren church on Sept. 27 when Una Mae Krenek daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krenek became the bride of George Henneke Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henneke of Ellinger. The Rev. Jesse Skrivanek performed the double ring ceremony.

The wedding of Miss Theresa Hrncir, d. tighter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F, Hrncir of Antonio and granddaughter of Mr. A. J, Morkovsk3r of Hallettsville, took

Wednesday, November 4, 1959

place on Oct. 3 in the Little Flower and Deiton F. Stoelke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoelke of Fayetteville, Shrine in San 'Antonio. were married in the Holy Rosary CathIn a candlelight ceremony performed olic Church in Houston on. Saturday, in the Seaton Brethren Church Satur- Oct. 3. • e day evening, Miss Linda Jc an Wychopen, Miss Annette Roznovsky, the daughter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul WychoPen of Temple became the bride of Wil- of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roznovsky of ton Allen Heil son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Penelope and Kenneth Paul Cepak son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cepak of Waco Hejl of Temple. • • were married Saturday, Oct. 17 at 3:45 Many will be glad to know that Ray- p.m. at a nuptial mass in the Navity of mond Vacek Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Blessed Virgin Mary Church with Rev. Raymond Vacek is doing fine after an Bohumil Hruby officiating. operation in Rosenberg. • Mrs. Ed. Walcik of Guy Mrs. Stanley 0. 3. Grossman, Rt. 2, Temple has been Slacalek, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beek all at,named the "best conservation farmer" tended the funeral in Houston for John in the Central Texas District of the Soil Horelica Saturday. • • Conservation Service. The announcement was made Friday Miss Ethlyn Claudia Vasek, bride-elect after a tour of the district by the board of Vernon Frank Michalsky of Fayetteof supervisors of the Central Texas Dis- ville, was honored with a miscellaneous trict. shower at Park Hall on Saturday even• • ing. Hostesses for the occasion were the The marriage of Miss Madeline Canik bridemaids, sisters and sisteta-in-law. • • and Frankie L. Vitek was solemnized in Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bartek of Temple Frelsburg at 1:30 o'clock Sunday after- have announced the engagement and noon. approaching marriage of tlicir daugh• • ter, Nancy Joyce, to Edward John Bigon, Funeral services were held for John son of Mr. end Mrs. John Bigon of Horelica, Jr. 58 of Houston. Saturday Granger. • • morning. Mr. Horelica's survivors in elude a brother, Charles Hoerelica Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Velek of Shiner Needville. Burial was in the Brookshia announce the approaching marriage of Memorial Park, Houston. their daughter, Dorothy Jean of Hous• • ton to Edward James Mikes son of Mr: Miss Evelyn Galetka, bride-elect of and Mrs. Ladik Mikes of Shiner. o Louis Sassin was named, honoree it t miscellaneous shower Sunday, October Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Orsak of Fayette18, from 2 to 4 p.m. This delightful ville were surprised on their 40th wed-e courtesy took place at the CMB Com- ding anniversary on Oct. 18 by their munity Center at Vsetin. children and families at the home of • • Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kallus, where a de'Barbara Ann Kolar, outstanding Mc- licious turkey dinner was served. • Lennan County 4-H Club girl was named the 1959 4-H canning champion of TexMiss Mary Kocian, daughter of Counas. ty Commissioner and Mrs. Henry Kocian became the bride of Paul Mochalec, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Mazanec Sr. of of Houston. The groom is the son of Waco Rt. 9, celebrated their 35th wed- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Machalec Sr. of ding anniversary Sunday, October 25 in Flatonia, • Linden Hall in Elm Mott. Mr. and Mrs. Mazanec were married Miss Joan Krenek, Rosenberg senior at in West in the Church of Assumption Southwest Texas State College, San Marby the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Pelnar. cos, has been elected "Student of the They have there children, Mrs. H. Pala,s Month" at STSC for October. of Dallas, Mrs. Loyal Bessiere of HousMiss Krenek, a petite blond who is ton and E. G. Mazanec Jr. of Rt. 9 Waco serving as president of the student body and eleven grandchildren. was the first student of the college to Approximately 300 guests enjoyed a receive the honor established this year buffet supper served in the beautiful by the student senate to give recognidining room. -- Our sincere congratu- tion to students who display outstandlations. ing traits of leadership,, scholarship, and • initiative. Miss Alice Ann almus of Houston A board composed of students, faculty

Wednesday, November 4, 1959 members and administrators select the "student of the month" from a list of 26 top students at the college. The SOM title is the latest in a growing list of honors and recognitions that have come to Miss Krenek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Krenek of Rosenberg. Congratulations! • • With all their seven children, 34 grand children present, Mr. and Mrs. Vojt Stavinoha, of Rosenberg celebrated their 55 wedding anniversary Sunday. The affair was planned by their children and some of the grandchildren as a surprise to the honored couple. And it took a lot of "fibbing" and sneak plays to have the dinner in the home of the honored couple without their being aware of the plans and preparations. Our best wishes! ) • •„

Brenda Jean Mokry, six pound, fourcunce daughter born October 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward. John Mokry of Temple. • Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mums of La Grange ...tecame the proud parents of their first child, a baby girl born Friday, October 23 at Wagner's hospital in Shiner. The little lass weighed eight pounds and six ounces.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Makovy are the parents of a 5-pound, 13-ounce baby girl born Thursday night in Providence Hospital in Waco. The mother is the former Margaret Kaluza. ) • .1, Territory is but the body of a nation. The people who inhabit its hills and valleys are its soul, its life. — Garfield. o • Oh! is is excellent to have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. — Shakespeare. • • Socrates was a Greek philosopher who went around giving good advice. — They killed him. People forget how fast you did a job — but they remember how well you did it. — H. W. Newton. • • Will your Lodge remember our Rest Home with a Christmas donation?


Strana 27 May our Brother Girard rest in eternal peace. Rosie Cocek Mollie Barton Bennie Soukup 4, •

In Memoriam

IN MEMORIAM We, the undersigned Resolution Committee of Lodge Pokrok Dallas No. 84, for and in behalf of our members, wish herewith, to 'express our deepest sympathy to the bereaved sons, daughters, and other serviving family and relatives of our departed sister ANNA SKOTAK Sister Skotak was born Anna Fojtik, at Frenstat Pod Radhost, Moravia, on July 14, 1880. She was married to Jaroslav Skotak April 23, 1911, who passed away June 20, 1948 Leaving Sister Skotak and seven surviving children. Sister Skotak was confined to Methodist Hospital two weeks before her death, as she had beer confined for some time with a lingering illness. She had been a member of SPJST Lodge Pokrok Dallas No. 84 since 1917. She is survived by four sons, George, Bennie, and Otto Skotak, all of Dallas, and Chester Skotak of Houston. Three daughters, Mrs. C. H. Henderson of Irving, Texas, Mrs. 0. F. Parma, and Mrs. A. S. Kirby, both of Dallas and 10 great-grandchildren, also a sister, Mrs. Mary Stekley of Dallas. Requiem Mass at St. James Catholic Church held Thursday at 9 a.m., the Very Reverend Msgr. F. L. Becker celebrant. Interment Calvary Hill Cemetery, Dallas.

IN MEMORIAM OF FRANK PACLIK Member of Lodge 101 born Sept. 25, 1906 at Gainesville, Texas and died after a short illness October 10, 1959. Brother Paclik Was a Gainesville farm implement dealer. He died at a Gainesville hospital after a months illness. He was stricken suddenly ill on Sept. 10 and was taken to a Dallas hospital for treatment before being returned to Gainesville two weeks before his death. Bro. Paclik was married to Miss Mildred Dresbach on December 25, 1932. He resided on Rt. 3, Gainesville. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Sunday at Geo. J. Carrol and Son Chapel with interment in Fairview Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Paclik; and three brothers, EMmet, Rudolph., and Dr. Charles J. Paclik, all of Gainesville. He was a faithful member of our brotherhood and will be missed by his many friends. May he rest in eternal peace. Our sympathy to the bereaved Sister Skotak underwent a serious opfamily. eration almost seven years ago, and had ti • 4 • been confined to a wheel chair since. RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY She never complained or was unhappy, We, the undersigned Resolution Com- but always thanked God for eyes and mittee of Lodge Jaromir No. 54 SPJST hands to do the work she loved to do so of West in behalf of our members are much. She did beautiful hand work and extending sympathy to the bereaved would embroidery and chochet by the family in the passing of beloved hus- hour. Her hobby and love were her chilband and father dren, grand-children, and great grandchildren. She knew only love and kindLEO J. GIRARD ness; there was no room in her generous who died September 26th in Providence heart for anything else. Sister Skotak Hospital in Waco, at the age of 69. Serv- was a wonderful wife and loving mother ices were conducted in St. Joseph Cath- and her presence will be missed by all olic Church of Bellmead. Reverend Ral- that were near and dear to her. Our ph Brennan officiated and burial was heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved famin St. Mary's Cemetery at West. ily. May our 'deceased sister rest in eterBrother Girard was always very ac- nal peace. tive in Lodge work, until he became ill Resolution Committee several years ago. He was a member Frank J. Henzen since 1911. Annie Steiner Annie Marek He is survived by his wife, Emilie, one I • 4. ° daughter Mrs. Ed. (Lillian) Fickel of Waco, one son, Leo Girard Jr. of AmaCan You Afford to be a "One Lang. rillo, 10 grand children, two brothers, wage" American? "Another Language will open new Joe Girard of West, and Will J. Girard horizons for you. of Waco.

Strana 28

Sports Column In Memory of Otto Hosek

Vt S TN tX— WEST, TEXAS proximately 100,000 white tail deer will be killed in the Nov. 16 to December 31 deer season. Deer hunting in the Austin area, which is done only by private lease of private land, generally is good, especially northwest of the city and around Lake Austin. Springs emphasized that all the land is private property, and hunters found on the land without owner's permission would be guilty of trespassing. In addition to the all-important lease the hunter will have to carry with him a hunting license issued by the Game and Fish Commission. It can be purchased in most hardware stores, county clerks' offices, and some drug stores for $3.15. It is good for any kind of legal game until August 31, 1960. The hunter is allowed only two deer per season and can bag his game with almost any weapon from bows and arrows, to pistols to rifles. The .22 calibre rimfire rifle is outlawed in certain counties. Bucks with more than two points are legal game in every area, and in some areas disignated by the Comi ydssion doe and spike buck are legal. In regard to the game laws of the state and the regulations imposed upon hunters to preserve Texas wildlife, Spring said, "Land owners are managing the deer crop like any other crop. The deer carried many ranchers through the drought and this crop of the land is being handled as such. There is no reason to fear we will lose our deer in the next 50 years or so." i4 )

GOOSE SEASON OPENED OCT. 26 Austin — The Texas wate ,fowl season opened at sunrise Oct. 26 on geese only according to the director of law enforcement of the Game and Fish Commission. The daily bag limit on geese is 5; provided such limit shall not contain more than (a) 2 Canada geese or its subspecies, or (b) 1 Canada goose and one white fronted goose. Possession limit is one day's kill. The duck season will officially get underway on November 13, when shooting will begin at 12 o'clock noon. After the first day, shooting will be permitted from sunrise to sunset. The mourning dove season in the North zone is closed as of Oct. 20. The mourning dove season in South Texas will not close until November 19, except in counties in the Rio Grande Valley, having a three-day whitewing hunt, where the season will close on November 16. During this hunt mourning doves could be killed also. Lodge 154 of Fort Worth announces There has been a heavy movement of both ducks and geese across Texas for at the Sokol Hall a Dance November 14 several days, according to the director. with music by Ed Faiaizl orchestra. Be Some good concentrations are reported sure to come for a good time. 0 • in areas both in the Red River Valley and along the Texas coast. This is to inform you that the next ) • 4 regular meeting of our Lodge Karel DEER HUNTING PERMITS BEING Jonas No. 28 East Bernard will be held ISSUED on the 15th of November, Sunday, at 2 Two thousand permits to hunt deer p.m. So please be there. Carrie Bohacik on public land are being issued on a • • draw basis by the Texas Game and Fish Commission in Austin. Deadline for The Birthday Club of Lodge 88 Houspermit applications to hunt in public ton will hold a Card Party followed by a areas is 8 a.m. Friday. Turkey Supper at the Lodge 88 Hall on Frustrated nimrods who have all the Wednesday, November the 4th. enthusiasm and know-how required of All members and their guests are ina present day Danl. Boone, yet who vited. have been facing the November 16 open• ing of deer season with out a lease now A Free Dance at the SPJST Lodge No. have a chance to hunt on any of five public hunting areas being opened by 6. Cottonwood Hall on Sunday night, November 8, 1959, beginning at 8 p.m. the commission. A. J. Springs, assistant director of the Everyone cordially invited — young and Wildlife Restoration Division said ap- old.


Wednesday, November 4, 1959 Sausage Supper and Bazaar at the Houston Brethren Church, 6207 North Main Street, on Saturday, November 7. This event is sponsored by the Christian Sisters of Houston an,d everyone is invited to attend.

Big Dance at the Linden Hall at Elie. Mott Lodge 66, Waco, Saturday November 7. Music furnished by Rejceks orchestra of Abbott, Texas. • •


C it Di rarer

District 1 V. H. BARINA Route Sinithville, Texas District 2 BEN MIKOLAJ 111 W. Rio Grande St. Taylor, Texas District 3 ARNOLD M. VRLA 6307 Saratoga Circle DALLAS 14, TEXAS District 4 FRED KVETON Route 1 Abernathy, Texas District 5 J. M. SKRABANEK 4720 Bellaire Blvd. Bellaire, Texas District 6 TGNAC SF.NKYRIK 405 Market St. El Campo, Texas District '7 JAROSLAV KLEPRLIK 1206 Lamar St. ) THE MOTORISTS' PRAYER Grant me a a steady hand and watchful eye, That no man shall be hurt when I pass by. Thou ga yest. Life: I pray no act of mine May take away or mar this gift of Thine. Teach me to use my car for others' need Nor even miss, through any love of speed, The beauties of Thy world — and thus I may With joyous heart and courtesy go my way. — Anonymous Talent for talent's sake is a bauble and a show. Talent working with joy in the cause of universal truth lifts the possessor to new power as a benefactor. —Emerson.

Wednesday, November 4, 1959

POLKA DANCE CALENDAR CALVIN CHERVENKA Wednesday, November 4 George Machart and His Polka Boys— Plainview Hall near El Campo Friday, November 6 Fezz Fritsche and His Goosetown Band, of Minnesota — New Sokol-SPJST Hall in Dallas Saturday, November 7 Emil Bortos orchestra — Wedding dance Recreation Hall in Hallettsville Fezz Fritsche and His Goosetown Band -- new Sokol-SPJST Hall in Dallas High Toppers orchestra -- American Legion Home in New Braunfels Sil Krenek orchestra — Shelby Hall George Machart and His Polka Boys — Day and Night Wedding Dance — New Talton Hall Adolph Migl orchestra — Sons of Herman Hall in Dacosta Joe Patek and Bill Mraz orchestras — Battle Dance — Bill Mraz Hall in Houston San Antonio Czech orchestra — KT Hall in San Antonio Vesely Playboys — SPJST Pokrok Hall in Houston Vrazel Polka Band — Wedding Dance --SPJST Hall in Buckholts


Ze sveta kratce AlZirska, exilovd vldda prohlasila v Tunisu, Ze je ochotna vyjednavat s Iran couzskYm presidentem de Gaullem kterY pied easem nabidl AlZirantim, aby si vybrali mezi autonomic ye svazku Fran couzskeho Spoleeenstvi narodit nebo samostatnosti. • — Atentat, kteremu padl za °bet' ceylonskY ministerskY predseda Bandaranaike, vyvolal mezi obyvatelstvem vinu nenavisti vüdi budhistickYm mnichtn. ttoeialk byl dlenem jednoho z budhistickYch radii a situace je tak vaZna, Ze se kneli neodvaZi na ulici. - Finske namarnictvo spatrilo minuly tYden pobli2 finskYch breht d ye sovetske ponorky, ktere vlekly zvlaani pornoone nakladni lodi s raketami. K odstrelu raket doSlo, kdy 2 ponorky byly na hla dine. Pokusy sledovaly z povzdali jak finske, tak Avedske riamorni jednotky. — Strategii konfunistti v Iraku iidi prY agenti Pekingu. Podle jejich planti zeme musi myit lidove-demokratickou vladu jeSle pied koncem beneho roku. SovetskY Svaz podle nekterYch spra y sve odborniky a agenty z Iraku odvolal. Oba nejmocnej gi rnui sveta — Eisenhower ye Washingtonu a Chruke y v Mo skve — prohlasili, e jejich dalk porady budou znamenat lepSi nadeji na svetovy min Eisenhower pojede do Moskvy s celou rodinou a na jare. Do te doby se veil, e nejak bude vyrden t. zv. berlinskY problem.

Strana 29 by na HiroSimu. Ma nazev "Cena Vitezneho konce" a autorem je K. Kubanek. Jde pr Y o protest proti zioeinu americkYch — 29. srpna byla otevrena nova letecka linka Praha-Bombay, ktera jde pies Kahiru a Bahrenske ostrovy. Rozvodnene slovenske reky Dunaj, Ky suca a Handlovka poSkodily v rriztlYch krajich Slovenska polnohospdarske kultury i eetne budovy a zpusobily mnohamilionove Skody. — V eeskYch Budejovicich postavi kladem 20 milionit korun na S'vermove namesti nove divadlo. Buda otevreno v r. 1965 k 700 vYroei zaloleni mesta. — Podle zpravy pra2skeho "Svobodneho , saslova" existuje v Praze dosud 1935 mostatnYch podnikatelt. Jde o 212 soukromYch obchodnikti (pravdepodobrie a trafikanty), 95 autdroZkartl, 20 povozniMI a 105 lekarskYch a dentistickYch ordinaci. Behem prvniho pololeti 1959 bylo "lkvidovano" 876 samostatnYch podnikateln. — es. ministerstvo financi vypsalo sounova 50-100 koronuve bankovky. ted — 100 krajand z Francie, blame z Parae travi svou dovolenou v CSR. — V Rakousku poladal 0 asyl Cs. dilstojnik, kterY preAel hranice v uniforme a se zbrani. — V Praze zemtela ye veku 69 let Ela jeviani heoIlov a filmova hereeka riVec,k

3, 4 ( Ze gkoly UCitel vysvetluje detem smysl slova — BSw, americkY velvyslanec v Moskve a nedavnY velvyslanec na Filipinach, Ch. "okra ti" a na konec se ta2e: "MtAe mne Bohlen byl povolan do Washingtonu ja- nekdo z vds Nei nejake jine slovo, ktere ko specialista zahranierilho minister- by aspod pribliZne vyjadrovalo stejm) pa cit, jako okrati?" Emarek Vobloukti: stva v sovetskS7ch zalditostech. • "Ovdoveti!" }•a•( Ze stare vlasti kratee "Ten elovek mne nazval yypasenkm. - Pani Hana BeneS'ova doZila se petasedmdesatky na sve vile v Sezimove Usti volem. Mam ho 2alovat?" "To by priAlo draho. Radeji prodelejte u Tabora. za ty penize odtueriovaci musi zachrariovat zase — 2ne v OSR brigadnici. Dokud obhospodarovali tam pddu samostatni rolnici, nebylo treba ani pracovnich brigad, ani "narodnich smen", nyni kdy pies 80 procent pudy path kolchortlm a statnim statkum, kaZ All the above cia.nces are at night um doroene se opakuje riova krise a skliless otherwise speciPed. This is a fret nejen ic nedosahuje predvaleenYch • service but app'ios only to those dancet eLLtfle y ale je podstatne menSi a dovoz yknostii, lit which mainly polka and waltz musts ON ILERAft is played by a live orchestra. The ,Vest• obili ze zahraniel vzrnstd. spravne i-tHorareue elk or writer will assume no responst — Pra,Zske Zemedelske noviny prin.esly Cas We uminvy dne 7. srpna elanek o statni pomoci jebility resulting from any dance announ 513-17 SPJST Bldg. cement which is listed In this column dnotnYm zemedelsk 'Ym druZstyrun. VyTel. tiradovna PR 3-3243 r e v r. 1958 relim doplatil Listings from orchestras and dance halls plYva z neho, 2 Res. PR 3-2687 na kolchozni hospodareni 3 miliardy koshould bo received at least one week be TEMPLE, TEXAS fore publication. Send all listings to run. Na podzim bade uvedena na es. jeCalvin Chervenka, Route 2, Rogers, Tel

TSunday, November 8 Emil Bartos orchestra — Wedding dance VFW Hall in Weimar Joe Patek orchestra — SPJST Hall in Holland The Pearl Polka Masters and Richard Wilkerson and His Drifts — Barbecue Picnic, Free Dance in Afternoon, Battle Dance at Night — Sefcik Hall at Seaton near Temple. Vrazel Polka Band — Moravia Hall near Jarrell Tuesday. November 10 Joe Patek orchestra — Plainview Hall near El Campo Wednesday, November 11 Joe Patek Orchestra — American Legion Hall in Shiner

Strana 30



Maly oznamovatel

De Kdo chcete zpilsobit radost k vanoenim svatkilm VaSim pfateltun v eskoslovensku penelitYrn darkem pies Tuzex, jednejte ihned. Pos1u Vam cenik darkovYch balieku a jine podrobnosti obratem poUy. Stephen Valeik, 6402 Prague, Houston 7, Texas. ) Vzal jej za slovo:— "K tomuto autu miiZeme am opravdu radit. Prodavame je na tucty!" — "Jakou mno tedy date slevu za tucet?" y

SPRAVNE VYKONANA POEUREBNI SLU2BA V hodin6 Zaiu zarmouceni naleznete Edward Pace pohtebni dstav pohotove k sympatickemu vyfizeni nezbytnYch jednotlivosti a k vypraveni dojemneho pohtbu. Levne ceny jsou na§i zasadou

Ve stkedu, dne 2. listopadu 1959

Dr. Chas. J. Hollub teskY Uttar a Operator HOUSTON, TEXAS UN 9-1222 Telefon res. CA 7-2553 Telefon 'Wad. 711 Medical Arts Building


Edward Pace


Pohtebni reditel Olen S.P.J.S.T. -Tel. Prospect 3-3696 113 N. 5th St. TEMPLE, TEXAS

Je vidy rozumni mit NONAT po ruce, v kaidg Lae, jest to mfra ochran, ur6ena pro alevn vi'edA, ninetti, ifkrabnutf atd. Objednejte dnes. Velk?

• Mlada pani (k svemu choti): "Ty se chew specialisovati pro srdeeni choroby?" "Ano. Je to pole, ktere moo dobre ovladam". — "Dome. Ale pak leeiti pouze nau2ska, srdce!"

SPOLEtt-Pv A POHROBNICKA SLI4 A Jane pohotovi Vain poslouZiti bez rnzdilu jak daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv z laAtniho poplatku. S nami mUZete mluviti eesky. My nabizime Poh ebni PojiSteni pro kaZdeho elena rodiny. y

Marek — Burns POPIREBNI DOMOV V hodine zartprtll u najdete a nag nejlepSi pohiebni obsluhu a ceny Wylie prodavdme pohiebni pojgteni od 1 mesiee do 80 rpkd Ambulance sic dne i v noel MAREK BURNS FUNERAL HOME Bill Marek a Bill Burns Telefon 546 TEXAS CAMERON,

asporne. velikost 51.15. — Pravidelna velikost 65.. C. MILLER P.O. Box 235, Altadena, Calif.


Pete E. Effinger FUNERAL HOME Elsie PraZak-Etlinger darnsl-d pomocnice BELLVILLE AND SEALY Telephone: Bellville No. UN 5-3121 Sealy No. TU 5-3535


Hilsher's Home Supply Co. X920 Washington Ave, CA 8-8424 730 E. 20th at N. Main UN 9-1441 5225 Washington 'UN 9-3387 301 East 11th Street UN 9-3351 HOUSTON, TEXAS For All Your FURNITURE APPLIANCES and EVERYTHING ELSE FOR YOUR HOME Be sure to See

HILSHER'S And Get 'THE BEST FOR LESS" CASH OR. EASY TERMS Your Satisfaction Guaranteed And Free Delivery Service VASE CESKE OBCHODY

current annual dividend Each account insured to $10,000 by an agency of the Federal Cover

1301 Capitol, Houston,

Texas • Dial CApitol

OFFICERS L. A. Ktieera, President E. E. Chernosky, Executive Vice-President Dr. R. E. Maresh, Vice-President Nettie Chernosky, Treasurer Cordon Smith, Secretary


DIRECTORS Phil D. Woodruff E. E. Chernosky Dr. R. E. Maresh L. A. Kucera Earl 7. Wood Gordon Smith Frank Tesar

13 T N

Ve stiedu, dne 2, is opadu 1959

Strana 31




SPKOL.---Snk 7'3


On7 :

NEJ(TPLNI1J4 BEZVADNk PSACI STROJ VE SP. STA.A. PatiSte se s bezvailnYm psarii t4 r.a stroji "Consul Deltuv...:' ci stroj se venti NejnovejSi, kompickni eho p aciho stroje. lenYrai vYrazy a rysy sPoleCnost "SHODA a jeji kvalitni fen-testi-lid zarnt yam tat nejlep;1 vYkonnost .Ticha klavesnice, ichkY dote:., tomaticka kontr'7:', "margin" t3kraje psacito papiru, kiFeu labulky kit seitAni, tischovY pi'esuo a piesne rozdelovani ireYev dosua vymcienosti. Uprave psani, a tI zdSi 1.r,barevre skiince. fiplue zrrta.c-.' 'e tttnisten v kr1. ,ole tPle a i pro vl-t.';'e pr. clArck pro vaS', toi:icatt. (. ,,ena. -- Pro atiret ani uf.ewr t ilia Cena neni 1f tie obchecIttika klerY ma tylo stroje v r Iltu”erters AC:. Distributors IT • g

ADAtEr IISI: ZON: `62,::11 P

CfJ;UPLE, .® $7,00 STAGS.


VORK 3, N. Y. 7:5.,ben ye va::.,1 rotlmS F.7omokvalitnimi kemesipickYrni

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- 7„ Ye stkedu, 4

Suddenly you may realize that you should have saved regularly every payday some of your "SMALL" change and should have invested it in a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY to help out in case of financial "Squeeze."

Supreme Lodge SPJST


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