Vestnik 1958 01 01

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Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to; SUPREME LODGE SPJST P. 0. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS ROCNIK (VOLUME) XLVI 6'1:Jo





New Year's Message From Th President of S. P. 1 S. T.

„tie BenevState of Texas


Novoroiini poselstvi ad piedsedy 1-1Iavai Cti-adovny S. P. J. S. T.

loyalty and help given our S. P. J. S.T. no pokroeila a my se inazenie s Who in the past year. In behalf of the Su- spoleene radovati. At the beginning of this year, I bring preme Lodge, I extend to you hearty V gtesti i zarmutkul stall jsrne verne you New Year's wishes and Fraternal greetings and best wishes for a Happy k sobe a spoleene jsme se podileli na Greetings. and Pro sperous New Year. vgem co nas potkalo. The year 1957 has passed and is now Fraternally Yours, Stojime na prahu 1958 a to my co history. We worked together in the true Clenove nagi SPJST men bythom op(1; spirit of brotherhood, our Order prosEDWARD L. MAREK verne podileti se na na gi bratrack prapered, and we rejoice over the success ei nebot' jak v minulosti jsme byli obdaof our work. The happiness and sorrows teni nspechy i budoucnost nem skyta that befell us during the past year we neobinezene ptile t. itosti, ye svornosti Dnc shared together. gni kruta doba zduraznuje bratrstvi a jest na Das co verne obeane teto vlasti poma Star ding on the threshold of 1958, we hati k docileni irvaleho mire. — Stainne as inernhers of the SPJST should dedise do jedrieho spolupracovniky Podpoiy, cate otaselves to continued service in Lidskosti a praveho Bratrstvi. fraternal work. As we review our past we Korneic chci podekovati vgern. recall the continued success we shared pracovnikum minuleho roku v gem ittedtogether. We view the future and unnikum, tediteltim, organisatoram, nagim limited opportunity that is ours. Today's teditelkam mladele, na gi mlo.deti a tern trying times prompt us to work to-. vernSrm spolkovSrm pracovniktnn vgude Tether in better harmony and unity, za jejich v'ornost, za katdou vSrpornoc, to stress the basic principles of fraterza jejich uptimnost, za vge co dali to nalism, to be loyal citizens, and to aid our Government to attain universal SPJST v minulosti. peace. Thus we become earnest co-work- Sestry a bratti:— Jrnenem vsech elenti Hia,vni araciovny ers in our society for the cause of Beposilam Vam tento pozdeav a me uptiNa poeatku tohoto roku pkina girn Vam iie-volence, Humanity and Brotherhood. novorodni blahoptani a bratrskSr poz- mne ptani St'astneho, po2ehnaneho Novell° Roku. dray. I wish • to thank all of our Officers, Organizers, 'Youth Directors, mid the Ptegel rok 1957 nam, st al se minulosti. pozdravem bratrskS7ra Youth and Lodge Workers and all Spoleene jsnie pracovnli v pravem du Edward L. Mar el; the appointed Committees for their elm bratrstvi a tali i nae Jednota zdetrpteds oda Sisters and Brothers:

English Section Starts on Page 14




Ve . 'Stfedit;

edna. 1958

ad` rectaithitho stolku -


s. r



10,er.,-1 as second class mail matter, January 3rd, 7.)D3 ,,t West, Texas, under the Act of Congress of 24, 1922. Send Form 3519 to su p reme Lodge c,T, Box 400, Tem ple, Texas. OftEDNI ORGAN SLOVANSKE PODPORUJICI

JEDNOTY STATU TEXAS UT , TCIAL ORGAN. OF SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ORDER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS REDAKTOR — EDITOR L. 0. HO'SEK Box 85 — West, Texa4 Vydavatele — Publishers CRC t r OSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY, WEST, TEXAS PI, ciclatne $3.25 — Subscription $3,25 Per Year , neny adres sailail se do Hlavnl titado.vnY Box 400, Tem ple. Texas ch,LL. o of a ,.1dress must be sent to Su preme Lodge Box 400, Tonnle, Texas F

I of


a oinetinkY bud't g adresovan y na V6stnik. West, Texas.

cl e,c ..: y gemfelich Clem se uveferiuil bezplatn6 The obituaries are printed without charge. T T,AVNi U1kADOVNA — SUPREME LODGE EDWARD L. MAREK, President JOE B. HEJNY, Vice-President J. F. CHUPICK, Secretary JOS. KOLIHA, JR. Treasurer P. A. URBANOVSKY, Bookkeeper All in Temple, Texas, Box 400 AUGUST KACIR, Attorney Temple, Texas DR 01 ,%R.VIN LESIKAR, Medical Director P. 0. Box 410 — Taylor. Texas FifilDITELE. — DIRECTORS FRANI{ V. STEPAN, First District Bellville, Texas C'IAS NAVRATIL. Second District 816 E. Ave A, — Temple. Texas P Mi l' i t T CERVENKA, Third District West. Texas P. E. BROZ, Fourth District R!.. '1, Sox 320 — San Angelo. T,,, .0 m. SKRABANEK. Fifth District 4720 Bellaire Blvd. Bellaire, Texas FRANK ROD. Sixth Distefti El Cam po. Texas CHAS. HOLASEK, Seventh th,D.,, 2513 Nemec St.. Corpus Christi, Texas ,''-', "OVY “1:30R - PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE

DR. EDUARD MICEK, Chairman IniVersity Station, Austin, Text MRS HILDA I3RTIS, Secretary Buckholts. Texas MRS. FRANCES OLEXA C L] fr, 'i , ',„ I' St., Houston, r.-,,,,


001101R — BY-LAW CO-2,IMITTEE 011 0 STEHLIK, Chairmen P. 0. Box 1464 Wichita Falls. Texas STEPHEN VALCIK. Secret at q 5102 Pra gue Street ifcaRtna '1. To,

NASE SNAZENi Doekali jsme se vespolek noveho roku a spoledne bychom melt planovati dale Uspe g nejai kadovou dinnost, kterft by ma hla, bYti vYsledek zda.filYch tadovYch schtizi v kterYch na g e elenst y o by melo k a yorne praci bYti povzbuzovano. -Mnoho tu zaletii na na g ich schopnS/ch vedoucich a tu Zadoucno ov g em, aby kaZdY na g Glen se vatine zamyslil a povg iml si pokroku docileneho v prave uplymilem roku u na gich tivYch tadech. Jsou to zejmena ty BAY, kt eki se Prave mohli vykazati nejen znadnim pkirtistkem dlenstva, ale i tim, ze svemu mlademu elenstvu poskytli v g emotnou podporu, a rtizne vYhody. Ov g em, ze mirno tohoto snatieni podporovali agitaeni einnost s y Ych mistnich organisatorit ygomoZnym spiisobern. — Tohoto y zacneho snateni meli bychom, v novem roce i jinde se pHdrteti, nebot' jest to jedina ,testa viti tad a testa k tspechu. C'asto v g ak maitre pocit, 'te si dosud dobte nerozumirne, ze jsou mezi nami povahy, ktere jakrnile se jim y e vgern nevyhovi, hned se vzdavaji kaideho dalg iho snaZeni, anit by se pokou g eli porozumeti a napraviti nen, co sami svoji ne teenosti, svin neporozumenim zavinili. Uznejme, te easy se valne pozmenily. — Vycitim to pH s y Ych zajitcl'kach kdyti mi feknou: "Ono jit to tak ve spolku neni jak to bYvavalo, toho pkatelstvi to vzdjemne lasky" -- ale tome nevekme i ta na g e mlad g i generace je stejne dobra, jen neni tak zavisla na sebe jak byly na g e ptistehovalci kteki y e spolku si• v cizi zemi, cloda yali odkazane jen na sebe y e sveth spoledenskern tiivote a kterYm y et ginou dodnes ,schazi porozume ni pro ten na g dorost. Panuje vfele telstvi i 'pfichylnost 'rued mlad gi naafi generaci jen te to vet ginou nechceme uznat. Mu.-ime se snatit jim porozumet a wit se do jejich pornertl. Znaena cast chyby je na strane starBich, ze mladet do sveho kruhu neptipu stili. Laskou a picatelstvi je nutno tet davat, a ne jen. oeel r4vat a pkijimat. Men bychom si to v g ude kde nag pokrok va.zne v roce novem zapamatovat. Jirtou nedtitslednost chovarne na kterou bych rad upozornil, tie at pfekvapuje, jak bezohledu na slu gnost potadujete od, s yYch elent a olenkyri rtizne slutiby, nektere spojene i znaenYm vydanim, aria byste o ne slu g ne potridalt. •—• IirnbYm spilsobern po2acio y at dobre sluthy, zajiste ()Ward Va g e a ochotne sestrY diouho neudOite. Nezlobte se, fie Vain tutu vae na sklonku roku pripominam,



minim to pro na g e vlastni dobro. touto kritikou budovat na g i spolednou radovou praci a chceme-li poctive odhadnout kde jsme chybili, nutno si to bratrsky vytknout a to 'beze zloby. Nesmime tota oeekavat ,te ta stejna skupina obetavYc.h sealer a bratru s nami yedne bude a proto je nano zapracovat trpelive na g i mladsi generaci. Nemotno toho docilit, dOkud je do nagich schijzi nepovelame aby o to nagi tad. praci se poeali zajirnat .a na ni se podile t. Ov g em 'te nesmime s poeltku od nich eekati zazraky. My jame je taky nedelali. Je ticeba nam, jim poraditi a tak vychovati z nich dobre spolupracovniky. Nenechejme na g e sine stati prazdne po cele tYdny, ale do nich mladeti svoji sezvete,, a popkejte jim, aby svym !Dem se . alu gne bavila. Nechceme se yam naporninaniin. or p rzeti, ale znovu opakujerne podporulte sve zvolene adove fikedniky v jejich tern a uvidite, kclyti budete kadrie nav gtdvovati sve mesienl schfize, ` Ze i to "stare" iikednictvo se papravi, kde toho tfeba.=— Hled'me katclY ii`pfi g tim roce nee° ,iiiteeneho pro s y dj '14d, 'pro svoji Jednotu, pro ria. g i mladet: pro ten na g Domov Odpainku vykonati a budeme i At'aatriNgi. chceme-li Parnatujme a to opakuji, bYti si pkatele, musime se naueitt nejen prifimati, ale i davat.' Pfatelstyl V Xednote ma bYti sestry a bratfi, nad poklady sveta. V na,Stavajicim roce, bychorn si' rn(7-11 Yskutku nad tim pozastaviti, ze katak z nas dlutiime svetu, sYernu akaaii, sve rodine, aby po nas eestna pamatka ztatala V nagem bratrstvu! Ziskejme Jednote v novem roce nejen nove 'deny, ale i pkatele s y ym vlastnim chovanim, $,Uoinme telly jeclenkatclY novorobni pkedse y zeti s tim nejlep g irn Amyslern je doditeti, tie se sileastnime y et g iny schtlzi ra g eho kadu a tie buderne shovivave s ka2dSrm jednati. Pro pki g ti zdarne pilsobeni a plodnou einnost kadu je dtiletita 'podpora katideho Mona. katde elenky. Hied me st vaude sil mla,d g ich, schopnYch a pornabejme jim aby se v novem roce v radove einnosti kde jen mono upIatnili. yarriatujme na to V novem roce, ty nejlep g i kikednici fadove bez poctive • soueinnosti elenst y a jsou ye sve einnosti obmezovane a ze . adouci vzrast -podett4

Ve stiedu, dne 1. ledna 195a


i majetkovY, einnost osvetova i zabavstva. ni nutne vytaduje spolupraci vgeho elenMnoho zdaru Vagemu fadu, Vagim ochotnikilm, vybortm ,Vati mladeti, ba cele nati mileJednote v novem roce 1958., p •eje Vam vtdy k slutbam ochotnY redaktor. )• •

Oiad pro seitani lidu piipravuie se jig na rok 1960

Novi?. Rok Na novY rok, o slepiei krok Budou se nam dny dloutit, a marnka s praci v zahradce soutit. Moe si s toho vtak nedelame, vtdyt' zeleninu radi mame. K tomu taky kousek S pivoyaru notnY dougek. — Kam jsem to jen brati zagel, Na novY rok rad bkvam vesel. ) • •, • (

AmerickY fitad pro seitani lidu ye Washingtonu pfipravuje se Hz nyni na osmnactY narodni soupis americke populace. 0 tom, Jake otazky mail bYti soupisu kladeny, rozhodovalo se jit roku 1957, 1 kdyt s obchazenim domacnosti a sbiranim pottebne statistiky zaene se teprve roku 1960.

Nezli lido tomuto zavedeni zvykli, Ceti' se census ve SpojenYch Statech prave tak male oblibe jaiko kdekoliv jinde na svete. Pfivodnim neelem seitani bYvalo totit zjistiti, kolik mutt lze odvesti do vojska a jake dame, Ize na narod uvaliti. Jette poeatkem osmnacteho stoleti narately pokusy o seitani lidu v anglickYch koloniich dnetniho New Yorku a New Jersey na pfekatky, jet znemottioDle dotlYch zpriv na g Domov Odpoein- valy sestaveni spravne statistiky. ''tide ku v Taylor byl dostaven, doglo i zati- byli pilI1 nedavetivi, net aby pravdive zeni umisteno do svetnic a tet pfijate odpovidali. (co zprava dotla) 9 obyvatehl. Die V izstave nove zfizene . americke repudalgi zpravy z Taylor, penize na ruce jsou vyderpane, neni jine zalohy na bet- bliky stanovilo se seitani lidu do t11 let ne vyclimi a proto ptimlouvame se aby a pailo kaidYch deset let. K prvnlmu seijste svoji laskavou pomoc dale nezdr- tani lidu ciao tak roku 1790. Ph katdem kdo minite ptispeti. Jsou dosud dulglm soupisu zahrnovalo se do nej mnozi, ktefi na tento glechetnY Teel cen- vice a vice informaci. Tak na pfiklad ter nepfispeli a na ty se s tadosti °brit- roku 1810 byly v nem ut i industrialni eim. — Vite dobte, l* e Vat redaktor od data — — co se v katelem state a okrese sjezdu se van laskave pomoci dotadoval, vyrabi. 6tvrte seitani lidu, z roku 1820 avtak nernini jit vice o iikolu for psati. po prve rozligovalo mezi rodilYmi Amer-dany a ptistehovalci, a v plipade lidi Raid* nit elen by dodnes mel co mu srdee ell a nebudem Vas vie ob- rodilYch v eizine udavalo se v nem, jsouli stale jette cizinci nebo naturalisovanY tetovati prosbami. Po pravde vtak chceme s Vami vtemi mi obeany. V soupise z roku 1850 uvadezdeliti nag stesk, ze mimo bratra Navra- la se prvni statstika o Umrtich a social tila, &kyfika, male kdo jinY, co pama- nich pomerech. tuji, se o potfebe podpory "Domova" ye Dnetni census — jak ye SpojenYch Sta Vestniku rozepsal tak aby nejake nad- tech, tak i v jinYch zemich sveta — neni geni pro tuto vec povzbuzeno bylo. jit pouhYm zjitt'ovanim, kolik lidi v Coi bojime se fedrovati dobrou vec? zemi tije, nYbrt souhrnem mnoho jinYch Nutno se to jette jednou zminiti vtech informaci. Tak na pisiklad rozdeleni oby tech na gich dobrSrch tadfi a obetavYch vatelstva na vekove skupiny, pomaha jednotlivcfz, ktedm se srdce zaveas oz- vlade odhadnouti, kolik gkol bude v jivalo, aby natim heslam dali poctiq vSr- stem obdobi potteba. Informace, ziskane raz. ze soupisu o takovYch otazkach, jako Vim, to budou diouho a vdeera vzpo- jsou vek, narozeni, timrti, zamestnanost, minane a vette, ze jsem tak tzkastlive obydli a pod., hraji dfiletitou roll ye vlod eekal, ze jejich pfiklad i jine k nasledo- nim planovani a v ureovani smernie. Statisticke, eisla jsou dfiletita i pro obvent pohne. chodni, socialni a hospodafske organiDo noveho roku me upfimne sace. Vag redaktor. Federalni census stave. se proto kat)• • dSchc let tipinejtim. Tema vte, co je moPtitte net bude sveho bratra hano- /no uvesti v eislicich, stava se latkou, bit vezmi zreatkio a vtimni si dobie jak prozkomnavanou seitani lidu. Fakt se tvafig. Z. je, ze moderni prinnyslovY stat nernohl

Pamatujme na Domov Odpoeinku


Straw, 3 by bez takoveto pfesne statistiky vttbee fungovati. Nekde je ovtem nutno s otazkou ustati, a proto se nezfidka stave., ae mezi navrhovateli rtznYche otazek je eine sou pefenstvi. Posledni dobou projevoval se sklon ke zhutteni informaci o lidech, narozenYch v cizine, a o jejich detech, skupine to, eitajici pfiblitne 34,000,000 lid!. Spolehlive informace o takoveto velike skupine jsou vtak nesporne velmi dtletite pro tisk, rozhlas a organisace v Americe zastoupenYch narodnostnich sku pin. 0 poeetnosti a rozdeleni zdejtich narodnostnich skupin milteme si utvofitl nejlepti pfedstavu na zaklade odpovecli na th otazky: misto narozeni; zem, kde se narodili rodiee; rodnY, nebo matekskY jazyk. Tato posledni otazka byla pfi poslednim seitani lidos roku 1950 vynechana, ale mela by bYti podle nazoru mnoha narodnostnich organisaci vracena do censusu pfittiho. Bez porovnani matefskeho jazyku a zeme narozeni je nesnad no usouditi o etnickem pfivodu lidi, narozenSrch v zemich, kde tije vice narodnostnich skupin nebo jejich hranice se za tivota tazanYch zmenily. 6tenaki, ktefi vefi v pottebu sebrani takoveto statistiky, meli by napsati potkud moano nejdfive na U.S. Census Bureau a tadati o zahrnuti otazek o ma tefskem jazyku, miste narozeni a zemi, v nit se narodili rodiee. M-usi pH to pHletitosti i poukazati, jakk maji tyto informace Toto posledni je velmi ditleaite, nebot' svedectvi vefejnosti je hlavnim einitelem, kterY rozhodne o torn, budou-li zmi nene otazky zahrnuty. Dopisy adresujte na "Robert W. Burgess, Director, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D. C." Common Council. 4 • (

e Kdyt pigete Hlavni fitadovne v jakeko liv zaletitosti udejte vtdy pine jmeno sve, dislo tadu ku kteremu naletite a Oslo sveho certifikatu. Usnadnite tak velice DOci v fifadovne a vyvarujeme se mYlkam. Adresujte sve dopisy:— Supreme Lodge SPJST Box 400, Temple, Texas. 1• •( Nepodepsanemu "piitely" zdeluji na jeho vYtku, — ze basuieka "Skakal pes" atd., neda y no uvetejnena byla ureena pro male deti a do "Detske Hlidky" jak obeas menti basniety vedouci mladete. Motel si to ten dobrt pfitel domyslet, ze jsem nechtel aby se basnieku ueil on — takovY mudre --- boo podpisu.

Stran g 4


Domov prijnx a hosty


aw I E.


Nee° k nisledovemi

ye schuzi reditelu SPJST Domova odNag milY bratr F. K. BUCek z poeinku, je2' se konala v sobotu 14. pro- Hallettsville zaslal nam s vanoenim pta since v kancelati Domova v Taylor, u- nirn, Beset ciolarti na vYzdobu nadvoti sneseno bylo oznamiti v gem naSim pied Domovem Odpeeinku a sice si pteje niim, ze Domov je dokone'en a host' pro aby za tento obnos br. Harms vysadil pubyt v Domove jsou ptijimani a vita- na painatku tam pekanovY stromek. — Bratte Bneku, dekujeme za T ye ptani Nabytek pro 40 hostri do 32 svetnic, do i za obnos, kterY jsme tar. Hanu:Sovi s kancelate, kuchyne, jidelny a rekreaeni tyym ptanim odeslali. Tteba ze mss srdMiStnosti byl do Domova dodan ye dnech ce 113, sve leve strane, vime, ze jej mss 12. a 13. pro,since. Na gi eleni, 'kteti by v pravern mist' doufame, ze Tvtij si chtelj zajet do Taylor k prohlidce Do- Mad i jine naS'e bratry a sestry nadchmova, budou vkly until-rde a s pocitem ne. - Bud' zdravl L. 0. H. vc1 ■.‘blu plivitani. V ne j kratgi dobe, jen co se vyrovnaji vieehny dodane fray, bude nagim podan ripInSr a. podrobnS, ptehled if,e(r11 da.rft, plijnyil a ptispevkii. Rovne2 buc'e oznameno, kolik se dosud vyhasi slovenS"ti bratti se hospodatsky platlo postaveni a zatizeni Domova, e tea jak veliky je dlulr, ktery ptijde spla- zabezpoeili. Zname mnoho pracovniket ji2 z druhe svetove valky ze Slovenskeho ccrt. Narodtaiho SdruZeni. Slovenr:kY Sokol se Na vedeni Domova neni v ptitornne do- dobte drZi. Ptizpilsobuje se dobi-e tim, be 't'adny kapital. Potraviny a vgechny ze stavi nove sine a sokolovny, ktere nutne pottebY, od mSdla na =Swami a sloug novemu prosttedi. na pt. v Ambrid, kouparti az k rilznS7rn nakuprim uutnSTrn ge a velke vYletni mist() v Braeburn, kde v kakle dornacnosti, jsou dnes potizo- vlastni peknji majetek. vany na aver. ABC ptijdou host', neco se V 13raeburn se 'k.onala vS7roeni schttze uluadi z jejich poplatka, ale v zaeltku Z‘upy MatuAe ()aka Treneianskeho, jeto nesta6i. Budeme prokvat takou do- jimZ starostou je br. Vaclav Klimek. Na bu kdy Domov bude vcleemy za eelnici je 'ses. Mary Kadrikova. V Braesebemensi darek. burn pfedstavil br. starosta organisatorStepan ValEgk. ku Cs. N.R.A. Vlastu Vrazovou, ktera vz tajemnik teditelt pomenula, eeskoslovenskeho narodniho • A • ( svatku a jeho dne gnjho vS7znamu. Diky br. Klimkovi, byla pozvana do Ambridge kde br. Jan Kudrna se . ",enou. a br. Ed. Parbaa jeho 2ena, za spoluprace ochotSedmSr okrsek oznamil v Jourdanton, ze j Piieb 'Ojai jarni scbtze se bude ko- r4ch elenek uspotadali velmi zcia•O veeer. ,yes. Vrazova scznamila je s nat ve Floresville. Potad a datum budou OsNRA, poukazala, na narodni akei, oznamene co nejdfive. (dz) upozorni/a na nalepky vydavane za u ) • 4, ( aelem finanenim, na Vestnik a AmeriPit amen' ga§i adregv can 13ulletin, atd. Br. Klimek byl radon poultite tohoto kuponu i skutkern napomoeen a doufame. Supreme Lodge, Rada, 'navazala s krajany, zvla gte v box 400. Temple, Texas. dach slovenslich, dobre pracovni stvWarn Vas o menu me anresy Vest- ky. Vtele pkijeti, ktereho se zest y e Vrazove, jako zastupkyni oeskoslovenske na nika jak nasteduje:— rodni rady americke dostalo, je narn Mole nova, actresa jest:— moralni vzpruhou, ze jsme na spravne V. V. test' a ze na ge lady rostou. )• A •( Upozorneni na gim rodinam

ak se din nasi kraraith v Pennoylvagna

Okrskov6 oznimeni

Mote stars aclresa:.–

L'attiro k radu disio. 8 pozdravem odpia

due 1. tedno. 1953

Oznam - ent

SehUze vYborn Slovanske Podporujiei Jednoty Statu Texasu konati se bude v necteli, due 5. ledna, v 10 hodin dopoledne, v budove Slovanske Podporujici Jednoty Statu Texasu v Temple. Eduard Mieek, pfedseda Tiskoveho vYboru. • )• Bytova vystavba v 5SR neuspokojiva Aekoli vefka mesta v Oeskoslovensku trpi choronickou bytovou krisi, rovna se letoSni vystavba novYch bytil necele jeclne ttetine poetu bytovYch jednotek, postavenYeh v roce 1956. Zatim co deseti tisice rodin eekaji na byt, relimni stavebnictvi "nepini plan." Od ledna do tijna 1957 bylo podle Rudello prava. do uZivani 18,585 bytti. V roce 1956 jich bylo ptedano 63.677 a v roce 1955 50.591. "Varovne je, ze do zati leto'Sniho roku stavebni zavody rozesta vely pies 37,000 bytta", si steloval list, "vice, ne2 za celY rok dokaIi dokoneit." FE?. ) • 43 • t CESKA VZtlitLAVACI NADACE TEXASU tcThe Czech Educational Foundation of Texao Sestry a broth Ptejeme-li si skuteene, aby se vyndovalo &Stine na vy ggich ueiliStich; dale, ptejeme-li si ,aby znalost o deskoslovenskern narode byla co moZno nejvice rozSitena a navkly zachovana; a chcerne-li desahnouti ureeneho cile co nejdtive, kaklY 6echoamerioan by mel obetovati pori JEDEN DOLAR ku dosaZenr naaerro tile. Ptejete-li si podpotiti heel a cil Oeske Nadace v Texasu bud' dobrovo1nS rm pHspevi, orn nebo jako Glen, Slate pomoc bude vdkne ptijata. Pakli souhlasite, ustrihnete a zaSlete na taj emnika — pokl acinika P •ikladam svrij elenskST pfispevek obnosu $1.00; $2.00; $5.00; $10.00; 100.00; anebo i $1,000.00. $

Sve dary laskave za glete co nejdtive u vedorni, ze KDO RYCHLE DAVA, DVAPro nedostatek mista vyladili jsme KRAT DAVA, na tajemnika-poldadanka, Dr. ,Tan M. Sktivanek, Box 446, College delgi dobu oznameni rodimjeh sehrizi a sje zda (Family Reunion). To v gak nezna- Station, Texas. mend, 'le ptestali jsme nagim 61enlan v torn ohledu slouzit. -- Verrme totiz, Tmeno darce: ze druha pospolitost pomand na gim pia telskS7m vztahi1m a mate-li tedy ozname- Adresa.: rli Vagich sjezdtt rodiny, spolehujte se na misto pro cznameni v na gem Vestniku. Mesto: Stat:

due 1. ledna


doSle, Pdkrok v Houston Cislo 88. poladal vanoeni program. s nadilkou. V holej gi faddy& mistnosti na jevig ti se skvel peknY vanodni strom v pine krase a u spodu s nakupenou hromadou dark& Slavnost zahajil predseda radu bratr Hasher kterY pak predal 31ovo bratru Befeikovi. Potom skupina deti zapela vanoeni pisne za doprovodu Diana. Pak plichazeli na, ladu mall umelci, kdyt byl program vyterpan, bratr predseda Hasher pral v gem pritomnYm vesele Vanoce a zdar, gtesti v nastavajicim novem roce 1958. Pak ptig el Mikulag, v pravidelnem milculagskern vystrojeni a meal detem rozdavati darky, jet" zakoupil narozeninovY kroutek sester laclu. Po to do glo na to kupu darkti pod stromem, cot vzalo hezkY eas net byla dodana adresattim. Ku konci bratr 8efdik oznamil ze v nedeli 16. Unora dramatickY Kroutek Hiahol se hraje deske divadlo. a ze na ukoneeni roku bude potadana Sylvestrovsk,a noyoroeni platelska zabava pre hudbe J. Vacka z Rosenberg. ) • .f. Die zpravy

Praha bez telefonnich seznamil V roce 1957 nevygel v Prate telefonni )evalam, coz zpitsobuje obeantun znaene potite. Podle oznameni Svobodneho slova nerna vyjit ani v roce 1958. "Ale telefonnich a.bonentii pfibYva, v mnoha padech se majitele meni, oddeleni telefonickYch dotazti je pleti gneno, stanice dostavaji nova Cisla a elovek nedovola" pokraduje list "Ne glo by vydat alesdodathy se zmenand, jak se to dela drive nekolikrat do roka?" Pokud vime, telefonni seznam se nevywiva re" dvou oficialne "se Setri popirern", neoficialne v gak retim povatuje telefonni seznam za knihu, kte ra nema b y t prilis "dostupna" nebot' natiZe ohrozit "bezpeCnost zeme". FEP. • ( 1 • Studenti v Sovetskim Svazu Podia zpravy IThitelskYch novin z 21. iMopaclu v Sovetskem svazu studuje 950 ce ,,kYch a slovenskych student& Jsou rortrugeni po 101 institutech ye vgech vetSich rnestech. Mezi obory, kterY se venuji, je nejvice vyhledavana jaderna lysika, dale banske intenYrstvi, hutnictvi ekonornie a geologie. S' udiurn se deje na zaklacle dohody me z: CSR a SSSR z roku 1952. V ramci teto clohody bylo od. roku 1952 do roku 1956 poslano do Sovestkeho svazu 813 eeskYch a slovenskYch studentii a 100 aspirant& va deskoslovenskYch vysokYch gkolach ie dues 119 studentu a aspirantt ze Sovetskeho svazu. FEP.

l',"STN z K


Strang 5

Z Do ova Odpounku, Taylor, Texas VAem Meniun neSi SPJST: Prichazime na skionku roku 1957, abychom Vain oznamili radostnou zpravu, ze Domov odpodinku v Taylor byl jit dostaven a ze o vanoenich svatcich bylo v Domove ubytovano jit devet lidi. Touto cestou dekujeme vgem SPJST a vgem na gim priznivcinn za vgechnu penetitou pomoc k postaveni Domova poskytnutou. Zverne Vas uctive, abyste navg tivili Domov a poznali, co se za Vage glechetne dary poridilo. Musime plipomenout, ze v gechny penize byly vyeerpane na stavbu a na vnitrni talizeni. Nen-tame dnes tacinou zalohu, z ktere bychom platili nand nakupy a nemame ani tadnY fond na vyrovnani netti za praci v kuchyni, za eisteni a patrebne vedeni Domova. Net dostaneme do Domova vice hostel ,kteri by pomohlo Domov yydrtovati, musirne poeitat s ic,a,tclYm darovanYm centem. Sebemengi dar je nam dnes nesmirne vitanY . Na prahu noveho roku 1958 posilame Vain vgem uplimnY dik za kaidou podporn s planim zdravi, gtesti a spokojenosti za Va ge dobre skuticy. Srdedne Vagi • editele SPJST Domova Odpodinku. • •( Domov Odpoelnku Cteni bluff.% sestry a ptatele:— Podavam zpravu ohledne darti ktere jsem minulY tYden obdrtel. SPJST lad els. 143 Inez $25.00 Pan a pi. Rud. Troubil Corp. Christi 5.00 Pan a pi. John GajevskY Orchard misto posilani vanoenich listkti 10.00 Pan a pi. John E. Ka gpar, Temple 25.00 Tedy celkem do stavebniho fondu jsem obdrtel $65.00 Pan a pi. F. W. Paul El Campo ye jmenu SPJST lad eislo 58 Hugerford $300.00 na vybaveni 1 svetnice daroval Nejmenovana pani Austin darovala do Monokova fondu $325.00 Tedy celkem vgeho jsem tento $690.00 tento tYclen bdrtel Vzdavam srdeene diky v gem clarctim za, tyto •krasne dary na tuto krasnou a neelnou vec. Doufam, ze budeme nasiedo vat jejich pfikladu a dle motnosti sp ej erne. Dale scieluji, ze v pledminule moji zpra ve jsem opomenul podotknouti, ze pan a pi. Rud. Troubil, Corpus Christi, Texas darovali tech $10.00 do Mouolcova fondu misto posilani vanodnich listku. Tedy to timto spravuji. S pkanim vgeho dobra vgem vespolek a s br. pozciravem Chas Navratil pokl. SPJST R.' Home 816 E. Ave A. Temple, Tex.

P. S.:— Domov Odpodinku jest jit dohotoven a tedy p11 p1ilezitosti zajed'te se tam podivat. Jest to v gechno krasne. Na cot mitZerne bYti hrdi. ) • 4. • Domov Odpoeinku Temple, Texas Cteni, bratli, sestry a pfatele:— Plilrotene stvrzuji plijem darti, ktere jsem za minulY tYden obdrtel. Do stavebniho fondu prispeli nasleciuPi. John Navratil Dayton, Ohio $10.00 jici: 15.00 SPJST lad cis. 101 Gainesville 25.00 SPJST rad Cis. 27 Moulton Pi. Annie Dugek, Corpus Christi elenkyne ladu els. 97 25.00 Pan Jos Kozelski Morton, daroval 125 liber knih na Cteni. Celkem do stavebniho fondu jsem obdrtel $75.00 Pan a pi. J. C. Pgendik Georgetown 10.00 do Mouelcova fondu Tedy celkem jsem tento Olden obcIrtel $85.00 Srdeene diky rzclavain Ora° claret= za jejich mile dary. Zprava z pfedzninuleho tYdne nebyla ye Vestniku neb jsem p odeslal v sobotu rano a proto prisla asi pozde, kdyi Vestnik byl vydat o jeden den chive. Preji yam vsem vespolek gt'astnY a ye sely Novy Rok 1958. Zviagte byste men dobre zdravi, rieb to jest nade vgechno. S br .pozdravern Chas. Navratil poldadnik ) • 4, • ( Zpravy z Caldwell V anglicke Mai najde laskavY etenar dopis od taj. radu eislo 17 v Novem Tabole a zpravu o vYsledku voleb konanYch, 8 prosince 1957. — Dekujeme za zpravu a znovu elenstvo tohoto faclu na sve -afednici upozorflujeme. • 4. • (— Ka hle onemocnela nage dobra sestra a pfitelkyne, mantelka bratra Franka Vytopila z Wheeloclo Byla operaci doprayena do Bryu,nske, nemocnice a proto, ze nas zprava dostihla pled uzaverlcou listu, nevime jak se sestle Vytopilove prave dafi. — Ale doufame, ze sta y jeji bude uspokojivY a ze" do noveho roku bude se stale lep git, tak aby jsme ji zas uvideli veselou a usineya you. Kdo miitete pc glete ji zciravici do Wheelock Rt. 1.


*To • (

Do Roustonu Pismenka pod zpravou Sokola vHousto.. nu jsou bratra Jos. Kose, cot na data,: zde uvadirn.

Strana) 6




dne 1. ledna 1958

°DWI DONSOVATELt kid Jan Rosiekk eis. 110 Kaufman, Texas Vgem elenam nageho tadu:— Kteki nebyli pkitonmi v prosincove schtizi oznarnujeme, ze tadovYmi iltedniky byli zvoleni tito bratki: Ptedseda, S. A. tech, mistoptedseda, John 8vadlenak, tajemnik, Steve 8t'astAS, st. pokladnik, Villie Janieek, fidetnik George VitovskY. 2adame vzdaleriej gi eleny aby pamatovali na tadove povinnosti. S pozdravem na v gecky eleny. Steve 8t'astnSr st. taj emnik. 4 • teehoslovan eislo 40 Hillje, Texas Sestry a bratti:— ✓ prosincove vkroeni schrizi tadu techoslovan 'Oslo 40 byli zvoleni fitednici pro rok 1958 a site. Ptedseda, Jos. R. Rubesh, mistoptedse da, Ed F. Krestu, tajemnik, Emil K. HajovskY, pokladnik Karel Kuleak, fidetnik Frank 8ablatura, vkbor majetkovy, Albert Krestv, Clem Bueak, Ed. F. Krestu John Kuleak, Ed. Hlavinka. — VYbor Aeetni: Albert Krestu, John Kuleak a Ed. Hlavinka. VYbor resolueni, Sophie Hra decka, Emil K. Ha jovskY a Leon Ttiska. Wbor zabavni: Frank Sablatura. Do ndlevny Albert Kresta. itadovi lekati, John Halamieek ml., Winston Thilgen, Leonard Johnson, a Lorraine Stengel. — Vkbor vzdelavaci, Pavel 8ablatura, Sophia Hra deckle a Marie Buea. — Dopisovatele, So phie Hradecka, eesky; a Margaret Bablatura anglicky. Teg vein chci dat vedet sestry a bratti tie po novYm roce budem mit valycky dru hou nedeli v rnesici misto prvni nedeli nagi schtzi. Tak si to prosim zapamatuj. dekuji sestram na geho 'facia za te. Te 1 to dobrou svaeinu co nam nachystaly v. posledni schrizi. Tez vain pfeju bratti a sestry At'astnk Novk Rok. S brarskkm pozdravem Emil K. HajovskY, tajemnik )• • Fr. Mack* eislo 21 Engle, Texas Sestry a bratki:— Ptedne yam pfeji St'astrn'T a veselk Novy Rok. A take timto vas uvedomujeme, 2e nage elenstvo tadu Fr. Palackk, 'Oslo 21 se ma dostavit do schaze v nedeli dne 5. ledna. Bude vkroeni schtze a volba novych ritednikft. Tak nashledanou v nedeli 5. ledna, 1958. o 2:00 hod. odpoledne. S bratrskYrn pozdravem I. J. KopeckY, pkedseda

Corpus Christi Sestry a bra Zasilam obrazek nageho nejmladgino elena, ktereho jsme ptijali do nageho tadu ye schazi dne 8. prosince 1957. Rady Gerald Majek, kterk se narodil 6. listopadu rodietim Frank a Margaret majkovkm. Je to devatenactY e'en z

kali F. B. Zdrubek, 'Oslo 112

Guy, Texas Cteni bratti a sestry:— Timto yam oznamuje, ze vkrodni schaze nag eho kadu byla konand dne 8. listopadu a v gechno jsme vykidili az na volbu atednikil a vYboril. Pro malou Cast elenstva, volba tato byla odlolena at do nagi lednove pravidelne schrize, ktera se bude konati v nedeli, 12. ledna, 1958 ye dve hodiny odpoledne v taclOve sini na Guy. Jste gadani, bratki a sestry by jste se do teto schrize dostavili co mono v nejvetgim poetu a zvolili si fired niky nove a dle sve chuti. S ptanim gt'astneho noveho roku a s pratrskYm pozdravem, Chas. Pavlas, ptedseda, J. H. Mikeska, tajemnik. ) • rL • kid eislo 67 SPJST Schulenburg, Texas Rad Brat?' Svobody eislo 67 oznamuje znovuzvoleni fitednik_fi pro rok 1958: F. A. Bezecnk ptedseda, Frank Holub ml. mistopfedseda, Frances Bezecnk, tajemne-fieetnice, F: A. Bezeenk, pokladnik. Frank Holub ml. organisator. Pkeji vgem sestram a bratra iadu Brat svobody ekao 67 gt'astnk Nov' Rok. S pozdravem rodiny Majkove, ale prvni rozene ditko Frances BezecnY, taj. manZela Frank a Margaret Majkovkch 1 • A • t co naleli alenstvem k faclu Anton J. Oermak eislo 56. Zadost o elenstvi byla vyCorpus Christi, Texas pinena 19. listopadu 1957 kdyZ chlapec Cteni bratti a sestry.— mel 13 dni. ✓ anglicke east na geho Vestniku na Nag tad ma tki jednatele (organisa- strance 20te ze dne 15. kvetna (May) 1957 tory), kteki jsou volni na pola- je vYtah z protokolu ze schrize Hlavni dani komukoliv dati pottebne informace fitadovny SPJST ktera, se potadala 11. ce v zalaitostech jenZ se tYkaji pojistek dubna 1957 v Temple, Texas. Jak vyrou SPJST kde jest patnact rriznYch dru- zumivam jest tam minim o stupnici 3% hil pro dospele a pet raznYch zfiroeovani. Pies pill roku uplynulo druha v Detskem Oddeleni. Pisatel tech- toto bylo uverejnenc, ale Z'acink neudelal to tadkfi Vam bude povdeenk kdyi se dotaz, neb podrobne pottebne vysvetleni na nej obratite a podobne i br. Chas. ktomu, by nekdo dal. Jen sestra Frances Olexova utinila o tom zminku nedavno Holasek a Frank Veselka. ye Vestniku. Aby elenove vedeli oe se Podrobriej gi popis pkirtstku nageho zde vlastne jedna, tedy zde opisuji onen elenstva, podam ptilelitostne nekdy po kratkk odstaveeek: novem roce, aby elenstvo melo ptehled "Upon motion duly made, second, and nagi einnosti. Zaroveri chci dues je gte po carried, the recomendation submitted by dekovat uptimne jmenem piedsedy, za the Insurance Committe, that we revise nag tad v gem co brali podil na udrk- our rates and adopt the 3% Commissionni a zlepgeni spoluptace u na geho kadu. ers Standard mortality rates or tables, Ptilaitostne chci s dovolenim pou git tech was aproved." to sloupcil Vestniku abych take mohl Kdo neni zapracovari a znalk begneho projevit viele diky vgem tern co po eas pojigt'ujiciho obchodu a jeho systtemu, nemoci moji rnan gelky ji potegili navAte- ktere je velmi slo gite, nevi a nemiUe you, kvetinami, peeivem, knihami a po- rozumeti co se tim ma docilit, kdy zdravnjmi listky. se udelat ona zminena zmena procent Mnoho zdravi a zdaru do noveho ro- jake dobro z toho vzejde na gi jednote? ku vgem pfeje Vag Zde vidim, ze nekdo chce spige pogkodit John SO6a jeho radou, ne2 udela dobre nati Jedno-

Ve - Sti•edit, - dne` t. &Ina 1958 te. Nejsem gadfly expert (po desky znalee neb odbornik) ale maj rozhled mi pravi ,ge nage ptitomne upravene tabulkY jeng jsou v pouZivani, nem daly sto dvacet procent solvence co g by dinilo okrouhle okolo dvou miliont dolora nad stoprocentni po'aadavky nagich zaloh. Takova zaloha je vice ne g postaditelna a mohou se s ni vypleeet i dividendy elentin. ona zinena 3% slort git adelu ku zvYg eni amrtnich poplatka, pak budeme miti jeg le vetgi ptebytek neZ maine nyni. Zde- by velmi poslou gilo vysvetleni v teto zaletitosti od povekenYch fitednika Hiavni atadovny. TakovY kratky a nejosnY vYklad nic nevYsvetluje a musi jen vzbudit domnenky, joke zmeny z toho mail povstat, jestli se to tYka, jen novYch trid ktere maji bYti zavedeny a neb i tech -acid, co jig nyni mame v platnosti? Nag Vestnik by mel pfinaiet vYtah pro tokola ze schazi Hlavni atadovny nejen v fedi anglicke, ale i v redi Ceske. SpolkovY zajem toho vyg oduje. Jest mnoho mezi narni jegte tech, co `anglickou Cast neotou s tech sornYch prieiri ge neumi ovladat °be fedi degtinn'aoriglietinn. Nyni i nekolik slov br.--Redaktorovi. PR 'Oen/ a listovani tolui na geho Vestniku sisein vide/ ninchokrat opakovan v anglicie dasti , ten nag tok zvanY "The Charter SPJST Rest licinie" (VYsada rid Statu Texas pro ten na g Doinay Odpoeinku.) 2\Teviln sda-li jserri 131Th/ern podObne eznarneni v deske easti.— pakli atio ,tedy pi emin rhoje nedbAle eteni. Jest -clostid nutnYna, aby obe fedi byly pc/Ugh/any, ku zdarneniu vedeni : zalegitasti nagi JednOty SPJST. Vainie si riyni i v budoucnu, nagich ciorozurnivajicich fedi. S bi'atfskYrn pOzdravern John StOgO. (Poi, red.:— Charter nebo VYsada DomoVa mi byla, doda,na v anglickeril zneni a Tvoji . gadost o deskY pteklad jserri p0 , 13.1 dor/lova.) ) • Ai • 'regime se, nage dtenaki si PfeetoU pozorne diapis sestry Ant. Horakove v tomto eisle uVerejnenY. Je z na gelao Thomova OdpoCinko a seznate, e je je gte pdmoci tarn. ba. Kdo jste dosud neptispeli, nyni je Vo gi pornoci zapotfeby. ) A, • pak mate ye Vagern fadu 2VOzabavni vkbor? -- Jest to chlleiitSr vYbor. Pakli ano, bude miti vypracovanY plan bur/oriel dinnosti Vageho farin-`.j- ? ? lenSr



Strana 7 strast nad ztralou Va geho mileho mangela a otce. Za resoludni vYbor: George Vitovs1/. Willie - Janidek, Steve 8t'astnSr. • ) • RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI

My, nine podepsank resolueni vYbor fadu Pokrok Brazoria eislo 162, Rosharon, Texas vyslovujeme nak upkimne citenou soustrast pozilstale rodine nad ztra.ton jejich mileho manZela otce a clecleeka a nakho spolubratra Tomage Krampotu kterk zemfel dne 23. listopadu. Zesnuber spolubratr byl dlouholetYm Menem naSeho kadu a valy dbalk svYch povinnosti. Vime, pozastala rodino, ge elitejell° odchodu, sle budiZ yam utechou, Z0 i my spolkov, bratki a sestry soucitime s vami ye zarmutku. Tobe rnilY na.S" spolubratke lehke odRESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI I-Zad Volna Oechie eislo 135 v Ennis vy- poeinuti pfejerne a odpoeivej v pokbji. Z fad Pokrok Brazorie eislo 162 SPJST slovuje upkimne citenou soustrast :rad John Gerhart, ztratou nak sestry, ktera byla dobrou John Je2, resolueni idrbor. manZelkou matkou a babiekou, I • At, • Marie Bale Na i/eeilost od pas odekl ktera zemfela dne 16. Tr•c .:ince 1957 ye veku 80 let a pochovana bvla no Myrtle pas bratr a elen fadu Oslo 24 v Cyclor , h •bitoVe v Ennis. Texas, BudiZ ji zerne iehkou. Thomas H. Batla Za tad Volna Gechie eislo •35 v Ennis, narozen v Bernardo, Tex., dne 23. duona Texas. 1833 a zemkel po delgi nemoci v BellvillRudolf Hrneik; ske nemocnici dne 9. prosince 1957. ZaWillie Sktivanek, • elku Carolint a F. A. Lagnovskt, resoludni vSrbor nechal truchlici man Z etyfi decry Clam. Lydiu, Binnie, Louisi • Z. ! byl a dva syny Edwina a Raymonda. RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI z kostela CAB cirkve pochovan na hibiS litosti oznamujeme vgern vidalenym tov ye Wesley. Vetginou easu pokud mu dIentim na.geho tadu Jan RosickY 'Oslo zcIrOvi slougilo, rolnieil a poslednich 9 110. g,e od rids ode el nav gdy velice neo- let pfebYval pri Bleiblerville. Zanedekavane dne 14. listopadu nag oblibenY chal teg 8 vnuka a jedneho pravnuka. spolubratr Rodina dekuje v gern za pfatelske proJosef Nemec jevy. -- Na ge soustrast rodine. ) • c * ( bydlici v meste Kaufman. ZemtelY bratr RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI byl rodak z Noveho Hrozerikova, za Vsetinem, kraj ValagskY na MOrave v 6esko Resoludni vYbor (Ida Pokrok Houstoslovensku. Do teto nove vlasti ptijel v nu vyslovuje touto cestou uptinine citemladem veku pouhYch 17 rokil. noir soustrast nad odchodem na geho spo Povolanirn byl klempit, ale vpravil se brzy a aspe gne i do obchodu v nem g se lubratra Emil Petra mu vedlo dobte a doMohl se znadneho majetku. Mel on v sobe obchodniho du- kterY po dells nemoci opustil sve mile. cha. Zanechal zde dceru pani Ella Sobotik a Do mesta Kaufman se pfistehoval se syna Joe Petra g. Tri sestry a tti bratti, svoji rodinou od mesta Brenham Texas spoustu pkettel a spolkovYch bratra a reku 1919. A od to doby jsme snagiveho sestet.. bratra znali. Pochovan byl dne 17. prosince za velke Clenem nageho ta,du se stal roku 1938. adasti. Budig, mu zeme lehka. Odpoeivej Byl dbalY tadovYch povinnosti. v pokoji. Zanechava bolem zdrcenou mariZelZa tad Pokro kHoustona eislo 8 ku, deem sleenu Andelinu a Zenateho Prances Olexova., syna Raymond Nemce. Anna 'Svestkeva, Proto Vy, porastali pfijmete fiabi souAnna Vrlova, resolueni Oho

8trana, 8



mond Cedidlova a pi. Willie Odstreilova pti podavani chutneho kafieka, Pune% pfedidadandho chlebieka a dortfl. Pani Joe Talakwa zapisovala hosty do zlate knihy. Jejich synove Alvin a. Leroy darovali sy Ym rodidum krasne zlate naramkove neb zapestni hodinky co upominku k rocs jejich zlate svatby. Mnoho jinYch darku od jejich pfibuznYch a ptatel bylo vyloleno na velkem stolu. Hos.te se zadali schazeti asi o dvou hodinach odpoledne a vraceli jsme se domu kolem pet hodin k veeeru. Bylo to velmi mile sejdeni, hodne jsme si pfa telsky pohovoilli a vesele se pobavili. JeZte jednou ptejeme manZelrim Ginz lovYm mnoho zdravi a Zt'astneho spoluZiti by ye zdravi se doekali i svatby diamantove. Caldwell, Texas Kdyi jiz jsem se dala do psani mysleCtena redakce Vestniku:— la Byla jsern poladand bych popsala zla- g jsem, ze napili i nee° vice, ale mylenky nechteji pracovat, stale delam tou svatbu meho mileho bratranka Wilchyby tak radej ukoneim s ptanim veseliam Ginzla a jeho mile Zenaky Vlasty. Mne se ted' teZko pie co mtij mil' man- l'ch svatkii trZem dtenatinn. P. P. Mikeskova. tel odeZel nemohu sve myAlenky ) •( na nieem ustaliti, stale pfeskakuji s jed neho ptedmetu na druhY. Ale ponevadl Z Domova Odpoeinku nas neni mnoho, co se zlate svatby doeTaylor, Texas Cteni bratti a sestry.-Vim jak nedoekave eckaji moji prate'le na nejaike zpravy ode nine z Domova Odpoeinku. Dnes jest nedele, vzala jsem si ruzne easopisy i Vestnik do me svetnice, budu eisti ale mezi fadky jsem Vas mile ptatele videla a tak hup s postele a piSi Vain tyto fadky. Jsem zde, bych pomohla trochu br. tediteli 8. Valeikovi v to zaeateeni praci. Te jest zde doposud az moc. Ja, i sestra, Val dikova, jsme nektere dni opravdu unay en& neb to zde dosud neni dodelane. Slo sem zatizeni do, kuchyne a sto iin'ch veci. fteditele zde chteli miti bylo tedy tteba vAe sehnat na obed pro ne a chteli jsme miti co nejvice ustlanYch posteli aby si mohli ueinit pie sny ptehled jak to tu bude vypadat a tak jsme nechodili ale litali jako y e pradlo co jsme i byly neb delnika bylo na v'Se strany. Ale IA to nejhorgi mame za sebou a kame, chci tu svatbu aspori kratce pop- uZ se k nam stehuji statenky a statiCsati. ci. Mame 4 babieky, dva dedeely. Libi se Sall jsme se v American Legion Home jim zde a i jejich detem ktetI je sem v nedeli odpoledne dne 24. listopadu. By ptivezli. Je gte do noveho roku jich ma zamraeeno a asi dva dny pied tim pfijit nekolik. Jest zde pekne vAe nove cele dny pr gelo, cesty byly Apatne blati- vge diste, pane pohodlne svetniely, do ye, ale piece se tam sal° neb sjelo pies bre jidlo a snaZime se by jim zde nebylo padesat hostel. Na velkem stolu kterY smutno. Mame uz i televisi V sale kde byl ozdoben intiZkovYm prosteradlem stal jest nekolik stolri jsou rtzne zabavne velkST a krasnY svatebni dort. vrchu jako domino, karty a vette, le nevim dortu se pekne vyjimala velka zlata ei- co v'Ze jsou toho pine bedny jen jsem z, lice 50. Pani Alvin Ginzlove a Leroy Gin to prozatim dala za dvete, to 'de deka ziove, pornahala pani L. Ginzlova, pi. Ray na hraee, kteti vetime, ze brzy ptijdou.

Illidka Zen

Ve sticedu, dne 1. - ledna 1958 Dnes rand me tikal statidek lVfartinek, on se rad kutal na zahradce povidam jen podkejte, jen co nam upravi zahradku zaptahneme vas. Budeme sadit cibuli, ee snek, salat a vse neb budeme chtit e'erstvou zeleninu. A ty statenky zase nejake kviteeka. Jejdaneeky, zde je tteba veci. KdybY ste nam chteli darovat budu Zebrat. Ha, ha. Nejake pekne nove Wove zhlavky, neb nekteti chti dve petiny pod hl• vu. Lehke deky i doma Mane, kvilty ale ne teZke neb oni nemohou mit nic tea• keho na nohach. Jest zde pane tepla pitemne ale no co chcete od statiekU pteci jeZte nee° tahne. Mame peknY bytek, shodila by se nam i nejaka pekni deli pokr'vka aby to svetnieka byla jake doma babiedina Nektera maji fotografie sv'ch milYch a tak pfed tim zrcadlem se to pekne vy Jima. I nejakY deli peknY ubrus na stole by se /lam hodil. Vite tak ptilentostne neb ptijdete-li k nam na nav gtevu, pohostime jako doma neb chceme dati tern statiekrim zde kus jejich domova. TeZ do tech zahradek pospete si. Prosinee, leden sadit budem. Jinak se zde mame dobte. Ptijd'te se podivat a nezapomerite na nas. Tyto faclky budete Cisti ua az po Va. nocich tedy Varn ATZem jmenem nas vgech v Domove Odpoeinku pfeji gt'astnSi polehnanY Nov' Rok 1958. Na zdar! Antonie Horakova. (Poz. red.:— Dekujeme za peknou zpravu, nebot' takovou, bez zbyteonSich "kudrlinek slovnich si kaidY rad pfeete. Piste zas mo2no-li.) ) • 4. Houston, Texas 8t'astriSr a veselY Nov' Rok 1958 celemu personalu:— Tak Vam musim dat vedet hned na zadatku roku, Ze se budete se mnou trarok. pit znovu po cel' tento Jak vite tot°, je zprava od narozeninovel.° klubu a jak' jsme se chtely a Iptipravovaly se zhostit naeho fitadu ptec jen tak jsme yZecky byly nanovo zvolene. Sestra Chalupnikova, ktere, vypomaha ucit Akolu a jeji Cas je drahfr, po zdrahani zas svuj Mad co picedsedkyne ptijala za co'i ji srdeene clekujeme. Pani Irene Slovaeek, ktera svilj Mad Matra Co pokladniee, jiz od zaloleni, Narozeninoveho Klubu a to je jiz nejakYch 12 let, take s yttj Mad ptijala. Pani Francis Olexova co tajernnice vkly ma dobre napady a jak paru slovy nas pokara tak hned jsme hodnejZi a kaZda ostanem jak zmokla slepice a ptij mem i to, dello jsme se chtely zhostit. V mesici prosinci se nas seglo do schil-


,tiedu, due 1. ledna 1958

ze 41 elenkyri a jednu novu elenku jsme prijaly co tak k nas narozeninov* klub ted:' eito. 57 elenek. Na tento rok mama udelano 5 elenkyri do hromady na jednu hostinu a servovat se bude jen kafieko a koldee. Dva velike obedy budou za rok. Jeden obed je nam sliben* od bratra a sestry Alfred HilsherovYch a jeden °bed bale darovan* z naai pokladne. Darky byly darovane na v*hru za kte re se vybralo $9.25 a byly; darovane jak nasleduje: pi. Francis Tesaf, pi. Francis Clexa, pi. Willie Mae Powel a pi. Agnes Buri..

V 1718 T N

",trans 9


Od bratra J F. Chupicka 0 piiehodu prvni vSrpravy Moravanil V 1914 Frant. Marak, jeden z prvnich Moravan g v Texasu napsal vzpominku na zkuknosti prvnich Mora.vanii kteti zaloaili prvni eeskou osadu v Texasu, dneani Dubinu. — Vyprava tato se utabofila, na vYchodnim Navidade, dneani Dubine mezi Ammannsville a Weimar, ale ani Weimar ani Ammannsville tehdy jeate nebylo. — Dorazili za sychraveho poeasi v listopadu 1856 pod koaate liveoaky .v misto dues statnim pomnikem oznaeene. Pan Marais: pik mezi jinkm: Jednoho dne mi vaak oznamil, 2e se vystehuje do Ameriky, co2 take skuteene udinil a usadil se ye statu Iowa. Jeate teho2 roku dvakrat nom dopsal a ujiat'oval nas, Ze v America trefili na dobre misto a 2e se jim clan uspokojive. Zpra,vy ty pohnuly jak mne, tak nektere pfately k pfem*aleni a poradam, az jsme se koneene dohodli take do Ameriky se vydati.

Naae, pfiati schiize bude 8. ledna a narozeniny slavi jaik, nasleduje: pfedsedky ne pi. Francis Chalupnikova a pi. Alma Gaudin. , Hostitelkami budou jak nasleduje pro mesic leden pi. Lucy Soseat, pi. Annie Beathe, pi. Della Holub pi. Augustin Winkler a pi. Anna Vrla. Tak nezapomerite, je to druhou stfedu v mesici 8. ledna. Nashledanou Bylo nas celkem sedmnact rodin a site Anna Vrlova. z Tiche pet rodin, z Mialho tfi rodiny, ze ) • 4 • ( Skienova dye rodiny, z Malkch Kuneic od Mistku jedna rodina., z Trojanovic dye Dallas, Texas rodiny a z. Frenatatu &yid rodiny. 13ratte redaktore:— Z Tiche jel s nami jist* Kalik, rodem Rada bych podekovala vaem pfateltun Nemec, z eehot jsem byl poteaen, ponea sestrain za penize a darky ktere jsem odevzdala do Christmas Gift Shop v Lis vad2 jsem se spolehal, 2e se jeho prostke bon Veterans Hospital 8. prosince. Zde dnictvim spike cestou domluvime, aekoi , ou jmena darcil a doufam, 2e 26.dn* liv Frenatatati take nemecky znali. Jeate na Morave nemohli jsme se donebude vynechan: Pani Mary Bobak, Ahodnouti do ktereho americkeho statu neZka Zazvorka, William Bouaka z Ennis. pi. a sl. Houdkovy z Dallas, sestry se vystehujeme. Ja, mel mineni usaditi se Krou2ku Frances a Annie Steiner, Dol- ye statu Iowa a ostatni rodiny z Tiche fi a Marie Strarisk*, Marie Pfevratil, Ma byly ochotny mne na,sledovati. Frenatatie Nesuda, Willie Jureik, Helen Vrla st. tati vaak se chteli stehova,t do statu TeMarie Filipec, Josephine Malik, Anaka xas. PonevadZ nas z Tiche bylo vice, uHem2al, Marie Schefeak, Anna Poklad- snesli jsme se jet do Iawy. Ale stalo se jinak Frenatatati bez nati nik„ Anna Kopeck*, Hattie Hokk, Fran ces Koria,kovsk*, Marie Dukk, Rosa KO vedomosti psali do Brem na jineho pfepack, Bokna Valeik, Milada, Voss, Annie pla,vniho agenta a ten jim nee° na pfeZvolanek, Josephine Marshik. Zdenka, plavnern do Texasu slevil. Za jedenact t*dnii byli jsme z Bremen v Galvestone. Skotak. Prosim pfijmete srdeen* dik a pfeji Do Cat Spring vaem at'astn* Nov* rok. Z Galvestonu do Houstonu plavili jsme Marie Toberny. se na parni lodi. Z Houstonu dale do ) • iN • t. statu jeli jsme na vozich taZen*ch voly. ledno deveatko se ptalo maminky, zda Cesta z Houstonu do Cat Spring trvala pies t*den. Poeasi bylo neptijemne, pr‘nisionaki p •ijdou do nebe. 'Selo a bylo zima a nejen my dospeli ale "No jiste 2e" pravi matka. i male deti museli jit za vozy peal v moA cot lidokuti"? Ty do nebe nepfijdou, odpovida mat kre vysoke trave a pino baZin.. Jeate v Houstonu jsme Ali do mesta nee° america A co .kdy'i lido2rout snedl misiona•e Mho koupit k jidlu. Snidali jsme v malem obchodu potravinami, ci jak se zde vezmou jej pak do nebe? fika, v grocerii. Pfi torn vidim uprostfed • • velke bedny pine kukutiene mouky. VezProt chcete abych vratil Vara penize mu ji trochu do ruky a prohlilim, na ten snubni prstinek, cot se nehodil? pravim ku Kalikovi • — "Jen se 0, prstinek se hodil ale ja ne. podivejte, to jest piece PIA, vS7hoda net

na Morave, kdy," tady i pro prasata kukufici melou." (Ve stare viasti uNvalo se kukutice vSrlaradne ke krmeni, ne k jidlu.) Tu se nam dostalo vysvetleni, 'ge ta kukuriena, mouka je na prodej a ?i'.e Jdeme k naaim ni pekou lide ehleb. rodinam zpatky. Friukani a Idiueeni Ja'zdaloka vidime vgechny v jednom chomaei a kdy2 priehazime blia, slygime ffiukani a knueeni. Uprostred stala nejaka ' engtina a vykladala na gim 2enain Jake svizele nas v Texasu eekaji. Ale die vaeho ta 2ena prehanela, proto2e kdy2 tnezi teed p •idrOil se k nam nejaky mladS, krajan se dvema sestrami, a ona ho ,shledla, hned byla pryo. Tento elovek tiara vysvetlil co mime k oeekavani a jak si mame poeinati. Oklarnani Na to jsme nakoupili nacre potfeby a hlavne to kornove mouky, ponevad2 nam bylo feeeno, abychom se zasobill na etrnact dni, 2e &iv neprijderne na obchod eili atoru. — Mouka byla pima, kukurieneho vlaknovi, jez se tahlo jako vlasy, drobtft ze giaek a goksu. Ale cestou !Am chutnala a nikdy lepe nea rano. Jeli jsme a vlastne gli prd potoku nob testy nebylo. Voda byla neeista, neKde v leaelo zabogovane dobytee a zima, Dylo vaem. Litovali jsme 2e jsme upustili Dd Umyslu vystehovani se do Iowy a hiavni vina toho prieitana FrenatatskYm 2e nas oklamali a zaprodali texas kemu agentovi. Taky ja boukil, ale dnes uznavam, 2e to byla at'astna nayalenka pustit se do Texasu. Proe? Odpovidarn ha to, 2e muj avakr, kter* byl u mne Pozdeji navatevou, a Jakub Holub, jen Be v tom samem roce do Texasu z low? pfestehoval, nam o tamnejaich poine^:ech a zvla.ate o neptiznive povetrnosti a krute zime vypravovali. V lete 2e tam parno jako v Texasu a v zime zufive veraky, o jak*ch se nam ani na Morave nezdalo. Ta mirna texaska zima, mela pro nas pfistehovalce nepopsatelnou nu. Vratit se Ale vrat'me se k nag ceste. Jednoho veeera kdy2 nacre ohne plapolaly a pus tou krajinu ozarovaly, priael ke mne jeden ze souciruhn, Josef Janda a povida, k Kalik chce se mnou mluvit soukrome. del jsem hned a to jsem se dovedel. 2e Kalik chce zjednati formana a vratit se do Houstonu a jestli nekdo by si pfdl ;Tait se s nim, at' se pfihlasi. Ja odpovedel, bude-li kdo chtiti jet zpatky Ze ja pojedu tea. Tak jsme ali vaichni tfd mezi vozy. Tito byli Wind. Kalik jim vylo21 nas plan a vite co naseldovalo? Formani se dali do smichu a v*

Strana 1() napfed jeden, pak druh9 a treti pytliky se zlat'aky, zvonili nam nimi pied nosy a zaeoli nam nag n.apad vymlouvat. Vysvetlovali nem, ke y tech mistech kterYmi jsrae as dosud projeli nemftgeme nic dobreho shlednouti. Ale abythorn se jen seekali ag ptijdeme do Cat Spring, kde oni bydli, .2e se nam odi otevrou. Kalik se jich ta ge jak dlouho jeete musime jeth ne g dostihneme Cat Springu. 04014[161i nam ge na tteti den. Shazeli veer s vozu Putovali jsme tedy dale a po tti dny panovala mezi nami velke. nespokojenost. Na tteiti den k vaderu mladel a svignejei pustili se ug nap ted. My je s vozy sledovali. Po civil cetli jsme se v houeti, , kde naei ptedchozi zmizeli. Po chvili vidirne je ptichazet zpet s nenorizenou KagdY se k nim tlaeil aby zvedel jak to v tom meste vyhli gi Tito vypraveli, se dostali ag r.a druhou stranu houetiny gadneho mesta \eak nevideli. — Kalik 0bratil se s hubovinim na formany, nas klamou. Dali se do divokeho smichu. "Kde mate to mesto?" tale se Kalich. jsme v nem". — A kde jsou ty kostely s velemi do nebe sahajicimi?"— "To jsou tyto duby a tamto vidite park" ukazali na liveoakovY podrost. Tak byl veder skoneen. Rano po snidani sli formani pro volt' a co tak eekarne, ozve se z jedne strany volani. Vidirne pfichazeti k nem eloveka, dle eatu krajana. Byl to start Jeemenek od Vsetina. Pti gel nas uvitat. Podali jsme si nice a zadalo dotazovani. "Ke g by byl do te Lodi, ktera zpravy o Americe k nam nesla, hrom urodil", dal nam v odpoved'. "Ohlednete e 'wheal sebe. Co tu mate? Jen za:krsle ktovi." Pti to fedi zatahal mne nekdo ya rukay. Byl to Kalik a hned se bral za het Jdu za nim. Kdy g se ke mne -obra til, vidirn ze slzi. Pravi mi: "Co budeme delat? C' im dale jedeme, tim je to horei. Pojd'me a slogme naee vets z vosu". — A tak se i stab. Aekoliv jsme to Mali v :.;kryte a v domnence ge nas nikdo nevidi, piece si toho veimli a a g na Best rodin, shazeli take sve veci s vozu. Ti, kbeti nechali sva, zavazadla na vozech. !I jeli dal do Cat Spring, byli to: Benjamin. Klimieek, Alois Klimieek, Kolibal, -Konstantin Chovanec, J. Sledladek a F. toza. Zatim formani prihnali sve vozy a vidome, ge naklad Teti na semi, tazali se co to me znament? Oznamili jsme, dale nechceme jet, nYbr g ge se vratime do Houstenu. Bylo jim to vhod ale plat chteli dle fnluvy, z Houstonu do La Grange $1.75 od sta liber. Va gilo se ovgem len potegkavanim. Eaplatili jsme, forma ni odejeli a my se jali radit co dale potak rokujeme, Pfi geI meal nits

V h is T N K,-- WEST, TEX.A4

• ' nejakY mu g a ten tram schen', ge nejakt krajan z Vyzovic ma nedaleko gtoru a Reyrnershoffer jarmu. Rozhodli jsme se ze zajd(Itne do Obchodu kde bychom zku silt dostat : formany na spatedni cestu. Nikdo vozu nema, Kclyg jsme vstoupili do etoru, bylo tam nekolik mug0. a mezi nimi take jeden. telnatY N'emec. Jakmile jsme •ekli co hledame, vysvethil nam, ge v tech mistech povozu nedostaneme, krome sans, ge nikdo v okeli vozu nerna. Dale, le nas to bude stat velike penize dostat se do No yell° Orleansu, kde pak budeme nueeni zdriet se do Sara, az ledy na Mississippi puknou a proudy je odnesou abychom mohli po fece na sever do Iowy. Zatim ge utratime co mame a pak teprve nikam se neclostaneme; krome toho, ge mu gem bYt postigeni tamni glutou zimnici a odvezeni na "posledni plantar. Tarn povstala Dubina Ted' tepry jsme poznali, v ja,kem postaveni jsme'se octli a litovali jsme jsme nejeli s formany dale. — Po nejakern preptavani pustili jsme se na, druhou stranu ieky Colorado a na gli v chodnim Navida,de kus dobreho pozernku. -- Tarn povstala, nynejci Dubina. Usadilo se nas tam sedm rodin a site: J. MOO, V. Holub, V. Haidueek, Josef Pe ter, J. Sramek, J. Kalik. a 0 s rodinou.

Ve sttedu, doe 1. /*dna,


Nainn " zpevakiirn Ku precut Ku pfedu, ku ptedu, zpatky ni krok! znelo jig k pochodu ronobY tak krok, Sokoli heslo je stale; snit bude na veky dOle, Ku ptedu, ku predu, dokud je dech, pro slavu, blaho zdar na gich Lech! Kde vlasti neptitel, kde ze tu sok? Pochodem pies neho dale! Napted se nastavi eel° a hrud', prapor jeng rortrho,n v kusy. -Kdo ge tu porouei: "Otrokem bud'!?" Kdo le tu poslouchat musi? Nekdo-li porouei: "Poslouchej nine!" zavzni to na odvet': "Veak jest ene! Vlast' matku udefit kdo shut', diiv syna skoliti musi!" •( J. C. Slack:— CO CUCEME Chcem chleb sytij jisti v miru, bez zarmutku, ne slzou slang jak ho gebrak jida, chcem, aby na g byl celY, kurka, strida, jak vyrost na larm i. v cluid9ch plutku.

SChcem vstavat, chcem lehat v radosti i smutku, hlidani Bchem jen, jen g veeeko hlida V. Haidugek koupil si pak vetei farmu a odpovidat mug jak odpovida na zapadnim Navida,de kde zemtel. J. jen svemu svechomi ze veech syYch skutS" ramek za, neJak9 das si koupil pozemek kn. na Mulberach, nynejei Praze. Chcem myslit vlastni hlavou volne, Josef Peter zemiel na Dubine ,F. u smele, gamic) byl zasttelen. V. Knezek a J. Sed- jak vlastni rukou pra,cujeme, laeek zemtel na Dubin& Konstantin Cho vlastnim srdcem citit nezkroeene. vaned se usadil pti Fayetteville. L. Klimidek zabral statni pozemky u Halletts- Chcern rovni rovnYm mluvit s cel9m svetem \dile a Kelibal zemtel. Z poeatku to s narni vypadalo blede, nebylo Skink hos- pray eizich nebra,t, ale sva, mit cele, pociatske ponAcky, ani natadi, vee mu- a v dobru, zlu je zachovat s yYm cletem. • 4, self jsme ruene vyrobit. — Dnes ize kou pit veechno a z Galvestonu jsme tu za Neobeane musi zas hlasiti sye adresy Dva miliony a 850,000 neobeanil ye Sp. nekolik hodin. Statech -- 17 tisic vie nea lord podleNa nynejei pristehovalce psano v ha zakonu die nej g musi se v lednu 1958 1914 — jig eekaji pratele a staraji se 0 prihlasit na nejbliggich svYch poetich a jejich pohodli. Pro nas nemel priprave- sd'elit svd adresy. Zakon je v platnosti no nikdo nic. klaopak, ka gdY nam hanil od roku 1952. Neobean jen g se osobne Texas. Mo gno se domyslit, s jakou chuti neptihlati a adresu nesdeli, podleha pojsme se ehapali prace. Ale ikoneene po- kute, vezeni a yypervezeni se Spojenych znali jsme pra y du z vlastni zkueenosti a SOUL Vygaduje se jen, aby neobea,n. na ted' jest nam Texas o tolik milejei. poste pogadal o "Report Card" kterou Moravu jsme opustili v soli 1856 a pH- doma, vypini svy'ra jrnenem a a,dresou a stall jsme v Galvestone v listopadu. 1856. donese zas na pogtu ale must ji odevzrue dat do rukou pogtovniho klerka Ole • ( ji poslat pogtou. Silu nageho sjednoceni )• • Poznag bratfe, sestro tehdy Ge pry cestovani o Vanocich jest tak Jen, kdy g se rozhodnee nebezpeene ,jak kdy g mame v pakoji S narni pracovati pro neat houpakil a Xit kooky s dlouhYmi Texaskou nasi Jednotu easy.

Ve ,;tiTdu, dne 1. ledna 195e,

OTSKA BES!DKA flora Roklieova:— Mamineino vypriveni Kdysi, je to u2 velmi davno, byvala jsem v zimnich veeerech ponejvice se svou mamin'kou. Nejmladgi dite potiebovalo stale jeji pomoci. Maminka, weer nesvitila. Mela rada 'der vent, teplY tar, kted vybthal z oteftenYch dveti velke pece. Sedavala jsem na lavici s hlavou optenou o mamindin klin. Byla jsem gVastna. Zde me nemohla uchvatit neei cizi ruka. Byla jsem tehdy plache device, a tma byla velika, a eerna. A byla v gude. Ve vgech koutech. Proio jsem nechala hrani, loutek, vgeho a vyhleclavala velikou teplou pec, lavici a svou tichou, hodnou maminku. To bkvaly jedine a pekne chvilky, kdy si mohly jeji race a nohy, znavene te2kou celodenni prasi, aspori trochu odpoeinout . Ptitom rime v2clycky maminka vypravela vesele i smutne ptibehy ze sveho detstvi take o dalekem domeeku, ye kterem se narodila, o ptismem otci a o svych veselYch sestrach. Umela take vypravet pohadky ze sveho domova, divne a zvlagtni. Ve dnech vanodnich jsem od ni slygela tiche, a neZna slova o malem DeVatku, ktere se narodilo v jeslich, o Matce toho Det'atka, ptedobre a velmi hodne dugi, o dalekYch hvezdach a nebeskYch zahra,dach. Tyto v gechny davne po hitdlty z meho detstvi se dnes slevaji v jednou jedinou pohadku. Je to pohadka o andelu, kted zustal na zemi a tail

VESTNIK WEST, TEXAS se, ze porrine smutriSim a negt'astnYm lidem. Poslechnete si ji: Bylo to v dobe, kdy v gichni andele sestoupili na zem. Bylo to tenkrat, kdy stromy u2 byly hole, ptaci nezpivali, kve tiny u2 nekvetly a chudi lide byli nejsmu tnej gi. Tu andele sestoupili s nesmirne dgky. Nebylo je videt. skdvali se za bile snehove vloeky. Teprve kdy lido potkavali bla2ene a radostne tvate jinich, vedeli, 2e ty lidi pohladila andelsruka. A kdo chtel, aby mu andele pomohli, musel kradet v ten den lepgimi ,eistYmi cestami, aby se . s nimi setkal. Byl vgak na zemi kraj, pinSr bidnSich a malYch lidi a nedistYch domova. Tito lido nechteli ani vyjit ze sdch blatidch ulic. Zapomneli, 2e jsou jegte lepgi, eistgi a radostnej gi mista. Andele dekali na upravenYch cestach. Cesty ted' uz nebyly zablacene. Kudy progli dobti andele, tam po nich zfistalo gtesti. A bylo tteba jiti tim krajem zase. — A tu nastala noc, ye ktere se narodilo nejkrasnejSi Det'atko. V gichni andele k nemu leteli aby mu zazpivali tu nejlepgi piseri. Shroma2dili se radostni a veseli v malem chleve a Matka se na ne usmivala .Tige ji andele vypraveli, jak na zemi lidem udileji mir a gtesti. Udiv Pfebehl po tvati mlade Matky' a ona se zeptala: "A kde zristal nejmilej gi andel Hospodimly?" Jeden z nich odpovedel jasOm hla. sem: "Zristal tam, kde nejsou gt'astni, kde neznaji radost. Zristal u tech, kteti pottebuji //One pohlazeni jeho teplou rokou a inekikYm zavojem. My se zase vrati me k Hospodinu bez neho." Mlada Matka k nim vztahla ruce a zageptala: "0, jak lehke je ted' me srdce, jak kitdna je ma duge...1" V dome, kde nikcly ma maminka andela nevidela, sedim tie soumraku a tepla zate roz2havene pece pomalu uhasina. Myslim na milovanou maminku ostra, te2ka, bolest se budi ve mne. Je mo2ne, aby mne minul ten andel, ikted zi stal na zemi a bude u tech, kteti ho pottebuji? (Z chorvatgtiny ptelo2i1 Fr. Kozelek) ) • elm • ( Tak mnohk z nas si mysli, ze je tak dille2itYm na svete, ze kdyby ho zde nebylo svet by za gel a 0'Tc — zemte-li ptejde se pies nej k pravidelnemu dennimu potadku. i■ Demokracie povZdy tvoti, jest zakladem norrnalniho 2ivota nageho a blahobytu vgech

Strana I 'I HOUSTON:-- Ve zdej gi Herman nemocnici zemtel Frank John Cervealka, vedouci service station na Produce Row. Uvolrioval gasilonod pedal na kale zakaznika. Motor Wel, Cervenka zachytil za paku kterou kara uvedena v jizdu, vy padl z kary a udetil hlavou na V nemocnici zemtel. Byl 48 let star, zanechal 4 syny a dceru. SAN ANTONIO:— Do kary Wm. Kapavik,a, 311eteho farmate, udetil osobni vlak Santa Fe a zabil jej na miste }Mit) vatka je naproti Kapavikoveho domu 10 mil odtud a v torn samem miste byl 30. eervna 1953 zabit jeho 3-led synek, kdyi vbehl viaku do cesty. — Kapavik mel mle katskou farmu. FAYETTEVILLE:— Man2e16 LudvR Chovancovi a Frank Gerik ye sttedu min, tYdne se sfidastnili pohtbu statenky Jos. Kostkovy rozene Gerikovy, ktera zemtela v nemocnici ye Wharton v pondeli a pochcovana byla na kat. htbitove ye Whal ton. Jeji mantel zemtel pied 17 lety. — Za.necheala dva syny a sedm deer. Pczena byla ve Fayetteville Aako deers man2eln John Gerikodch. 4, • ( Jestiab a soya Jesttabovi povolil Tvrirce po2irati male a mlade ptaeky. Toho ulekla se so ya, aby snad i jejich deti nesnedl. Tedy gla k nemu, po2adala ho do hospody a dala mu piti, aby ji deti nesnedl. — "A ktere to jsou tvoje?" ta2e se jesttab. — "Ty ktere jsou nejpeknej gir — "Nu dolato." Potom jesttab ode gel. Chodil a hledal: ty jsou pane, ty pekne, aZ prisel na male sovy: "No, jiste 2e o gklivej gich neni!" I snedl je. Ostatni ptaci zvedeli to a small se soy& Proto soya nechce ve dne letati, nebo se stydi, 2e se ji posmivaji. ) • 4, Motiv prostonarodni Sel Kristus Pan se svadm Petrem ye z nebeskYch rejil k nam o gtedd den. A pro narody vgecky, co je jich, nes' svatl Petr dary v torbach sdch A rozdavali, dice s rismevem, ze miluje Bfth stejne kadou zem. Kdy2 svad Petr torby vyprazdnil, ztel na Krista a na rozpacich byl; neb je gte tady oeskk narod staff a clarku nejakeho te2 si ptal. Jak toll() chudaeka tu Kristus ifel; zrak uptel na Petra a vane del: "KdY2 vgechnem, te2 jsi mu mel darek vzit, bych v nebe mohl gt'asten odejit." Kol Petr ziral, rozpakem se rdel, pokrdil rameny a takto del: "Ja nevzal merle ani vie; ten, Pane, nedostaval nitkidy nic!"




la Ochati, vyboul° MALY tTENAR. '" la a s otevienou tlamou /Jae me. eesky eisti. vravolala, az padla na tAST SEDMA • PRVNi CVI5ENi zem. Hazela sebou jako # by biz dokonavala. Koza a mrkev. O vanocich vnoueata jeni Jun vypravoval kterou sam kdy byl mladfr. Paoda v nii je pou'eeni, zni:

Na p alm pos ecirnch sil Podaillo se koneCne, uvair zla v ze mrkev, chitinu, se uvolnila a vyletela ven . Kdvii se •koza vzpaniatovala ze mdloby, s odDorm odvratila se od pied ni na mrkve z mi:

Mlada k o z a, kterou necH,vali ZEF.,to volne chodifi po dvoie, vloudila se pootevienkmi dviiky do zahrady. "Ne astna b y 1 i n o, Chute slidih na eenr.1: by malem bys me byla o iipa,7.hutnati. vot piipravilar Na pance naila potracenou mrkev. Honem ji p opadla a nejsou Si lista, aby ji to nedoradii a nevyhnali, ye Eff3e1 chti shltla mrkev a aiii Ii nokouspia. V to ramie v g ak koza presta

Od p oved mrkve byla

Ve stiedu, dne 1. ledn.a 1953 vieho doje velikYm i malym bra, hlavne zdravt v Novem rote! S pozdravem Strieek Mieek z Austinu Adresa strfeka je: Dr. Ed. Mieek, University Station, Austin, Texas. ) RUENA SVOBODOVA

Jarni zalionv ii1.4i/XV=151120i01.M131:1111130SCIMMIF

(Pokraeovani) Vali do eerne hospody. Lavice tiskly se ke ste'narn vylo2enSrm dtevem, vroubily zelenou kachlovou pee. Hodiny odbijely chraplave a, line dvanactou. Hospodska, vstoupila s vysmolenyin korbelem v ruce. Pena kypela po jeho stenach, sloZenych umele z dvojiho Daleke krajiny, rytifske hrady, divoke bfehy zelenYch iek, salaSe na horach, mesta v udolich objel v nehybnem dostavniku malieky. FrantiSek, ,V,idel drrouti se modrozelene vody moiske, plouti na itch rybaiske lod'ky se Safranovktni plachtarni; videl mra morove palace, ozafene jiznim. sluncem, obstoupene temaVorri sosnami a ruzove kvetoucimi tamhrySky. Sly gel zpev rybalskY, n-Andolinu, italske pisne. VSechno, co melo Frantakovo detstvi pekneho, radostneho, daroval mu Kudrna. Kudrna, mel take rad bileho hokika, a nedopustil aby mu bylo ublIteno. Kdyt Frantgek prodleval mezi poatovnimi sluhy, ktefi vaA%lili zbozi, pfipial mu kterYsi vzadu nai kabatek zajdei ocasek. Chlapec nechapal, prod se mu vgichni hlasite vysmivaji. Prchal z kouta do kouta, pied jejich chechtajicimu se tvatemi, plied jejich drsnYm, stale posupnejsinv Ale to, ze neklidne pobihal pc) zalapane podlaze eerne v-Ypravny, 2e zajeei ocasek tils1 se na jeho kabate■, prave to stupriovalo veselost sluhtt.

ye chvili, kdy byl hoSik ji.Z" k plaei zarmoucen, zneklidnen a zahanben, telce naSlapuje ve'Sel do svetnice stark Kudrna. Rozhledl se zpod opuchlYch vieek po jizbe a snaIll se pochopiti, oe jde, a pros chlapec place. UStvanSr Frantts'ek, kdy'l spatiiil Kudrnu, rozbehl se k nemu, zesiluje plat. "Smejou se mi," Aka' objimaje you nohu Kudrnovu, "a ja nevim prod!" Uleheilo se mu u stareho pfitele a nePfeCti s tatinkem nebo maminkou a citil se jth' tak bezbrannYna. potorn sprivne °pig do segitfi! Pokus se piihodu vypravovati desky: StrYeek pie(Pokradovani)

"Ji ne, ale tva mlsni a hltavit huba to dostala do lebezpe ?"

Ve ettedu, dne 1. ledna 1958

yber reanfich pojistek nail' S. P. J. S. T. Vyberte Si die potkeby Trida B:

Dolivotne poplatky se plati as do smrti. Tkida C: 20ti splatkova, doNvotni. Poplatky se plati pouze 20 let. Trida D: 15 t, splatkova dogivotni. Poplatky se plati pouze 15 let. Ttida E: 10 ti splatkova, dogivotni. Polatky se plati pouze 10 let. Thda 15ti lets nadadni. Obnos certifikatu jest vyplacen za 15 let. Ttida G: 20ti lets nadadnl. Obnos certl fikittu jest vyplacen za. 20 le. Vida H: Nadadni ye 65ti let. Olen plati poplatky ag do 65ti let. Vida 20ti splatkova, nadadni ye 600 let. Tkida K: Splatkova do 65ti let, do givotat. Trida L: Dvojnasobne tirazove pojitten1 (Double Indemnity) cert.. fikat se vystavuje do obnosu $5,000.00, dodatedne k jinemu certifikka. Trida M Pensijni pojistka. Po dosageni 65 roktr sta,ki Glen dostava mesidnfr ptijem dokud ziv. Zemte-li pied 80 lety stall, dedid dosta,nou mesidni pkijem do 80 vYrodi irier'szenin na. Trida MC: 20ti lets imisova ochrana kterit se rano zmenAuje, a2 wastane vyplacene pojiAteni. na $1,000.00. Vida MX: lOti leta, imisova ochrana kteri se rand zmenkije, ag zustane vyplacene pojEsIdni na $1,000.00. Trida N: lOti lets ochrana. Olenfrm kteti mail vypAjdene penize od S. P. J. S. T. Vida N2: let lets' imisova ochrana.Olernim, kteti nemaji pfijeku na majetek od S. P. J. S. T. V Detskem Oddeleni Trida JT: Dodasne pojTSteni do 16 let, ktere se mil ge zmeniti na kterekoliv jine pojifteni, kdykoliv neg dosahne 16 let. 'nude, JS: 20ti splatkova, dogivotni. PhIS obnos pojiAteni se vyplati v ptipadu UmrV od veal 1 roku.



obnos troil§tAn1 st vvnlati • pfipad.0 Omni od Veku 1 roku. Trida JI: 20ti splatkova, nade.eni ye yeku 60 leet, pinY obnos se vyplati v ptipadu fiTurti od veku 1 roku. Payor Insurance: Olenum v tom Detskein Odboru jest Jednotou poskytovana vYhoda ochrany poplatky za ditko platiciho, tak zvanou "Payor Insurance", kteraito ochrana za mirn, mesidni poplatek zbavuje, v ptipadu smrti platiciho poplatky povinnosti dalAiho placeni poplatn na takto chrinenV certifikat. ) 4 • ( ADDRESSES OF DISTRICT ORGANIZERS DIST, Barina Rt. 1 Smithville, Texas DIST. II—Chas. Navratil 816 E Ave. A Temple, Texas DIST• III--Arn. 'Shia i532 Ellsworth Dallas, Texas DIST. IV—Fred Kveton Route 1 Abernathy; Texas DIST. V—J. M. Skrabanek 4720 Bellaire Blvd Bellaire, Texas DIST. VI—Ign. Senkyrik 495 Market St. El Campo, Texas DIST. VII—Chas. Cerny 1125 Austin Hwy. San Antonio 9, Texas )•4•(

District Youth Leaders Addressez DISTRICT I. DISTRICT Mrs. Clara Hejl, Route 4„ Temple, Texas. DISTRICT III. Mrs Emma Ceska, 2709 Park Avenue S. Waco, Texas Mrs. Bessie Petr, Assistant, 5406 Morningside Dr., Dallas, Texas DISTRICT IV. Mrs. Ed. Haisler, Route 1, Seymour, Tex. DISTRICT V DISTRICT VI. DISTRICT VII.

Vida JE. : Nadadni v dosageni 18 let; Mrs. Betty Jurica, Rt. 2, Box 899, pi ny obnos pljigteni se vyplaCorpus Christi, Texas ti v ptipadu funrti od v6ku 1 The Vestnik would apprebiates the roku. names and addresses of Youth Directors Trida JG: 20t1 leta. nadadni, pint obnos of the above missing districts. Thanks!

*traria 13

Twenty Types of Certificates offered by our S. P. J. S. T. Class B. Ordinary Life Class C. 20 Pay Life Class D: 15 Pay Life Class E: 10 Pay Life Class. F: 15 Pay Endowment Class G: 20 Pay Endowment Class H: Endowment at age 65 Class I: 20 Pay, Endowment at age 60 Class K: Ordinary Life, Paid-up at 05 Class L: Double Indemnity Insurance, issued up to the sum of $5,000.00 Class M: Retirement at 65 Class MC: 20 year oecreasing mortgame protection with a $1,000.00 Paid-up certificate after 20 years Class MX: 10 year decreasing mortgage protection with a $1,000.00 Paid-up certificate after 10 years Class N: 10 year decreasing mortgage insurance, issued to members who have real estate loans from SPJST Class N2: 10 year decreasing mortgage insurance issued to members who have- real estate loans from other than the SPJST. Juvenile Department Class JT: Term insurance to 16 yearb of age which may be converted into any other class of insurance before attaining age la Class 35: 2u Pay Life, full benefit at age 1 Class JE: Endowment at age 18, Full Benefit at age 1 Class 3G: 20 Pay Endowment, Full Benefit at age 1 Class 31: 20 Pay Endowment at age 60. Full Benefit at age 1 Payor Insurance: Tins Order offers payors of premiums for members in this department the benefit of PAYORS INSURANCE according to which plan payment of premiums stops upon the death of the payor. OUR AIM We are dedicating Our selVeS to Speak the truth as we see and find it and never overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve anyone blindly, regardless of how powerful he may be. Double the Sales Before the

NeW Year

Vt ST N't K

Strana 14






Wednesday, January 1, 1958

Reports from our Lodges, or any other Reading Matter to be published should reach the Editor, Saturday before the date of issue. Address all matters to the Editor: P. G. Box 85, West, Texas.


Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 With Undeliverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST, P. 0. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEX.

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Life Companies Have $35 Billion in Life Policyholders Mortgage Loans Death Rate Increases For the first time in five years, there such loans accounting for more than was a decrease in the amount of life in- one-half of the new acquisition total. In 1957 For the first time in several years the death rate among life insurance policyholders will show a slight increase in 1957, according to the Institute of Life Inc urance. The cardiovascular - renal diseases continue to take the major toll of life and are largely responsible for the higher death rate experienced during the year. The epidemic of Asian influenza which became a cause for national concern about August of this year, has also been a contributing factor in the higher mortality. Although antibiotics have aided in thwarting the serious after-effects of influenza, the epidemic, involving a new type of virus, was widespread and responsible for more deaths from respiratory diseases than in a number of years, said the Institute. Also, a significant number of deaths from heart conditions, especially among older persons, can be attributed to the effect of the influenza virus. The number of cancer deaths will show a small rise in 1957. Although strides have been made in the early detection and treatment of the disease, it is still responsible for about onefifth of all deaths. "The very fact that people are now living longer accounts for the high mortality resulting from disease of the heart circulatory system and the malignancies," observed Dr. Louis I. Dublin, renowned statistican and consultant on health and welfare for the Institute. "Deaths from the infectious diseases have been steadily decreasing as medical science has found the controls for such former killers as tuberculosis, pneumonia and polio." ) •(

surance dollars newly invested in the mortgage market in 1957. Contrasted with a 1956 peak year total of $6,700000,000 in new mortgage loans to property owners, the aggregate acquisition for 1957 amounted to an estimated $5, 200,000,000, off about one-fifth from the previous year, according to the Institute of Life Insurance. "A cutback in the number of new homes built and a decrease in the refinancing of properties were factors in the decline of new investments in the mortgage field," said the Institute. "How ever, total mortgage holdings of the life companies rose to its highest level and are estimated at $35,200,000,000 representing more than one-third of total assets." Conventional urban mortgages, representing loans on single or multi-family dwellings and commercial properties, made up the largest share of mortgage acquisitions in 1957, with $3,200,000,000

As the bells are ringing out the old and ringing in the new, a bright new 1958 bows in. May your New Year be bright with hope and happiness. May it be a year of dreams come true, a year of good health and good will. --- Our best wishes to you for 1958. THE EDITOR When a woman refuses to tell her THE PUBLISHER Weight, you can be sure she weighs a AND ALL PERSONNEL hundred and plenty.

Total life company holdings of conventional martgages reached a record year-end total of close to $17,900,000,000. Veterans Administration guaranteed mortgage loans to former servicemen account for $850,000,000 of the 1957 new mortgages, about half the amount of 1956 acquisitions. Total holdings of this type of mortgage amounted to $7,750,000,000 at the close of 1957, a new peak, up $450,000,000 in the year. Mortgage loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration accounted for $750,000,000 of new mortgages acquired by the life companies in 1957, with total holdings at year-end reaching an estimated $6,950,000,000. The acquisitions were about one-sixth less than the 1956 figure, but the holdings were up about $150,000,000 to a new high. Farm mortgage loans for 1957 totaled $400,000,000, bringing the total life corn-. panics' farm mortgage loans to about $2,600,000,000. The acquisitions were about one-fifth less than in 1956, but the holdings were up $100,000,00. According to the Institute, the life companies will have slightly more capital funds available in 1958 for mortgage financing than in the past years, but the extent of their new investment will be measured in large part by the new construction in the year, especially home construction, which makes up the greater part of the insurance mortgage investment. An important by product of this life insurance growth is the increase in capital funds made available for the financing needs of the economy on the Main Shreets of the nation, through investment of the assets. During the coming years these funds will continue to grow at a rate not far from that of the past years to come, the rise may well accelerate as our people add more life policies for retirement purposes.

NedriesthWi nTalluary- 4, 19.58

Our Thoughts And VCAles As the first year of our editorship of the fraternal Vestnik draws to a close, we are well aware of the fact that we were unable to please, to satisfy everyone, some who were not fully in accord with opinions or thoughts expressed in our columns. — But be that as it may, your Editor has endeavored to be true to the principles upon which he was elected by you in our last Convention, to his promise to you, to conduct your Vestnik on a true fraternal and friendly level. We plan to keep it and conduct it that way in the years to come.— We wish you would remember that. Everyone will be respected, even the smallest scribe and any unbrotherly abuse or hurting of anyones feelings will not be tolerated. — It is the only brotherly way to go forward, as we see it as it vas shown in this 60th Anniversary Year of the Brotherhood, -- and the ONLY path to fu• ture goals and success. Happy New Year to you all YOUR EDITOR ) . •4 •(

Annual .Alien Address Report in January District Director, Harlon B. Carter, of the Immigration and Naturalization Office stated that the annual alien address re p ort program usually causes a sharp rise in the number of applications fvr naturalization. The law requires all aliens in the U.S. ith few exceptions, to report their address each January. Throughout the United States, almost 30 per cent more pplica,tions for naturalization are rec.iived during the months of January, February and March than are received during the other months. Mr. Carter attributes this sudden rise to the Alien Address Report Program.

V E. 814f t


One of Seven Texans Are Over 65

Straw 35

Keen) hi Touch

These few lines are leading up to statement that there are very few real As the number of older persons in reasons for not keeping in close touch the population increases, the needs of by letter with friends and relatives we the "senior citizens" in towns and in really care about. rural communities are of growing inWe have so many excuses. We've been terest, says Reagan Brown, extension too busy to write. Or we haven't been., rural sociologist. feeling well. Or we haven't had any real Texas now has one half million per- news to tell. Or we belong to the group sons over 65 years of age. This repre- who confess we cant sit down to letter sents 1 out of 7 or about 7 per cent of writing unless we are in the mood for the total population. In rural areas, the it. Or weve been meaning to write for percentage is even higher, Brown says. ages but — Research shows that older folks want All of these are pretty lame excusses to live as independently as possible. They prefer to live in familiar surround- We have time for puttering and watch- t ings near their friends and associates. ing TV, for carrying on long telephone They prefer to be ear married children conversations, for being lonely, for Beador grandchildren but not to live with ing whodunits, for accepting invitations them. Elderly persons like to be where from people who we don't care a hoot They prefer to be near married children about, for doing all sorts of unnecessary play, rather than being only with other and unimportant things. aged people. If we ran into a relative or an old , Most older farm people like rural friend on the street we would have time ,1 SUrroundings with open spaces, accord- to stop and chat. Or if one of the peoing to Brown, a place for animals, a ple we care about showed up at the chance to watch gardens or crops grow. front door we would invite them in and. But they don't' want to be isolated. They insist that he stay long enough for'-a want to he able to Walk or drive, to go real visit, but letter writing — we just , shopping, to go to church or other meet- don't have the time. ings, see friends and relatives, have help if needed and be outdoors when weather permits. They want a house with various safety features — a floor plan with few steps to the outside. They favor a house safe In contacting the Supreme Lodge afrom fire and falls, with no slippery bout changes in your address, besides floors, no loose or sliding rugs, safe your lodge number and location, give us baihtubs„ showers with convenient your old address as well as new and handholds, faucets easy to reach and possible the number of your certificate. use, and rubber mats to prevent slip) • 4 • ping. Older people desire plenty of heat WHEN CHANGING kOtilt ADDRESS in winter, automatically regulated; adeUSE THIS COUPON quate lighting, windows that open and Supreme Lodge, shut easily and a place far daytime Box 400, Temple, Texas. naps. I am asking you to change my addresof The Herald (Vestnik) as follows: Above all, older persons want to feel needed and carry on a useful, pleasant My new address is: day to day schedule of activity, said Brown. ) • 4 • (

Change of Address:

Aliens not required to make this reBROTHERS AND SISTERS port are diplomats, those accredited to certain international organizations and All you owe us in this coming New My old address: those who have entered temporarily as Year is a friendly visit whenever you agricultural laborers. are traveling through West. — We like Forms far making the reports will be to talk with you or get acquainted if available to aliens at all Post Offices and we have not met before.— Come and Offices of Immigration and Natura,liza- visit for a while real soon. — Thanks! L. O. H. Uon Service during the month of Janbelong to Lodge No. uary. Mr. Carter indicated that aliens desiring information concerning naturali- tion and Naturalization Service where Fraternally, vation, or similar matters should obtan personnel trained in these fields are the forms at an office of the Immigra- available to answer inquires,



edneAlay, January 1958

meetings too, and the children might even be encouraged to sit in during the meeting. Anyway it is worth a try. Wishing you the best of succes, I remain, For Behavior problems cf the oldsters, Fraternally yours, a combination of two drugs is now giving Joe B. Hejny good results, Drs. John T. Ferguson and r• •( William H. Funderburk of Traverse City State Hospital, Mich., report at the American Medical Association in Boston. The drugs are reserpine, trade named Serpasil, and methylphenidylacetate, or Ritalin. The first is a tranquilizer and the second a retroactive, the doctors explained. Family doctors, they think, can use A Wichita Falls High School junior, Rosemary Stehlik, was chosen "Miss Fu- the two in management of aged patiture Teacher of America" at the Dis- ents who would otherwise have to be trict Seven conference of FTA in Jack- sent to an institution. Tried on senile patients in the mental hospital, the sboro recently. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard drug combination brought "marked imStehlik, 2107 Buchannan, Miss Stehlik provement in the ability to cooperate is an honor student at the high school. and a new interest in their outlook on The WFHS junior earned the honor life and themselves." The elderly patients after starting of "Miss Future Teacher" for her speech "Average Junior," with which she com- the two drugs "swamped" the staff peted against seven other counties. Her beautician and bought toothbrushes and talk summarized her reasons for choos- asked for dental treatment. Destruction of furniture and clothes dropped ing teaching profession as a career. As district winner, she will compete 65 per cent and mattress replacement in the state FTA convention in Denton was reduced 75 per cent. Nursing time for spoon feeding was in. March. Nineteen members of the Wichita markedly decerased. Attendance at soFalls High School chapter of FTA, ac- cial functions went up 30 per cent. The treatment was effective with pacompanied by their sponsor, Miss Mona Horton, attended the Jacksboro confer- tients ranging in age from 60 to 84 years ence. Miss Lois Bell is co-sponsor of the who had been in the hospital an average of 18 years. If homes were available, club. -- Our Congratulations! 50 per cent of the patients could be dis• •( charged. The treatment seemed safe. No patient became worse in spite of having heart and blood pressure ailments Most Americans think of Winston before the treatment was started. Churchill as a rather elderly gentleman, "Our goal," the doctors said, "was not a bit too old for active political life. It so much the actual results to be obtaini s true that Sir Winston is 83. ed as it was an endeavor to help solve However, an event took place in Lon- a great and ever-growing situation that , don recently which will me heartening faces the medical profession today, the to elderly readers and which shows that socio-medical problems created by the one is only as old as he feels. extra years we, as doctors, have given A U.S. Senator, Theodore F. Green, mankind." Democrat of Rhode Island, visited Sir 1 • •( Winston at the residence of the U.S. OUR BROTHER KUBENA TO JUDGE Ambassador in London. U. S. PIGEON SHOW Green and Churchill talked seriously John A. Kubena, Fayette County Clerk about the North Atlantic Treaty Organ- and widely known pigeon authority, has ization and other problems facing the accepted the invitation to judge the Western democracies. Churchill was French Mondaines at the National alert and completely up-to-date on Pigeon Association's annual show as world affairs. In fact, Green reported Stockston, Calif., Jan. 8 to 12. that he was in even better shape than Mr. Kubena once previously placed the he appeared in 1956. Mondaines at the National show, that The point of this editorial is to show being at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1955. He that Sir Winston is still able and active also judged this breed at the state show at 83 and does not consider himself old. held in connection with the State Fair And, what is more, 'Senator Green is of Texas the past three years. Mr Kubena will make the trip to doing pretty well himself. Senator Green California by plane. is 90.

Drugs Check Oldsters' Behavior

TO THE YOUTH DIRECTORS I am hoping that by this time all the lodges will have appointed their Youth Directors as I have requested them' by tter through the lodge secretaries in November and again in December. We should start the New Year right by etting busy with organizing our Youth Clubs and making plans for their activities for the year. I am sure that it will 1.) ■ a very interesting project. You, as Youth Director, the organize rs, officers, and committees of your lodge working together in harmony will put this great project over and we will have accomplished something that we all will be proud of. My programs, games and,' other suggestive ideas will come to you from time to time once a month, twice a month, as the need may be. Should you have any ideas and material, kindly send same to me so I could include these in my programs for the benefit of other lodges and their Youth Directors, as good material is hard to find. If you have not yet organized your Youth Club, please do so now. You will increase the children's interest by letting them do things for themselves. Watch over their activities, help them with their programs or problems and go with them everywhere. If you need extra help, call on your organizer's, committee or the mothers to help out. It is your duty as Youth Director to take ca re of these children, so please don't let them down. You may plan parties, picnics, games, contests, benefit dances, drills, songs and many other activities that would interest the children of your community. May I suggest that you organize your ball teams and get the children started early. They may play friends of other societies or members of neighboring lodges. You may have both boys and girls teams or a combination, depending on the a mount of boys and girls available in your lodge. If you have or will organii;' a team and they will represent the SPJST we, the Supreme Lodge will furnish you the balls and bats for your team, I believe that a short program with each monthly meeting, followed by refresh/limits would' stimulate interest and I ncrease the attendance in our adult

Granddaughter of Our Brother Stehlik Earns Honors

Young At Ninety

We -ileeea•Yi. J'anuarq


Straw, 17

ROBERTS' RULES OF ORDER (Continued) Please clip this and save! (3) To. Suppress Debate. (a) If it is desired to close debate now and bring the ssembly at once to a vote on the pending question, or questions the proper course is to move, or demand, or call for; the previous question on the motions upon which it is desired to close debate. The motion, or demand, for the previous question should always specify the motions upon which it is desired to order the previous question. If no motions are specified, the previous question applies only to the immediately pending question. It requires a twothirds vote for its adoption. After it has been adopted, privileged and incidental motions may be made, or the pending questions may be laid on the table, but no other subsidiary motion can be made nor is any debate allowed. II it is lost the debate is resumed. (b) If it is desired to limit the number or length of speeches, or the time allowed for debate, the proper course is to move that the speeches or debate be limited aas desired, or that the debate be closed and the vote be taken at a specified time. These motions to limit or close debate require a two-thirds vote for their adoption, and are in order, like the previous question, when any debatable question is immediately pending. (4) To. Suppress the Question. A legitimate question cannot be suppressed in a deliberative assembly without free debate; except by a two-thirds vote. If two-thirds of the assembly are opposed to the consideration of the question then it, can be suppressed by the following methods: (a) If it is desired to prevent any consideration of the question, the proper course to pursue is to object to its consideration before it has been discussed or any other motion stated, and, therefore, it may interrupt a member who has the floor before the debate has begun. It requires no second. On the question of consideration there must be a two-thirds negative vote to prevent the consideration. (b) After the question has been considered the proper way to immediately suppress it is to close debate by ordering the previous question, which requires a two-thirds vote, and then to vote down' the question. (c) Another method of suppressing o question is to postpone it indefinitely (equivalent to rejecting it), which, however, being debatable and opening the main question to debate, is only of service in giving another opportunity to defeat the resolution should this one

fail. For, if the motion to postpone indefinitely is adopted, the main question is dead for that session, and if it is lost, the main question is still pending ' and its enemies have another opportunity to kill it. When the motion to postpone indefinitely is pending and immediate action is desired, it s necessary to move the prevous question as in case (b) above. (d) A fourth method frequently used for suppressing a question is to lay it on the table, though this is an unfair use of the motion, except in bodies like Congress where the majority must have the power to suppress any motion immediately, as otherwise they could transact business. But in ordinary societies, where the pressure of business is not so great, it is better policy for the majority to be fair and courteous to the minority and use the proper motions for suppressing a question without allowing full debate, all of which require a two 7thirds . vote. Unless the enemies of a„ /pp tiori have a large majority, laying it, the table is not a safe way of suppressing I it, because its friends, by watching their opportunity, may find themselves in a majority and take it from the table and,. adopt it, as shown in the next paragraph. 5) To Consider a Question a Second Time. (a) When a question has not been voted on, but has been laid on the table, a majority may take it from: the table and consider it at any time when no other question is before the assembly and when business of that class; or unfinished or new business, is in order during the same session; or at the next session in ordinary societies having regule:r meetings as often as quarterly. (b) If a motion has been adopted, or rejected, or postponed indefinitely, and afterwards one or more members have changed their views from the prevailing to the losing side, and it is thought that by 'further discussionthe assembly may modify or reverse its action, the proper course is for one who voted with the prevailing side to move to reconsider the vote on the question. This can be done on the day the vote to be reconsidered is taken, or on the next succeeding day of the same session. (c) If a main motion, including questions of privilege and orders .of the day, has been adopted or rejected. or postponed indefinitely, and no one is both able and willing to move to reconsider the vote, the question can be brought up again during the same session only by moving to rescind the motion. To rescind may be moved by any member, but, if notice of it Was not given at a previous meeting, it requires

a two-thirds vote or a vote of a majority of the enrolled membership. At any future session, the resolution,- or other main motion, may be rescinded in the same way if it had been adopted; or it may be introduced, anew if it had been rejected cr postponed indefinitely; provided the question cannot be reached by calling up the motion to reconsider which had been made at the previous session. A by-law, or anything else that requires a definite notice and vote for its amendment, requires the same notice and vote to rescind, it. (6) To prevent Final Action on a Question in an Unusually Small or Un representative Meeting. If an important main motion should be adopted, lost, or postponed indefinitely, at a small or unrepresentative meeting of the society when it was apparent that the action is in opposition to the views of the majority of the members, the proper course to pursue is for a member to vote with the prevailing side and then move to reconsider the vote and have it entered on the minutes. The motion to reconsider, in this form, can be made only on the day the vote was taken which it is proposed to reconsider, and the reconsideration cannot be called up on that day; thus an opportunity is given to notify absent members. The motion to reconsider is fully explained in 36. (To Be Continued)

SPJST Rest Home To the Members of the SPJST: This letter brings the good news that the building of the Rest Home in Taylor has been completed and that nine (9) people are already living in the beautiful, modern Home. We wish to thank all of you for your donations in the past. We invite you to visit the. Home and to see what has been done. We also wish to make it plain that we put all the money in the building and its furnishings, and that we have no funds left to buy food, to pay for the cooking, washing, cleaning, and operating the Home at present. We need your kind help now. Every penny counts with us. Every dollar is a big help, a wonderful assistance. With 1958 ahead of us, we are sending you our hearty good wishes that the new year be full of health and happines1 in everything you do. Sincerely yours, Board of Directors SPJST Rest Home

StOirkei 18

Women's Nook CULAK LODGE NO. 165


with the help of willing teachers, can put on. When the program is over and friends sincerely tell u.s how beaut414Y impressive the Christmas pageant was, we feel in some measure rewarded for the many hours of work we have put into it. . . . Our pageant, entitled "Now Sing We", depicted beside the customary Nativity scene, a few Christmas CUSWITAS and songs from various nations. The two most beautiful songs were a Mexican lullaby, "When Angels Sing" and the Czech carol "Angels and Shepherds", rendered by girls in native costume. And so, dear friends and kin, therein lies the main reason why I did not address and mail out the usual greetings for when one has that many on the list, it requires a lot of time. Like you, Mrs. Hosek, I like to add a few personal lines to many, for that is the one time of year when we hear from one another. I hope that throughout the year, I shall be able to make amends for that which I could not do during the Advent season. We are being• admonished to write to our relatives in Cezchoslovakia real often. Here too, I've been lacking for they have written twice, letters which I must take time to answer. They reveal in the sincere tone of their words how they want to kep, in touch with the free world. From them too came a Christmtts greeting with a quaint native design on the face of it, bearing within the signature of every member of the household. One ha,s to marvel at the legible handwriting that little Dana Paslawska executes after only one year of schooling. Oh, how far ahead they are there of our schools in the training of penmanship! Now Mrs. Betty Jurica is revealing to us readers just ex.ctly what we most want to know — the real home life of the ordinary folk of Czechoslovakia. I am grateful to you, Mrs. Jurica, for ing time out for these write-ups. (By the way, dear lady, it seems that my sister, Mrs. J. F. Vlasak, is acquainted with you!) At the December meeting of our lodge, all the previous officers were re-elected so it seems you are doomed to put up with me another year every now and then, Mr. Editor. My mother, Mrs. Vora Svoboda, adds to mine, her wish for a happy and prosperous New Year of 1954 to all the readers of the Vestnik!

Moulton, Texas DeOtlheaders: When these lines appear in print, the Chriffinas and New Year holidays shall be *YUAt a host of memories and we shall haVe' settled back into our customary routlie of the workaday world. For a nuMb6r of days thereafter, I shall leave theilbrig festoons of gay colorful, cheery Chi-IA=8 cards displayed, reluctant to talelhem down, for once they are stored -aViay, it is seldom that we find ti to :take them out again to enjoy their heart-Warming beauty. fir baps many of our dear relatives snefriends, scattered throughout Texas and41Sewhere, who have yearly received ouit*hristmas gretings; are wondering why they did pot hear from us this holidaY cg ason Right here and now, my m my Henry, and 'wish to voice our appreciation of all the lovely cards we received from them, and as to why I did not get to send out any, I shall explain thusly: For as long as I can remember, the annual Sunday School Christmas program was planned and directed by the pakot or his wife. However, this year our pastor, because of his many other prAghig duties, decided that the parish Ediletition Committee should appoint sothePhe else to this complicated task. For some obscure reason, the duty was thilitiV upon me, therefore, it was imperatlie that I dedicate all my time and liniirred energy to his undertaking. At first a person is almost at loss as to hoieWrid where to begin to set into motion, linusic, rhyme and narrative, a grotifi of some hundred children, ranging'fAi ages from four years through high sc144991s. However, after one begins to assemble the material and studies it throtigh, things sort of begin to fall into /Pattern. When each child is assigned Sincerely, a Certain role to enact, then come the Rose Helweg I ectic hours of practice. Arid lo, some Editor's Note: Many, many thanks for hree . weeks later, which was the night of liebeintier 23, it amazes even me to your letter, in fact for all of them that think cif the' splendid performance the you have sent in since I am in charge tortiblited efforts of these many children, here. They all were to the point and

Wednesday, January 1,•1958 without mistakes. To all. down your way, bur best wishes for a prosperous 1958. — Yours truly. &•( West, Texas Dear Girls: It's all over now but the headaches, hangovers and possibly some tummy aches, but with the traveling weather, Christmas 1957 was a wondrous occasion of families gathering from far and near, with an abundance of good food and solemn veneration. Dear old Santa was most generous with his tokens of love for the little ones, and big ones too, and the Christion heart of America opened up for the less fortunate, of which there have always been some since the world began, for a wonderful Christmas. The only blue note in all of this festivity is the news just received, that our good sister and grandmother, Sister Albina (Frank) Vytopil of Wheelock was hurriedly shooed off to the hospital for an emergency operation, right in the big middle of all of this exciting time and we sincerely wish for her a speedy and complete recovery. We hope that she will again be her chipper self. Sister Vytopil belongs to the Bryan Lodge and both she and her husband are one of the active couples that Lodge is lucky to have, that keep the lodge work on a keen and interesting level down there. To Brother Vytopil: we wish for him courage, we can all imagine the scare he got when his good "maminka" suddenly took sick. Being of good hardy Czech stock to stand her ingood, plus a fine family of children and grandchildren, and a long list of Texas Czechs in the fraternal family "rootin" for her, she will be all right. Her grandson, Teddy Manthei recently participated in the Vestnik's Youth Writing Contest" and received a consolation prize, plus (we hope) that two bit piece from his grandp a V. (part of their contract). Good Luck, to all of you nice people! With the Vestnik coming out earlier during this HolidaySeason, your Editor has been grunting into the wee hours, trying to get his material together for the lineotype operators who will be ofi one day. It wouldn't be fair not to thank and to mention our faithful contributors who have kept your Vestnik interesting and a pleasure to receive in this past year, 1957. Our thanks to you! You've done a service to your immediate lodge and community by keeping our fraternal family posted on the activities about you. In the winter months ahead, when you shall all be confined to your homes,

Wednesday, January 1, 1958 please let us hear from from you all, for then we shall be "Shut-Ins" and the Vestnik will be our bond of sisterhood, coming to you regularly each week. Some of you will be quilting, sewing, mending, crocheting or knitting, and the Vestnik should be your pleasant contact with the rest of us in Texas, so, keep your notes coming in! Tentatively speaking, your Editor plans to run a Czech serial after the first of the year, for our older Czech membership. One good sister told your Editor that a Novel was to an older woman what a Lover was to a young woman — guess she was right. An appeal from our SPJST Rest Home, for further donations to finish paying off the contractor has come to the Vestnik from Taylor. Those of you who received that fat "bonus check" from the "Boss" — when you cash it into change — your contributions would be most welcomed. Then, too, any pennies you can spare for the Landscaping Fund will also, be gratefully received. In the next two months the major portion of the shrubs and Pecan Trees will have to go in and since Pecan trees take a long time to start producing, but produce a life time, it is most desireous to get them into the ground this year so they can be on their way. If you've ever build a home, you know that its the things that you didn't count on at the offset that run the cost up. A little more here, there, and presto!, the figures add up. So it is with the final landscaping. Regardless of how beautiful, or costly the building or how humble the home, for that matter, it's the shrubs that give it an individual "loved and lived-in look" and home touch. The Editor does not plan to campaign much more of these things in the Vestnik, but the need is still there, let's the project get started and your Editor and I just couldn't let the opportunity pass not mentioning it. You've all been so wonderful in your responses, so far, to fur thering the SPJST Rest Home goal aion% and we shall not abuse your good will by continually calling your attention to the collection of contributions. You know, we know, the need is great, and we all give what we can, for does not the "Good Book" tell us that we are "Our Brother's Keeper?" Yes; it also tells us that it is better to give than to receive. My sincerest best wishes for a nice 1958. Many of our lodges are holding all night parties to welcome in the New Year. Have a nice week end, girls,. drive carefully, stay healthy and beautiful. Fraternally yours, The Rditor's Wife

V.2 8 T Nt K


HOUSTON, LODGE NO. 88 Dear Brothers and Sisters, It was gratifying to see a larger than usual crowd at our Children's Christmas Program, which was held at Lodge No. 88, Sunday, December 15th, at 3:30 p. m. I am very thankful for the wonderful cooperation I had from Sister Estelle Kelly, Sister Della Kadlecek, and the Entertainment Committee. Our Program opened with a short speech by our President Brother Alfred Hilsher in English, and a short speech by Brother Rudy Sefcik in Czech. Brother Sefcik, introduced our two young Masters of ceremony, and they were: Freddie Burl., Jr.,and Jimmie Kadlecek. The following numbers on the Program were: Group singing: "Jingle Bells and Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" by David and Donna Miculka, Katherine and Shirleen Sustala, Linda Sefcik, Carole Cole, Edward and Dennis Sustala, Traylene Foster, Charles and Helen Marie Faykus, Paul, Jerry, and Robert Bily, Norman and Donna Urbanovsky, Charles Kelly, Billy Hilsher, Thais Ayo, 13ernice Burl, George, Gary, and Ruth Ann' Zaludek, Ivis, Johnnie, and Gwaindlyn Ayo, Georgia Zahidek, Dickie and Donna SChnell, Jo Ann and Ivan Grissom, Mary Frances Rubach Marilyn Carter, Donna Lupoli. Acampanied by Sister Sstele Kelly. Clarinet Duet: "Away in a Manger" and "It Came Upon The Midnight Clear" — Jimmie Kadlecek and Robert Hilsher . Reading: — Gary Zaludek Piano Solo: "StillyNight Holy Night" — Carole Cole Song: "Up on the House Top" — Ruth Ann Zaludek Accordian Duet: — "Christmas Carols Arrangement" and Julida Polka" — Judy and Jimmie Ludwig Piano Solo: "Prune Song" — Charles Kelly Tap Dance: Thais Ayo Song:: — "Around The World" — George Zaludek Piano Solo: — "Blue Danube Waltz." Tap Dance: Carole Cole Accordian Solo: "Up on The House Top" and "Cillito Lindo" — Katherine Sustala Song: "Jingle Bells" David Miculka and Ivan Grissom, accompanied by Jo Ann Grissom Piano Solo: "Twelve Street Rag" and "Jenny Lane Polka" — Donna Miculka. Song: "Santa Claus. Lives Far Away" — Norman and Donna Urbanovsky Mary Song: "Joy to the World" Frances Rubach, Marilyn Carter, Donna

Strana 19 Lupoli Song: "White Christmas" and "0 Holy Night" — Freddie Burl., Jr. Accompanied by Sister Estelle Kelly After the program Santa Claus appeared. He certainly was generous this year after giving all the kiddies their packages, Santa walked among the dear grandmas and gave a-way candy, while the presents were given out to those who brought gifts to their children and loved ones. All these fruit and candy packages were donated by our Ambitious Birthday Club Sisters, also a huge basket of fruit was won by Mrs. Julius Jalufka, as a door prize. Many thanks Sisters, for the donation! Mr. Ayo was busy taking moving pictures of the whole program He stated that those who wish to see this film:, are cordially invited to see it, at our Lodge, on a Saturday night, after game night. Please watch the bulletin board for the date, as it would be too late to announce the, exact date, in the Vestnik. If I remember correctly, Brother Sefcik announced, that this film would be developed in thirteen days from the date of our program. Many of you would like t9 see your children and grandchildren in the movies, so bring out your friends, and enjoy a pleasant evening at Lodge No. 88. We want to thank the Sisters of Enterttainment Cornrrdtte, for serving such a delicious Supper. Fraternally yours, Estelle Kelly Della Kadlecek Maxine Sefcik • • LODGE OSVETA NO. 38 Kovar, Texas Dear Brothers and Sisters: T didn't get to attend the meeting on December the 8th. Those that were there, made the plans when to have the Christmas tree and program. Mrs. Maresh of Smithville was so kind and took the work and time to come out here and practice those young girls and boys in singing. I was sick so I couldn't go, but those that went said it was real nice and Few sisters helped Santa Clause fill the bags with nuts, candy, oranges and apples the Santa Clause was well prepared not to miss anyone. Thanks Santa. After the program the good Sisters were serving hot coffee and cookies and everyone enjoyed it and the weather was nice. I guess by the time this letter will be in our Vestnik the Christmas will be over. The Santa Caluse sure was nice' to me. I even didn't think I was that

Strana 20 good, so hope each and everyone had a nice Christmas and wish everyone a RaPpy"New Year and let's all do better in the coming year With lots of love to all Lillie Evicic • 4„ • ( 'CISKY FRAPOR LODGE NO 24 Cyclone, Texas Would like to announce our first lodO meeting of the year which will be helcrfirst Sunday January the 5th at 2 p.`,in. Those of us who will attend are as104 to please bring a few cookies or Solnething else then after the meeting we will haVe coffe. Would write more `but 'Would like to squeeze this in the next Vestnik. Thanks to all the good sistA's that will help u,s out with some food. — Happy New Year to all, and you alI'Lonie. Mrs. Jerry Zavodny • 4+ •

Teachers, Parents, Pupils


Wednesday, January 1, 1958

Children's, Youth Cl OUR CONTEST WINNERS ' It gives us special pleasure to announce to all our young friends, the names of our contestants that have not only earned prizes, but also recognition for their good efforts. The prizes awarded in this sequence: FIRST PRIZE: Clarence IVIartisik,'Rt. 2, 13o) 36, Fayetteville, Texas. SECOND PRIZE: Betty Jean Haskovec, 305 East Crockett St., Ennis, Texas. - THIRD PRIZE: Johnnie Krizan, Jr. Rt. 2, West, Texas.'

As Amarillo, in common with all other American communities, searches for the teAliers to man its rapidly growing school system, it is well to remember an old story. "-You mean you quit your bad habits, lifiefroved your language, bought your) • 4 • ( self new clothes and then didn't marry the girl?" asked the friend. 4 NO, I didn't" said the other. "By the time I improved myself that much I found out that I could do better." is the case with those young people who prepare to teach. By the time they have met the requirements of - tlie prfofession, they find they can do FIRST Bitter in other fields of employment. : "Sorriehow we have got to make teachFayetteville, Texas Dear Members and Friends, -fri g a more attractive profession if we My name is Clarence Marusik. I am rare to provide the skills — even the rtianpower -- required to educate on- ten years old. I go to the St. John School at Fayetteville. I am in the fifth grade g generations of Americans. – "Parents whase children will be short- and I like to go to school very much. changed in the cIa,ssromm ought to take We like to play baseball best of all. the lead in giving prestige to teachers I have one- brother and he is seven and to back them up in disciplining years old. His name is Larry and he is cicciO1 children. Many 'a teacher is leav- in the second grade. We both have our ihethe school room because parents give birthday on the same day, March 21. iiO cooperation in the educational My parents, brother, and I all belong qi; cliniques of this which discipline is to the SPJST. 'We think it is a wonderpoSSilile the major one. ful organization. We live on a farm near Ellinger When A disciplined mind is needed to cope with the stack of knowledge that one we come hone from school we help our must have to even live in a modern parents with the evening chores. Sometimes my daddy lets me drive the tracworld. — Amarillo Globe-Times. tor when he plows. .1 4•( I think I enjoy the Czech - fairy tales Hope makes our blessings dear, heaven in the English section most`of all. Keep would not be heaven if we knew what it on printing them in the Vestnik. Were. Christmas will be here soon. We will

Prize Winning Letters In Our Last Youth Contest

CLARENCE MARUSIK have our Christmas play in school on December 15 at the St. John recreation hall at 7:30 p.m. We are all preparing for it. Santa Clous will come there too. He will have a bag of goodies for all the children. I don't have anything else to write about so I will end my letter. I will write again sometime, Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sincerely yours, CLARENCE MARUSIK •

SECOND Ennis, Texas Dear Youth Club, My name is Betty Jean Haskovec. I'm 11 year old. My parents, my little brother and I are all SPJST members. I live in Ennis and go to the Alomo School. I'm in. the soixth grade. I've been elected Secretary-Treasurer of my class and also been elected as the most friendly, most courteous and most popular girl of my class. I have a very sweet teacher. I've also been elected reporter of our newly organized SPJST Teen Agers Club. We meet once a month and play games and dance. We always have so much fun. Our Youth Leader is Mrs. Dolfie Harbina. She is one of those that can't be beat. We all hope she gets to stay with us a very long time. I take gymnastics at the Sokol Hall. A recent competition. which Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston and COrpus C'hristi participated, I won 1st place in the 2nd class girls division. For this I was awarded a gold medal, which I wear,

Wednesday, January 1, 1958 I go to the Presbyterian Sunday School and Youth Fellowship and also try to keep up with the 4-H. Club. And oh, I almost forgot, that I also am a member of the Red Peppers Square Dance team. We always have so much fun together. So you can see boys and girls my llfe is full of fun. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Yours truly, BETTY JEAN IIASKOVEC THIRD West, Texas Dear Mr. Editor, My name is Johnnie Krizan. I am ten years old. I go to the West Elementary School. The school is new and pretty, it is on Harrison Street. I like to go to school. I am in the fourth grade. I belong to the 4-H Club. I was elected Council Delegate this year. I make good grades in school. My mother is a house wife. Sometimes she writes in the Vestnik. My Daddy is a farmer. My little sister is 6 years old. She goes to school too, and takes piano lessons. Sometimes she helps mother dry the dishes. We live on the Tours and Leroy road, Route 2. Our home is a pink stone brick house. We belong to the SPJST brotherhood Lodge No. 6 Cottonwood. My Daddy is a organizer and treasurer of our Lodge. The best thing I like about the Vestnik is the Women Notes and the pictures. I hope some day I can be an organizer too, like my Daddy, when I get big. Best of luck to everyone in the SPJST brotherhood. Merry Christmas to all. Yours truly, JOHNNIE KRIZAN •( Fayetteville, Texas Dear Editor and Friends, This is my second time to write in the Vestnik. First I must mention that I was very pleased and hippy to win and receive the first prize in the Youth Letter Contest. I was really surprised when I received the news. My sincere thanks to you, Mr. Editor, for making the contest possible. We have one more day of school. Then a e will have a vacation until after New Years. Our family will spend Christmas Day at my Grandparents home. I hope everyone will have a nice and blessed hristm.a s Day. We had a little rain here today but then the sun came out and it was a nice cl :ty. I hope the weather will stay nice r a while. I am very interested in the story" The

VESTNIK — WEST, TEXAS Golden Spinning Wheel." I can hardly wait till the next issue of the Vestnik comes. My another enjoys reading all the nice letters written by the Editor's Wife. I don't haye anything else to write about today, but I will try to write again very soon. 2incerely yeurs, CLARENCE MARUSIK P.S. Mr. Editor, I am sending you a picture of myself that I had taken in school this fall. Editor's Note: Thanks for your fine letter and your picture, it will be in our column shortly. — Write again!. 1 • ,a. • ( PUPILS POLISH THEIR MANNERSChildren seem to be bursting with energy all of the time. At parties, they sometimes seem to be exploding with it. A party for elementary pupils must be planned, therefore, to keep this volcanic energy within bounds. The best way .to do it is scheduling several types of activities with a change in pace — from vigorous to quiet. When the students then-selves participate in party planning and managing, they have a splendid opportunity to suggest activities which appeal directly to their age level and to assume the responsibility of having fun in a "socially acceptable" manner. What does "socially acceptable" mean? The term, of course, has different meanings at six years, eight years, ten years and so on. However, "socially accept able" behavior at any age includes reasonable regard for others at game time, courtesies such as "thank you" and "please" at refreshment time, and thoughtfulness at the end of the party. These are some of the social responsibilities which teahers can help children assume through their participation in classroom parties. (1) Meeting guests and helping them to feel comfortable. (2) Playing games in such a way that everyone c:.n have fun. A good physical education program helps children achieve this goal. (3) Serving and being served refreshments in a polite manner. During the pre-party planning stage, children can have fun — and learn correct manners at the same time — dramatize polite, thoughtful ways of inviting a guest into the room and hel p -inghmfdaco rtblepacosit. Serving and being served. refreshments can also be acted out. Dramatizing these activities helps children practice social skill's, gain poise, improve language expression, and assume their full responsibilities at party time. In this way, even first grade children

Stran at parties are able to carry out their duties as hosta and hostesses suceesStully and independently. They not only cake complete charge of receiving'' the guests but also put ice in the cupaserve punch from a punch bowl, and serve the guests at refreshment time. Playing games is another important feature of any good party. These can range from a quizashow type of program to vigorous outdoor games. Usually, children in the primary grades choOse the more active games, while childrqn in the upper grades prefer talent ShcfsyS, folk dancing, or some type of quiz or guessing games. Those teachers who are planning, to have class parties this next school year may be interested in these rules far some of the more popular games whiela children at various grade levels enljoy playing. Black Cats and Jack 0 Lanterns The class is divided into two teams, Black Cats and Jack O'Lanter$ Before the party enough cats and lanterns are made from constrution paper for each member of a team to have one. While the children are playing an outdoor game, these are put in full view in odd places in the room. Each child SK1 the Black Cats team is to find one cat and sit down, and each child on P Jack O'Lantern team is to find one ;lantern. The first team to be seated wins. Old Witch One child is named the ;l of the other children follow her Across the play area calling. "This Old Witch fell in a ditch Found a penny and thought she,.was rich." The witch then turns and asks, "whelse children are you?" If the children answer, "Your children," the witch cllaW them back to base. If the children answer another name, the witch continnues to lead them across the play area and the children repeat the jingled After the to base, the witch chcaraes a second witch tarn the group of ehildren that did not get caught. , Love Before the party, about 250 red hearts are made and on each heart is printed one of the four letters, L, 0, V, pr While the children are playing an cintdoorgame, these hearts are scattered all over the room in full view. ThqsMdren are brought into the room. At a given signal, they pick up hearts until the signal to stop is given. Then eath child sees how many times the word LOVE can be spelled with the hearts he has. The winner is the one who can spell LOVE the most times. Funny-faec will Catch You. The children form a large circle hold

Strana 22 ing hands. Two children are placed within the circle. One child is given a stick made by rolling and tying a few sheets of newspaper together. A large grocery sack with a "funny-face" painted on it is placed over the child's head so that he, cannot see. The object of the game is foc this child to hit the second child with the paper stick. The second child teases the first child by calling "Funny-face, you can't catch me." When "funny-face" strikes the second child with the paper stick, these children name two other children to take their places. The game continues until several children have had turns to be in the circle. Treasure Hunt The children are divided into two or three teams with a leader for each teem. Simple directions are printed and sealed, in numbered envelopes. These envelopes are placed at certain spots over the playground bythe children who are in charge of party games. At a si g -nal,echtmlaveshromandfllows the directions found in the first and succeding envelopes. The last envelopes directs the children back to the room where the party-game group has placed the "treasure box" filled with party favors which pupils had made beYore the party. Magic Carpet Draw several rectangles about the size of small carpets on the floor. The children form a single circle and to the tune of agood march walk around the circle. At intervals the music stops and all players not on magic carpets are out of the game. This continues until five children (or any designated number) are winners. 0 whistle may be substituted for music. If the children are stopped, frequently and games end quickly, the Children have more fun. Hook-on Tag Thel children are scattered about the play area in pairs with hands joined. Two Players are separated; one of them is the "runner," and the other is the "chaser." The runner, being followed by the chaser, goes in and out around the couples. When the runner wishes to seek safety, he joins hands with one of the players`' standing in pairs. This forces the third player to run and the game continues with a new runner. If the chaser 'catches the runner, the runner beer/nes the chaser and the chaser the runner.

litSTNIK — WEST, TEXAS tion. It is hoped also that games such as these carry over to play activities in neighborhood groups and home parties. Teachers agree that they add variety to the program and offer many opportunities for pupil learning and practicing fundamental skills in arithmetic, reading and writing The parties encourage children to improve their social behavior. Also, when parents are invited as guests, parties contribute to more pleasant relationship between . parents and participants. .1 • A* • ( KEEP YOUR HANDS IN CHECK — LEST YOUR GIRL FRIEND OBJECT Are you an elbow clutcher? That's what I call the boy who latches onto a girl's elbow or arm at her front door and doesn't let go, except briefly, until he brings her back upon the front porch at the end, of the date. Every girl encounters an elbow clutcher at sometime in her dating life. Last week, after I had almost forgot they existed, I had the misfortune to to date one. It was cur• first, and last , date! Take a tip from me fellows; keep your hands to yourself, Vnless you are her heartthrob or she is a very che4; girl, she won't appreciate being powed and handled all evening. Girls are able bodied creatures who have been walking just fine since they were two years old. If your date doesn't have' a sprained ankle and if you aren't walking through a hilly terrain at midnight, she doesn't need you to hold her up. What is more irritating than spending the evening with a boy who persists in holding your elbow or your arm, and guiding you down a theatre or restaurant aisle by clutching the belt of your dress or putting his hot hand on your waist? It's a pain in the neck, and this is from a girl's point of view fellows. Frigid? Oh no I'm not! With the right fellow when the setting is right — well we'll discuss that some other time. However when the pawing, clutching boy is not a big moment or a ,hcarthrob, but simply an ordinary date for whom you entertain absolutely no special feeling; it simply bothers a girl to be pawed all evening.

When a boy takes every opportunity, in the name of good manners to touch a girl, such as helping her up and down Of course these seven games are only curbs by placing his arme about her a few of the many games children enjoy waist, helping her out the car by takp laying at parties. Obviously, many of ing her hand instead of just holding them are suitable for physical educa- the door, etc., a girl soon beeomes sus-

Wednesday, January 1, 1958 picious that his motives are not all they should, be, and she may well become leery of future dlates with him for fear she will have trouble fighting him off. If you like the girl you may prove it in a hundred ways, but for goodness sake keep your hands to yourself. —by Beverly B. ) • 4

Dr. Lieb On Smoking Dr. Clarence W. Lieb, who served for many years and is a famed advisor to one of America's large tobacco corporations, has written a new book concerning smoking. The profits of the book will be allocated to a fund for sending copies of it to libraries, schools and colleges. Dr. Lieb earned his medical degree at Harvard Medical School in 1941. He has practiced in New York for many years and is famous for many medical achievements. The message In his latest book is blunt. He admits that, heretofore, he sad felt that it was advisable for cigarette smokers to adopt habits of moderation in smoking, as an answer to medical facts recently unveiled. Now he is convinced that this is a futile approach. Smokers may as well face the facts, he says, that abstaining from tobacco is the only sensible reaction to the medical facts of the day and that even if you are a moderate smoker, smoking can kill you. We are not attempting to sell books for anyone, not that Dr. Lieb needs any financial support, and we are not trying to tell any reader how to live his life. However, if he would like to read a frank discussion of the facts surrounding cigarette smoking — as Dr. Lieb, a noted medical authority sees them — he might read this new booklet, entitled, "Don't Let Smoking Kill You." • „To • LINDEN HALL NO. 66 WACO ELECTS YOUTH DIRECTOR Sister Libbie Parma, of Lodge 66, was elected the Youth Director of that respective lodge for the year 1958. Sister Libbie has proven her capabilities in this work in the past and we wish for her every success in the coming year. ) • 4 • ( Great! He — Miss Onthego, if you wish to see nature at its best you should take a trip through the great pine woods of the Adirondack mountains. Miss Onthego — Oh, that would be great! I dote on pineapples!

Wednesday, January 1,


Health Notes Three of the greatere public health programs in history are generally acknowledged to be immunization against infections diseases, chlorination of water and pasteurization of milk Now, after years of investigation, a fourth has been added -- fluoridation of water to reduce tooth decay. "What was hope of a generation ago is now a fact of preventive dentistry," says the American Dental Association. Today, the overwhelming accumulation of evidence on the effectivenes and safety of fluoridation is a matter of record." Almost 1,500 United States communities, with a combined population of well over 25,000,000 are now drinking artificially fluoridated water. Millions of others are drinking water in which fluorides are naturally present. So thoroughly has the effect of fluorides on tooth decay been investigated that the American Medical Association has recently given its unequivocal endorsement to the prograne, thereby joining practically every other reputable health and medical organization in the United Satotes. The nation's second and third largest cities — Chicago and philadelPhia — are among the cities which have fluoridation programs in operation. Other major cities now giving their children the benefit of the progressive measure are Cleveland, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, San Francisco, Milwaukee and Pittsburgh. In addition to the ability to reduce dental cares by as much as 60 per gent among children — and most authorities are convinced the benefit extends throughout life — fluoridation of community water supplies is shaping up as one of the best public health bargains of all times. For less than 15 cents per person per ,) ear, the •ravages of tooth decay can safely and cOny eniently be cut by twothirds. The cost of a single filling would pay for the fluorides for one person for many years. From an engineering standpoint, according to a water works association, the mechanism of adding fluorides to water supplies is no more involved than adding chlorine. Furthermore, flourine is not a medicine any more than chlorine. It is not a cure-all. It cannot entirely eliminate tooth decay. It can do nothing about teeth that are already decayed. In fluoridation we have the weapon against tooth decay that men of all ages have sought. Not a single valid areeement can be raised against it. To de ny it to children is to deny them the best tin t preventive dentistry has to offer.


Freedom Of The Press


Seldome c' cites freedom of the press dis- same time keeping the people inforneed ;11 appear in one annihilating blow. as fully as posssible on all matters cone,w corning their welfare. So long as Ainerie In countries where the press has been *allied, there WO 3 first a period when can newspapers pursue that policy lessly, our press, our people and lour failed to realize and resist the be- country shall remain free of tyra.nnY gjiming of the end -- the first encroachArai';,; ) • 4 rents on its freedein. There were powerFROM TEXAS TB ASSOCIATION fel interests which wanted certain facts ei i;) "kept out of the newspapers." There Despite dramatic strides in tuberculoreisee was pressure here and pressure there control in the immediate past, much reee to have the truth withheld. mains to be dene to turn off ravages human bodies and economic resources. Before the press of any nation sucToday, because of new drugs, 4wq.,,o cUrnbs to tyranny, there always has people die of tuberculosis, but more cases,.;,, been a period of failure to speak out. were discovered in Texas last year ,than ffi Here in America there is only the limiever before. Put that fact alongside the tation of national security — the necesmoney cost per case of tuberculoeie$e sity to protect 'and preserve confidential about $16,000 and the fct that e om military and scientific information — about 4 per cent of patients are able p't• which can be accepted by a press that pay for their own care, and some; is determined to stay free. may be had of the cost to the 1.7401ipv America's newspapers have made, and human energy and in tax dollars (4449i90a,,,,e, will continue to make, a conscientious victims in the U.S. today, $600 million:,., , effort to protect that security — at the cost in tax, money per year. we

LODE REPORTS. FROM LOCAL R NO. 112 LODGE F. B. ZDUBEK Guy, Texas Brothers and Sisters: This is to inform you that the annual meeting of our lodge was held on December 8, 1957, and all busineas transacted as usual. However, as the attendance of members was small at this meeting, the election of officersa.nd,various committees was postponed until our next regular meeting which will be held on Sunday, January 12, 1958, at two o'clock in the afternoon in the lodge hall. Please come and help elect new of ficers and committees, and help transapt any other business that may come before the meeting, Wishing you all a happy New Year, we are Fraternally 'yours, Chas.Pavlas, President J. M Mikeska, Secretary )•4. • ( NOVY TABOR SP.IST LODGE NO. 17 Caldwell, Texas Dear Readers, The. Novy Tabor lodge No. 17 held their regular annual meeting on the second Sunday of December, 1977 and elected the following of ficers to serve the lodge during the year of 1958. Prsident -- John W. Vavra Vice president_ -- John J. Srabar Secretary — Melvin H. Skrabanek Financial Secretary John E. Stefka


Treasurer — Frank G. Mrnustik la; Manager of Hal/ — B. K. Trcalek .n Medical Examiners — Dr. John tak, and Dr. Joe CeSmith Sick Committee-eee Vilem Macat, Fren10 Rychlik, Henry Vavra Vysetrujici committee --- Joe S. Skrabeeible nek, Theodore Rusek, Kverin Urbahovenel h .9; sky Resolution Cormratee -- John Valera, iii, John J. Srubar, Melvin Skrabanek Entertainment Committee' — HenryeViti44ele vra, George Za,vodny, Prank Surovikee On behalf of our lodge. I want to wiAht:9's everyone a Prosperous New, Yeareeatict.)54 may our Fraternal Order continderfteedi grow with the enthusiasm and zeal manifested during the past twelve month' z r, eee Fraternally, Melvin H .Skrabanek, 4, e LODGE FR. PALACKY, NO. 21 1/IT ENGLE, TEXAS t%?.i Dear Merbers and Readers, A Happy New Year to all! And th to inform you sisters and beothefet-lPfe, Lodge Fr. Palacky No. 21, that yourelt,, requested to attend our next meeting which will be held on Sunday Jaillir, 5, 1958. Our meeting starts at 2:00 p.m. and our yearly elections will be held. So yeu all come, please! Fraternally, 1. J. KOPECKY, Presidthd, .0"

Liana 24

V k N tlt

Wednesday, anuary; I,, 3 05


Thirty Days Behind The Iron Curtain (Continued)

By Mrs. Betty Jurica

Than that same day, I had the pleasure to attend a wedding supper at my 'father's cousins house, his daughter got married that evening in Brno and they, had supper at Lovcice. The bride was ivery pretty . dressed in white, also a short veil on her head. This wedding was held in a small village. For supper chicken soup, baked chicken, rice and mixed fruit was served, followed by dainty pastries of all sorts. Of course there was a keg of beer to top this off and also wine.

tall stately trees •and later on beneath the stars. In most of the hotels in Prague and on the tour, the music is mostly jazz. Seems to me everyone likes this sort of music (American Jazz). of course they don't play our popular hits of to day, but several years back, such as "Tea for o", St. Louis Blues", True Love" (this is a fairly new hit here) and "Chatanooga cho choo." It was lots of fun, hearing familiar tunes so far away from home. One night the musicians found out that we were from Texas, so here they go playing "Deep in the Heart of Texas", "Old Oaken Bucket" and several other selections. I was told by several persons that movies, operetas and operas are their chief entertainment. That every night these places are a complete sell-out, one must get tickets to a movie in advance or else you don't get in. We got our tickets to the opereta through the aedok Travel Agency. Tourists have first choice to the entertainment. It is a • great help to the tourist to have snch an agency to help out in these cases. The theatres are large and 'seat many people. At intermission, ice cream is sold (on at stick) and they also sell candy, drinks, nuts, etc. in the lobby of the theatre. „

Immediately after supper I left for Straznice, where, a festival of songs and dances was being held. My dad's friend, Mr. Chytil of Kyjov took my sister and me to this festival in his car. At night at this festival, the lights are put out. Candles lighted in the concession booths and' the fun begins. Music was heard on everyside, as every village or town had its musicians there. As the light were put out, each group made a bon fire and the dancers would dance around the was a beautiful sight to see the men in their elaborately embroidered shirts,,and colorful pants to do their own dance, with the whoappee and singing at the same time. Seemed to me they didn't tire of their merriment. They jumped over the flames in the embers and one would think their clothes would catch on fire, but no, they were just too fast for that. I enjoyed this night very much, especially the music, as every group played differently, by this I mean there were musicians and dancers from Kyjov, Uherske Hradiste, Valasi, etc. and this was very interesting to watch and listen to. (More on this subject in my other article "Thirty Days behind the Iron Curtain."

What I didn't like is the transportation. Throughout the day it's not so bad, but at night, coming from the movies, one has to run, push, and at first get standing room on the trolley car and bus. We lea.rhed allright, that one had to push to get on and we did like the rest of the people. Sunday was a bad day to ride either the trolley car or bus, as crowds of people went to the River Vltava to swim and took their children on an outing. Most of them carry a quilt, bathing suit, lunches, jugs of water, and when they take all this abord a bus, there just isn't much room for anything else. Several times I took a taxi if I didn't want to push and run to get to my destination. All in all it was fun and was worth every bit of it. The buses are always full to the brim, because there are only few autos and besides people can not afford to buy such a luxury, such as ar car. They are too expensive (the cheapest 26,000Kcs.) Now tell me who can afford one? People just have to do a lot of walking and ride buses to make out.

I went to an Opereta "Netopyr" and the Opera "Bartered Bride". Also to an Ott' ,Deor Theatre where programs are given in the cultural park. This used to be a Czech Fair Ground, where fairs were held, similar to our Texas State F_ani:.It is a beautiful park, with large trees , (150 years old.) all around. Here in the prk are different sorts of entertainment, such as rides for children, dancing to good Czech music, Outdoor Theatre, (Letni Divadlo), etc. There are tables and chairs all throughout the park,-and ever so often a small concession., stand, selling cold wine and in others, beer, sausages, (parky) and rohliky .and souvenirs i many of the On trains, streetcars and buses, wobooths. It a evening well spent, beneath men collect fares. All of the transporta-

The women wear ' tion is lettered CM. skirts and Jackets to match. In hotels, night clubs, etc. there are no waitresses, only men wait on tables. They are dressed very neat in a dark suit or gray jacket and dark pants and most of them are very courteous. When one enters a dining room, every table is already set, on the side is a plate with rohlikky (this is always on the table). I got used to eating the rohliks, they are very good with jam and butter, soups and meats. Someare made of butter and they are very soft, others are real salty and they are hard. Butter is served a lot especially for breakfast. For breakfast we had usually coffee, or tea, rohlik, jam, butter andscrarnbled eggs (or boiled). I ate three square meals a day and never did turn a meal down because all the, walking one does, it builts up an appetite. This was a grand experience for me and I'm sure for the others also. One meets people from all over the world. I met two engineers from Cairo, Egypt, and for minutes we discussed the methods of teaching in schools. Their method is just like ours, 12 years of schooling, but the English language is Compulsory in their schools. Than there were several from India, and the woman in the group was dressed in their native dress. I also net a young man from Canada, he worked for the government and will stay two and one half years in Czechoslovakia. Just two days before we left, in the hotel, I met three men from Poland. So you see Czechoslovakia is the Cross-road of Central Europe. Also while there, we met a Yankee from New York, a man from Cleveland, another person from Detroit. When one goes shopping, one has t o be careful what you are talking about because a large number of the people speak and understand English. The English Language is being taught in all the school and if one desires may choose this as one of the subjects. I guess by now you readers are wishing that I would have never begun ta write a leter to the English section of the. Vestnik. I could write much more, but it would take time and besides who wants to read so much of my un-experienced writing. As I told you in the beginning of my letter, I'm no writer, but do like to try. To all, that were on this trip, I wish you all the best and many happy memories of the Thirty Days in Czechoslovakia. (To be Continued.)

Wednesday, Jantfa




Strunk). 25

Capital Punishment In the United States

Immigration and Naturalization

Alien Address Report Program

Of the . 48 states, six have abolished capital punishment entirely and a seventh exacts the death penalty only for treason. These bare facts, however, do not give a very clear picture. For there et no state in the union where a convicted man may be executed except for p remeditated murder, rape, treason or for harming a kidnapped person. Even in the case of these crimes, in only two of the states is the death penalty absolutely required. As a matter of record, many states which retain the death penalty in principle have in practice ceased to use it at all. In Massachusetts, for example, there have been no executions in the past ten years.

Question: I have been in the United States for several years and have never sent in any address report because I did not know about it. I now realize that I should have sent it in, but am worried that something may happen to me if I now do. What should I do? Answer: It is true that each failure to report is a separate offense for which an alien may be deported, unless his failure was not willful and was reasonably excusable. The fact that you did not know your obligation will undoubtedly be accepted as sufficient excuse. It is important that you report early in January. You can get your report card at the nearest post office. If you delay reporting now that you are conscious of the obligation this might be interpreted as a willful failure. Question: I am an American citizen, having been born in the United States, but *intend to marry an alien and therea,fter live in my husband's country. Will Ii lose my 'American citizenship by doing this? Answer: No, you `will not lose your An-ierican citizenship by marrying an alien or by liVing abroad. If you wish to retain your American citizenship, however, you must be careful not to commit any of the acts which would result in its loss, such as voting in a political election in a foreign state, taking an oath of allegiance to a foreign state, or being naturalized in a foreign state. No American citizen loses his or her citizenship by marrying an alien. Living abroad, however is a different matter. Here a different rule appliec to native born and naturalized citizens. Prolonged residence abroad does not affect the citizenship of a native born citizen. You ai e consequently in no danger of losing your American citizenship by residence abroad. This is not true,.however, of a naturalized citizen. With some exceptions for special circumstances: If a naturalized citizen resides continuously for five years in any foreign country or for three years in the foreign country in which he was born or of which he was formerly a national, he will lose his American citizenship. ) • 4 •

If you are an alien in the United State, you must report your address. to the Government every January: The Government has made it easy for you. to meat this important requirement. Go to the nearest Post Office or Inrr migration Service Office to obtain an address report card -- Form 1-53. If you have children under 14 years of age, you can fill out the card for them. Each member Of the family must report, or have reported for him, his present . address. After filling out the card, return. it to the clerk. Do not mail the card.' If you are sick or disabled, a friend or relative can obtain the card for you and return it to the clerk after you - havefilled it out.

It would be difficult to judge how the majority of Americans feel about capital punishment. There are organized groups which advocate the abolition of the death penalty. And a number ofinfluential magazines and newspapers have supported that view. But other papers have expressed the view of a considerable body of Americans that until rehabilitation programs are greatly improved, the interests of society demands that there be no possiblity for a murderer to take a second victim. This line of reasoning — taking action to protect society — appears to have replaced the arguments that capital punehmentis necessary as a deterrent, or as tetribution — an eye for *an eye. This is evidenced by the emphasis placed in this country upon more humane ways of extracting the death penalty in the rare cases when it is applied. Hanging has been replaced by electrocution, and electrocution is some states by the supposedly "more humane" gas chamber. The long-term trend in the United States seems to be against capital punishment in practice, if not in principle. Executions of sentences are commonly delayed and frequently changed to less drastic punishments. In the past 30 y ears or so there has been a marked decline in the number of executions throughout the nation — from a high of 199 in 1935 to '76 in 1955 — the last available complete year figures. —The Common Council )• • Lawyer: "What's to be different about your will?" Henpecked Husband: "I'rn leaving everything to my wife provided she mar1 les again within the year. I want somebody to be sorry I died!"

• ♦ • (

Calendar of Activities LODGE POKROK HOUSTON NO. 88./ Houston, Texas, Dear Brother Editor: New Year's Eve Dance, December 31,c 1957 at SPJST, Lodge No. 88, 1140 Rohbie St. Houston, Texas Music by The Jerry Vacek's Orchestra of Rosenberg,. Texas. We will have tables for you! Bring Your party you are welcome! ) • 4 • (

In Memoriam

et, eel' Of our deceased brother and Meniber of. Lodge 24 of Cyclone, Texas. Rudolf Martinec

born January 29, 1891 and died ' after, long Illness, December 8, 1957 at the ho. spital, Temple, Texas, survived by Anr na Martinec and children Juanita, Ever lyre and John. The deceased brother was laid to rest after services at , CMB A Maior Defect Church of Ocker at the Ocker Church Jeweler -- Why do you want me to Cernetary. He was farming all his life refund your money on this engagement and was a devoted member of the Bre!. ring') Didn't it suit? thren Church. — May this good brother Young Man — The ring suited all rest in eternal peace, and our symparight — but I didn't! thy to the bereaved family.

Strana 2G


Wednesday, January I 1953



inert' tvf, ilia




;459' ' J. OW-1

LKA DANCE CALENDAR (Calvin C. Chervenka)

n1if; 'itatt Saturday, January 4 Faraizl orchestra KJT Hall in Kaufft W citian LI9S-4 1/se orchestra — American Legion Hall in Shiner Konvicka's Worthing Band — Three Oaks Hall near Poth ---tEettrt Nemecek's orchestra, -- Waco SP 0.,JST Linden Hall at Elm Mott , Sunday, January 5 bac.s,vd, El Campo Polka toys. SPJST Hall in je Joe Patek orchestra SPJST Hall in Buckholts All the above dances are at night unless xttherwlse specified. This is a free seMee but applies only to those dances atc;which mainly polka and waltz music is, played' by ea live orchestra. The Vestink .or writer will assume no responsibility resulting from-any dance announcement which is listed in this column. Listings from orchestras and dance halls should be received at least one week be, fOresi publication. Send all listings to RiCatain Chervenka, Route 2, Rogers, Tex. 't • Q. • ( Beckon. So! Mary Lou -- Mother do, missionaries go°01 heaven? Mother — Certainly! ry Lou-- Do cannibals? Mother — I should_ think not. Mary Lcu — Well, if a cannibal ate ksi ttilissionary he'd have to go wouldn't he? ire J • * • ( The Penalty d -- Son, if you're a good boy and ,lea,) ni a lot you might some day become pres4dent. Son — And what if I ain't a good boy Awfi don't learn nothing? — You ri,ight be elected to the state legislature.



*hey finally reach full-fledged retirement after a dozen years of tapering off. (In actual practice, most employees elect full retirement by the time they are 68, according to coi*any officials). The John H. Stetson Company of Philadelphia has no compulsory retirement age and has many workers in the 70's. Many companies have also set up extensive retirement counseling programs to help retired employees not only with financial problems but with the psychological adjustment to retirement as well. Among corporations with wellrounded retirement counseling services are Standard Oil of California and New Jersey, McCormick and Company of Baltimore, Eastman Kodak, Westinghouse, Shell Oil, Bell Telephone and R. H. Macy. Even the Civil Service Commission competitive federal jobs have been abolhas announced that age limits on all ished. Many, companies are now actively seeking ,t? .retain their own retirementage employes or attract others who have been forced to retire elsewhere. Especially is this true of workers with technological experience. One of Ameiica's most urgent needs today is for workers experienced in handling the enormous production problems involved in technological progress. The result has been a considerable shift in thinking about the usefulness of older workers, and it IS being manifested in many ways.

There are many lna.nifestations of a new awareness of older peoples' problems. Business organizations,.government agencies, service clubs, labor unions, and many other groups have come up with thoughtful, constructive programs to help our senior citizens realize at least part of their , potential of pleasure, satisfaction and contribution to the world about them. Much has been done, and much remains still to be done. By examining, here, the steps that have already been taken, we can discern some clear signPosts pointing to a hopeful future in dealing with the problems of our senior citizens. Before considering specific programs, however, one enveloping pointshould be made clear. Elder citizens don't lose their individuality simply by the process of growing Older. They can no more be treated en mass as a sort of cantankerous growth on the fringe of our society, than any individual of any age in a democratic nation, can be deprived of his individuality. Therefore,. wemust ,be suspicious of panaceas of easy, overall solutions to the elderncitizen problem. There simply, is no such thing. An eminently satiSfactory solution, for- one citizen may be com pl etely inadequate for another. Thus there will never be any .substitute for warm individtal affection and understanding and planning to bulwark the legislative or organkational help given our elderly people. , Once this is recognized, we can then accept the fact that solutions to this Problem. must be offered as group soluThree of the nation's largest airtions — and there are a number of very craft manufacturers in southern Calgood ones that are now beginning to ifornia have found that it pays to hire flourish. old-timers—and they employ a surNext to the individuals themselves, prisingly large number of workers over the group most urgently faced with the 801 Experience with this policy has elder-citizen problem. is the nation's shown that although younger workers employers. As the number of elderly turn out a higher volume of work, much citizens has grown, employers have been more of it. is rejected by inspectors. forced more and more often to ask Thus in the long run, the old-timers themselves: "Should we have manda- have a better batting average. tory retirement. in our company or ) • .1. • ( should we permit elderly employes to "HOW TO BECOME A CITIZIN" work until they retire voluntarily? Or is there something in between?" Here's A new book on "How to Become a how a few progressive companies have Citisin of the United States" in Enganswered these questions. lish is now available at Palandech's Mutual Life, one of the nation's larg- Book Shop 705 South Wells Street, Chiest insurance companies, has boosted cago. The price is $1.50 including postemployee retirement age from 65 to 68. age. Employees of the William Wrigley • Company of Chicago can retire in segAfter a woman driver has parked a ments—by taking a one-month leave of absence the first year after retirement car, her big problem is which of .the is reached, two months the second year, three parking meters she should put her three month the third and so on until nickel in

Wednesday, January 1, 1958

Our Immigration ttaws One of the issues current' in the last weeks of the aossion of the 84th Congress concerns our immigration laws. President Eisenhower has recommended several changes in the laws, and we support svme of them. For example, we support President Eisenhower':i . proposal that mandatory fingerprinting of foreign visitcrs to this country be eliminated. As the President pointed out, fingerprinting of these visitors does not add to U.S. security. and it has caused some countries, notably Russia, to refuse to exchange groups f3r cultural and other purposes. Such a. regulation is not in force in other countries. Although the Senate and House Judiciary committees are opposed to most of President Eisenhower's recommendations, an effort is being made (it might have been made by the . time you read this) to attach these recommendations to a special bill which would admit 350 sheep herders to the West. We are opposed to this procedure in principle, since immigration lag changes should originate in the Judiciary committees. Those who would let down the bars of limited immigratio .n to this country would also: 1. Eliminate quota mortgages, built up under the refugees laws. These laws require that refugees be counted against the origin country's immigration quotas at a ratio of fifty per cent. Another recommendation is that ima-Agration be increased from 154.000 annually to 220,000. Another proposal, to which we object — as we do to increasing immigration guotas -- is the move to pool unused quota numbers. Most of these proposals are actually designed to let into the U.S. southern or Latin Europeans, who always fill their quotas and who would flood the United States — just as they did in the early 1900s, until Confiress put a stop to fantastic movements which were rapidly changing the chanacter of the nation. It is in the interest of every American to preserve the integrity of his country, which is already the world's great melting pot, and maintain our racial proportions to some extent. Even if the laws are supported, citizens from Southern Europe and Latin nations are already increasing in numbers faster than citizens who stem from countries with the highest standards and the highest records of achievement in hygiene, science and economics. Therefore, the ratio is already changing, despite the immigration laws. This change should


Strana 27

Real Future Ahead For Small Farmer Shed no sad tears for the future of the smell farmer. Chances are he'll be around long after many a, big-time op:Ica for has quit the scene. Despite doleful newspaper editorials and elumnists' laments that the small farmer is on the way out, such is not the case. True, some of his number have given up fart in,g to make a ,living elsewhe re, but the hard core of those rem2ining h;ve adjusted operations to keep pace with changing farm conditions. Just how determined and resourceful the small farmer is shows up in a recent l'arm Journal article, "Yes, Small Farmq Have a Future." Based on hundreds of letters from small acreage owners, the story forcefully demonstrates the independent individualism so characteristic of farmers everywhere. While a few admitted their future lay elsewhere, the majority had inspiring success stories to tell, described "secrets" that account for economic gains they've made. Many letters revealed the purchasing power of farm families is not limited to on-farm income. Typical is this one from. Mrs. E. L. Brubaker, Somerset County, Pa. Five years ago, she and her husband, both with no knowledge of farming, were $5,000 in debt on a 64-acre farm. Now, she proudly announces, "the farm is debt-free; the barn is full of livestock, feed and machinery; house newly painted, remodeled, every modern convenience." Off-Farm Income Pays The Brubakers' success key was a "job in town for daddy. A pay check as sure as every two weeks roll around. And the farm as good insurance for strikes and layoffs." A Cortland County, N. Y., couple held factory jobs 3 1/2 years to pay farm bills. "Most of our income goes back into buildings, machinery, fences and more cattle. Next spring, if we have 20 cows not be speeded up because of pressure on politicans. In addition, the number of illegal entries into the United States, especially from Southern European and Latin countries is phenomenal, and U.S'. government 'agencies have not been able to stop this illegal immigration traffic. Therefore, despite the intent of the immigration laws, those who would flout them are doing it, and have already speeded up the process of changing the entire character of the United States.

Milking by then, we're going to quit Sur jobs." Specialization is the answer for many a small farmer. A vocational agriculture instructor advises: "Adapt your crops, your marketing and Sour entire farm operation to intensive quality production. If you fill a need not now being filled, you'll do all right." Another factor going for the small operator is that he has time to spend on retailing and marketing chores the bigger farmer can't get done. The R. L. Cashels of Chester County, Pa., show how this works: They sell eggs directly to customers-500 in al 20-mile radius. The husband spends 11/2 days a week delivering and a neighbor comes in two hours daily to grade. With 2,000 layers, they've paid off the mortgage and are "completely out of debt." A North Dakota farmer sums up: "We small farmers can adapt quicker to changing conditions." ) • 4, Grazed Off Dad — "Sonny, they can't tell me anything about the horrors of war. In the Battle of Verdun my head was grazed by a German bullet." Sonny— There ain't much to graze on there now, is there, Dad?" ) • di • That's High Gear Traffic Cop — "Now, Miss, what gear were you in at the time of the accident?" Miss — "Oh, I had on a black beret. tan shoes and a tweed sports dress." ) • 4, • ( Lets Be Resourceful Authority on Etiquette — "It's an indication of ill breeding to rattle or to jigle your money" Li:stner — "Well a lot of us will have to think up some other method of dis• playing our lack of culture " ) • 4 • 4. On. The Spot Office Boy: Please sir, I think you're wanted on the phone. Employer: You think! What's the good of thinking? "Well sir, the voice at the other end said: 'Hello, is that you, you old idiot?' ) • it • t The priest met Mary O'Brien and asked what she was concealing under her cape. She said it was holy water. The priest reached for the bottle, uncorked it and sniffed. "Why, Mary," he exclaimed, "This isn't holy water; this is gin." Whereupon Mary crossed herself and said: "Glory be to God, another miracle!"


Strana 28


A pobli. tOrvi‘• solo,* of A. Pots kr of Tone

LAWS OF OTHER STATES We're all proud that Texas is a growing state. Each year thousands of people,swarm here from other parts of the country to benefit from the many oppqrtunities in business and industry. In addition to their skill and brainpower, these newcomers bring with them a variety of legal papers and ideas which are Aiased upon laws of other states. We don't always remember that federal laws are only a part of our system and that each of the 48 states has "reserved powers" under the constitution to make its own laws. "States' rights" is one of the most jealously-guarded principles in American government. _Because of this difference in state laws, for example, a state like Nevada becomes a popular spot to get a divorce, many businesses incorporate in Delawares and some other states become havens for quick marriages. But there are many lesser-known variations in state laws which can have quite a bearing on your legal affairs. ,If: you own property in another state, or: prep_ared your will before moving to Texas, or have business interests elsewt}eFe , no matter how small, the var l,attoris in state laws could make a difference to Yoll and your family. "one is new in Texas he should take 2/4cond look at his legal standing in 'Life 4ight of Texas law. If one should rtiOVe to another state, he should do the 7:N1'rib thing when he gets settled there. Or if one has a plot of land in Florida or CalifOrnia as part of his retirement planSi let's say, or even minor interests in'atibther state, he should protect him:elif Yteforehand against any possible complications due to differences in state The best-laid plans in your home .tote ;might put you or your heirs at a aisathrantage when interpreted under the laws of another state. 4, • ( )


ways to make your home enjoyable and secure. Have you decided on the type house you want and the amount you want to spend? If so, then let's go into details! 1. Your lot: Junior's school or your church may be nearby, but find out_ (a) Whether they are planning to run a highway through the area or nearby, or make any improvements for which you can be assessed. (b) What "covenants" or restrictions run with the land? To protect residents, the plats or basic deeds of some neighborhoods call on you to •build a certain size of type of house. Do you want to and can you afford to? (c) Easements. Either you or your neighbors may need to run pipes, or string wires over each other's land or to share a driveway. Have the abstract checked carefully to disclose any easements 2. Zoning Ordinances: For your protection. the local government frequently zones some areas, for example, for single houses only, for multiple dwellings; for retail stores, for manufacturing, etc. Unless the local governing body should change its zoning ordinance, no filling station, for instance, can go up next to you in a residential area Neither could you turn your home into a store. In any case, you should find out what your neighborhood zoning rules are 3. Building Codes: Be certain that the plans and construction will meet the requirements of the local building code as to size, location and structure. Municipal ordinances usually impose strict standards for the building, the plumbing and the electrical wiring. In many cases only licensed building tradesmen are permitted to make the installations. 4. Financing: Financing contracts protect both you and the lender. Unless you pay cash, you will use credit to pay for your house, most likely a deed of trust or a land contract. Your installments often include principal, interest, insurance and taxes. Under a land contract the lender holds title to your house until you pay for it. If you fall behind, the holder can take the house back. With a deed of trust, the lender has a lien which he can foreclose if you default. You may get some of your money back on the principal; but you may also have to make up any loss the lender takes in re-selling the house.

Well worked out contracts can help make your dream house come true. A BUILDING YOOUR HOME construction contract or a so-called When you are ready to build, you "earnest-money" agreement or 'receipt will find that the law helps in many is no job for an amateur. Too many le-

Wednesday, January 1, 1958 gal details are involved. Your lawyer is trained by education and experience to protect your best interests in contracting and closing real estate deals. You know what you want. You should be careful to get what you want through careful planning and a properly prepared and executed contract. (This column, prepared by the State Bar of Texas, is written to inform—not to advise. No person should ever apply or interpret any law without the aid of an attorney who is fully advised concerning the facts involved, because a slight variance in facts may change the application of the law.)

Dr. Thos. N. Delaney 0/%1I LEKAft BrYle spraNne piipravene eas dle funluvy 513-1'7 SPIST Bldg. Tel. tiradovna PR 3-3243 Res. PR 3-2687 TEMPLE, TEXAS

Mara( Burns POliffEBNI DOMOV Vhodine zarmutku najdete u nzis rejlepg i pohiebni obsluhu a ceny leyne Tea prodasame pohiebni pojiAteni od 1 mesice do 80 midi WIC Ambulance ye dne i v foci MAREK BURNS FUNERAL HOME Bill Marek a Bill Burns Telefon 546 CAMERON, TEXAS

SPOLEHLIVA POHROBNICKA SLUBA Jsme pohotovi Vain poslou:Ziti bez rozdilu a;k daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv zvlaStniho poplatku. S narni infiZete mluviti eesky. My nabizime Pohtebni PojiSteni pro kaRieho elena rodiny.

Pete E. 4 Ettlinger FUNERAL HOME Elsie Praktk-Etlinger damska pomocnice Teleformjte "collect" Tel 38 ErTivn,T,r, TEXASS

Ve 1 1 recto, (111e 1. iccIna


bisttyeie Ze. s Crosby, Texas etenY pane redaktore:— V p •iloze posilarn yam 2ivotopis jest tak zajimavY tak jiste pi. Mikeskovu-Truksovu pote gi, mela jsem ho ji g delgi eas uschovanY a 2e ho po glu, ale potad jsem to odkladala. Jak doslYcham statieka. pi. Mikeskova, churavi, tak se z to nemoci ro zebere ae2 p • eete kus Oho jejiho 2ivota, kterY nebyl valy radostnY ale jest to 'Cider lidi, by trpeli Pfeil pi. Mikeskove, by zase byla aspon. easteene zdrava, a psala dopisy radi jsme snad v geci etenaki ty jeji dopisy eetli. ZUstavain s pozdravem Anna Trampotova, Kus historic Ze shinneho Texasu Josef Mikeska se narodil dne 23. bkezna r 1866 v Zadveticich na Mora y& Heade jeho tam meli male hospodakstvi, kde se jim pki velke spokivosti dob •e vedlo. Jako novorozene Josef velice plakaval ,po tki niesice s nim matka nemohla nikam jiti pro jeho kfik. Tehdy meli v Zadveticich pruske vojsko k Mikesktim prisel al ddjeden se zlobil, kdya vide' 2e inatka stale kluka chovala anebo kole. bala, by nekval. Rikal, aby ho nechala le 2et, kdy2 nema, hlad. Meli tee syna FrantiSka, o 10 let star giho .Josef se ye gkole dolake ueil. Po vyjiti obecne gkoly hal rodiertm pri hospodakstvi. ()tee jeho bYval clrunou pri svatbach, tak byl Cato z cloclau pryd. Pki tech svatbach zvykl prti, a z dobreho hospodate se stal tyran zeny a dot, tedy Josef 1'7 letY, se rozhod nul, 2e odjede do Ameriky, ale kde vzit mnize, aby °tee nevedel? V tom uz stargi bratr mel doma, to hospodatstvi, tedy Josefovi mel davat podil. Dal mu penize na cestovne, papiry obstaral agent ye Vizovicich. Dal mu take naudeni, jak si ma na draze a v gude poe'inat, v Bremen aby s nikYm cizim nikam negel. Listek na, drahu mu koupil jen do Berlina, 2e jako jen jede na praci do Nemecka, a tam aby si koupil listek do Bremen. Bylo to pro Josefa zle slova nemecky neumel. nikdy nikde nebyl a ted' mel jet do Berlina. Ale dojel. Ukazali mu s vlaKu dolu, sestoupil, pytel v nena2 mel gatv a chleba hodili za nim. Tak stal a rozany glel se, co ted' kam jit? Ka2cleho, kdo vedle nej gel, se ptal: "Kudy jede vlak do Bremen?" Ka2clY je zakroutil hlavou, ze nerozumi a gel od nej. Tu k nemu p rLstoopi mug a mluvi nemecky, Josef desky a zas 2e do Brmen. Chiap, asi velkY gibal, mu porozumel, anebo skatedne rozumel desky. Vedl Josefa k viaku,

Stra,na 29



kterY prave tam couval, ukazal mu by sednul do viaku, dal mu jakYsi papir a Josef mu za to dal 10 marek. Chiap se ztratil a vlak poin.alu jel. Najednou zastavil, zadal couvat zpet k mistu kde std.' drive, a Josefovi ukazali zase dolu. Ta,k vzal pytel a gel mezi domy, hiedat 2eleznici do Bremen. Celt' zmotenY gel a gel, a2 vygel yen. z mesta k jezirku Tarn hodil pytel na zem, sam sebou tea bacil na zeni a plakal. Kdy2 se vyplakal, gel zase zpet a chodil mezi domy celY uplakanY• Jakk si elovek si ho vaimnul, zastavil a ptal se polsky kam jde. No, 2e do Bremen, a 2e nenI2e najit po kterem viaku ma jet. Ten Polak ho vedl po schodech do velikeho domu, ukazal mu kde si ma koupit listek a na hodinach kdy vlak, pojede. aby si sednul a Cekal, a odegel. Tak Josef Cekal, ani hladu strachem necitil, nebot' vedel 2e jiste je gte zabloudi, nepkijde-li nahodou nejaka spasa. Za chvili ptigla Sena se dvema chlapci a . mluvila &sky s nimi. Jose byl hned jako v sedmern nebi .Ptal se ji, kam jede. "No, do Bremen" a tak u2 se ji nespustil, kudy ala ona.; " vgade gel za ni, az nasedali do viaku: Kcly2 pkijeli do Brethen, prisel mua do viaku a volal na, Josefa: "Vy jste Mikeska, ze Zadvefic, pojd'te sem!" Toti2* agent ye Vizovicich mu dal na klobouk jakYsi znak, a tak zastupce pieplavni firmy Kare g and Stocky v Bremen hned vedel kdo to je. Ale dalo mu pkemlouvani ne2 Josefa dostal by s nim gel. Dosvetnieku, kde muses bYti tYden, nen. vedl ho do jejich rikadovny a ukazal mu vyjel part kdo Galvestonu. Jel lodli Wesser. Zatim co Cekal na sod', pkijelo vice vystehovalcft ze Zadvefic a tak na lodi jim bylo u2 veselo. Cilem jejich cesty byla osada. Nelsonville. Josef gel k Holikum. Pant Holikova byla sestkenka stareho Mikesky, otce Josefa. Druhe rano, kdy2 ho gi Holikovi girovali kone, Josef stal u nich a v ge si prohli2e1 — bylo jim to vgecko divne. — StarY Holik ptigel za nimi a pravil: "Josefe, nestclj, tally v Americe nic nenastojig." Do Josefa, jako by pichnul, skoeil a honem zapinal feminky opaene a hogi se mu small.

mladgimi sestrami do Ameriky. Bylo to na Vanoce roku 1889. Piijeli jsme tea ke znamYm, k sousedu Josefa Mikesky, Toni Repkovi. Deti kepkovy zavolaly veder Mikesku s harmonikou a hned se tancovalo, sem tarn se po strane mrklo, jak kdo je, a Josefovi padla do oka Evropan ka, sl. 17,ozi Kovarova, 20 mkfr star* der vend bez pra gkovani 'nebo barveni. Mne se ale Josef ten yeeer nelibil. Ale pak Nigel k sousedovi jegte dvakrat na besedu a o tketi ua pkijel na voze, vystrojen a kikal na,gim 2e pojedem do Hempstead, Texas, na radnici, k oddaske.m. Tak jsetn se hned ustrojila do nejlep gich gatil -jake jsem mela die evropske mody, hezkY%ga-v! tek na hlavu, jako Moravanka od. Vala g -ska,jelm.Sousedjlnami,delat mi tlumodnika. Na radnici bylo Irmo ho divakti bilych i dernYch. Vzali jsme se dne 19. ledna r. 1890 a. na svatebni cestu jsme sli drub dentezat dtivi. Hned za domem byl les a s10 nem to dobke. Musim podotknoutt, jsme se pked tim nez,nali, znamost nage trvala jen tri tSrdny. Po nejakem ease jsme tam zakotpilio nevzdelanY pozemek, v ge na "nem zbuclOvali, ale malo vtdy udelali, byla to piAto va zone. V kijau roku 1906 jsme se AVnovali do okresu Fort Bend, bliie 34,1Y, kde jsme melt zakoupenou farm, jen pozemek nevzdelanSr. Pak jsme-tcP prodali a zakoupili 160 alcril vedle; zase‘ prerie, zase v ge budovat. Pozeniek byl! dobrY, ale to prate! Nemohu vae vypsat do podrobnosti, musim moo vynechat: Starougek z toho dostal strnuti aije, zda lo se ,2e to nevydr2i, le2el dlouho. To' by16 v 1914 a u2 nikdy nebyl *pine zdrircr.4:-Lr Pied tim bYval kapelnikem zdejAi kafati-v ly, kterou sam nacvidoval. Pak se rittla, vzdati 1 hudby, kterou nararnne miloval; Pak jegte se dal pfemluvit sousede by od neho koupil farmu vedle akril, a to nas zniello. Platili jsme tO, $45 akr, pkigla mokra leta, tedy aby,;, chom vae nepozbyli, to farrnu jsme prAr dali a site za $32 akr. Tam jsme sq, starougkem velice sedkeli. Jezdili jagme, spolu vae obdelavat ,ov gern 2e i muselo bYt hodne. Pak se vae obratilo v lepgi, ale mirj starou gek uz chura,vel.!;V, srpnu r. 1924 podstoupil d y e take !OPP,' race, na priltr2 a slepe sttevo. Zdalo,se„ 2e to neptaije. Pfe2i1 v ge, ale zdravi nenabyl, nemohl pracovat tedy jsme farmu prodali synovi Jos. H. Mikeskovie Narodilo se nam pet deti, dtyki ddery a jeden syn a Lydie Ottova 2iji, tki tern.L My.

Brzy si na gel sluthu, slou2i1 na farme za $9.00 mesidne. Nasledujici rok za nim pkijela matka a bratr s rodinou, tak Josef pak hospodefil s matkou. Do Ameriky pfljel v kijnu r. 1883, a v roce 1887 se stehovali do okresu Waller, do Sunny Side, kde s bratrem zakoupili farmy, kte re brzy ztratili. Pak si Josef s matkou Kdyi jsme farniu prodali, vysta,veli najmuli farmu, kam se prave meli steho- jsme si dornek jako vYmenek na te, savat, kdy2 ja, pkijela s rodiei a dvema me farme a nastehovali se tam roku

Strum 30


1929, v bteznu, v nadejl, to po to &fine si odpoeineme. Ale ten hroznST osud, ktenes stale pronasledoval, totit nemoc meho starou ka, Modal stale, at pfetrhl nit na eho mantelstvi spojeni, a vyrval mi co mi bylo nejmilej i. Mfij drahSr man tel zemfel dne 12. srpna r. 1935. Pohteb mel krasn3r. Katcly fikal, ze je te tolika lidu na pohrbu v Guy nebyto. Byl zakladajicim elenem tfech SPJST u dvou HAI). byl pfedsedou neko lik let. Ted' patfil k fadu els. 112 F. B. Zdrabek, zde v Guy, kde byl pfedsedou nekolik roka, a'a pro nemoo se musel fadu vzdat. Tet byl zakladajicim Menem zdej iho Sokola, ku kteremu patfil 20 rokil a zakladajicim Menem zdej i Svobodne Obce, ktere, byla zde zalotena r. 1903. Jeho star i bratr je te tije v Sunny Side. Mlle je nyni smutno, ztracim v echnu silu k zits. Nedivte se mi, mile atenaily a etenafi, vtdyt' jsme spolu tili V lasce 45 rola Dne 18. zafi 1935 mi bylo 66 let, jsem narozena v HoSt'alkove na Morave roku 1869. Mantel byl pohfben zde v Guy. Za SPJST. promluvil pfedseda Hlavni ittadovny, br. C. H. Chernosky a za Svaz Svobodafu br. Stepan Valeik. Odpoeiva na narodnim lote, vedle dcery Vlasty, kterd si dvacetileta vzala, tivot v fijnu r. 1917, jakot i jeji mantel, v ease valky, za necelSrch 8 mesiml pa svatbe. Byla to /Ina pro nas rodiee i celou rodinu. 0tee zete jim vystavel hezkSr domek na farme a zet' pak mel jit valky, tak radeji volili smrt spoleene netli rozloueeni. Lydie bydli v Troup, Texas, jeji mantel tam pracuje po nekolik roke v olejo vem poll. Maji d e dcery, star i je ye












gg g

vy' i kole v San Antonio. Syn Josef ma etyry dcery a dva syny. V echna vnoueata se dobte uci. Nektefi ut vy li vyggi Skolu. Pkeotou v e i eesky, nejstar i dce ra synova pie Oka desky, ty stargi hraji i divadla, sami se uei eeskSrm ham. Na e deti umi pri anglietine eesky Gist i psat, naueily se doma z novin. Jen deti dcery Lydie nerozurni eesky, jejich otec je nemecke narodnosti a tak je mluvit jen anglicky. Mne to mrzi, to se s nimi nemohu dobfe domluvit. PM to veene prat' a starosti nemela jsem pilletitost naueit se anglietine. Vtclyt' ve kole jsem se naueila v emu hued nazpamet'. P11 konfirmaci jsem umela ce-







NONAT Medikalni mast ne• jen to vim u etfi penize, avgak tet mnoho hodin starosti nad venkovne zavinenSrmi infekcemi a jeji ureeni pro alevu eetrd ch bolesti. Dilejte rolieku vidy v pohotovosti. Velka itsporni vedkost $1.05, pravidelni- veilkost 55c. Nav tivte sveho lekar. nika, agents anebo objednejte

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l'Y katechismus nazpamet. Pravda, mile, etenafky, pfijedoue do Ameriky, mela jsem jit mezi Amerikany na slutbu na rok. Jak jsem se vdala, bydleli jsme stale mezi naginci. Mikeskova, Guy, Texas.




Ve stfedu, dne 1. ledna 1953

L. A. Kucera President Gordon Smith Secretary

OFFICERS Dr. R. E. Maresh Vice-President E. E Chernosky Executive Vice-President Hettie Chernosky Treasurer

DIRECTORS Phil D Woodruff Dr. It E. Maresh L A Kucera E E. Chernosky Earl 1 Wood Frank Tesar , Gordon Smith



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\TO streclu, dire 1. lecina 1953

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Strang 31

0 vecech pi istehovaleckSrch a na.turalisae'nich Otazka:-- Hodlam co nejdfive zatacti O ainerieke Obeanstvi a chtela bych plot() vecleti, mohu-li pri te prilelitosti poladati i o zmenu nageho jrnena. in' oZ,c7. kterk jeSte nerna, na, na,tura1isaci na y ok, ciamniva se, te ano. 001)ov — Vat mantel se rnkli. Zakon sice dovoluje eizinefun zrneniti jmeno pit naturalisaci, je-li vtak rnantelka, naturalizovana drive netli mantel, soud ji takovouto zmenu nepovoli. Je-li vas opravnen tadati o naturalisa,ci ✓ porn.erne nedaleke budoucnosti, radili bychom yam, abyste i vy se svou naturalisaci poseekala, abyste se tak mobil stati ohdany soueasne a soudasne i zmeniti sve prijrneni. Pti teto ptiletitosti chceme tet upozorniti, 'te zmeni-li man ge/ sve ptijnieni at' ut pri naturalisaci nebo kdykoliv jin. dy ,pak mote manZelka Zadati o obeantvi jit pod takto zrnenenkrn jmenern. Jurena nezletilkch deti, jejicht rodiee zmenili pri naturalisaei jmena, jsou menena toliko v torn ptipade, te salo n)/ statu, ve kterern rodina bydli, to povoloji. Takoveto deti, ktere nabkvaji ob, C-Instvi na podklade naturalisace rod! cu, mohou tadati o certifikat derivativni ho obeanstvi pod novkm jrnenem. Otazka:— Ptistehoval jsem se do Spojenkch SOM.]. teprve nedavno a na,cha.zini zdejti pomery vehni odl gne od tech, ✓ nicht jsem til az dosud. Ziji vzdalen od niesta v opatenem kraji. Je nejakk zptisob, jak bych rnohl aspori trochu pou citi o teto semi, ye ktere hodlam straviti zbytek sveho tivota? Odpoved':-, Nejlepe v torn pomohou knihy. Jednou z nich je"Life in America", kterou mfitete opattiti od organisoce Common Council for American Unity, 20 West 40th Street, New York -8 N.Y. za tedesat eentri. Je to 96 strankovk prrivodce americkkm Sivotem. Jsou v nem sirrnuty rrizne poznatky, ktere pomohou nove ptichozirnu lepe porozumeti arneriekkm obyeejian a zvyklostem, rychleji so zapojiti do mistniho tivota, vyhnouti nekterkm prehmatrini a freelneji vyTAU prilektosti, ktere tato zeme skkta, obkvatelrim. Broturka je psana anglichy. V prekladu je bohutel k mani toliko ✓ nemeine nebo mad'arAtine. Otazka:-- mai pritel prijel do Spojenkch SOO na nafftevni visum, ktere si dal jiz nekolikrate prodloutiti. Ve svem rodieti nema, tadne rodiny, rad by proto zfista,1 zde. Kdesi jsem sly gel, ze podarili se cizinci prodloutiti navAtevni visum. Pet nebo kolik let, the pak po udeleni zvlatni dispensace zmeniti svrij status navSte ynika na status truce zde usase-

neho cizince, Je na torn nee° pra yd3,.: Odpoyed':--- informace nerd zeela spry vna. Podle Pristenovaleckeho a narodnostniho zakona inure se zdrtujici se zde cizinec, kterk nebyl ptipuSten jako ptistehovalec, uchazeti o uvadenou Ydmi zmenu v ta.kovem pripacle, te proti jeho pripusteni jako pfistehovalee ne tadnkch ninnitek a te se pro nej neprodlene najde potadove eislo ye kvoteu. 0 tomto druhern rozhoduje jednak mist° jeho narozeni, jednak to, li podle pristehovaleckeho zakona narok na ptednostni tridu kvoty. Co mel na mysli elovek, kterk yam informace va,l, bylo asi nee° jinho, a sice tak zvank odklad deportace. 0 ten se ratite uehazeti jedine cizinec, kterk mute dokizati, to jeho odjezd ze seine znamenal by pro neho nebo pro jeho rodinu "ex ceptional and extremely unusual harship' cil skuteenou osobni katostrofu. Radime vaeemu priteli, aby se se svkrn pripadem obratil k nejake organise,ci nebo k advokatovi, kterk je znalcem na tomto poll.

the United States", yydane nevkdeleenou oronisaci CommonCouncil. Vktiskkrbro tiurky je motno koupiti po jednom &Ward od Common Council for Americari..Vnity, 20 West 40th Street, New York '1.8 , N. Y. Common Courieil. * • t p

Nee() pro zasniani

V obci Kunieky u Boskovic melt zvoniei uprostred na ys!. Ale sousede se zlobili, te na ni nejsou hodiny a te tak nevi,:kcly krmit dobytek. Za tim fidelem obecni vkbor a pan starosta myysvetleni navrhu se pta prvniho radniho: "No tot co temu tikate, kmotte ei?" Prvni radni se dlouho rozrnks tlek a na, konee vatne pronesl: "Ja nicm,ja drtim hobo a to je ma fee." "TokitOla nic bere starosta na Odom' a pt*Ise druheho radniho: "A co vy krnotte?Ten to povstal utahl z fajfky a povicia; "Ja, navrhojem babe na te zvonice belerte cifrplate dva". "Tak a prod," pta, se Aatesta. "No protole, det se, chco koknOtLna hadine dva, babe nemusel jeden nad,i:arhkho eekat," slavnostne pronagi Otazka:--- Kde a jak se mohu nejlepe pH radni. "Veburne" zvolal starosta a sow. z arnerickeho dejeptsii a vladniho zrize- prisedici, "bodem.e met S jednern veriwrri praviti ke skott§ce, kterou musim skladati v hodinach dva cifrplaty a na g dobytek ni, at si podam tiddosti o naturalisaci? bode met v tradle Potadek." Jake jsou ostatni znalosti, kterkmi se mu (Dik Moraffariu) si iodatel o obeanstvi vykazati? 4 • ( Vet.kna, arnerickYch meat vetejnkch Skolach kursy, v ma ye Nejvetgi zemetieseni vyueuje cizince anglietme a seznainuje Toto oddeleni statistik zahajuj1-,0aje s americkkrn vladnim zrizenim. Kde a kdy jsou tyto kursy poradany dovite rotimske Pompeje a Harkulanum pane vklatichem Vesuvu a znieene zernese v kaide tikolni budove. tresenixn. roku 79 po Kristu. Po nich na Vedle znalosti o americkYch clen.nach a sleduje Lisabon postitenk dvakrate a to vlade se od ta,datele o obeanstvi oeekavo., r. 1531 a 1755 katastrofadnimi zemettese ze zna upon zaklady. anglickeho 4azyka, nimi, kdy vysoke viny, zpilsobene zemeto jest, to se anglieky dohovori, to dove- ttesenim. splachly velkott Cast mesta do de v teto 'feel aspori jednoduche veci pre- mote. DalSi zemetteseni, ktere,svkm rozeicti a napsat. V pfipade tohoto druhe- sa,hem a poetem obeti zfista,lo v lidsike ho potadayku jsou, Vt'ak jiste vkjimky pameti, je Neapol roku 1857, vkchodoinZadatel, kteremu bylo 24. prosincse 1952 diekk ostrov Krakatoa 1883, zapadoindienejmene 50 let a kterk til ye Spojenkch kk ostrov Martinique 1902, americke San Statech aspon 20 let, nenntsi umeti an- Francisco z roku 1906, sieilska, Messina glicky, aby se motel stati obeanem. Jeho z Vanoe 1908, stredni a severni Italie neznalost anglietiny nespron'uje ha vS'ak z roku 1920. V nazi pameti se obnovuji jeete potadaYku, aby zeal zaklady ame liceni hrfzz japonskeho zernetteseni z rorickkeh dejin a americkeho vladniho sy - ku 1923, ktere znieilo mesta Tokio, a Yostemu. kohamu; navozelandske zernetreseni r. tadatel o obeanstvi motnost 1931, znieiVSi mesto Napier. Posledni z to choditi do dennich nebo veeernich kur- to serie ne,jvet'Sich zemetreseni je katasfr, v nicht by se k naturalisaci ptipra- strofa v indicke Guete r. 1935, kde' zahyvil, ma aspori prostudovati jednu nebo nulo na 40 tisic lidi. vice knih, z nichti pottebne znalosti na • olte ( eerpa. Informace, jak se k naturalisaci Jeden 'Cloy & pry nikdy v tivote neinel ptipraviti, jakot i 133 otazek a odpovedi nejeasteji pottebovankch, je obsazeno v g testi, ale kdy kopali jeho hrob nalezli brolurce "How to Become a Citizen of olejove gift) temer na povrchu.

Str ana 32


Ve stkedu, due 1. ledna 1958



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