Vestnik 1957 05 08

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Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGH, SPJST P. O. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS

Official Organ of Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas EVOLEN011i

ROCNitli (VOLUME) XLV Cislo 19


3. KVETNA (MAY) 1957


SVATEK MATKY Kveten, nejkrasnej gi mesic v rote. Snad proto, zasvecen jest na girn mat kam. — Co lasky v sobs tail slovo matky. Matieko draha, roditelko moje co jen lasky cho ya srdce Tvoje 'ku svkm detem. Vy vgichni, kteti dosud sve matieky mate, ueinte v ge co vite, Ze ji poteg i, nejen v ten jeden den, ale stale ka2dSr den pokud ona jest s Vamy. Nebot' nic tak matieku neboli jako nevdeenost ditek. Vette, 2e srdeeko jeji nevdekem krvaci, za to v gak jak raduje se, kdy2 laskou, porozumenim ji odmenite. Ano, slovo "matieko" jest to slovo pine krasy, tolik nehy od kolebky az k hrobu jen nebe se matte vyrovna. Chu vice starneme tim zretelneji poznavame co lasky, co vzpominek dlu2ime drahe bytosti, ktera nas zrodila. Jsme ji jiste dlu2niky za celk svaj 2ivot, za tu lasku s kterou nas opatrovala, nas vychovala. Za to, 2e nas po y2dy jen k dobremu vedla, za porozumeni, shovivavost, za ochranu, pote geni, za kaZdk fismev a polibek. Vzpominam na pisne jeji, na ty nam tak mile pohadky kterkrni nas potegila, za, jeji starostlivost a laskypine slova, ponaueeni i za v gechna to pochopeni, ktere pro nas mela i kdy2 jsem pochybil. .0" asto a s laskou nam odpou gtela i kdy2 nekdy jsme ji k slzam pohnuli a co2 ovgem ji2 pozde litujeme.

matein den a vim te2, 2e Vam promine kaki& proYineni, 2e jste neledy neva2i1 svkch slov a bolest ji ueinil. Jak jest ditku -Cala testa 2ivotem kdy2 matieky starostlive nevi. nebot' pravY atulnk domov, gt'astnou domacnost jen matka svoji laskou dovede vytvotit. Rika se pravem, ke jen matka porozumi: "A byt' v ge me ye svete opustilo, 1a nezoufam, v2dyt' pevne yetim, ke da mi dost zas paprska ten drank skvost z jeno2 jsem 'krve vznik a rost — tve srdee Ach, mann° matieko, -—draha matieko!— jak ze zlata Tye srdeeko. Matku svou volam, k ni se utikam v Jiste Ze Te milajem radosti i 2alu v teZkostech malkch i velTye vlasky gedive obdivujem, kkch. Ona y2dy potegi a povzbudi, bud' jilt. Proto vgichni milujme sve matieky — 0, jak Ti slusi, jsou tak krasne zda se nam, 2e jsou jak earovne basne sna2me se v celem 2ivote davat jim lasky na jevo, abychom jednou neZdravi a radost prisli jsme prat, museli litovat, 2e jsme toho opomenuli, a Tebe v ten svatek Tvrij uctivati. dokud jsme matieku men, neb a2 se zavrou na y2dy oei matky, ty oei, ktere Chceme dnes pohladit Tvaj hebkk vlas, mely pro sve deti jen laskavk pohled, celk den poslouchat Tvitj milt' hlas. nav2dy ptestane tlouci srdce, ktere miByla's v2dy sluniekem nam clitkam vgem, lovalo a obetovalo se pro sve deti. Potom teg ila's v bolestich kdy2 unikal sten. teprve pozna ka2dk, co jest matka, co znamena a jak si ji vaZiti -- ale pak jest ji2 pozde! Oasto jsi probdela celiekou noc ) zdala se zazraena to Tvoji moc itad Jaromir eislo 54 West Laska Tvkch ditek vZdy hoti ja,k buds konat oslavu Matieek v nedeli due nedbame, ke uvadly tva mile lice. 12teho Hudba West Melodians zapoene e 3:00 hodine. — Na ge sin bude pro nage navAtevniky a pro jejich pobaveni otevNeb v nitru matieky poklad je skrytk, tend eels odpoledne v tu nedeli. — You jak na veky do Zuly vrytk. all come young and old and be with us! Proto vy v gichni, kteti dosud mate tu drahou matieku na 2ivu, spechejte k ni pohled'te jeji treba i vraseitk oblieej jeji tear a teknete ji, Ze ji milujete. -- Vim jiste, ke ji to pote gi v tento jeji slavnk

Nairn rnaminkim

English Section Starts o Page 16





Ve stYedu, pine R. kvetna 1957

Od redak6niho gal

second class mail matter, Jan.Oar/ Srd, est, Texas, under the Act of con g ress of 1922. Send Forte 3579 to Su p reme Lodge Texas..

Hdpoved? na dotaz MilY bratfe:— Dosud nebylo ni p ureeno jakYna bon se bude kolik se bude platit za prebYvani jeclnotlivaina v Domove Odpoeinku SPJST, v Taylor, Texas. ZaIizeni, to jest v gechen nabytek do jedne svetnice bode stati kolern trech set a ne za prebYvani . — Budou se ov:Sem prijimati p •edem stari deny Jednoty v prvni rade. — Podrobnosti dosud teS nejsou vypracovane. S pozdravena, Red.

Do Ennis a okoli Dogla zprava, ze v Narodni Sini oslavi svatek maticek velkou Zabavou •drie 12teho v nedeii pri Rejekove- hudbe z Abbott. REDAKTOR --‘• EDITOR Darky pro nejStar gi a nejmlad gi maminL. 0, IT08 .••• Box 85 — .Vi T.ixes ku. Omladirra zatanei Besedu a "Square llyeavatele — Publishers Dance". KaSdY, ze prY je fictive zVara. -COMPANY WEST, TEXAS Jsern jist, Se to v ge bade pekne. Povsitii-" Subscription 83.013 Per Year notes oznamky v tothth elsie. A00 ) 444 adr s hasilajf se eio FIlavn1 01 1 adovny vs Sestra Rose Helwig od radu eislo ,156 Trannle, Texas clhau g es o address must ha sent 1-3uoieree Lads Moulton, Texas mple Texa zdeluje, ze jejich ozdobena, auto v neelavne parade budilo znaenou pozornost, cznainky bud't$2 adissov&e:,, aa tnik, West, Texas. coS radi Prosim pohled'te jen na obrazek nam zaslanY v anglicke easti elerta se , uverieinii heaplatne 'obi:-1W Ie nutno sa.slati redakci $2.50 a uznate sajiste, Se se tarn skuteene led without shame. For cuts, pi ospech nail Jednoty. vyznamenali. g ar to Send $2.50 to the Ed •tor. Zajiste, Se jsme Vam za snahu Vail povdeeni a jen si prejerne, aby i vgude f.INAC,OVNA SOPREMAI LOOGN jinde Vag piiklad k na,sledovani sestry EDWARD 1.. MAREK, President a bratry pchnul. — Zdar Vam. JOE B. IPIJN'h Vice-President )° -3. P. CHUPICK, Seer, •( JOB. XOLIET4, JR., T7'easursr Bratr Chas. ferny rria slovo! ORB/ANOVSIKY, Beolikeener V anglicke east na geho Vestniku naj• All in Tem p le. Texas, Box 400 dete peknST dopis od okrskoveho jednaATTGUST RACTR. Attorney tele bratr 6-'ernYho ze San Antonio.- -Temole, Texas Dopis jeho jest jakousi dobrou, el doTXR. 1AR, Medical Direc•os pinkem toho v geho co nam povedel pri P. 0. Box 410 — Ta y lor. Texas nail posledni okrskove schnzi v Corpus Stepan, First District Christi, dne =eh°. Talleille, Texas Vyzvani k zavodu mezi okrsky totiS, Se Second District — T000le, Texas by si treti a patY okrsek troufal docilit v jistem Case vet giho ppirtstku v nove ziskanem elenstvu aneb v poetu pripoE. BROS, :Fourth District At. a, Box 320 -- San Ar....16. Texas jigteni, jej privedlo jaksi z rovnovahy. — J. S58P,ABANEK ,Fiirn District Ze pry, co Se si myslime, ze okrsky 1, 2, nennite Texas i 4, 6, 7, Se jsou vosk? Oni pry, Se nam FRANil ! POD, Sixth Distailea 51. 8i,,woe-, Texas jiste dokaSou jak je sladkY v PardubiCINAS. HOLAsER.; Seventh Disialog cich pernika Se pry brzo skrotnem a 2513 i.Nemec St.. Cornus Chris s, Texas cosi i vie. Jalt prY, oni si vyhrnou rukavy, =NOISY"- V013013, PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE• ze takovY chiapici jako je 8krabanek, Bar DR. EDUARD ltlICEN, Chairman tek, Vrla, Bri gtik, ,Popp a jinYch vie v Unive,.. • Texas tPetirn a patem okrsi zat, Se brzy skrot- Inu, bylo toho kazani vie a 1 Oil • A smichu dost a koneene i bratr Cerny 641 . : twin :•n. Texas STANCA I.. BY-LAW COMMITT nas ze smichern ujistil, Se at' jiS ten .zatr0 • % :, Chairman vod mezi okrsky dopadne jak thee, P. 0. Box 1464' oni budou spokoj eni bud' se budou hoWichita Fails, Texas STEPHEN VALCIN, Secretary stit na na g rivet a k Soli tornu tS7clen — 6402 Prague Street Houston Y. Tozea postit, anebo, Se budou to "bandu" z tPeANSI:K2 PODPORTLICI ATU TEXAS OP SLAVONIC BENF,VOLENT C THE STATE OF TEXAS •


,'.HA.)vat„ ale tiho a pateho jisto jiste jen tak Six Hem nepodaji -gurnoff pravil a pridal P tomu "by dZin-

Skoda, Se jste tam v Corpni' Christi inili etenati nemonli teS s runni byti, nehot' jen ta bratra Chas. 6ernStho Pee stala so, to, jet 450 nail. — ta se jeans vydaPila. Pratte Cerny, jses hodnY za to, Se se tak uprimne snaSi g. Vim, Se Tvoje pcmoc bode vydatna a kdyS i to prohrajeme, ten na g "Contest", to -a ge "Zavodeni" buds pro dobro ri g •13Pj •3T. a 410 man na.hledu, tak nejlepe e. ,.,avirne nag e 60ti leti. Ocenime tins i clie;ljne pamatku na gich zakladatelti e to u naSemu spoleanennt smi:%eni ror , & floe, bin trske — i. bratrtun:— Zylagtni cliky Bundil, TroulY1 1 11(6)1illi, 1'1 ,11Cl •

Satz niadovna o flak elenstvo i Ev-ze pealele kdekoliv v Texasu i jinde, mail dosud uschavane stare eista ancb( ce16 roeniky "ObSoru".bYvaleho to CY!gliras SPSST ansb i star&" ,eisla "Svobody" aneb ka-lendarn i jinYch s statich er. risri v kte,o -,Zatku, tYch jest- nejak5, naLfzi jedaneb i o --noty . odrroku 1897 poeinaje, by byli ochotue Wt.; !: sestaveni ntraty di.;jh naii Jednoty Mina na adreza iijeiti, Vage zdeleni ChupicIT, SL-ki-Terae Lodge sojte p •imo SPJST Box 409, Tem.ple, Tcsias. Nwsirz dopisovatelfun nejakou zpraSestry a bratri, vu, dcpis pro Vestnik neeekejte s odeslanim na posledni chvili. Obyeejne, se nam nahrne latky v den pied uzavrenim a prcto, Se jsme jen obyeejno smrtelnici nelze Vim pak vyhoveti. tieba, Ue i nasazujeme naSe ve6ery abychom mahli dopisy a zpravy yeas Predat nagim sazeetnn pisma v tisk:"Irne. Cela Pada dopis y dosud dochazi nam "oklikou" coS ovkm tee zavj. odklad.-to co Parnatujte telly prosim otigtel-io si prejete aby bylo vs 85, West, zasilejte Primo rec.:Hdop slit dostat kterY jest za v ge e.seC • 0 Se jedine zodpovednY. — tohoto upozorneni laskave pov ginmete. Neradi neco opakujeme a jsme vcleene

Ve stfedu, dne 8. kvetna 1957 vgem tern na gim 3polupracovnikurn. Mame pochopeni pro kakleho, ale nechceme abyste byli zklamane, a Ve.§ dopis, zprava, oznameni, resoluce soustrasti aneb posmrtni vzpominka nebyla uve•ejnend dle pfani VaSeho. — Mate-li nejakY akol, kterY Vain byl svetenY vykonat, nejlepe kdy se do neho pustite hned . — Spadne Vam z hlavy starost a nam yeasnym pfispeykem syYm usnadnite praci. — Kdy2 ten svaj "'eel zaveas ucielate, tak bude i to na ge prate lepgi a dokonalej gi pro, naRi Jednotu. Dekuji Vam piedem. ) • 4 • Nagim Dopisovateliim Litujeme, Ze se °bees nam pfihodi, 2e nelze vgechny dopisy, oznameni, elanky a zpravy ktere obdrZime hned v pri g nageho Vestniku uve--timbeZnmeisl fejniti. — Nejvet gi obtiZe jsou s dopisy, ktere dojdou pii uzaverce listu a musi bYti pfepisovane. Pro tuto ptieinu dopisy ktere dojdou v eas maji pfednost. — Togi nas vzrastajici zajem o nage poeiny, coZ bude jen k prospechu na,§1 Jednoty a plejeme si udrZeti zajem dopisovatela v obouch Usti na geho Vestniku. Dekujeme na gim doPisovatelkam a pfispivatelam a prosime o dal gi soueinnost. S pozdravem vein Red. ) •4•


VZPOMiNKA KU DNI MATEK (Venuje John GajevskY) Narodni AmerickY svatek — Den Ma-• tek vznikl snahou sleeny Jarvisove, meste Philadelphia ye statu Pennsylvania. — Zminena, sleena z lasky ku sve zemkele matce v den vYroei jejiho amrti uspofadala v kruhu s yYch pfatel prvni program na poeest matek.

Nejdraffi klenot na svete jest srdce matieky, kdo skvostu toho nepoznal, ach jak je chudiekY. Ta matefska laska vrouci, kvetina je nevadnouci, teplou, a clYcha, vni nikdy, nikdy y nikd neusycha.

Myglenka tato nalezia vdeenou padu a po nekolik let odbYvaly se podobne Ta matefska, laska jasne, programy eim dale tim vice v raznYch hve.,zdieka je nehasnouci. organizacich a spolcich. V srdci plane, v oku hofi, ani hrob ji neurnoti. A‘Z dne 8. kvetna 1914 zesnulY president Woodrow Wilson vydal prohla ge- Ach, to Lasky oheri pravY, ni, stanovici druhou nedeli v kvetnu ja- Zadna asta nevyslovi, ko vefejnY svatek, znamY pod jmenem co z ni puei, co kliei, "Den Matek". Po vydani onoho prohla- Zadne pero nevyliei. geni jeden stet po druhem pfijimal podobne zakony a od roku 1917 je v teto zemi vgeobecne oslavovan Den Matek.

Diky davaji s yYm zijicirn matkam darky a na jejich poeest nosi karafiaty neb rune barvy rude a na pamatku zesnulYch barvy bile. Je stela na miste abychom takto hromadne vzpominali lasky matefske nebot' laska matky se nikdy nevyderpava, nikdy se nemeni, niIlipominka! kdy se neunavuje. laska matefska, trva Vyaavatel ani reaaktor ye West, nej- al do jejiho skonani. ? zlYch dobach, sou opravnene einiti zmeny v adresMi sejde-li dite s mravni cesty a cely svet a kahlou Zadost o zmenu posilejte pti- jej tupi, Matka je stale miluje a doumo na adresu HI. atadovny, box 400, Tem te se polepgi. ple, Texas. — PH oznameni zmeny adresy, kam si pfejete aby Vestnik Vam Ona, vzpomina, kdyl dostavalo prvni byl zasilan, udejte vkly eislo sveho zoubky, vzpomina kdy udelalo prvni polu ku kteremu nalelite, svoji novou ale tacivY kraeek, vzpomina na den, kdy taky i starou svoji adresu. Jinak jest prvne glo do gkoly. Vzpornina, na doby, dosti zviaelna prate a zbyteend strata kdy budoucnost slibovala vgecka jeji easu vyhledavati v seznamu fadu a ti- pfani a tuZby v jejim diteti a nechce torice, east° i stejnYch jmen to praxis. — mu vefiti, ze jeji rite zasluhuje bYti Formula". pro zmenu najdete v tomto dsuzvano. NemilZe ani jinak byti. Lisle k laskavernu pouziti. — Vklyt' dite jest Usti matelna Zivota a ) • 4 • jestli neobhajuje sve ditko matka, neni K povgininuti na, svete nikdo kdo by tak ueinil. Na ge Jeclneta ma nyni velkY vYber raznYch pojistek a ochrannYch plana, Den Matek bYva oslavovan rtznYmi ze mono vyhoveti temer kahle pottebe oslavamy, pri nichZ jsou prona geny razmladgich i star§ich zajemcu. Skoune proslovy a basne ale feechno feeneni mejte je anebo je g te lepe ,zavolejte mistniho organisatora aneb dopi gte si pfimo a basneni pada na skalu a je jenom krana Supreme Lodge Box 400, Temple, Te- snYm mluverim neni-li podepfeno skut ky. Tedy nejen vzporninejme zasluhy xas. maminek, ale hled'me jim jejich Z'ivot ) • 4. • ( Na nedostatek pkimosti si nejvice ste zpkijemniti, dokud' je gte ziji mezi mi. To jest mnohem ueelnej gi neZ jim '2nje neuspokojena zvedavost. na jejich rakve klasti drahocenne fen) • 4 • ( ce a rfizne kvetlny. Toho ony ji is neviCim prazdnergi hlava, tim leheeji v ni di ani neciti. hnizdi cizi myglenky. Nezapomenutelna spisovatelka BOZena )•4•( Nemcova napsala o ucte k matce tyto Nezapomerite na nas 'Mala y Odpoeinku' tadky:

Sve matky si Kdo jegte maminku mag tak si ji velice vaZ! PfemYglej denne easteji jak by ji bylo leheeji. Lasku jeji laskou splat. sve srdce ji cele vrat'! Co mamince svoji dag, pro Zivot sobe uklado,g. Na hlave zfi§ uz g'ediny a vidig mateiny to stall jeji v Ade mej a klid ye staff ji dopfej, Az maminku nebude g mit, pak pozde o ni 'Jenne snit, jen obejme g pak jeji k•iZ a kvetiny na hrob jen

v lJ S T NI K — WEST. TEX.,1_

6trana 4

Ve stredu, dne 3. Intlna 1057

Inv licin poiiticy socla mho zabe Lille kteri nejsou zamestnatelni, protole se pro nejakou valnou a vleklou choroba staii nesehopnYani praci, spadaji pc,dle rove unraveneho zakona o sccialnim zabezpeceni pod novy typ ochrany. brad starobniho pojiSteni a pojilteni poziastalYcia, ktecY dozira na provaCieni techto natizeni, konstatuje, Ze je mnoho lidi. kteri sva prava na tyto poZicky neuplatnuji. Mnozi prace neschopnY lido, kteri nepcdaji Zaclost o politky a okresni Ufadovny socialniho zabezpeceni pied koncent letoSnitio oer yna, ztrati timto opomenutnn narok na veSkerou ochranu, po skytovanou zakonem v pripacie invalidity; pro n6ktere z techto lidi bude to znamenati i ztratu pra y na jakekoli sta robin po2itky pro sebe a na pOZitky z pojiSteni pro portistale, ktere by jinak byly Nz /oa.ceny jejich iodine v budoucnosti. prace neschopnV pojiStenec, ;‘, by byl pedal lhdo,st, zarucuji ci. mu na invalidni poZitky socialniho nojiAteni, mule tim pripraviti rodiriu o velkou cast potiticu, na neZ by mela podie modifikovaneho zakona praVO.

trad' odhaduje, ze y e SpojenYch Stdtech lije asi 700,000 prace neschopnych multi a Zen, kteid platili do fondu socialniho zabezpeceni dosti dlouho, aby men narok na "uzavreni" sveho netu so cialniho zabezpeceni y e Shode s opati-enim z roku 1954. Toto "uzavreni" fiatu znamena, Ze ty roky, v nichl je pojiltenec neschopnY yYdeleene prate, • nejsou na jeho fikor zahrnuta do let, na jejichl, podklade se mu vypoeitava vYle socialnich nebo pozitk y , na nel by mela jeho rodina narok v pripade jeho snuti. Ze skupirly zminenYeh 700,00 lid) je jich asi 400,000 — lidi y e veku mezi 50 a 65 -- kteri maji narok na invalidni mesieni politky eervencem. Okresni firado yny socialnihO zabezpeCent prijimaji Zadosti prace neschopnYch pojiltencii. jiz od 1. ledna 1955; jest vlak jelte mnoho lidi, kteil maji na tyto poll tky pravo, kteri vlak o ne al dosud nepoladali. Zakon povoloval prace neschopnYm lidem pUltretiho roku, za kteroulto dobu si mohli zajistiti pravo socialniho zabezpeceni. Tato lhtita dvou a 1)01 roku vyprli 30. eel-ma 1957, a Zadost, podand Po tomto dni, bude znamenati "uzavreni" tietti socialniho zabezpeceni maxina jeden nplynUly J Z rok. po,tkx, i'd'edniho "obdobi invalidity" in ni ka2c1, 7 price neschopnY po.enec vyho y eti jistYm pracovnim podminkam. jednou z nich je, le musel platiti do fletu socialni zabezpeceni aspota pet let z clesiti pied tim, neZ se stal prace

neschopnkm, a aspoia puldruhelto roku ze te-h j' tri et,- ktera predchhzela uredni "obdoDatum narozeni bi invalidity." Neni-li ladost o "uzavreni nett' pro Vale jrneno neschopnost k praci" (t. Z . disability Vale adresa freeze) pocia,na prod 30. eervnent 1957, Datum, kdy Yak invalidit y pidmela vas nebude moci mnoliy prace neschopnY pojiltenec'hoveti tOmto podminkarn na vzdati se prace VYPlnenY dotaznik pollete na adresu: paatku nelblizsiho "obdobi invalidity", Social Security AdMinistration ktere by (dad mohl jinak miti v evident). Taco, Texas Pojiltenec nebude miti v tomto pripae ) de narok na "uzavreni" sveno izetu socialniho nehlede hni na to, Pekna zminka 2e rieziska' ani naroku a mesieni politky AP Matra Vytapila v CeeboOavalcu ktere by mohl jako invalida brati jil ell Mistopredsecla Hlavni fiCado y ity SPJST svych padesati let. TakovYto prace neschopnY elo y ek musel by pak eekati no br. Joe B. HejnY s jeho manZelkou politky al do velku, kdy pravidelne zaeina jell z Templ2 nvideti ii nas P , n Bluecloba odpoeinku, a. tyto poZitk,y by byly bonnet Trails v sobotu a uvideli take menSi, nebot' leta, v niclaZ nebylo scho- SFJST., paradni vuz v poulieni parade, pen prate, snilily by jeho priamernY pri pekoe vypravcnY oznamovaci jednetu na jehol pociklade se vYle pclitkia ktrerY pekoe dekorovanY "Floats - vypraT, viii elenove zdejSildo radu Ennis eislo 25,, socialnihp zabezpeceni yypoeitava. Pripade nekterYch mladSic.n pojillenca za kterY obdrZell druhorl, rani, kteroa Myslim, Ze nnmule to,kovato opornenuti podani Zado- jim soudcove sti zaveas zaviniti Upinou ztratu vlech stoprectseda Hlavni iiradovny lar . Joe 13. pra y na politky socialniho zabezpeceni. IlejnY byl velmi spokojon s peknou ozPrice trvale neschopni Tide, kteri ala namkou Jednoty SPJST. Nis etenak Fr. W. Petr nine odevzdal till do Uetia socialniho zabezpeceni a kteid se cloinnivaji, ze maji y e shode se st (Iva, dolary jako dar v Upominku zentrekoocm narok na politky, -nesmeji od- letto Karla J. Moueky ml. Dar daroval ve kladati s vvpintnim •pidloleneho formu- prospech toho Domova Odpoeinku SFlare a s jeho zaslanint do nine uveclene JST., Vladislav Lu2,ao z Dallas daroval pet dolarli ve prospech toho Domova Odftradovny socialniho zabeZpeeeni. poeinku ktere mne odevzdala jeho maMate Wcroic na invalid. ni po'2itky minka etenarka pant Antonie Lueanova. Socialriiho Zabe,zpe'een.i? Dary jsem odeslal no pokladoika Chas. JSte-li trvalle-nesehopnY k Maxi a ne- Navratila, Temple, Texas. Kdo by chtel overil-li jste si jeSte prava ktera ye sho- darovati jakYkoliv penelitY dar, mileraci de se zakonern o socialnim zabezpeceni ho prijrnu a odevzddm na pati•ene Pamatujte, Ze vsichni jednomu pomate, zaSkitnete spravnou odpoved' na mfZoti, ale jeden vSem pomoci nenniZe. kahlon z nasledujicich otazek. ) 6 6 ( K Iasi:a ye/nu pavl'imnuti 1. Pracoval jste aspoia pet let pod aNedivtc se prosim tome, ze nektere chranou zakorta o socialnim zabezpeee ni? dlouhe dopisy ktere nam dolly a.Z . v Sobotu odpoledne jsme byli nuceni zkratiti abychom jejich nejdrilelitejSi Cast vmestano no 2. Je vale neschopnost k praci takova, nail do jiZ zestaveneho eisla Vestnika. Tedy prosim vas jelte jednou za odpulteZe jiZ nikdy nebtidete 'noel pracovati? Red. ni, ) ® ano ne Pom? zete flare 3 Jste neschopnY k praci vice nel lest Mesicft? Maine v imayslu zavesti do naAeho organu ne ano "K oniku nasich pionSTru" Odpovedel-li jste na vAechny tri otaz- a ladama ka..Zdeho z vas valene sestrj ky "ano".- yypliate nice vytiltenY forme- a bratid ,m.o2no-11 yam zaslati nam veruhodne udaje a zpravy o naSich "star• informace abyste tak ziskal sick" bud' zakladatelf) aneb jliVch star' invalictnich politcieh socialniho zabezpeCent. Ulljte; p-rosins, tuZky • a pilte tis- Lich elemi Jednoty z yalich osad. — Ce' le nale bratrstvo zajiste vain bude pov. kacim pisinem. deene i vas, Vale Oslo socialniho zabezpeceni znaed. (dz.)

Ve stiecIrt, dne 8, kvetna 1.957


Rttana 5

ZE VII. OKRSKU Karnes City,

a jak plan ukazuje Ze to bude modern& bratr Chas. Cerny promluvil a pravil, .1>,0 zarizena budova. Pak bratr Chas. Hold- je to jeho radost pracovat pro na.F" ) 7. Poznamky ze schtize 7. okrsku SPJST sek a bratr Navratil pronaluvily o tom ckrsek a pro celou Jednotl„ 'Le Schtize 7. Okrsku byla .konana dne Domovu Odpoainku a pak bylo ujednano prat aby kiid0V-j7 orga y ttoi' , jestii28. dubna 1957 u kadu Anto Cermak CI- iby se vykonala dobrovolna sbirka pro by potrebovaly pomoc, at' jemn daji veslo 56, v Corpus Christi ve Sokol Hall, Domov Odpeinku. Brats Chas. Holasek Pet a Ze on je ochoten kdykohv pomoh Schtize Organizatoru zadla ye 9:45 rano n0 hned podal del( na 100 dolaru a bratr L. zapisovat co nej ylce clean iw\; . a2 do 10:45 . Schtze 7. okrsku byla zahaO. Hoick na 5 dolara a sestra HcAkova si Je cinotY, Pak b r a tr John Pro jena ye 10:45 rano. Predseda 7. okrsku 7, okrpodala peknY Pot holder a pak sestra nsluvil o nakch Aano-vecii bratr Jaroslav Kleprlik zahajil schtzi, a Betty Jurica zapisovala jmena Clentt kdo sek, tito stanovy byly kaZdY privital vkchny pritomne deny a na y chtel nee° darovat na ten Domov, a vy- rad 7. okrsku prvni tYden v brez-StevnikyapcoldsrDtyJu- sledek toho asi nem oznamY e Vestraku nu, 1957, aby o inch debatovaly a svoje:. y flea vedla vzdani Best a vernost nak vlaj Dekujem vkm za ty dory na Domov Oct ujednani podaly ve okrskove. Inizi 28. ce Americke se vkmy pritomnYmi. Pak poeinku. dubna, Frady si maji zvolit id,tuoce tajemnik Cetl jmena z Urednikii nebyl NavStevnici od druhYch radii a okrs• nahra.dnika a map" ty jeji('r jf q e-la oz-pritOmen mistoptedseda br. Roy Hranicbyly pritomni, z Uradovny,, flaunt ta j emnikti okrsku ku kY a poslal omluvu, ze mu nemoZno se maji pfeclnest„lak se uje.. v jejich do schuze dostavit, a tak predseda br. predseda bratr Ed. Marek a pokladnik radu o teen stanov6,ch. a men, bratr Jos. Koliha a tajemni kbratr J F. Jaroslav Kleprlik si Pral jmenovat zadebata o tech . stanovacb, air Ruch stupce mistoptedsedy pro tuto schuzi Chupik poslal omluvu, ze jeinu nebude, Troubil podal navrh a poOpo• In110 • za sOuhlasu , v§ech pritomnYch elenti a moZno se dostavit do to schtize. Z dru- ha eleny aby se ty stanov:,,' jak hYch okrsril byly pritomni od radii eislo pak jrnenoval bratra Rud. Troubila za byly napsa.ny a bylo to vil;eyby .mistopredsedu pro tuto schtzi a zaroveri 92. bratr redaktor Vestniku L. 0. Hokk, Cleny. Dekujem naAerriu pr.• jemL nredal na chvili yedeni ye schtt- Sestra, Anna HoSek, od radu &Isla 29 Mr. ckrsku bratrut. Jaroslav IF1 10 za zi. Pak tajemnik eeti protokol z posledni and Mrs. Ed Holy a Mrs Obey Millburn, velkou praci co s ties blu., ty sta.od radu dislo 88, bratr Hilsher z Houston, sclatizo a byl prijat, jenom mala zmena novy zepsal a poslal tajerrniku okrsku k byla opravena. Pak byla debata o pris- a Mrs. W. E. Holub navStevnice a sestra pf'ehlecinuti a byl ustalJoven stanovni pevcich od nakch 7 okrsku Aadu, Pro- J. M. Skrabanek od radu 'Oslo 139, J. M. vYbor, broth John Staa, pi'eciseda, mluvil taj. J. Shortner, a pak redaktor Ve ,'s..,krabanek z Danbury a od radu eislo 54 tajemnik a JaroslaY R,2:..::orik a tistnika br. L. 0. Hoek a br. Henry Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snapka, a Henry to bratri ty stanovy probray a uznaly Snapka z West od radii eislo 45 John H. eak o to veci a vkchni se primlouvali aby za vVhodne pro naS 7. okrsek. a pak hype na,ge rady pomohly yydrZovat nak. po- ElSik, z Yoakum, a J. J Elsik, ze G. G. a poslany na v§eeky rady 7 , okrsku k pro a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruse, ze C. C. kladnu 7. okrsku a to 10 centa roene na jednani. Volba, pro 7. oklsek kakleho dospeleho Siena, a ze jest to a Frank 1Vlikeska ze Shiner, a od radu byla konana 23, sari, 1956 v Robstown, velice malt' poplatek, ani celY jeden cent eislo 130, Sophie Hubaeek, z Dallas. Cel- 2 roky a pak bratr Rud. T;oubil podal m681616 na elena. Pak bratr Chas. Cerny kern se registrovalo 139 elentl a naVStev navrh a byl podporovan rrin:Tha 'Cony a podal navrh a podporovan mnoha elent nikft a jeSte bylo mnoho vice ndvStevni- prijat pritomnYmi der y aby priai a odhlasovan vAenly Cleny, aby ten po- MX co se neregistrovaly neb priky pozde- volba Urednikti pro 7. olcrekil..3yla konapa platek 19 centil roene za kaZdehO dospe ji a pak na jednu hodinu po poledni nein v prvni okrskove schuzi v roce 11958, leho elena nak rady poslaly na poklad- bratti a sentry: od radu eislo 56 pripravi- John StaSa, prodnes1 navr-, byl pornika 7. okrsku, bratra Jaro RektOrika Rt. ly velice chutnY obed. Pedene kuratka a porovan mnoha eleny a 1-jut v§emy 1, Robstown, Texas, a nebo na tajeroni- .vie co k torn upatti a i makove kolaee pritomnYmy eleny ze sedir.„s,, ektsek vz, ka okrskii. Pak bratr Rud. Troubil podal a dorty, v'Seckeho bylo dost a velmy chu dava dtiveru ykra Uredniktill byly zvo navrh a byl podporovan a prijat aby to tne. Dekujeme bratrfim a sestram od C. leni ye sj ezdu roku.. ci derv; u 56 za je jich velkou praci co s tan melt'. jemnik to dal otisknouti do Vestniku, dobrou praci v Temple, Texas, an aby n.aSe rady 7. okrsku byly tak laskaAsi ye 2 hcdiny 10 minut, zaeal pro- co konaji pro Pak , vY a ty poplatky do pokladny 7. okrsku gram s mladeli, sestra Betty jurica mela byl den navrb. bratrem Jo Rektorik, poslaly 10 eentft rodne za, kaZdeho do- asi 20 ditek, malYch a vetkch, pripra- aby, prial nae ok.rsk.ov.` speleho Siena. Pak sestra Betty Jurica., venYch, kteri velice krasne a zajimave konaria v Jourdanton u 191, predsedkyne programoveho vYboru, pied Udinkovaly v programe a vkm pritom- a bylo to prij ate v'E'emy a od radu nesla zpravu, abyrnak rady vice fieinko- nYm se to velice libylo. Asi ye 3:40 sine Pilo 161. prjtomni br. Novosad valy v progranm s mladeli a aby ji za pokraeovaly ye schuzi, Bylo dano slovo stark, Novosad miaclk a t; lenek tito yeas daly vedet pied schtizi a jak pro- kdo si preje promluvit, Predseda Hlavni bratri to pri gi schuzi a pravily, gram maji a kolik jich bude neinkovat Utadovny bratr Ed. Marek a pokladnik Ze nam oznami jak se u ye 'offal schuzi. Pak bratr Rud. Troubil bratr Jos, Koliha, promluvily velmy alibi jednaji ve kterY das podal navrh a byl podporovdn mnoha lehave o nisi Jednote, Pak riditel 7. okr- neb rijen. 1957, elenti a prijat, aby mldclezi neb kdo sku Chas. Holasek a bratr Chas. Bratr Hud. Troubil per einkoval v programe vteto schtizi byla Navratil, riditel 2. okrsku a bratr J. M. ‘1:10 nYch bot a soub-n. ' dana odmena tri dolary kaZdemu. Pak Skrabanek riditel 3. okrsku a redaktor &:rovany a prispevky na I bratr Henry Mareak, co tiditel 7 okrsku Vestnika, bratr L. 0. llokk a bratr e SIC) 115, DOMOV (7)6if Pro Domov Odpoeinku byl polada-n aby her, vkci tito broth promlu yily velmy 30 dolafft. Dekujei--, bra;'..; . Troubil piilehavS o oak Jednote a naSich okrsSt'astne jmena vytahnute inalYrn devpodal zpravu, jak pokraeuji a pravil kovYch schSzich, a abychom no bratrsky stavet se ji2 zaSlo, ale ze to bude stati spoledne pracovaly aby naSe Jednota Catkem byly, John StaSa Postal boty a vice penez jak bylo ye sjezde povolerio rostla. Pak naS organisator 7. Okrsku

(Pokra,Covani na strane 13.)

Strana 6


Ve stsdu, dna 8. kvetna 1957

ODDIL DOPISOVATELU itad Pokrok, Moulton, eislo 27 Sestry a bratti:Bylo mi ulo2eno oznamiti ye Vestniku 2e v kvetnu na ge radoiva sehfize nebude jak obyeejne konand, tak aby kaZdY z Vas mohl oslaviti, Den matek. Za to vg ak neopornente se dostavit do nagi schilze druhou nedeli v eervnu, to jest 9teho eervna. - S pozdravem Frank C Wagner, taj. ) • 4 • Z Ennis, Texas Jenoni tak trogiek.0 dam vedet o sobe o nas a vgech, ze nejsme je gte potopeni ale moc tomu nechybi. Ji g by bylo na ease prestat, neb jak vyschne nebudem vedet kde driv a co delat neb jsou to spravene ty pole. Noveho nee° psat nevi moc, kdy2 se sedi doma. Veera, v sobotu byla pekna veselka, Bilaligka-Nova a jak obydejne zvedaveti bylo dost. No, i ja mezi nima a jegte jeden od lejku Ignac. Pekne se tarn bavili a pH Rejekove hudbe se jim to vyWel° do prava i do leva. Take Joe Ja g gel nahlednout a k tomu-kaodDalspri 2e je beelak tak take prijel do Ennis skoupit kde jake vajieko. To je v ge co si umi uvatit. Jeho man2elka zase pomaha u mladYch Jakubikil strojit malou dceru gku, ktera ji mpfibyla do rodiny, tak ze maji veil parek, no a dedeeek s babiekou Emile Jakubici maji s ni take radost. Emil, jak pay s cigariskem si vykraeoval a 2adna red. No, i my gratulujeme a jen hougt' a yetgi kapky. Nevim, ale ten basista S1() yak z Dallas so ml zda nejak podezrelY, neb zase tady byl na to veselce a 2acind red s nim j en poled zahlecleny na druhou stranu sine, co tam bylo? Co ja, budu delat dal ,budu stat u mail boxe a eekat na gek z Glavestonu za semeno bavinene, ktere tam jelo. Potad si pravirn, co je s tema tabama co tak rady yyhravaji, ale pri gel jsem na to - Ono tady byli v gichni fousati a veil kahlY je ostrihan a oholen tak 2e je vlasri ping "krik" tak asi dostaly strach a utekly a nebo jestli se hodi i na drat vy gevciim mo2na, to je prebiraji pro nektereho velko- gevce, tak 2e nemame veil 2adnou muziku. No, a na konec mam vas je gte pozvat na peknou zabavu do Narodni Sine na nedeli 12. kvetna kdy pripada ten Den matek, 'kde maminkam omladina zatanel take besedu a square dance a nejake basnieky pro maminky a pro nejstargi a nejmlad gi peknk darek ale kahla se ma u dvefi sine zapsati. K tanci bude Yyhravati Rejekeva hud-

ba z Abbott, Texas. Neprehlednete oznamku na jinem mistd. Tak vas zveme z blizka take i z daleka prijd'te se mezi nas jak obyeejne, pekne pobavit v nedeli 12. kvetna. S pozdravem, John W. La2a ) ° 14 • ( East Bernard, Texas, disk) 28 Ctene sestry a bratri:-Davam vedet, 2e vase radova. schtize, Karel Jonag, eislo 28 bude dvanacteho kvetna o dvou hodina,ch odpoledne tak abyste na to 2adnY riezapomel a prigli se podivat mezi nas. Maine hodne le2iteho nedokoneeneho jednani a pak v posledni schtzi jsme odhlasovali nem noveho, tak prijd'te a uvidime jak to dopadne. S pozdravem, Willie A. Morris, dopisovatel. 1 • .1. • ( Temple, Texas Cteni bratti, sestry a pratele:Zde potvrzuji prijmy ktere jsem za poslednich 14 dni obdrZel od nasledujicich: Supreme Lodge RVOS Temple $100.90 5.00 Pi. Cecilie Kube g East Bernard 3.00 Pi. Ignac Hubenak Temple Pi . Kamila Joe 8ramek Ennis, na ucteni pamatky Pi. Terezie Martinek 5.00 Zde jest sbirka, ktera byla udelana v Corpus Christi pH distriktni P. a pi. Chas Holasek, C. Christi $100.00 P. R. Troubil Corpus Christi 30.00 za yydra2eni veci ktere daroval 5.00 P. a pi. L. 0. Ho gek, West 1.00 Pan Jacob Shortner 1.00 Pani Annie Shortner 1.00 Pani Adela Manasek 10.00 P. a pi. V. Hallo., Corpus Christi P. a pi. John Sta ga, Corpus Christi 2.00 1.00 P. Chas Cerny ,San Antonio 5.00 P. A. Hilsher, Houston P. a pi. J. M. Skrabanek, Houston 5.00 1.00 Pi. W. C. Hollub, Houston P. 'W. H. Coleman, Corpus Chrosti 1.00 Pi Ruby Holly, San Antonio k ucteni pamatky Marie R. Holubec 3.00 Pi. Emilie Anaburn, San Antonio 1.00 P. a pi. Adolph 8 ijansk3"T, C. Christi 1.00 P. a pi. Louis RychetskY, C. Christi 1.00 2,00 P. John Nemec, C. Christi 10.00 P. a pi. H. W. Mareak, Kenedy 1.00 P. a pi. Louis Snapka, C. Christi 1.00 P. Henry Snapka, C. Christi 1.00 Pi. Sofie, Hubdeek, C. Christi 5.00 Pi. Agnes Jutica, C. Christi 1.00 P. a pi. Eugene HrnOit C. Christi 1.00 P. a pi. Ad. Kudera C. Christi P, a pi, Chas. Regmund C. Christi. 1.00

P a pi. Roy Peal C. Christi 1.00 P. a pi. Emil MokrY C. Christi 1.00 P. a pi. Frank SijanskY C. Christi 1.00 P. J. W. Regmund C. Christi 1.00 P. ,a pi. Victor Veroda Skidmore 2.00 P. Vaela y SijanskY C. Christi 25.00 Lbilka v Corpus Christi celkem byla $223.00 P. a pi. Joe TupY Ennis k ucteni pamatky Chas. Moueka, Jr. 2.00 Pi. Anna Herzan Dallas postal Jos.. Vytopil $3.00 P. Anton Zhanel Ennis 1.00 P. Vladis Luean Dallas 5.00 P. F. W. Petr Ennis 2.00 Ceikem za 2 tYdny jsem obdr2e1 $349.00 na SPJST- Lomov Odpoeinku a pak dale bylo poslano pani Mary Neuman Stamford $10.00 na Moneka fond. Vgern milYm darctim vzdavam srdeene diky za ygeolany tyto prispe yky, ktere darovali na tak dobrou veceZvla. gte mne dojaly prispe yky darovane od dvou starenek jedna. jest 87 let stare a druha, 85 let a jeji mantel jest 89 a jeji mantel je nekolik rokil nernocnY a treba to jsou v takovYch prmaerech a sami sobe si neco odeprou a prispeji na tento dobrY noel. Pratele zamysleme se nad tim a prilo'2me ruce k dilu abysme ten na g Dim Odpoeinku co nejdrive postavili a tea hotoye vyplatili. Bude to pro pas vgechny velmi nand a nehynouci pamatka. Zaroyen sdeluji, 2e kady anebo jednotlivci kdy2 prispeji s obnosem na vybaveni svet nice, tedy na dverich to svetnici bude j ejich jmena na mosazne tabulce, 2e oni tu svetnici vybavili, col bude pro ne pekna pamatka. Poeasi manie pored je gte de gtive a tet hodne bourlive. Nadelalo nam tu tornado na hodne mistech gkody. Na moji farme v gechny bu.dovy jsou pogkozene. Avgak jsem tomu velmi rad, 2e rentYki ktai na tett) farina bydli neprigli razu, neb oni byli ye staveni a toto bylo odneseno asi 35 stop ze zaklacifi. S bratrskYm pozdravem Chas. Navratil, pokladnik SPJST Donau Odpoeinku. ) • 4. • ( itad eislo 39 Wheelock, Tex. Mile sestry a, bratri na geho fadu eislo 39. SPJST. :-Timto jste vllichni zvani do na gi prigti schuzi, ktera se bude konat druhou nedeli v kvetnu. Prosim dostavte se v hojnem poatu neb bude treba zvolit vYbory na praci ohlecine !nakho obeda, kterST buderne

Ve ,',§tri,du,-;(1ne 8, kvetna 1957 mit druhou v eervnu, ter daisi veci nutno dun do poradkat. Tekine so. ze vice sestet' se dostavi. Prijed'te do schitze, nob mile sestry bez van pomoci mido dokarem. Telly na st'astnou shleclanou! -VAS mistopreciseda, Frank Vytopil. ) ° 4 ° ( 0(1 ath! rokrok Dallas eislo 84 Sestry Matti:— S velkYm uspokojenim a take pote genum oznamujeme dal gi prispevky na ten SPJST Domov Odpocinku, ktere rase, jako predchazejicieh $2,275.20 jest venovi)no na svotnice v teto -aulne. ✓ nasi Clubnove schuzi byly totir Sony • dodateene obnosy, ktere na gi eleni v celkovem obnosu $195.50. • Avgak, drive nezli budeme vypisovati podrobnosti techto novYch prispevkil, do volujeme si uctive vyslovitiThak snarnou radost, aby 'tento &pis byl vysaren a uverelnen tak jak jest psan to jest, bez 'dodatku vyneehani,nektere Casti. Prvne. Luck clobre pokraeoVati s vej gim oznarnenim, ktere bylo uverejnene v ei.sle 13 ze dne 27. brezna tYkajici se na gich "Teenagers of SPJST, Lodge No. 84: Podotknuli jsme v tom dopisu, ze na gi Teenagers oznamili v breznove schuzi sv(ij vla,stni podnik ye prospech Domova Oclpoeinku — totir Se prodavaji listky za neelem vydrareni nekolika. domacnosti dosti uriteenYch veci. ✓ dubnove schtizi na geho radu nagi Teenagers oznamili vYsledek tohoto prodeje listkti a odevzdali radu slu gnY obnos — toti2, $84.50 a bylo to potegenim nagemu bratru predsedovi vysloviti jim jmenem radu vfelY dik za jejich neni. Dale byly oznameny nasledujici prispeyky: Od bratra a sestry Vaclav a Katerina Zastoupil $25.00; Bratr Wayne Yoder $20.00; sestra Angelina Ozymy $5.00; Lodge eislo 84 SPJST Baseball team — $20.00; od liana a pani Alma a Grover Mateson $5.00. Za tim samYm iteelem zajeli naSi ochotnici s divadlem Vesnieka pod Sumayou do Ennis Nevypadalo to to nedell, 28, dubna, ani trocha re by se divadlo mohlo hrati ---- ale prec se dostavilo dosti naSincU. z Ennis a okoli na toto divadlo, takre po zaplacenl oznamky zbyl eistSt risk $36.00 z tech sedmdesati procent re vstupneho, ktere na gi ochotnici za jejich vystoupeni dostali. Celkem rad Pokrok Dallas 'Oslo 84. odevrdal bratru Chas Navratilovi eek na $2,170.70 a zavarek $300.00 na jednu svetnici, tedy celkem ptispevek nakho tadu jest $2,470.70. Zde jest jeSte jednou pfehled tohoto


prispoyku: $2,275.20 Vyfietovano dne 27. Verna Dnes oznamujeme: Br. a sos. Vaclav a Rat. Zastoupil 25.00 Bratr Wayne Yoder 20.00 Sestra Angelina Ozymy 5.00 Nag Baseball Club 20.00 P, a pi. Alma a Grover Mateson 5.00 Divadlo v Ennis 36.00 Teenagers Lodge No. 84 84.50 Celkem jsme prispeli $2,470.70 S bratrskYin pozdravem Cyrill Pokladnik. (Pot. Dle traffic) odstavce tohoto dopisu by si mohl nezasvecenY etenar delati predstavu, re jsme Vain nee° ze rpravy Vak Dieay dy neni tomu tak. Bylo pouze vyneehdno opakovani jedne a. to same veei jir pied tim spravne uverejnene. — Bratre Pokladniku odpust', all vim, re to neni s Tebe. —) ) ° 4 ( Pali, tad, ale pekny dm. na Domov Odpoeinko Ve etvrtek, dne 25teho dubna mel jsem prileritost se sneastnit radove schtrzi a to u fta.du Pokrok La Salle, oislo 135. La Salle je male 'nest° nebo osada nedaleko mote v okresu Jackson. Schnzi zahajil br. predseda Ed. Sralla a rah', re kdyr rad Pokrck eislo 153 ma jine sousedni tady na vYchodu, na severu a na zdpad i na jibu je more, tak jejich tad je iy.talY a proto re v mori Deny nenajdou, ale prece si preji nee° vykonat pro Durn Odpoeinku naS'i SPJST Jednoty. Po krat tim rokovani se jednomysine rozhodli, ze daruji 000.00 na nabytek do jedne svetnice SPJST. Rest Home. Pritomni eleni hned skladali sve puispevky a kdyZ byli hotovi, meli hned pted sebou pies dve ste dolartl, ostatek ze vyberou od elentl co nebyli piltomni a nekteti bydli vzdalene. Nalada byla velice dobra ve a teSilo nine, ze' tam nebyl ani jeden Glen kterY by tento na g podnik nepodporoval, Tak jsem si vzpominal, kdyr tento malt' tad mitre a daruje nabytek do jedne svetnice do SPJST., Domu Odpoeinku, prod by i jine spolky at' jir jsou take male a mnohe jsou hodne vet gi ncr La Salle, nemohly take darovati nee() do Domu Odpoeinku. Dtim se stavi a bude velice uhlednY a dobre postaven, ale nabytek musi bYt, nebot' nemilrem ponechat jej prazdnSr. Take i jednotlivci, kte 14 si pieji darovat nabytek nebo jakekoliv prispevky neeht' se hlasi, v ge bode vitano a prijato s poydekern. Paul Sablatura, predseda, SPJST. Domova Odpoeinku Louise, Tex.

fAtaria 7 Do Seaton a okoli Mill bratri, sestry a pratele: Ve vYroeni sclift,I, •odni, Intito'(by onech. va v Seaton bylo 8 stromu pri hrbitove, k, . .coo na pejo. suche, byly odstraneny, a jejich stink nevadily kvetinam na hrobech a neohlorivaly rozbytim pomnikn. J(-:ikor ploty, byly shnile, bylo take tre'!n. J:*0 opravit udelat, tak jsme se usn ,,li, a dat misto dreva zelezo aby to (tele -vydrrelo, Vyrftdovalo to hodne prace,, 38 bratrU se sUeastnilo brace, nektert den, jinn LEI. dui berpl:HT.: : ,)racovall f . nou, raa. tak mame nail zahrad::, , se troehu v poradku. Bratri a , pratele, vy 01.c]-)ni. Icteri jstt•pri teto praei jakymkn0v pomohll, my Uredniel Naroo )"brbito, va yam vii' nn :Srdeene o a jsme hrdi, re naslo se. Wilk p tuo y nikii, kteri Diky na sve mile zemf •ele Va.m! le,vYge uvede•Bratri, sentry, _ no, brace byla za to ,,?e material. nas stal asi 175 dela rn, tal;ease no,eistenim kladna Je no suchu a jel:„ o: a udrrova,nim hrbitova v de se bez dolarkti, obracime a prosbou na Vas, kdo mate nek-,Ilo ze svYch milYeh na tomto hititove, plspejte jakYm tim dolarkem, by jsma mohli poradnoddle na g larbitov ku, Za kazdy sebemen;i pilH p evek ti7 sicere diky. Vase prispevky n:ete odevzdat neb poslat na hrbitova, Joe Seveika, predseda. To..i Seveik, po7. kladink, Charlie MikulaS, j-dnatel, '017 chni. pt. 3. Temple. John Boe':a misto: predseda 1907 E. Adam A. Tunple. 07-a


Ian nalraevy jsme to pot,egeni pohovoriti s na sim bratrem Feud. Kolarem, ktetY nas v tiskarne nav gtivil. MinulY melt jsme zde nekolik jeke jinYch nav Stevnikti jejichr jmena jsme si opomeli: poznamenati. — Stejne jAe jedo:"byl vitan a prijd'te opet. ) 4° Nezda se Vim toto pravjou? easto jsem si myslel, e noni ant to velkYm hrichem, kdyr na nee6 zlost si poradne zaklejt, ink() , :clnout, A nece o gkliveho, nepromyMcnelo napsat. :Skoda takto ueinena se canto nedd praviti. )


Prijem ze rivotniho pojiSteni, skolek, tcvanY vdovou, nepodleha dani z ptijmit darn majetkove, aniz M5rokiim vetitehl, bill, nedal-1i zo.snu1ST mant el pisemnil" souhla.s veriteli, vdova nemusi z penez pojigteni vilbec Hdne dluhy platiti. ° °( 'dim vice stran, tim vice rozumil, ale tim Newapemerite na na g Tomov Odpoeinkte mend rozurnu.

S 8

VEST Ni K — WEST. .8

ta Zen it ad Svaz Cechoslovani Fort Worth, Texas Mile sestry a bratii:— PriSti faclova, schtize, bude jako v2dy druhou nedeli v mesici, tedy 12. kvetna, ye 2 hod. odpoledne. Cleni jsou Zadani, by co v ncjvet gim poetu do schilze se dostavili. — Bude to posledni ze pied bazarem, kterY bude poiadan v nedeli 9. dervna a jak je Vain ji2 znamo, vYteZek bude odevzdan pro Domov Odpodinku SPJST. VYbor dela patiiene pikpravy, ale potiebujo k tomu zajem a spolupraci vSech elenil, by zapodate dilo pro tak dobrY Uael se yydakilo. — Bratr Joe Bartek jig v minule schrizi apeloval na vgechny eleny a piatele, by otevieli svoji AVMrou ruku a srdce a ka2dY dle mo2nosti, jak pene2itYm darem, tak darky pro "Bazar", v gechno budc s povdekem piijato a kvitovano. Jestli mate nejake lied pro bazar, ji2 na.chystane, tak p •ineste je do schuze po • adajicimu vYboru, on se ji2 o dal gi postard. Po schirzi bude zase spoledna, svadina a pobaveni, tak sestry jsou 26.dany, by pig zesly rilzne peeivo neb sandvide ke kafieku. Svatek matek kterY je tea tuto nedeli, 12. kvetna, je odlo2enS7 a budeme jej oslavovat spoleene se svatkem Ja pieji vgem matidkam na jejich sva tek vSechno dobre a mile pobaveni, se syYrni drahYrni a zdravi a St'esti po celY rok. Je g te jednou p ipominam, nezapo merite na schUzi a svadinu a ten nag bazar. S pozdravem, Marie Juran clopisovatellra

minat ty na ge matky ktere nas jig dayno opustily a aspon se zahledirne na ten jejich obrazek kterY mime v svem sulci a mysli uschovany. Budeme vzporr4inat jeji lasky ktere nem detem davala a rozdala vSecko co mela celY svilj pivot a vge sve pohodli a Stesti, Jest pravdou, ge matka diva diteti kvet sveho mladi a nejkrasnel gi dny sve ho Zivota pine odrikani. Matka je nejver nejSim pritelem sveho ditete v narudi roste a ta laska mateina ho provazi po celY jeji pivot. Matka v rodine je zativYin sluniekem vezmeme kvetine slunce, chradne a hyne. a kdyt dite ztrati matku, jest ubohe, neSt'a,stne, jest °slide a. opuStene. Clo y& kterY nema rad tu svoji matku, nerna srdce Co ta matka neudela pro to svoje dite, jen aby se mein dobre a aby to slunieko svitilo na tu jeho cestu Zivota a nezaSlo za ty mra ky zleho osudu. Ten svatek ma nejkra,-snej gi vzpominky v duieloveka. Jak radi se vracirne do na gich deckYch let. Vez mete si pkiklad z matek ,ktere Sly pied nami, vine, ge tvrda jest testa innohYch mate y tarn kde mely kvesti rune, byly trny ktere rani hluboce. Maminka je jak slunieko. Jac v odich a v srdcich la skaySe rozdava a sama jest skrovna jak ta sedmi kraska. Maminka je jako andel i kdy2 to vSecko zradi za ruku ona vede a jenom dobte radi, moZna Ze to v Zit a v boji v tvem 2ivote ,vge ztratiS, krasu 1 statky jenom jednoverne srdce matky neztrati g nikdy. Ke konci pieji yam vSem matiekam aby jste ye zdravi a vesele mysli byly ob klopene laskou svYch milYch ditek proZily ten svatek radostnY — zUstavam s pozdravem Anna Trampotova ) • 4 •

Zena a ruini price "Rani prate v rukou Zeny ukazuje na jeji duSevni rovnovahul." Spravne reeni. To dokazuji 'Caste yety v romanech: "Odlo2ila praci a nebyla vice schopna udiniti jedinY steh". "Marne sahaly ruce po praci. Brzy ji opet odlokla, jeji neklid nedal ji mo2nost pracovati!", Tteba2e tyto vety zni podivne, tak pravda v nick obsaZena ma velkY vYznam pro duSi 2eny. Vesel y mirnost, kterou jevi pracujici ruce, pilsobi i na cele okoli. Jak povzna gejici je obraz ieny, kterd sedic za stolem zamestnava dovedne prsty 2enskou rueni praci, proti one, ktera v piehnane einnosti nervosne Prebiha sem a tam, pig tom stale vykladaCROSBY, TEXAS lie, 2e nema dasu. Mile dterelifky a dopisovatelty:---Jen 2ena zna puvab, kte4 tkvi praTent° mOj dopis je venovan y arn ku svatku kterY budem oslavovat druhou ye v ruenich pracech. Je piece man°, nedeli v kvatnu my star gi budem vzpo- mezitim co prsty jeji jsou zamestnany,

Ve sUedu, dne 8. kvetna 1957 aby jeji duch pracoval. V kaZdern lidskein Zivote je tolik veci, o nichZ moZno ptemYSleti a uvaZovati, Ze teZko lze nalezti eas k teto nutne praci du gevni. Jen Zena konajici rudni praci ma tuto m02nost V jejim duSevnim svete zrcadli vSedni Zivot se vSemi poladayky. "Prisobilo na mne vZdy blahodarne", vypravel mi kdysi jeden pen, "kdyZ jsem piggel do rodiny, kde pilvitala nine neb dcera, zamestnand .rueni praci. A valy jsem prosil darny, aby jen klidne pokraeovaly, Ze je mi daleko rnilejSi chvilka rozhovoru s damou zamestnanou rueni praci, neZli s takovou, ktera kouii phi torn cigaretir!" Kdysi, ani2 jsem chtela, byla jsem sved kyni rozkoane stony. Na yStivill jsem phitelkyni, nedlouhou vdanou. Patrod pheslechli me tithe zaklepani, takle jsem vstoupila do pokoje, aniZ mne rola-di man2ele spozorovali. Hiejive svetlo lampy odraZelo se na vlasech nalade Zeny, ktera se hluboko sklanela nad raidni praci, kterou se redy obiraji mlade maminky. "Prosirn te, co to stale robig?" ill ji s fismevem mladY nkanZel, kterY sedel naproti ni. "VSechnu lasku k tobe a k decku vain do techto drobnastek!" odvetila tise budouci maminka. Mne se -Oak po&tido vyklouznouti nepozorovand z pokoje. Za nic na svete nechtela jsem setigti pavOinove jemnou patinu z tohoto rozko gneho obrazku. Zcela mocierne se tverici strizlivci tvrdi, 2e doba ZenskYch ruenich praci dohrala svoji ulohu. CoZ by tito bezcitni lido meli skuteene pravclu? ) • 4 •( Ku dnu na;ich matek Ennis, Texas Mile sestry a bratii:----Druha nedeli v nejkrasnejSlin mesici kvetnu jest venovana matkam . V ka2dem kostele neb sini neni-h plipadnY program venuje se vzpominka tem, ktere svet nikdy dust neoceni ani vlastni rcdina. V2dyt' je to tak samoziejme co dela maminka jako ta veelieka pracuje od rana do vedera, easto i noel nastavuje, aby jen vSechno pro svoji rodinu tak prostorne domovy jako 1116.111C my, peelive Nemely nag e maminky Zadne pohodli, vSechn.a prate rueni, co jen s tim pradlem bylo prate a piece jak umely ten domov detem zprijemp it', udiniti z neho misto na ktere do smrti vzpomina. UdrZovati v poiadku dneSni moderni zarizene domovy je radost hospociyriky — ale precistayte si domovy naSich rodien! Male, kuchyn ka se svetnici ale mnohe rodiny vyrostly jell v jedne svetnici mfiZete Si to mlade maminky vubec. phedstaviti? Ty dye mistnosti usporadati tak aby tam

kv.q na 1957' 'derma rodina mela loZnice aby z toho byl prijentnY a aistY domov, to bylo tuneni. Na g bylo 8 deti, tedy 10 nas vyrostto v tech dvou malYch mistnostech --- 4 jsme zaloZili svoje domovy v to to zemi -- ale jak radi vSichni na ten nag dtulny down y z laskou vzporninarne a obdivujeme ty naSe rodiee a zvlaSte maminku. Ve mlacii elovek mnoho neuvaZuje, az ye strednich letech a eitn jsme star g i tin: vice ocenujeme tu jeclineenou Lasku rnaterskou. Sla ta nage manainka z prate do prate a jak byla trpeliva, shovivava a laskava kde pak Pict naSe marninka; ze ji delame syYrn krikem nervosni ani snad ty stare manainky nervy nemely. Byli jsme ji celYm svetem vge si dovedla odtici, y e dne noei stale na strati nikdy jsem neslySela, si posteZovati, ze je unavena s jakou svatott trpelivost s nami mela. -Ano, tak vypad alaska materska! Kde najdeme podobnou lasku? Deti miluji rodiee — ale jake maji naroky, mantel take miluje manZelku, ale ne bez naroka jen matka miluje a nieeho neZada, jen trochu vdeenosti kdy2 vidi, ji spokojend. Casto se doZije nevdeku i to clovede omluvit, odpustit i kdy2 srdce torn krvaci! Takova byla na ge draha maminka na kterou vdeane vzpominam a lituji tech, ktert matku zahy ztratili. Kdyby deti vedely jakou odmenou pro matku jest neZne obejmuti, polibeni neb laskave slovo a piece si to matky tolik zasiouZily — 'lady jsou ignorovane det mi, staromodni — ale jednou to kaZdY elovek pozna, co v matte i v to nejobyeejnej gi ztratil. Vklyt' matka jest nej lepSim pritelem s yYch deti, nikdy nezmdl. KdyZ jiz pro pokroeilY vek nieeho nemuze konati pro svoje deti, piece je v duchu s niini a jeji mySlenky se obiraji jen cletrni. To si deti je gte nikdy neuvklomi neb my east° nevime co mime a g kdy2 to ztratirne. Viktor Dyk to krasne napsal v jedne Co "name, mime; kdo to jasne citi, Ze prijde den, kdy nebudem to miti? Tak mnoho ust je, tolik vole pro matku rite nena, dosti easu. Co cirri matka je tak samortejme. Povinnost k diku z nas tak rada sejme. Vkly tikame si: Vzpomeneme jednou, a potom s chvili mrazivou a bednou zavrou se oel matky, tolik bdele! Dluh ehce se pia-tit. Neni veritele! Ano, easto bychom radi chyby napravily ale je pozde. Co platno vSechno stYskani, kdy mamince ptestalo srdce ji2 tlouci; nam detem zbyla jen vzpominka, vrouci. nam Maminko predraha, po cele detern na cestu stlalas jen kviti.

VPST NI% ---- WEST, TEXAS Vzpominky Teti a zrak se kali, nediv se inaminko, dobru vim dnes co Ti kdys sudieky do klina dale; e nebyl to St'astneho Sivota, pies. Jen Tvoje byly Ti nebem, radosti, nadeji byly Ti vSim, pro ne ses pachtila, za dennirn chlebem byjic se bez reptu z osudern zlym. — A dnes jiZ po letech ja mnohe rany znam — nejdra2Si vzporninku na Tebe matko main. Ventije vdeena dcera, Bolena Mph. (Pos. red.:— WA peknY prispevek rnisestro velice potesil. Jsem jist, bude kaZdemu eteno.ri milt'. Uotinane yarn zdelim, Ze jsem netuSil, Se tak dojemnY dopis dovedete sepsati a tu Vas tedy Zadan-1 fictive, piSte eastejel Dik za pozdravy ktere opetuji.) ° 4 • ( Galveston, Texas VaZenY br. redaktore Vestniku, mile ses-' try a bratti:— Nejprve Vain vdem pfeji zdravi a PeknY priSti mesic kveten. Tento mesic duben kdy piSi, techto par tadkti, byl na poeasi, praci na poli a zahradkach ne tuze peknY! Z ylaSte ty vichrice a elektricke boure, nadelaly mnoho Skody. Dallas dostal tornado a nyni povodne vSude po celem Texasu, reky jsou rozvodnene. mnoho lidi zabitYch a utopenYch, strata majetkti ohromna. Ty krasne domovy u rek a jezer jsou krasne tee bohate ptidy kolem tek a udoli. Kdy2 ale prijde ta Myelin pohroma, kaZdY jest rad kdy2 Zivot zachrani. My stall v tomto mokrem poeasi zkou S s ime tee, ty sanitene nervy, a kloubove bolesti umi potrapiti . To dunce a teploueko pro nas stare jest nejlepSi lek. Trochu radosti a zmeny nam ptina gi uptimni pratele s mladi mild:Ste usavrene, radi vzpominame. Ja jsem vdearia vSem ptateltim, sestram, bratrum, na gi Jednoty i SokolskYm, za vzpominky a pozornosti. Phi slete Sokolske upy JiZni, minulY rok sejiti s prately, jsem si odnesla tolik dajmft, milYch vzpominek v tech inladdich letech spolkove a narodni einnosti i tech uvedomelYch, sester a bratril kteti pracovali nenaroene pro dobre jmeno a fispech finaneni ve svYch tadech a rrizne sbirky v osvobozovacich naSi kolebky, ve stare vlasti. Jiz velka vetAina odeSla do neznama a zristava za vSemi jen ta krasna pamatka. A my staff, se tame, ze dle sil jsme to naSi vetvy v Texasu, zdali jsme nepomahali jiste negkodili. Mesic kveten jest sasvecen. matiekam a vSein tern ktehi nas prede gli do toho neznama. Den zdobeni hrobri! Dejme kytici kviti Zivtin i mrtyYm, tee kytici vzpominek, vSem nam drahSTch v rodine

Strana 9 tak. v na gich bratrsch organisacich! Nezapominejte, tech starych, abetavych alenb. v nemocnici! Vy mladi ptiimate ochotne praci a to jest radost' kdy2 mladsily betou zdjern, planuji ku prospechu nas vSech aby ty fispory celoZivotni price jejich rodien a stateekit jeSte dal'ich 60 let nejen slovy ale skutky v zarniutku a v nemocnici jsme soucitili a vypomohli. Vdem sestram a brattim uzdraveni, aby jeSte dlouho se teSili v kruhu svYch rodin a pratel. Pozdrav vSem etotichn VaSe Stain ° 4 • (-----Karel IlaviRek 6sio 4. HallettsviEaf Texas Mill bratti a sestry: Rika se, lege pozde neZli nikdy. Psala bych drive, ale zla flu nas oba potacine potidila, ja to v UterY veeer p0 naSi 6. distriktni schnsi zrovna blazrdla, horeeka 105 a Le a ne so toho zbavit starouS tak jak jest ted' slabs', toblo mu ale dodalo. ---To so nam jeZte nestalo aby jsme oba na jednou tak leZeli nemooi. Ated' k veci:— Bylo mini potoSenim se seznamit s panern redziktorera a jet() milou manZelkou, a darek jeho dodala diky tan, hoSik ma radost. Zaroven milo bylo poznat a seznamit se s mnoho ma jako pan liejnY, chas. Navratil, p. 8ablatura, SenkYtik a mnolie ty mile lidieky, Doufame, Ze jste, si odnesli vSichni mile vzpominky na zdejSi tad a nas lid zde v Hallettsvilie. VSechny racly byly dolote zastoupeny mirno 3-4 ku jejich dkode, ale celkem jsme meli vellum nay Stevrt jen ea,su chybelo, nap ped jsme zapeli jednu sloku pisne My Country This of The vdichni vespolek. Pak rid§ pro gram. Uvitani prednesl Joe John MikuZ. Piseri What ever will be — will be, 3 divky Helen Galetka, Marilyn a Gay Nell GroneS. Recitation our flag 2 divky Mildred Treptow, Josephine Kahanek a 3 hal Royce GroneZ, Victor VaSek a Jimmy Voelkel. Ceske pise i Shfivanek zoivaly divky Arlene a Lillian Bloinita, omi a Monica lirneit, Bernice a Dorothy Trlica a dva hoZi Milton Shimek a Bob Svartz so. doprovodu na plane Ann Blahuta. Getting the evidence, 3 hoSi Joe John IVIikug judge, Allen. Roy Grones lawyer, a Johnny 2ak the vitne-qs. Recitation The Easter Gladness, 2 div ky 4 hoSi, toto eislo bylo vel yni hezke znazorriovalo co kaZda, pisme:o17a E. A. S. T. E. R. (Easter) znamena, had hrali, Dennis Wojtek, Bobby Holy, Leon Grones, a Stanley Meek, pak 3 divenky Shirley Tunnis a Shirley Holy. Pak pri torn mai dva hochy kteti byli

Strom 10 .obleeeni za zajice, Petr Cotton tail, hopkovali pri doprovodu piano, by Bernice Treptow. 7 eislo, pekna pisen ciganka, kterou zpiValy ty same divky a hoSi z Moravia cd radii 23 co zpivaly piseh ikriva.nek. Zpivaly jste hezky (114 yam laoSi a divky a jen se toho drtte, neni nad ten deskY zpev. 8. eislo Minne Pearl a Granpa, ktereanu jsme se vSichni nasmall, toto prednesli Marlyn GroneS a Johnny Zak, Johnny rikal ty lousy mu pored lezly do huby. Cislo 9 Friendship song 3 divky, Helen. Galetka, G-ay Neil .Crone; a Treptow a na ukoneeni vMchni Solvane" diky vain ditky vsem, hezky jste to umeli. Zaroven diky vSern za to na schttzi. Libilo se ml jak pan Sablatura pan PlejnY, Chas Navratil promluvili a vysVTtlili o to nasi Utulne. Chtela jsem propar slov o , torn ohledu ale eas byl kratkY a pak jsem mela strach aby nekdo ze strkam p rsty . po Oem me teLilo nine primluvit par l;)vieek a panem Navratilem neb oil znal ,celou nasi radian jeSte co ja jsem byla .a taba, totit my drive za mojich ialadYch let jsme bYvali v Bell Co. a tak jsem se tak trochu dopta,vala na, naSi rodinu v Temple kde on bydli a vkchny Zna ,ne.veclel kdo jsem no ten rozdil kclyt jsem byla tehdy a ted` to jsou leta. Pan ,i-,:lablatinsa rozumi sve .veci, a ja byla zvedavia jestli to byla pi. Sablaturova co pri nick sedela, rada bych s ni slOvieko take prorniuvila, ale nechtela ajsem se IAA. Bylo milo se poznat s nejstarSi pri:yinnou zakla.dajici elenkou tacit]. 23 pi. Valenta a .jell dcerou Mrs. Taylor pak pi.Mike BareckV, Fiala, J. V. Havlik a mnoho jinYch . Odpust'te, ze neni motno ,,,,vkchny jmenovat, dekuji, ze se yam mo je dopisy libi. Ceny doolali nejstarsi Olenka pi. Valenta, nejstarSi Olen John Sralik zdejSi, pak pi. Frances Klapuch z Taft dostala emu to samou, 2 stribrne dolary neb s nejcia.l. Pak nejmlati Olen byla 31)::: Shery. Tribca jen ani clva. mesice sta a, to dostala zlat3i medal. 'Tak kclyt ut main tak dlouhY dopis ho jeale trochu natahnu, 14. dubna jsme me hIcctini vajieek pro ty malieke a snarl Svandy dost. Kdo dostal cent' z deti neviin nic neb jsme ze starYm oba leteli nemocni. My museli jen vzpominat jak ti ye schUzi hraji domino a mail se dobre, oh well vynahradi-me si to at zas po druhe, Canto mesic rnaj, bude trochu taloa nebudem mit nic az zase v eervnu oslavime den. matek a otett najednou, tot: doufam, to jsem nic nevynechala a pane redaktor se na mne moc nezlob1e,ze toho isem naemarala moc, slibuji

V 2 S T Ni K—


podruhe toho nebude tolik a pozdrav vas pani a dost. VaSe dopisovatelka Marie Fabian. (Paz. Dekuji za dopis. Schitze priSti ma byti sbravne v tijnu (October) chybu jsem prehledl tak odpust'te.) ) • of, • ( ))Mile

Prklo jako z hrnce. Vzpominam Vas zahradnice, ze asi take vyhlitite kdy ten rely do tech naSich zahradek a kvetin deS"t' nam jit da pokoje tak abychom monet namr v:§eclano zkosi ty housenky. Divam se z daleka katclodenne na katde kvitko jak se otevre a raduji se z tohe prirodniho kouzla. Na cestach po torn naSem Texasu do tech rtiznYch okrskovYch schuzi videia jsem rozkoSne eervene Paul's Scarlet rate zdobiti domeeky a litovala jsem, kvetou jen jecinou za rok, jaka by to byla krasa kdyby to kvetlo dee. AVSak niame ruti tak zvanou "Blaze", ktera je "everblooming" ma ty same vlastnosti co Paul's Scarlet. Pakli hodlate kupovati pnouci rote v blizkosti, skuste to novou Blaze. Myslim, ze budete spokojene. Rntove kere jsou ten obalene. je to jako v raji, 'Skoda, ze to vk nepotrva! nude eas — pakli nam deAt, dovoli a zem trochu vyschne, sadit letni kviti tak abychom meli kviti pies Leto. Zinnie, gladioli, phlox, vinca, a marigold milujou hodne tepla a da •i se v tom pasmu. Pak v zeleninove zahradce bude eas na daNi fazole (na zavarovaan a eerstye) melony. muS., okurky, okra a jeSte ra.jske jablieka. Tomatoes jsou velice zdrave, jak pro cleti tak dospele. Olyzylaa' v time at budou "zabijaeky", rajska, omaeka a knedliky ------ to jidlo pro 'krale. Zavarte si toho hodnel, jak Wavy tak tomato puree a budete ra,dy at ty VaSi jedlici si budou pochutnavat na omdece. Tet je vYteena, omdeka na nova brambory. Skuste ji. Kdyt tak mluvim o omdece ,ptipornina mi koprovou. Jest eerstveho kopru v zahradkdch dost a dost. Nedayno •jsem eetla navod podavan na "sauce" pro peeene ryby, kterY chef pro jednu slavnou restauraci ye Syedsku poda.val. Moc svetoznamYch navStevnikii si pochutnavit na tomto restauraenim umeni, a hle! — ten navod byl na na Si obyeejnou koprovou Ornaeku s trochu lemonovou At'avou pridano. Da se to do pekne nacloby, a ozdoby se to trochou petrteli a mime z ylaStnost! (Ceske koprova omaeka). 8vedova uZivaji pry moc kopru v jejich va.reni. Vykladala nam maminka nak jak byla colada a chodila na iarmark. Byla tarn

Ve stPedu, dne 8. kvetna 1957 bAba a prodavala venni lacino vel koprove okurky, na ktere si ona ja.!; _o dJevC.'e pochutnavala prY jeSte baba s ji dala napit koprovend toho stidu kdy';, prala. Takove okurky, ktere jit byly prerestle a neprodaly se ve meste snadno, mohly kaupit levz.i) do sudu se naklacialy, polorn pil jarmar ku se prodaly jako nakladane auiky. Jsou to vzpoininky! Tak vidite, mill etenari , jsme Ni pohovorili. Pakli bode talc: stale prSet, budou nam zelni hla y ky v zahradkach pukat budeme See lcdy pripravcvat na zeli — bade piece dost, kolcmi do kola, ale kly2 prate se daLl, elovaa to teLt.Doufam, zc jsle al-La vi a ze \lam to poilasi moo ty zahradky nepo:ikodi. S pia aim Van]. vSem n 'oho !szdaru, -jsem s pozdr,avern Redaktorova Zeno. 1• Smut Pisen zde je L pina c 'e prekr4mY napev.. Pisc-6 nil l .otec zpival jej pre.:nol . ! cc stare ylasti MoYave a ruc Rioboukem Pisan:-Tarn dalekc tam za niacin — tam je moje otcina, tarn matka, umira berm, to syndeka ztratila. Vzdalen jsem ad sve matiRy, — vzdalen ad sve pritelieka nernam ;krona nebeske diky. -VelkY BaZ"e! dej mi kridla de.; rn orlice! bych zaletel tarn za mole ku sve drabe rmanirice. Ona plaCe a re h. to synaeka vie Hama Clzina jej p: tela v cizine ho ztratila. ___ + ( Z Novehe Domova opisujeme "Jestli ve stare vlasti je talc. &bre, oplYvaji Stestim kdo vi, pi oe tak strai. hranice aby lido nen-whit utikat z tcho ru deho raje?" KaWY dle svebo o tan me. ) • 4,- e Na tom p • aiskem nos-Le 1. Na tom pratskem moste rozmarynka roste tadnY ji tam nezaleva one preee roste 2. At ja tudy ptijdu, zalivat ji budu cna se mi zazelend, ja se taint budu. ) • 4, o Listeeku dubovy Listecku dubevY nepadej do vody vzala by to voila bylo by to Skeda Listaku dubc,“7. 6 • Moderni pomery, slotite — "Kohos to zdravila?" "Treliho mute prvni teny meho druhe mantela." ) • 4,4 Nezapomente na naS Tomov Odpoeinku'

Ve, St

du, due 8, kvinna


S T Nt K


ptipadu dmrti od v6ku 1 roku. Tiida JI: 20ti spldtkovd, nadeni ye yeku 60 leet, piny obnos se vyplati v pfipadu tmrti od yeku 1 roku. Vyberte si die patieby Payor Insurance: 61erram v tom Detskem OdVida B: DoZivotne poplatky se plati boru jest Jednotou poskytovaaZ do smrti. na vS7hoda ochrany poplatky Vida C: 20ti splatkovd, doZivotni. Poza ditko platiciho, tak zvanou platky se plati pouze 20 let. "Payor Insurance", kterakto Vida D: 15 ti splatkova, doZivotni. Poochrana za mirnST mesieni poplatky se plati pouze 15 let. platek zbavuje, v ptipadu smrVida E: 10 ti splatkova doZivotni. Poti platiciho poplatky povinlatky se plati pouze 10 let. nosti dal d . iho placeni poplatVida F: 15ti lets nadaeni. Obnos cerkit na takto chrdnenSr certitifikdtu jest vyplacen za 15 fikdt. let. )• •( Tfida G: 20t1 lets nadaeni. Obnos certi fikAtu jest vyplacen za 20 le. ADDRESSES OF DISTRICT Ttida H: Nadaeni ye 65ti let. glen plaORGANIZERS ti poplatky aZ do 65ti let. T • ida I: 20ti splatkova, nadaeni ve 60ti DIST. I—V. H. Barina Rt. 1 let. Smithville, Texas Tfida K: Splatkovo, do 65ti let, doZivoDIST. II—Chas. Navratil tni. 816 E. Ave. A Tfida L: Dvojndsobne trazove pojIdteTemple, Texas ni (Double Indemnity) certifikat se vystavuje do obnosu DIST. III—Arn. Vrla 5532 Ellsworth $5,000.00, dodateene k jineDallas, Texas mu certifikatu. Tfida M: Pensijni pojistka. Po dosaZe- DIST. IV—Fred Kveton Route 1 ni 65 rokt stall Glen dostava Abernathy, Texas mesient pfijem dokud Ziv. Zemfe-li pfed 80 lety stari, de- DIST. V—J. M. Skrabanek 4720 Bellaire Blvd. dici dostanou mesieni pfijem Bellaire, Texas do 80 vSrroai r e,-^zenin eleDIST. VI—Ign. Senkyrik na. 405 Market St. Vida MC: 20ti letd, Apisova ochrana kteEl Campo, Texas rd se rodne zmenAuje, az ztVII—Chas. Cerny stane vyplacene pojikeni na 1125 Austin Hwy. $1,000.00. San Antonio 9, Texas Vida MX: lOti lete, tpisovd, ochrana kte)• •( rd se roene zmen guje, aZ" ztstane vyplacene poji gteni na $1,000.00. Tfic N: lOti lets Apisovd, ochrana. elentm kteti maji yyptjeene penize ad S. P. J. S. T. Vida N2: lOti 'eta, tipisova ochrana.61eThere seems to be some misinterpreham, kteti nemaji piljeku na tation of the convention ruling that all majetek od S. P. J. S. T. paid up policy holders are entitle to the V Detskem Oddeleni Vestnik. Tfida JT: Doeasne poji gteni do 16 let, In this case the "paid up" refers to ktere se mute zmeniti na kte- those policy holders who carried their rekoliv jine pojiSteni, kdyko- policies to MATURITY and are now liv neZ dosahne 16 let. paid up policy holders of a 10, 15, or 20 TZtda JS: 20ti splatkova daivotni. Ping year policy. obnos pojidteni se vyplati v Those who did not carry their insui pfipadu tmrti od veku 1 ro- ance policy to maturity' and received a ku. paid up policy for that portion of the policy value it represented at that time Ttida JE: Nadaeni v dosaZeni 18 let; pinY obnos pojigteni se vypla- ARE NOT entitled to the Vestnik. Beti v pripadu Mufti od \Tau 1 fore writing to headquarters for your Vestnik, please be sure that you are roku. Vida JG: 20ti lets, nadaeni, piny obnos a Paid Up By Maturity policy holder with our SPJST. obnos poilttni go riplati

VSTber riitznkch pojistek nail S. P. J. S. T.

Paid Up Policyholders Notice


Twenty Types of Policies offered by our S. P. J. S. T. Class B. Ordinary Life Class C. 20 Pay Life Class D: 15 Pay Life Class E: 10 Pay Life Class F: 15 Pay Endowment Class G: 20 Pay Endowment Class H: Endowment at age 65 Class I: 20 Pay, Endowment at age 60 Class K: Ordinary Life, Paid-up at 65 Class L: Double Indemnity Insurance, issued up to the sum of $5,000.00 Class M: Retirement at 65 Class MC: 20 year decreasing martgame protection with a $1,000.00 Paid-up certificate after 20 years Class MX: 10 year decreasing mortgage protection with a $1,000.00 Paid-up certificate after 10 years Class N: 10 year decreasing mortgage insurance, issued to members who have real estate loans from SPJST Class N2: 10 year decreasing mortgage insurance issued to members who have real estate loans from other than the SPJST. Juvenile Department Class JT: Term insurance to 16 years of age which may be converted into any other class of insurance before attaining age 16. Class JS: 20 Pay Life, full benefit at age 1 Class JE: Endowment at age 18, Full Benefit at age 1 Class JG: 20 Pay Endowment, Full Benefit at age 1 Class JI: 20 Pay Endowment at age 60. Full Benefit at age 1 Payor Insurance: This Order offers payors of premiums for members in this department the benefit of PAYORS INSURANCE according to which plan payment of premiums stops upon the death of the payor. )• THERE ARE CERTAIN LAWS ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN SAY BY MAIL It is a good idea to make sure that you do not make any statements in your totter that you cannot prove, that are injurious to the character of the person that you address your letter to. If you have any explanations to make, make them short and simple and always remember that there are laws about what you can say by mail.

Strang 12


r p,sou tHoitE (Boleslav Havlieek) je %jde,;,ek, ktorY ce tolik tetil na sve vnuky ant jich neuzil. Ze sluneenich dnti rozbehli cc k lesu a k vode. jen tak na skok zatli • se najist a hajdy zaseven. Veeer se vraceli uondani, hnedlieko iii katdY no sve kute . Usnuli drive, net zavreli vieka. Nazitri se probouzeli pozde. Nebylo sin neeno. TTheni bourka se zhatila. Z.oblak creel eVSI.', znejlei tlumenou ukoleba y protahli, ale kdyt ve--kom dle hlas, piece vstali.



k je nejmileji privital. Piece se e ncutekou za sluncem. Po snia rospravka o yeerejSlch doVrat'a si vzpomel na ryje chtel uloviti, ale marne se

DtdeN,,k cc usmival, v oeich mu zahra la v:: :pomink.a. a prohodil: • jn. v tvYch letech ut pasl dhote." . dedeeek tertuje. Flyby se piece ne i!" • ne? A dokonce na hrachu!" • ci se rosesmali ptedstavou, jak by hrachu, deeteeek. Joke vy. Ve e dale. ne se take po not••• Neco satustelo a sotva jsnle sta,e111 postrehnout, jak hromada hadkti sklouzia do vody , Takove dobro-

drutstvi nas poplaMo. Na hady jest treba dat pozor Vypravoval jsem doma, Ze u potoka je hodr.e: mladYeh hada. Tatinek to pozorne vyslechl, pta so, zdall tarn u hrachovitte. Kdyt jsme prisvedcili, porueil, abychom dill lined lehnout, o prilnoci Ze ptijdenie past ryby. 13ylo mi to smeSne jako yam. Ale veril jsem tatinkovi na siovo. On piece vtechno svede, proe by nedokazal pdst ryby? Letel jsem v polospanku a nebylo tedy za tetko, probuditi mne, jak otec slibii. Mel jit pripravenY sak na ryby, nekollk hadn't, jinY pytlik naphail popelem a ili jsme yen. Noeni chladek nas osvetil. V tatinkoy e doprovodu tajemstvi noci se stale jasnYin poznanim. Noc je piece take kra sna, kdyt elo y ek nia otevrenY a klidnY pa bled, nezkalenY klamavYm strachem. Ba, teprve ye tine elovek poz-na sam sebe a svoji vnitrni situ. Ani jsme nepostrehli, kterak nam testa ubehla, kdyt jsme uz cloth ke hrachovitti u potoka. Otec nas predem navedl„ jak si poeinati. V trave na brehu trpytil se slit nejakYch cestieek. Posypali jsme je popelem a eekali. Z hrachoviSte znel znel tlumenY Sustot S pr yYm rozbreskem na vYchode jako na povel nastal turn a z pole vybehlo pino had'at. Ale nenaili sve skluzavky a uvazli v popelovem prachu. PripravenYnai hadry jsme had'ata pochytali a ulotili do pytle. Svitalo jiz kdyt jsme se vratill dome. Maminka nil Ulovek omyla a jette za jitra betela do blizkeho niesta, aby jej prodala. Byli to rnladi uholici, kteri radi mlsa, ji na hrachu. Z vody vyciti, te hrachovitte je blizko, opoutteji svnj zivel, aby se napdsli. Tehdy maminka dobre prodale, a narn klukUm prinesla take neco na , "A tady v potoce nejsou uhori, dedeeku?" "Jsou take, 1 hrachovitte je blizko, ale ted' ut je na mlad.e pozde. A potom dries ka jsou viechny ryby spoaitany a lineci nevi radno se tool at. Je pino hajnYch, rite, ze ark za dne nemUtete, kam by vas lakalo." Tentokrate kluci uznaJi, ze je -nen prawly na torn, kdyt dedeoek chvali stare dobre easy. Tehdy bylo mano i ryby -past na hrachoviiti. )

Ve stkedu, dne 8. kvetna 1957 panu lesil a hor ,o vilach a ru,salkach a o stra§nem drake. Ale najednou jako kdy Z * do vrabcfl stre-

Z koure a dYrnu, kterY se valil z ciho chvoji a chrasti, vystupovala posta va s dlouhYm :SedivYni vousem. Kluci vyskoeili a uskoeili od sveho ohne. Zatim vS"ak pohasl v ohnieku plamen, a kour se plazil po zemi jako stribrnY had. Klouekove stall jako zkameneli. Nohy rneli teZke jako centy, tela ztuhla ,a v bstech jim leknutirn zdrevenel jazyk. Ale kdyt dada promluvil mekce a ujistil chlapce, aby se nebdli, te jim nepritel tkodit, ale pornoci v bide a nousi,pasadkove si clodali odvahy a ptali se dedy/odkud tak tajemne "Z pohadky," usmal se dada, "a hned se tam zase vratim. Chcete-li, miltete na chvili se mnou, abyste vide'', te pohadky opravdu jsou." "Ale co nate kravky a kozy?" tazal se starostlive Jirka. ty se nebojte!" pravil dada. "Aby yam n.ezabehly, budou z nich tak dlouho na strani balvany, dokaid se z pohadky nevratite." Dada pozvedl pati, predpovedel podivna slova, a kravieky i kozy zmizely, a na strani letely bile a eervene balvany. Klouekove vyvalili fidivem oei a hned je zas valili znova, kdyt se pled nimi otevrela ye strani earovna, brana. "IVIUteme jit", pravil dada a vykroeil do pohadky. Pasdekove iii za nim, ale stale se ohlitell a stale byli jako na skoku vratit se na strain Ale sotva jen proili branou — jejich suet venku zmizel. Videli vtak svet novy, neznamY a krasnY — a na ten, kterY sfista,1 za nimi, docela zapomneli . Daleko pied sebou videli modre hory, na nebi slate slunce, podel cost stribrne stromy a na skalach pevne hrady. Ale viechno bylo droboueke jako hraeky, a dada povidal 'klottektm, ze jsou v semi vousatYch skritka — permonieka. A opravdu, jit je take klouekove uvideli. Byli menu net pasaekove, ale katdY mel tak dlouhe vousy ,te je tahl za sebou jako vleeku. Potom zavedl starec kloueky do seine obrd — a kluci se tra,sli strachem a basin. Vtak to nebylo, paneeku, jen 'tak. KaalY z tech daru niel hlavu at nekde v nebi, a nohy jako kostelni vet. Diane melt jako vrata a prsty jako cepy. "S temi by, kluci nebyla tadna hrae,robadka c tiech chlainft ka," povidal Franta, a pasaekove melt Na strani pod hajern popasall tri. pasae jedinou touhu, aby ut byli prye z to sekove strakate kravieky a bile kozy. me obril. Celt' kraj halila mlha a chlad. PasaeDada to vyttrgil a proto hned odvedl kove se choulili u ohnioku a vypravovali pasdeky do seine drakit a earodejil. si pohadky o Honzovi a KaS"parkovi, Ale tarn se klouekinn teprve nelibilo,

Ve stredu, dne 8. kvetn , 1957

E S T Ni K — WEST, TEXAS Pamatka na nej necht' je v naSich srdcich zachovana. Theodore Dana, Edwin Chlapek, Marie HruSka, resolueni vYbor. )° * RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI

Strana 13 RESOLUCE


Rad eislo 161 La Fajta, Jourdanton, Tex.

My timto co VAS vYbor vyslovujemc ro dine portistale sestte Anna Ripple nasi uptimnou, citenou soustrast stratou jejich milevane matky a statenMy, nitepodepsanY resolueni vYbor -- ky a nail dobre spolusestry, 'ktera tern -Add Nova Ratolest, er islo 41 Port Lava- tela dne 24. dubna ye svem domove v ca, Texas, vyslovujeme uptimnou sou- Jourdanton, po kratke nemoci ye stati strast nad ztrdtou mile mantelky, ma- 91 rokU a 2 niesicti. Prejeme ji klidneho spanku yeeneho minky a babieky a necht' odpoeiva v pokoji! Mary V. Koval teta zeilli• ela 13. dubna 1957 v George Novosad, v Ganado y e star'. 64 rokil. Pohitena Francis Kremenek, byla na Shillerville htbitove 15. dubna. Joe Jurieek, resolueni vYbor Pohrebni obiady vykonal farad' Henry ) ° eTe ° Beseda Jr., za velke Ueasti pratel a znamYch. Je to chilze Vime pozfistala rodino, to tetko nesete zarmutek jejiho odchod,u, ale budit Vain 1. Je to ehaze'potom svete p,m se nolia Sotva prejdeS jediau noru lined se ntecliou, te i my s Vann soucitime. najdou jine. best budit jeji paniatce zachovand. 2. Je to tivet na torn svete, k by eloZa Rad Oslo 41 Hy; r'es jltii ri vYbor radu OeskY Prapor -vek utek jeSte nazatil jsi jeden, runs to R. Machdeek, Oslo 24. timto projevujeme jrnenem druhY smutek. Louis J Peeena, resolucni vYbor du naSi. (:Primne citenou soustrast man 3. Cot je pantim ti ye voze sedi v )e telee,.tlitkin ostatni portistale rodine sate, ale phudY ten za nimi vdeSti,blate Posturtni vzpominka nad ztratou' bratra kluSe. Oznamuji smutnou zpravu, to se s nami 4. Ej, co ja. dbam na ceste na psoty a Frank R. Marka rozloueila jedna dlouholeta, sestra slaty, jen kdyt ja mum zdrave nohy, k Helena Meyerova, kterY zenitel dne 22. dubna 1957 po dloutomu dobre boty. jedna z tech dobrYch starSich sester kte ho trvajici nemoci y e stati 47 rokil. • ( )° ZesnulY byl elenem nakho radu ed. r(1 vtdy byla k radu verna a vtdy konaroku 1928, a vtdy sve povinnosti verne ia svoji povinnost a nayStevovala schnze pravicleine, at kdyt ji nemoc zaeala konal. Dokoneeni se strany e.) Built Vam to fitechou, te bratrskY sou obter tovat. Sestra Meyerova zemtela v pc) citime s Va-ml — Bratru prejeme kliclnY kroeilem veku 84 rokti. souhrn naeini. Louis Snapka, pak pkedjnienem 1.6,du mila sestro, odpoeivej v seda Jaroslav Kleprlik podekoval vSem spanek voenY, necht' ocipoeiva ye svatern pokoji! pokoji. bratrum a sestram od radu eislo 56, za Sestra Meyerova zanechala po sobe do velmy chutnY ()bed za tu Veikou praci F. J. Marek, brou povest, truchlici deti: Syny Char- co s tim mely a vSeria pritoinnVni za na y Ben Zabeik, lie, Ernes, Edward, a decry Annie RyE. J. Bedrich, res. vYbor. -StevunailschztaepriSbud bak, Hermina Lehman, Ella Brewer, Ly- konana v Jourdanton a radu C.j...J.o ].61. °( dia Baker. nekdy v mesici zati neb 1957. RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI 21 vnoueat a 44 pravntikti. Bratra RuKoneim s bratrskYm pozdravam no. kad livezda Texasu, eislo 47 v Seaton' dolpha Damek a sestru Sophie Hlucha- vS'echny, Texas vyslovuje uptinme citenou soust- novou. Jacob Shortner, tajemnik, VSem pozasta.lYm projevujeme nail hiu rant pozfIstale rodine nad ztratou man7. okrsku, SPJST. tela, otce, dedeeka, bratra a nakho is bokou soustrast! ) * ele • ( John Minim taj. Cis. 81 doveho spolubratra, Needville, Texas. Jana Miku/ae, st, • ( ) kterY dokonal ve zdejSi nemocnici 14. Sehiize okrskti Colvestonu ,projev soustrasti dubna 1957. Pohtben byl z chramu Pane VI.. okrsek ye snaze, aby se pkede'Sio C1V1B. v Oker za sluteb p. 1. Albert MISice opozclene, ale o to nemene srdeene tomu, to by schilze poradni dvouch okrsehalika a B. E. Besedy at. Uloten byl za chcerne vysloviti zarmoucene rodine br. kd se konaly v tu samou nedeli, usnesl tieasti rodiny a pratel k y eenemu odpo- Cihiate nail a nakho bratrstva nej- se . ye ay e pravidelne schuzi konane v einku na hrbitov v Oker 17. dubna 1957. hlubSi soustrast nad stratou jejich mia- Hallettsville, oznamiti zaveas Wiem oV smrti jej predeSli rodiee, dva bratti a deho, naciejneho Syria J. E. Cihlare, kte- statnim okrskUm, to jejich schtize dye sentry. ry start 36 let byl na veky odvolan. -- Sest6ho okrsku jest stanovend na prvni 5,.aton, pale bycl- Pud'te tinStene to my vSichni sdilime redeli v zati. (6th October -)),7.7.) Zada.Rolnieil leta v lel na sve Ranger a pa- Vati bolest, VaS zarmutek a prejeme me timto zdvotile arsslednich 12 let bydlel v Temple. K naLe- Vara vSem by milosrclnY eas znairnil tuto ky aby na to laskave pamatovaly a aye mu radu ptistoupil 5telio prosince 1929. osudnou ranu. Nate vrela "(least jiste ne- pristi schtize die toho phinovalY. DekujePo vSech bojich tivota necht' klidne co bolesti ulevi. me Vain pkedem. — Pamatujte na Sweet odpoeiva, sproSten telesnYch bolesti vSech. L. 0. H. Home 6. kijna.



Strana 14 kdyg jeden cirak zahral, Franta se leknu tim svalil, Vagek si sect' a Jirka stal jako dtevenY panak. Deda se smal a aby jegte vie kluky nepolekal, vedl je zpet k brakde pied ne polo gil tii zlate penize, tti ohromne a tii knihy. "Kandy z vas mute si vzit ode mne jeden darek," pravil statec s as/nevem a eekal, co si kdo vezme. Franta sahl pro zlatY peniz. Va g ek pro kterY byl velkY jako kolo, a Jirka si vybral knihu. A sotva si vybrali, cleda pozvedl paa pohadka byla to tam. Pasaci stall na strani, kravieky a kozieky se popasaly, a Franta s Va gkem se small Jirkovi, ge si vybral v earovne pohadce jenom knihu. Jirka se sice zardel, ale hned potom pfitiskl svfij dar k srdci. — A vite, kdo si z pasaekii nejlepe vybral? Jirka! Ano Jirka! Zprvu se sice ka gd3i ye vsi domY glel, ze byl Ji •ik z tech kloueka nejhloupej gi, ale pozdeji poznali, ze volii chytie a moudie. U Franty v chalupe za zlatS7 peniz nakoupili site dosti veci — a u Va gka jedli kolde dlouho a dlouho a jako by ani neubSrval -- ale koneene nezbyl v chalupe ani zla.man3i gro g ze zlateho penize, a z kolaee nezastaly ani drobty. Jirka vgak mel knihu po celY' givot a stale z ni eerpal moudrost a vedomosti ktere mu ptipravily lep gi givot ,net meli jeho dva . kamaradi, proto ge kniha dava eloveku svetlo a silu na praci do givota. Pit zmene


pouiljte tohoto kuponu Supreme Lodge, box 400. Temple, Texas. adam Vas o zmenu me adresy Vestnika jak nasleduje:— Moje nova adresa jest:—

Moje stars, adresa:—

Pattim k tadu S pozdravem podpis.

KALENDAA Oct tadu 88 Houston, 1140 Robbie St. bratr Rud , Set e: lk za zabavni vSrbor du, oznamuje nasledujici:_ Kagdou sobotu veeer zabavni hry — vyjimka pouze v ptipade, ze tadova, mistnost je zamluvQnd pro nejakou oslavu. V nedeli, dne 26. kvetna. Prvni barbecue tadu naAeho, odpoledne zabava a cslava Dne Matek a (Act. Ka gelSr fictive zvan. V nedeli, dne 20 fijna (Oct.) tadove. tijnove Ceske divadlo a veder taneeni Venedek. V nterY, dne 31. prosince (Dec.) fta,dova Sylyestrovska, zabava. Stoly pro kakleho. Na den 19. kvetna (May) tad Praha Cislo 29 v Taylor, oznamuje potadani Ma Jove oslavy. — Wechny podrobnosti budou oznamene pozdeji. VelkS- Piknik v Rolland. Na g' tad Tyr Cislo 80. v Holland, Tex. cznamuje na den 26. kvetna odpoledne a veder starodavnY Piknik pro sve dleny a na§e haste v Holland. Veeer vyhravati bude Ceskou hudbu . Joe Patek a jeho orchestra. — KaZdY jest uctive zvan a bade vitan. Zveme celou Hlavni iftadovnu 1 s redaktorem. Ptijd'te mezi nas! Rudy Ivieid (dzl itad DubovS7 Haj, Cislo 126 chysta se dle zprav potadati ukazalou schfizi sveho Clenstva ye sve spolkove sini v Cervnu a sice dne 2. Cervna a budou k tomuchystane k tomuto dnu ritzne ptipravy. Jig nyni jsou zvane nejen elenove ildu ale nag e pfatele a pfiznivci s celeho okoli. VelkST piknik u tadu v Seaton, Texas. Na oslavu dosageni 5teho sta elenu, ta,c1 Hvezda Texasu 'disk) 47. poto,da spoleane ze spolkem RVOS., 'Oslo 6. dne 7 Cervence to jest nedele veliky Piknik. — Podrobnosti budou zdelene pozdeje. Zapamatujte si datum prosim. fzad Osveta Cislo 38, Koval-, Texas oznamuje fAem svYm elentlm a ptiznivenn ze budou potadati k ucteni v'Sech matieek a tatikft velikou oslavu spojenou spoleenou svaeinou pa sve schtizi dove v nedeli dne 12 tcvetna a kadd* z blizka i zdali jest active zvan. Teeime se na Vas. Ráci 92 ve Fort Worth chysta se na den 9. Cervna potadati velikY bazar ye sve spolkove sini a sice vYteeek a vaechny dary ptatel naAich a Clenstva budou yenovane fondu pro ten na g' "Domov OdpoCinku." SnaMme se na, tent() den zavdas upozorniti tak aby naveteva Prosim vSrteZ"elt byl co nejskvelej gi. pamatujte na nas.

Ve str edit, dne 8, kvetna 11) OpatrnSr Karlik: "Marninko, co jest lep gi, spadne-li elovek se stromu a zlomi ruku, nebo kdy2 si jen rortrhne kalhoty?" Matka: "To je pochopitelno, Ze jest lepe, kdyZ si rortrhne kalhoty." "Tak vidig, to mutes loSt racla, 2e jsem si rortrhnul jen kalhoty." ) • •Te • ( 2ivot jest komedii pro mute ducha tragedii pro mute srdce.

CHRANTE SVE ZDRAVI A SVOU PENE2ENKU1 NONAT MedikAlnf mast nejen ie yam ub'effi penize, avgak ten mn'oho hodin starosti nad venkovne zavin'enkmi infekcemi a jeji ufeeni pro filevu CetnSrah bolestf. 1\dejte roliCku vigdy v pohotovosti. Velka itsporna velikost $1.05, pravidelna velikost 55c. Nav g tivte sveho lekarnika, agenta anebo objednejte prima.

NU 1/.6. PAT OFP.

R. C. MILLER & CO. Po. Box 235, Altadena, Calif.



ON ALL SAVINGS Each account insured to $10,000 by an agency of the Federal Government.


Established 1926 1301 CAPITOL

• CApitol 7-7002

HOUSTON; TEXAS. L. A. Kucera President Gordon Smith Secretary

OFFICERS Dr. R. E. Maresh Vice-President E. E. Chernosky Executive Vice-President Hettie Chernosky Treasurer

DIRECTORS Phil Dr. R. E. Maresh Woodruff L. A. Kucera E E. Chemosky Earl J Wood Frank Tesar Gordon Smith

stralu, dne 8. kvetna



letogni rok 'Vyznel mnohern- mohutneji v katclem obor usokolske einnsti. 4, Z Ennis br. 3. Vytopil v eeehoslovaku oznamoje V nedeli zde bude pritomen spoleenY SokolskY cvieitel br. FokornY Americke Obce Sokolske, kterY zde bude nacvieovat s cvieenci z Ennis, z Dallas, Fort Worth, prostna evieeni na devatY SokolskY Slet kterY fetes bude osporadan v Chicago v mesici eervau V nedeli bude velmi tivo ye zdej gi Sokolovne, stoji to za podivanou uvideti nak mladeZ v priprave do Sokolskeho vystouperM ) tTe ( VI SILOU Lvi silou, vzletem sokolim ku oredu kraeejme, a d •ahe vlaati v obetj sve silt' snagejme; a byt' 1 testa daleka, ta Sokolika neleka, jen motile; statue ku pfedu, vtdyV ciraha . vlast eekal 0

AMERICAN „:;:c7 0 V. (,)

isAia 2upa

Scuthern Dist, je v Texasu Zprav,,r podan- na vYrotni schUzi py Corpus Christi: br. Rudolf Troubil podal dohrod zbravu, :11 ; na MalY pOtet cvi tenet, 2.6 tkida, ';?,a(st y a jest dobra. ZIT9Lt pact C,15;, •.lon jednotu ZiZi. Mirek Farn•a ka v avidelne dva krat t, C Ie 1.7-ravuji. se na siC • n cbodakilp y.ou sokolov7 nth

Houdek mT. za bejstark jeduci: v tope, Karel HavliCTk-I3orovskSi Jednota telecviene einna, spolupracuje se -v,;(.;111:1 jednotami v Pripravuji asi deset tvicencU na slet AOS. Fort Worth, ses, : Podileli se na ckrskovYch i na Zupnim sle tu, bod:ebuji cviLitele. 'ilida dorostu i rtva 1113,a„ ten dobra; rnutu slaba. tastni se sleta AOS. Za jednotu Galveston, : as, etc zpravu sestra Marie Prevratliov(I: tiokoli houZevnate dr2i. s. puhramade; ae v lednote neni (eti ani dorostu. tkoda, Ze ta omladina se rozejde za povoldnim Jaroslay Pokorny za jednotu Houston: Cviei pravidelne, ae kalem Vance tfidy byly slabe. Poicadaji zabavy, oslavy i vzdelavaci pl'ednaky..Hospodafsky , pokratuji, einnost celkem velice zdrav/a Prague, Okla.:— Po delk netinnosti •jed:Act:), znovu kona pravidelne schnz,e a tar, ekKane bovin.nosti Obci i Cope. prograrny aby si pornohli vyjiti z finantnich nesnaz, a dothaji obnoviti telocvienou Chanost. Yalkon. Okla., seS. Anna Smrekova: — jednota bosledni leta telocviene nePinna. Schtize konaji pravidelne, vlastni budovu spoletne sradcm, pfistavili k prostorne lalk mist°, ale dosed nepodatechnickVen vedoucich. 1 stoji dekuje id3em za.stuppinl • za podane zpravy. Pravi, Ze neni zklaman, ale 2e budeme museti napnouti vice- sill, obetavosti a lope si rozumtti tak, aby


Viast Mat' at nas tavola, cc verne dicky sve, tu mocna pate Sokola zle Skodce v souboj zve. Ne slova, ale skutky!:-- Z Ennis se piAlf-Ma jsenl velikou radost, kdyt v nove obrazkove eitance Jaro, yydane Oes kYm literarnim sdrutenim pri Texaske statni universite v Austinu, jsem mezi jinYmi pinemi nagla obilbenou sokolskou Lvi silou. Pisen mi priponmela moje At'astrie mladi. Take mne potegilo, kdyt jsern v to nove eitance na gla dva celostrankove obra.zky zakla,dateln Sokol stva Jinclricha, Fugnera a Atliroslava Tyr se. 0 obou jsem vypravovala detem a pro budila tak zajem o sokolske hnuti. Foradateli eitanky patici nag dik. Ale to neni dosti. V katde rodine mela by byt tato eitanka, protote je to neebnice eeskeho eteni a vero, neni vYrnluvy, ze nername dobre ueebnice. Fodle ni da se dobre ueit a sama jsem to yyzkougela, to to jde snadno, rychle a zabavne. '6itanka stoji jen $1 a motno jej zaslat na adresu Dr. Ed. Mieek, University Station, Austin 12, Texas. Musim yam sdelit, te na gi Sokol° ye se pilne pripravuji na sokolskY slot, jet se bude konat 30. eer yna letos v Chicago, karat se take chystaji Sokolove z Houstonu. Na zajezd chystoji se mladi cvieenci, kteri pilne nacvieuji a nekteri chteji se take sneastnit sokolskYch zavodti a cvieitelsketio kursu AOS. V Chicago bude hodne fleastnikt1 z Texasu, 0,4 (

15 stehovalce, rortrco gene hlavne v minalem stoleti po celych SoojenYc ., St,ate:h. Byly doby, kdy vzdaleni se'; o sloe mil, niell jeuide , pozcieji take sloe.. Noviny byly cnej gi pritel naSio,t spjaty nejslavnejgi venske Ameriky. Z Mich de dovidali, co bylo ve svuto pall zpravy o donaove. Z druha a dalgi nage, RVaera tek, z Mon ueily se alai s nehot jeho otcove a me nich poziadvaly nagi rodni charakter. Noviny, ye vetgine sna.hy, Sokolstvu vstFic. a chapaly jeho pa. -1 le a byly rate v zpravy, note ' tHnno, Um slovem opozoinily BYvaly' na g i nat-odni h,• po. Uvadely na ge hnuti chopeni bylo pletnou sic/L:11: ideala o bratrstvi, o zdravi cha. . ,y


na liTak jako Sokelstvu ke dem, na gim zajminn mimo dy. Jim, vedle Sokolstva, nYm na gim organiaacim, min= comien :spolkn dekujeme za ho, co stale na ge zUstava. tare Co noviny konaly bylo cv zajmn jejich vlastni existe'oe no vZdy uvedomuji, te radky a cho vinach jsou cestiekou, Po ktEdit poctive usili o ideal dob, ka. Uvedomuji si, to rnuci i c. ;lit to, dobrek co je mezi nami laednotnel , o bez ohledu na jine zajmy be c ohicdo na osoby. Obec etenarn na gich easop:sn • ;e st by Lao mengi . Ukatme, co dovectTn' bet so rortitila. `Ukatme dame-li se do prace za lem. Ziskavejte odberateie odbero sand. HaMY z n;:,, g list; katdY ma, mit nejen v::,.; co se mezi ndmi deje, ale toile take fteastnit. z kte. Sestry a brati'i! NoSi prat - s bobt rekoli strany! Dejte se do pomorte nejen zachovat is at dnUrn. ale pomorte mu k lepSim Zaleti na nas. A tote pribazinIe k a snatne gim prahilm taddme Nazdar! Ze Am

Nagi kfajanske vejejrosti,. Nag ecsky a slcvensky tisk dlouha deKarel M. Prom. sitileti nosil radost a teplo do na gich do (movu Pojil vzacnYm pouter lasky k eeskeinu jazyku Ceske a slovenske vy- Nezapom-znte na nas 22ro_ov a. rl „we'






1 Te 011e gOaY3 1\1ay e!, .1957 Reports rrorn our Lodges, or any other Reading Matter to be publislikad should reach the Editor, Saturday before the date of issue. Address all matters to the Editor: P. 0. Box 485, West, Texas.




Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 With Undeliverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST, P.O. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK For Your Kind Information Br. Navratil has been approached by individual members who wish to furnish a complete room in the rest home in memory of some loved one but who wondered how that room would show the memorial. A small bronze plaque will be struck and placed on the door of such a room to show in whose memory it has been furnished and by whom. It is a wondrous way to pay tribute to your loved one, and for $300 a living person will use that tribute to your beloved, given in the name of God's love to mankind, for all the times to come, to give witness that you have understood our slogan— Benevolence, Humanity, and Brotherhood. 4o ONE OF OUR YOUNG MEMBERS MARRIED Daniel Hanus, member of Lodge 66, and son of Brother and Sister Otto Hanes, was married on the night of April 19. The bride is the former Miss Tobey Lu Chandler of Waco , Texas, daughter of Mrs. Bryan Chandler. The bride is a graduate of Waco Academy, attended Baylor University and a -business school. Mr. Hanus is a graduate of Waco High School, attended San Antonio Junior College. On April 26, a shower was given in their honor by Mesdames Chandler and Hanus at Linden Hall. Daniel's father is very active in our fraternity, former president of our District Three. Whenever an opportunity arises we are glad to express our best wishes from our whole fraternity. We thank Mrs. Rose Parma for this report and assure all of our members that any report of this kind will be given the deserved space in our Vest-.

To Mother America, dedicated May 12 to its mothers, both living and dead. Ever since the dawn of creation the wise men of all ages have humbly saluted the spirit of motherhood as a source of all ti',at is good in the human race. Our thoughts also turn to the holy 'mother, Mary, us a symbol of unending love, and devotion to the world's children, who come to her for con:fort and strength in prayer. Regardless of race, color or creed, human beings lose the characteristics of anything human when they purge themselves from within the instincts of decency that all men inherit from their mothers.

over by many persons in humility and thanksgiving to their mother who staunchly stood behind the fledgling, oblivious to all else but the love and conviction in her heart. Thomas Edison, the inventive genius of our times who has done more for his generation than any other to eliminate drudgery from life and add to its comfort , said: .imother was the making of me. She was. so : true, so sure of me, and.I felt thatj.: haVisomeone to . for,- someone I . . must not - disappoint." The saddest part in our life 'comes. when one has children one's own and mother is already gone, It is too late to tell her how much you appreciate her and just what she really is to you. All through our life we all find themselves remembering: How mother did this or that, what she thought, what she- said, and pattern our own households to a great extent by this environment. This influence is sometimes seen in the , great grandchildren. The idea of Mother's Day originated with Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia and . was celebrated by a number of ci qes in the United States in 1910. President Wilson officially proclaimed the second Sunday in May as' Mother's Day with the display of the American Flag on government buildings and private homes, in the year of 1914. As we pin our white corsages 'on our dress Sunday, May 12th, in memory of our dead mothers, or our pink corsages for our living mothers, let us all resolve to be a better parent for our family to remember us by when we have passed on to the great beyond, to be remembered with loving thoughts and cherished memories, as you are now remembering your mother. To all of our mothers in the SPJST fraternity, may your day be filled with loving faces , pleasant thoughts and gladdened hearts at your hearth, to make this day -a. memorable one for you. ) • a • L._

Many a man in this world pays tribute to his mother for her inspiration, her belief in him, her wise counsel and comfort during the formative years of his life. "I never could have made it, but for Let's all remember to help our Rest my mother," has been said over and Home for the Aged!




District Seven Accepts The District Seven meeting of the SPJST held its semi-annual meeting at the Sokol Hall Sunday, April 28, in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas. One might say the meeting was rained out for the crowd was not as large (though a nice size) as the Corpus Christi gatherings have a reputation of being. They had had a two inch rain for which they were thankful for it was needed There was a lot of our fraternity that would have liked to send them some of the overabundant moisture that fell in many other places in our state theSe last few days. It was the pleasure of the editor and wife to travel in company with some of the Supreme Lodge members, and our thanks goes to Br. Koliha who drove us safely and sanely through all of that 'weather and detours, there' and back. Br. Marek and Br. Navratil were the other two '''back seat drivers" who helped the editor and spouse give the patient brother at the wheel a good ribbing. Anyway, we left before 4 o'clock in the morning for Corpus Christi in rain and in rain we rode all the way to Seguin, where the plop-plopping of the windshield wiper finally got some rest. The rest of the journey into Corpus Christi was clear, though there had been rain previously. The Texas Highway Department has been very busy these days, probably working around the clock, clearing blocked underpasses, roads, detouring traffic and otherwise making themselves indispensable in preventing accidents and possibly death from dangerous road conditions due to the weather. One saw thud at intervals along the route to Corpus Christi. At such a time, it strikes one as one of their most responsible jobs is working for the safety of the motorist that is caught on the road.



As we neared CorpUs Christi, however, we saw nice stands, of cotton and the corn and maize was waist high_ in some places. They had - had only two inches of rain which had been needed and everyone was thankful for it. Rows of stately palms and masses of oleander flowers made our entrance into the city sort of festive. The geraniums too, were beautiful in the gardens as well as white Easter lilies, roses and various cut flowers. The Seventh District Organizers meeting was in progress when we arrived. Br. Jaroslav Kleprlik, chairman of the meeting and Br. Chas. Cerny, the district organizer, were effectively conducting the meeting through its business so that the main body of the District Seven meeting and all its visitors would not s have to wait too long to open the general meeting with its Youth Program.

We missed Br. Hejny, needless to say, who was representing our fraternal order in an 85th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the City of Ennis , from whence Br. Hejny comes. Brothers Kleprlik, Troubil, Shortner, Rektorik, officers in this meeting, handled the usual business of reading the last minutes, the various reports pertinent to the district, very smoothly. Brothers Marchak and Navratil, officers in the SPJST Rest Home, gave us a report on the progress of the rest home, The foundation work was halted by the rainy weather but will resume work just as soon as the bulldozers can work in the earth. Br. Marchak warned that the allotment set aside by the SPJST will not be enough to set the home up completely for operation—that much more will be needed, urging'memhers to give NOW when it is needed the most to complete this wonderful We saw many large earthen stock memorial to the Texas Czechs of our tanks (which are expensive) washed SPJST. away to rock bottom with the rushing Br. Navratil told us of a touching waters from fields. We saw landslides incident which puts I to shame many a of fertile topsoil swept down into swol- person. An elderly couple, 85 and 89 len creeks that took the crop with them. years old respectively, with the husWe saw some of our famous rivers that band invalided, sent the "home" a $5.00 have been "just a trickle" during these contribution from their meager income past seven years , now torrents of an- with a most encouraging and warm letgry flood, rushing to overflowing wa- ter for the magnificent work that is ters and we also saw the effectiveness being begun. Br. Navratil stated: "We of terraces on sloping fields that so have sent lots of monies overseas for many farmers patiently maintained to the alleviation of suffering for peoples hold the water, crop as well as the of other nations, NOW IS THE TIME precious fertile topsoil, and everywhere to do something for our own people, one looked, there was water and wa- where we can see and reap the satister, and evidence of its destructive faction of doing for our Texas brothers powers in some placeS. and sisters." . This statement was ac-

cepted with a spontaneous applause of the meeting, It was then moved and seconded to make a voluntary collection there in the meeting. Immediately our Director Chas. Holasek , in his big heart, popped a $100 check into the hat followed by others. There was gladness on the faces of all those present from the smallest to the biggest contributor when it was reported that over $200.00 was collected by the chairman of this collection, Mrs. 73etty Jurica and her staff. ; It is, indeed, more blessed to give than to receive and many hearts felt good Sun ay. As Br. Marek; our presideq, said: "You are writing your name on a piece of work tliat, will be here long after we are all gone. You are doing a work of which you need not be ashamed or afraid. We are not one 'of those insurance companies that are in the scandals or are being investigated. We are with the BEST of them in this state. There are no hidden clauses in our policies. Our policies are paid out in full as they have always been paid out. Our directors are all working for bettering our fraternal order to go forward, not stay behind, in fact, our whole organization is working toward this goal. Our whole organization is working in harmony for the good of all, not just one. In the name of those brothers that could not be here today. I bring greetings and best wishes." In Br. Koliha's address: "Like Abraham. Lincoln said years ago: 'Equal rights to all, special privileges to none.' I firmly believe that our youth will find its place when our present leaders have passed on. I am like home in this Seventh District, for I am from the Seventh District even though like a great many others who are scattered over this state, do not live here at the present time but always glad to help when requested and I believe in this home for the aged that we will all do our part to which end I wish you all a lot of success and extend . to you `Nazdar,' success to all! Br. Navratil then entreated: "Brothers and sisters, I beg of you to take this wonderful enthusiasm manifested here today back to your home lodges. We have the best policies available and if you talk about them to your youth, we need not fear that we cannot entice that youth to carry on our torch for us. Bickering, however, will not drag them, to us. The more young health/ children we shall sign up, the more favorable advantages we shall have in our policies."

trana 18 Br. Skrabanek and wife of District Five, from Houston, together in the company of Br. Hi'slier, president of District Five, were the visiting delegation to this meeting to present the -Challenge" to this district. Br. Skra banek and good fellowship are synonymot!, presented the challenge of 1-% !; iiing up more ;.1surarice retroactive from .Tanuary 1, 1):i5'; through June 30, 1001, md then toga ,her with Districts 3 and b , Challenged all the other districts in our fraternity to win a. big ' iced" from them. "As you know, Dist! ets '1) . and Five have another cont, t; on and then these two districts will compete together against all the rest of our districts. In this -manner, w' -believe that we can awaken not only the hose lodges but the Supreme Lodge as well, and we want to extr.::.'.d to -you this ( . 1 alienge in the same as it is presented to you," Br.Skrahanek explained.- Now those Houston- boys are getters" where there's an orreal • gaJd .zer . - banquet concerned. They out. wpote• 'District Three in two contests already and District Three is out to beat- them this time. The Challenge is :on! ''Push that pencil, you organizers --g et • that insurance." There will be lard work but a lot of fun at the end. Brother Holasek of District Seven of- •ficiO4, accepted The Challenge for his distr:ct from Br. Skrabanek. The Chal,,lenge is on, District Seven organizers! Br :Cerny, the District Seven organiz-' er, stated: "I do not know .what I am. My father was a Czech, my mother from Moravia — that makes me a Texas "Czeal'i, I guess , but be that as it may, I want the organizers as well as all of our members here today to get together and get to work and let's show them two di tricts (3 and () Jak se v kostele 'piSka (How to whistle in church — CzeCh saying)." The Challenge is On for sure in District Seven! Br. Cerny continued: "Now we have the opportunity to write new insurance and new members the best opportunity that our lodge ever had. When those founders on the courthouse square in La Grange 00 years ago called the first meeting they had no big money—ju g a lot of faith. They had no highways, cars , etc. — in order to get itn-the courthouse square they had to travel long and for to exercise their `faith' in the future Texas Czechs and this --new organization they `::'ere about to set up." Br. Cerny further stated: -organizers' work is the most important that our lodge has and I wish to thank all organizers in District Seven for the work you have done, from the bottom of my heart. We shall ac-

Wednesday, May 9.907


cept The Challenge! Districts Three and Five are just small potatoes in a small field, but this contest will give us an opportunity to get to know each other alcanal lodge." —' Ly Joxica, elected chairman Pi gran had a nice pro for the assembly. Since she is planning to write up her part of this pros r', suffice us to say that there is a lot of young talent in that district. Little David Hrncir, age 3, accompanied his mother at the piano, gave us his rendition of "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain" and "I am A Little Tea Pot." Every inch a little man, he won Is of all of those present, as the ig Master Majek on the cornet, did ,% by his uncle on the acac. co! cO.Ou oil The instrument was almost as large as the cornetist, who played perfectly, Tha (7imax of the program was a Kleprlik at the Mario, S. C. atindil, who sang ".1' Czech songs. Then old Kle at the piano again and ndil on trombone gave us "Lasses Trombone." It was well accepted and deserved The meeting continued with by-laws, etc., but as the day was drawing to a close, our party bid all of thsoe wonderful people "Na Shledanou" and headed home in the rain, this time all the

IMPORTANT NO'I'ICII An ur gent appeal is being made to all and friends by of our members, Supreme Toil conies of old ,-; of Cie oda, old endars and the old orp...). "OPzor," for hiforniatdon pertaining to the activities of the SPJST or its found:.4ig members since 1897. The Supreme Lodge will be glad to reimburse your postage and expense for the inconvenience of mailing this material to us. As you know, up to date we do not have any official "History of, tire SPJST' and Br. Chupick, our secretary, has consented to endeavor to gather this in formation which is needed roe, an interesting chronicle of our fraternity for posterity. Dear fellow le ans, airy contribution you can make to the 'collecting of this material' will he ever no much appreciated 'by-the whole ;...i.-.P.;7•Farnily. Please , check your, trunks ' attics cx _teasel exits as the case may be, shelves - for ad,' records of 'hte;i:i activities. Thanks for your immediate attention to this appeal. Please mail all material to:

J. F. Chupick, Secretary, ( Supreme Lodge SPJST, Post Office Box 400, TemVJG y. ple, Texas. The sisters, as all good Czech hostG-To 9 ( ) esses, fed the assembly with delicious, DEAR BROTHERS AND tender barbecued chicken and all the "trimmins." Our thanks to them, they It would be appropriate if our lodges not only served us all charmingly, but would each appoint someone to report greeted everybody with their sweet, mention your oldest members living, friendly smiles , and while one only had with sonic write-up in Vestnik, and time for a hurried "hello, how are you, when they answer the fin21 call, please it's fo nice to seo you, hope you and do not neglect to write a short story yours a ,'e well," it does give everyone of then life for the organ. meet them. We missed a Eft Thanks so much. Bala. who, according to r is rating in the hospital. her husb ARE YOU A ni you a speedy get well, dear We all can be with us Ian again. sist2r, If you throw cigarette pa! !. .s, paper at Sunday's meeting — matches or other refuse on the floor hoar__. ones pass through my of your lodge hall or in other public those 10 lodes not repro- places, put yourself down as a bad exmind ni. l their District Seven meet- ample to our youth. You are a an seuThd "1`h3.1.': your hard luck, you ing -to the uglification of your a floe environment. Will you remember that? .1, it's been nice and with `our success, I am, best v1 teenager wanted o borrow the ily yours, to take his y car on a foggy. liar drive-in, this to you hold. his father the way en the son, luck of the deal lie t you. But if you rnix with a lot of common tl map you play your cards, Let's all remember to Hein our Rest Home for th a .1.\?.,ed! the game may be yours. Or


;1 •


, tribUtiell •



T.. k3171€.'."


• (


Wadnesday, May •::` 1..077

VPST Ni — WEST, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CONDITION Of Our SPJST as of December 31, 1956 ASSETS U. S. Government bonds ._..__..$ 995,000 Texas County, School and ' Municipal bonds 234,075 Mortgage Loans 6,548,257 Real Estate Owned 230,665 Preferred Stock 100,000 Insured Savings and Loan Shares 2,900 Certificate Loans 578,013 Cash 80,956 Net Accrued Interest 150,897 Other Assets 56,858

dg4111.0.4 SPJST SOFTBALL TEAM Dallas, Texas Dear Brothers and Sisters: There is no score to report for our Wednesday night, May 1 scheduled game was also rained out. It has also been to wet to have any workouts or a practice game. Providing the weather permits, we will try to resume league play next Wednesday night, May 8. We are scheduled to play State Farm Insurance, Samuels No. 2, game time 8:45 p. in. Since the team has not been able to even have any workouts or practice, it was decided to have a meeting of all the players for a business and social session at our lodge hall, Thursday night, May 2. The meeting was attended by Raymond Smith Bill GaLser, Joe Ondrusek, Jim Scoggins, Albin Vrana, Wilbur monger, Daryl Frieser, Raymond Vrana, Dave Wier, Ted Dusek, Henry Miller, Joe Jarolik, Adolph Janecka, Jack Moffitt, Frank Mach, Jerry Kutil, and Ben Jarmo. Those not present `were Dill Robbins , Raymond Mlarek, Harold Huggins, Tommy Speck and James Wortman. A business meeting was held and the team Captain and Co-Captain were elected, Raymond Smith, Captain, and Jim Scoggins, co-captain. A social committee was appointed consisting of Ray amtith, Jim Scoggins, Albin Vrana, Frank Mach, Daryl Grieser and Ben Jarma, After the meeting, pretzels Ritz crackers, cheese spread, several varieties of cheese and bean dips, fritos and "pivo" were served and enjoyed by all present. This was benefitial as all the players had a chance to get better acquainted with one another and many interesting subjects were discussed. So, weather permitting, were hoping to see you again at the game, Wednesday night, May 8, Samuels No. 2, at 8:45 p. m. Fraternally yours, Ben Jarma, Mgr.

Total Assets _$8,977,621 LIABILITIES Certificate Reserves $7,227,613 Premiums paid in advance 100,252 Claim. Reserves 24,096 Other 11,815 Contingency Reserve ...... 48,000 *Unassigned Funds 1,455,845 Special Reserve 110,000 Total ............. ............ _$8,977,621 Total membership 29,115 Total Insurance ........................$28,224,805 Solvency 120.12

Our Aim We are dedicating ourselves to speak the truth as we see and find it and never overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve anyone blindly, regardless of how powerful he may be. ) r TO ALL OUR ORGANIZERS We would like to assure you again that our Vestnik is willing and anxious to be of service to every one of you. We are mindful that you need some publicity in your work and here we are to serve you. So do not hesitate to call on us. Your letters should be here the Sunday before our organ is published. ) * at. • (

!iltrana 19 SPJST REST ROME The charter The SPJST Rest Home charter specifies the purpose of the organization: "The purposes for which this corporation is created shall be to provide assistance, charity and relief for aged persons of both sexes by acquisition of land for the construction of appropriate buildings, and by providing the necessary funds for the complete operation, maintenance, extension, and addition of and to such home for the aged; and to provide personal and custodial care, incident to old age and infirmity, in such a manner as to give most comfort, sheltered care, privacy, emotional stability, and happiness to agekti people, such assistance and relief being limited to persons of advanced age not suffering from serious illness at time of admission, and not including medical care and treatment except in the case of minor, temporary illness; and to employ a sufficient number of competent personnel for adequate nursing care, food service, personal, occupational and activity needs of the residents, according to the standards, requirements and goals of first class homes for the aged, however named; and all available voluntary financial contributions and assistance from the public in order to carry out the objectives and purposes herein set forth and more fully outlined in the by-laws of the corporation, which shall operate on a non-profit basis.” )

• 41 • (

WHEN CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS USE THIS COUPON Supreme Lodge, Box 400, Temple, Texas. I am asking you to change my address of The Herald (Vestnik) as follows: My new address is:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The Vestnik will gladly publish announcements of family reunions if you will give us the date, place of reunion My old address: and names of families concerned, in time. Also, all other family tidings such as anniversaries, weddings, local theatrical programs and church activities that are of interest to all of our SPJST readers. This is YOUR Vestnik, so, keep it enjoyable! I belong to Lodge No. ) • 4 • ( Remember our Rest Home

Fraternally, Signature.

Strana 20

Wednesday, May 8, 1957


The standing of the ten non organizers is shown elsewhere in this issue. Keen a complete -roster of your prospects, make your calls, and I am sure will sell 11.103:0 insurance by doing so. Insurance is sold throughout the year as you know from past experience, so keep after your prospects at all tirnes. in order that you may be able OFFICE OF T ; VICE PRESIDENT to sell the insurance that someone else May 2, 1957 would sell if you did not make your Dear Sisters and Brothers: I want to thank every one of you for I want to thank each of you for the the support you gave to our organiz- splendid work you have done in April ers. They have done a splendid job of and I hope we will receive many appliwriting new memberships and insur- cations from you this month. We want ance in the 'month of April. If you will to make this month's report to show notice, our organizers secured 167 mem- good gains as did the report for April. bers and $240,000.00 of insurance. I Wishing each f you the best of sucknow that this; would ,not be possible cess, I am, if they didn't have your support and Fraternally yours, cooperation in their work. We must Joe B. Hejny continue working in the -future months ) as we did in April in order that we CZECH MUSIC HIGHLIGHTS ANNUAL double our sales of the previous year, ‘1VIAJALES' FESTIVAL which we are striving so hard to acGzech folk munic and concert works complish in this our 60th anniversary by Czech composers were featured at year. the annual University of Texas "Ma-:Imive some very outstanding or- jales" festival held May 5 in the Stuganly ers in our group. They are mak- dent Union Building. ing an•ll-out effort to be among the Dr. DeWitt C. R.eddick, College of ton organizers, not only for a month, Arts and Sciences associate dean, debut c.uring the entire year. I wish to livered the welcoming address to visitcom • atulate these organizers for their ors from Czech communities throughspl(Asidid work and. I sincerely hope that out Texas. they will continue working as earnest- Appearing on the program were Mary ly in the coming months as they did Clayton, Waco pianist; Mr, and Mrs. in the past and to those of you that Jaroslav Kleprlik and a group of danch:Ye been less fortunate in securing ers and, singers from San AntoniO; F. new membership in larger amounts, I G. Havelka of La Grange, violinist; wish to extend my assistance to you if Leroy Sebesta, Temple singer, and Henyou should need it in any way. Also, ry L. Peck of Austin, accordionist. remember that you have a district orThis was reported by our Brother ganizer in each district who is willing Otto Stehlik of Wichita Falls. Thanks! and able to assist you with your work. )• •( So call on him and he will be glad to IS FOR ENNIS, TEXAS GOOD help you with your work in securing It n reported that our Lodge new membership. Ennis , Texas, will hold a speOnce again I with to thank each and dal' Mother's Day celebration Sunday, every, one of you for a job well done. the 12th of May, at the National Hall. Wishing you a lot of success, I remain, Music will be furnished by the RejFraternally yours, cek Orchestra from Abbott and our Joe B. Hejny youth will perform the "Beseda" andf ) •1 _ _ their prize winning square dance, they May 2, 1957 32Y. The youngest and the. oldest Mother present will receive a handsome TO All Organizers, prize. Let's all be there!—L.O.H. Sisters and Brothers: • •( 0 Congratulations! As you will notice the increase in membership and insurMOTHERS AND FATHERS DAY ance sales for April is very satisfactory. CELEBRATION This proves that you have been more Osveta No. 38 of Rovar, Teas, active in your work A it makes a grand celebration honor, enabled and all fathers, atter -very happy that -port. meeting Sunday, May 12. us to show such n, 1957 All cur members and friends are earNEW I\C.:n by' our organizers in all districts Were dially invited to come and celebrate 167 with a total of $240 ,000 worth of with us. Our doors are wide open for you all! insurance.

At th

stlg'e 84 — Dallas, texas 2625 Floyd St.

We are submitting the followiPlg schedule of all OUT dances . through July 20 of this year: 6. Saturday, May dance, music by Joe Pokladnik's" orcheStra,:7 ='. u.ndayn-JUne 2, Annic.,ersary Cele•• braticn, dinner , at 12 noon, Prograni afternoon; dance at, music by Eric Honza's orchestra. 8. Saturday, June'15, music by (tentative) Joe Milani orchestra of Ft Worth. 9. Saturday, June 30, dance, music by Mr. Rejcek's orchestra. 10. Saturday, July 6, dance, music by (orchestra pending). 11. Saturday, July 20, dance, music by (orchestra pending.) We, the entertainment committee, hope that we can help make 1957 an enjoyable year for all. Fraternally yours, Ben Jarma, chairman. ) e 43


LODG•E N.O. 88 — HOUSTON Every Saturday, except when something special is field, such as a wedding dance for someone, especially members, is game night at Lodge No. 88. Sunday, May 26; Lodge No. 88's first Barbecue of 1957. Delicious Bar-B-Q served at noon. Entertainment in the afternoon, You will enjoy it all! This will be our Annual Mother's-Father's Day . observance! The committee plans to have a free-to-memberS of Lodge No, 88 Barbecue later in the year. Sunday, October 20, Lodge „No. 88's annual October Czech play, with dance at night. Tuesday, December 31-January 1, 1958 y) Lodge No, 63's Annual New Year's Eve Dance; with tables for ALL! Remember

our Rest Home

Wednesday, May 8, 1957


Strana 21

ORGANIZERS PAGE VIEWS OF AN ORGANIZER Ennis, Texas, April 29, 1957 "I am insurance poor." That is an answer that every organizer is' accustomed to hearing. It is possible for a person to carry more insurance than he can afford but people that are insurance poor usually are poor on insurance. When I receive this answer, I always ask for the amount of insurance carried by the prospect. The answers I get are often quite interesting. Nine times out of ten the prospect names a burial policy with a local burial association, fire insurance on his home and improvements, car insurance, and maybe insurance on a business in the case of the business man. Very few men underestimate the necessity of insurance on their prized possessions ,namely their home and automobile, yet they do not realize what is the most prized possession of their family. Much too often the home or the auto has a mortgage against it and if the breadwinner of the family should be removed by the cold hand of fate, these possessions would be lost to the family. Every man should realize that to his family, adequate insurance on his life is as important as fire insurance on his home. They are both essential. Fraternally yours, Alvin Nesuda, Ennis Organizer • 4) • ( MISS-INFORMED BR. SKRABANEK Attention: All District Organizers, Organisers, alnd Members of Districts 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7: San Antonio, April 29, 1957 I promised Bro. Hejny, our state organizer, to have my monthly report in this week's is ue, but an emergency has come up that requires this very special message; so please forgive, Bro. Vice President, but my regular report will have to come later. Bro. J. M. Skrabanek came with a car load, all the way from Houston through rain, hail and high water to our District 7 meeting at Corpus Christi yesterda ywith an idea to promote a "free" dinner for organizers in his district and Bro. Vrla's District in No. 3. He made a "Challenge" for a contest backed up by Bro. Vrla, Dist. No. 3 organizer. It is a shame, but he certainly, in my opinion, made an error. Instead, we, the rest of the organizers in the other five districts, have a big dinner coming to us for free. Bto. Skrabanek of No. 5 made a very bold statement; he said before the whole audience that he believed that since

Districts 3 and 5 were engaged in a contest between themselves, that he felt positive that Districts 3 and 5 would wind up writing more insurance than the rest of us 5 other districts all put together. In fact Skrabanek was so sure that his and Vrla districts could beat the rest of us in this SPJST that he made a challenge to us in our Corpus Christi meeting that his and No. 3 organizers would buy every organizer in the rest of our districts a big dinner, if we could beat Districts 3 and 5, providing that if they beat us other 5 districts, that our organizers would buy them a dinner. Before "Miss-Informed" Skrabanek had a chance to sit down, our very alert Director Bro. Holasek of Corpus Christi jumped up to the microphone and said, without a stutter, "WE ACCEPT." Honestly, brothers and sisters, I like Brothers Skrabanek and Vrla very much —they are good workers in our SPJST, but when they think they can beat the rest of us 5 districts, they sure are "miss-informed." Apparently they don't know that District 7 is already (without any challenge) writing about twice as many new members as they have done in the past, and according to information from VP Hejny, the rest of the districts! are also doing about twice as much.

TOP ORGANIZERS FOR APRIL Lodge—Name 154--Sister Anna Milan 133—Biother Jaroslav Kleprlik 81—Brother John Blinka 4 Brother Chas. Holy 25—Brother Fr. J. Haskovec 88—Brother A. L. Hilsher 117—Brother Rudy Kalenda 47—Brother A. J. Mikeska 161—Brother Chas. Navosad 130 BrotherStanley Vrla Organizers' Standings in the Honorary dub to April 30, 1957 $50,000.00 Club: SISTER ANNA MILAN / $25,000 Club: BROTHER J. F. BARTEI*. BROTHER ,STEPHEN VALCIK 9 1

Progress Report

So PLEASE, all organizers in the rest of our districts 1-2-4-6-7, do not hesitate to back us up in this challenge, and let's beat them other 2 districts real bad. Let's get going! Personally, I will not settle for anything else than a thick, juicy steak from the biggest cow in Texas. Fraternally yours, Charlie Cerny, District Organizer, No. 7 # i,1,i #

"First Quarter" District III. Organizor' Over $5,000.00 Club Congratulations To $30,000.00 1. J. R. Bartek, No. 92 $28,500.00 — 2. Anna Milan, No. 154 — S16,090.00 3. Emil W. Popp, No. 54 — — —$ 7,000.00 4. Otto Hanus, No. 66 5. Otis J. Ceska, No. 66 — — $ 6,000.00 6. Mary Laznovsky, No. 135 — $ 6,000.00 $ 5,500.00 7. Emil Peter, No. 84 — Congratulations also to Emil Hanus No. 06; J. A. Hollub, No. 35; Jahn R. Krizan, No, 6; Alvin Nesuda, No. 25; ; Miro J. Jurcik, No. 130; Mary Heny, No. 5; Flori Noel, No'. 92; Fr. B. Steiner, No. 84; Willie Hrabina, No. 25; Edw. G. Mazanec. No. 66; Chas. Mikeska, No. 6; Win. Vita, No. 84. There you are! Producing Organizers First Three Months! -- There should be more names listed next moth! — — HAVE YOU DONE YOUR PART TOWARDS DOUBLING SALES FOR THIS YEAR? A. W. VRLA, District Organizer ( I FRATERNALISM AND CHRISTIANITY The world needs fraternalism; it is a partner of Christianity. Do you all remember that it was said: "He that loved not his brother whom he can see, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" And it was further said by the Master: "I give Unto you this command, that ye love one another." Arc we too prone to overlook these principles of life?

"Uncle Mike," asked, a small boy, "how does it come you're so wise?" Because I've got good judgment," said the old man. "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience—well, that comes from poor judgment."

You better live your best and act your best and think your best today; for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows —Harriet Martineau that follow.

Fortunately , Editor Hosek was present in our meeting; he heard every word clearly because he was sitting in the front row. He promised me before the entire audience that he would see that the "truth and nothing but the truth" would be published in the Vestnik. So Bro. Skrabanek and Bro. Vrla can't "wiggle" out of this. The editor will also verify that I accepted the Challenge from "Miss-Informed" Skrabanek on behalf of the rest of us 5 districts.




Wednesday, May 8, 1957

REPORTS FROM LOCAL LODGES LODGE 47, SEATON Dear Friends: For the information of those of you who were not present in our last District 2 meeting at Lodge 24 Cesky Prapar and in the interest of our youth or for all District 2 members, our first meeting of the year was a business meeting. Since the by-laws of the Supreme Lodge specify one meeting a year specifically in the interest of youth our next meeting this fall at Lodge Tyrs No. 80 in Holland will be held for our youth. We sincerely invite all you boys and girls of our District 2 to participate in any of the contests and we also ask you parents, to encourage your children to take part in these contests or events, if it be in talent, writing or creative ability. It may prove worth your while as you will notice from the following program which has been adopted at our last meeting. Talent Contest for boys and girls. Junior group: Ages to 12 years; senior group: Ages 12 to 18 years. Prizes: First place $15, second place $10, third place $5 and fourth place $2.50. These prizes will be given to both the junior and the senior groups of our members' children. Handicraft Exhibit in eight divisions: 1. Art 2. Sewing 3. Needlework (embroidery) 4. Crochet 5. Leathercraft 6. Woodwork 7. 1Vleta1craft 8. Miscellaneous Division Prizes for the handicraft exhibits will be as follows: Ribbons will be given to the first four places plus $3 for first place, $2 second place $1 third, ribbon fourth place. Essay Contest. Subject: "What SPJST Means to Me." Not over 350 words. First place $10 , second place $7.50 and third place $5. Rules for Essay Contest: 1. Either English or Czech language will be accepted. 2. Contest opens May 1, 1957, and will continue through the last issue of the Vestnik prior to our meeting. 3. Mail essay contributions to our editor, Mr. L. 0. Ha.sek, Box 85, West, Texas. He will publish each essay in the Vestnik. 4. Contents of the essay will be more important than the needed correctness in, spelling and writing; form to be written on ruled 8 1/2 x11 paper, using only one side of the paper. 5. Mark letters "essay contest entry

District Two" so that the editor could come to help us make preparations for distinguish between contest letters and our bazaar that will be held in June for the rest home's benefit. ordinary letters. Fraternally, General rules for all of the contests Jay Dee Waggoner are: —1 •( 1. All contests are open to boys or LODGE NO. 39, SPJST girls who are members of SPJST or Wheelock, Texas whose parents or guardians are memDear Sisters and Brothers: bers in District Two. With these few lines you all are in2. Judges for all three contests will be disinterested and capable persons 7ited to come to our next meeting which will be held on the second Sunday in selected by a committee. 3. Consolation prizes in form of cash May, the 12th. We will have to appoint will be given to all who enter the tal- a committee to take care of our dinner which we planned to have the secent and handicraft contests. We are asking all you boys and girls ond Sunday in. June. We have also to study this program and if there is some other matters to distil*: please any part that fits your hobby then you all come to the meeting kid do not keep this meeting in mind and make fail us. I Wishing you sisters would come as we an entry. Especially are we anxious for you to can not do much without our sisters' enter in the essay contest and we hope help. Fraternally yours, that there will be a lot of brave youths Frank Vytopil, Vice Pres. who will write in the Czech language. ) • ,per • Yes, we know that first we are Americanss, but also let's not forget that we MOTHER'S DAY AT LODGE 29 TAYLOR are Czechs as history will tell you we Will be held at Taylor iLoctge Hall and have nothing to be ashamed of. In this you all are cordially invited. Our Sisters age of planes traveling faster than l are asked to bring some of those "Goodsound who knows? Some day maybe ies" that make our events always so you may eat breakfast at home and much more pleasant. We all be very dinner in some foreign country, maybe thankful. ) • eT, • ( Czechoslovakia. Wouldn't you be proud to say that you are an American of LODGE VERNOST NO. 51 Czech descent and that you can talk Ellinger, Texas and write Czech just as they can? Dear Members: The date of the meeting will be anWe will hold our regular meeting on nounced just as soon as possible. Hop- Sunday, May 12, at the Ellinger Cafe, ing to see a lot of contestants in this at 1 p.m. Please remember the date and youth meeting— hour of this meeting and come out and Fraternally yours, join us. F. E. Hejl Jr., Fraternally yours, President, District II D. A. Juren, Sec'y. • ) • •?. • ( SVAZ CECHOSLOVANU NO. 92 LOCDE 81 SPJST. NEEDVILLE, TEXAS Fort Worth, Texas Announces their Annual Picnic with Dear Readers: delicious Barbecue Dinner an All-day Lodge Svaz Cechoslovanu No. 92 will affair . have its regular meeting Sunday, May Amusements of all kinds. Proceeds to 12, starting at 2 p.m. There will be ini- be donated to the SPJST Rest Home tiation of all new members since last for the aged. October; they will be notified by mail. Music afternoon and night by the Vacek's We want to extend our heartfelt sym- 19th, of Rosenberg. So you all come May 1957 pathy to the family of Mr. Frank Lesi) • " • kar who passed away recently in Temple. He was the brother-in-law of SisLODGE CORRESPONDENTS, ter J. R. Bartek. PLEASE NOTE Postal regulations prohibit publishing We want to wish a speedy recovery or mentioning in any way items coverto Brother and Sister Koppa, who have ing any raffles or games of chancebeen sick and also Brother J. R. BarPapers containing this information are tek, who has been sick since the last refused admittance to the mails. You meeting but is up and around now. will, therefore, kindly eliminate such Everyone remember the meeting and subjects from your artides (.(1z)_

V S T Ni


Straus 23


FROM OUR DISTRICTS 'MG The Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag was presented, which was enjoyed by Koval', Texas was led by cur young; Sister Dorothy all. Jurica. The meeting resumed at 3:40. Brother Dear Brothers and i. tors: Secretary Jacob Shortner called the John Stasa talked of the By-laws for I was hoping to .• a, complete report D.J:",rict One meet- roll of officers present. Vice-president the Seventh District which were acceptin our Vestnik ing which wa:; h s:heduled on the R-ay Hranicky sent his apologies for not ed by all Lodges. Brother Rud. Troubil last Sunday in Maleh, but so far, be- being able to be present. President Kle- made la motion that was approved that sides brother Frank Vytopil in the Czech pelik expressed the wish to appoint a an election of officers be held at the substitute vice-president for this one first meeting in 1958. section, no one even mentioned it. I do not have any minutes of our meeting and Brother Bud Troubil was The next meeting will be . held in September or October in Jourdanton, by minutes of the meeting on hand, but I appointed. will try to. give you a short report the The secretary read the minutes from Lodge No. 161 , as our host. way I remember it. As all of you prob- the last meeting, which were corrected Brother Ruda Troubil donated a pair ably rernember, that daY started with a and approved. of boots and a set of kitchen utensils A:motion was made and approved that for which chances were sold. The monstorm and rain, especially in the vicinity of the meeting place, however, the all Lodges of District Seven should help ey received was donated to the Rest / members of the Bleibreville Lodge went the :treasurer by paying 10c an adult Home in the sum of $300.00. right on with their preparations for our , member,per year. All dues should ,.be Winners were John Sta , la for the sent to the Treasurer Brother Jaroslav toots and the utensils were won by meeting. When the clouds :be gan to :break up, Cektorik, Route 1, Robstown, TeXas, or Louis Snapka. about one o'clock ln the, afternoon, the to the Secretary of District Seven. President Brother Kleprlik thanked Sister Betty Jurica program chair- the members of Dodge 56 for the delimembers Aarted coming in until we :stated she hoped that all Lodges cious dinner and the work and thankhad a fair atte-m!,Ance and a good meet.'d become , more interested in pre- ed all members and visitors for attendi ing a program with young members. ing the meeting. The meeting adjournway they all coopeould like to be notified ahead of ed at 4:15 p. in. 1a.d uslasm ae of each meeting as to what kind loair been Fraternally yvrs, Jacob Shortner, Secretary one of the Lest had the bad weather and how many would be in the pronot inte,refered .Anyway, it was good gram. Distri Seven Brother Rud. Troubil made a motion enough and the members of Bleibervil° 4 ° le Lodge rightly deserve a vote of that ,c11 participating in this program I love the man that can smile' in thanks, especially those sisters that shculd be rewarded $3.00 as a prize. Brother Henry Marchak, a member of trouble, that can gather strength 'from. prepared the youth program which was te Building Committee for the SPJST distress, and grow brave by reflection. very good. I'm takir • op p ortunity as your P t Booce re ported that construction 'Tis the business of little minds to President to extend has started and that the home will cast shrink, but he whose heart is firm' outgoing 13... my heartfelt thanks to all Of those that mote than was appropriated. The plans whose conscience approves his conduct, have helped to make this meeting such show a modern and fully equipped build- will pursue his principles unto death. —Thomas Paine a success, and for all the good will and ing. Brother Chas. Bolasek and Brother 4 cooperation I have received from all of Navratii made an appeal to all Lodges for voluntary donations to the Rest you while I was your District President. "Man who leave home to set world . Brother Holasek immediately do- on fire often come back for more To my .successor and his helpers I check for $100.00 and Brother matches." wish the best of luck in everything that you may want to do for the good of our 1, Hawk gave a cheek for $5. Sister I. y Jurica took names of memberS great SPJST. "Everyone can give pleasure in Odle o cared to donate to the home. We With best regards . I an way. One person may do it by coming thank all for the donations to the Rest Fraternally yo into a nom, and another by going 'Out." Home. V. H. Barina District I. Organizer • ■Te • ( Visitors from the Supreme Lodge were: President, Brother Edw. L. Mlarek; Treasurer, _Brother Jos. Koliha; our DISTRICT VII. MEETING Brother J. F. Chupick, our Secretary was Karnes City, Texas MAY 19.— unable to attend. 'others and Sisters: Dear LODGE PRAHA NO. 29, Taylor, Tekas: The District Seven, SPJST meeting Members of other Lodges present Announces their "May Fete." Detaill was held at Corpus Christi, Texas at were: Lodge No. 92, 29, 83, 139, 54, 45 will appear later. the Sokol Hall on Sunday, April 28, and No. 130'. Member8 and visitors regLodge No. 39 of Wheelock; Texa,s;,In1957, with Lodge Antonin Cermak No. istered numbered. 139 and more came tends to celebrate with a special dinin later that did not register. 56. ncr for ats members and invited guests VMS held at essed '03 o' ors The be G chick- on the second Sunday in June which is '3.he rnecting of the Seventh for C-YeiWIOUS 9. x :5.. ; .stings was the 9th. day of that month. — Sooall all th? 53..rted at 10:45 a. m. en d'oncr D: The meeting was called to order by served. We wish to trunk all sisters and you members make plans to be there. €76 President- Jaroslav Kleprlik, who wel- brothers of Lodge 56 for the delicious ) Let's all remember tr, , help our Rest comed all members and visitors to the dinner. At 2:00 o'clock the children's Program Heine for the Aged. meeting_ DISTRICT

Calendar of Activities


r,truna 24


TN1K —

thought that tills was an appropriate thing to do, "all share alike and all are equall". In District 7 so far at every District meeting' our Youth was divided equally Discussions were made about the Rest Home at Taylor. Brother Marchak gave a report on the Home. A motion was made and passed that volunteer donations will be excepted, of course, who would volunteer, but yours truly. So I had my lunch and then I started out to see what could be collected. In the few minutes that I worked, I collected eighty-eight dollars. This amount is from members of the Seventh District. Iwant to thank everyone of you for the donations. LODGE ANTON J. CERMAK, NO. 56 The meeting was recessed at 1:00 o'Corpus Christi, Texas clock till 2:00 Brothers and Sisters: At 2:30, I finally got the Youth in I wish to announce that, our regular meeting of Lodge 56, Antonin J. Cer- line and ready to present our program. mak will be held May 12. (Mother's Day) Due to the bad weather all of the youth at 2:30 p. m. Sokol Corpus Christi will did not come, but we did the best we hold its meeting at 1:00 p. in. Following could. You know as well as I do that these meetings, luncheon will be served. troubles don't come in one, but always Sisters are asked to bring food and in groups. such good things such as kolaches, cakes, etc. Anything will be appreciated at the luncheon. There will be a door prize donated by Corpus Christi Sokol, and two prizes by the Lodge 56, one for the oldest mother and the other for the youngest mother. Come on out mothers and let's see who the hubby ,• mother will be. Now I'll try to write some about the District 7 meeting which was held Sunday April 28 here in Corpus Christi: The attendance was not as large as expected, but due to the bad weather it was a fair crowd. Here on the coast a good rain fell early Saturday morning and Sunday evening. Total of rainfall amounted to 4 inches .This was the best thing that could have happened here in the South. I arrived at the Sokol Hall about 10:00 o'clock and the Organizators meeting was in full swing. This meeting closed, at 11:00 o'clock. Of course thou for few minutes there were hand clasps and words of greetings and at ; 11:15 the business meeting was called to order by Brother Kleprlik. Next on program • was the pledge of allegiance by Dorothy Jurica and repeated by the Moulton, Texas audience. Then the meeting took its course. I didn't take notes of the meetA float was entered, by Culak Lodge ing as I thought that Sister Hosek cf West was taking notes and it was of No. 165 in the FFA Parade in Moulton rib :i nSe me taking them: Anyway there on April 5. The SPJST standard colors were several good points discussed and of maroon, blue and white were used. approved by the members. One motion Henry Helweg, member of the lodge, that was made and carried was that painted the familiar insignia of the each child that will appear on the pro- star and the clasped hands on either gram, will receive three dollars as a gift. side of the float. Bro. Wm. Foit, driver, Brother Marek of the Supreme Lodge and his wife are in the front seat; Mrs.

Women's ook

IvTav 2 .1057

,7‘; TEXAS

This is program of the 7th District: 1. Welcome address — Kathryn Jurica 2. Response to the Welcome Address: Brother Joe Koliha of the Supreme Lodge 3 Bop — Deborah Snapka No. 54 West 4. Songs — Davie Hrncir (age 31 No. 117 Robstown 5. Piano Solo — Viennese Melody and Black Hawk Waltz — Barbara Moravek, No. 117 Robstown G. Trombone and Cornet Duet — Eugene Veselka No. 19 and Dirkie Rychetsky, No. 117 Robstown 7. Trumpet and Accordion Duet --Michael and, Leo 1VLajek, No. 56 Corpus Christi 8. Bop -- Theresa IVIajek, No. 56 9. Flag — Sammie Peal, Pat v' eal, Allen, and John Stasa and Mich e Majek, No, 56 10. Songs --- Round and Round , Lucky Lips — Theresa JoYce and Julia. Ann Majek and Frances Jurica, No. 56 11. Song — Butterfly — Margaret, Joyce and Theresa Majek and Kathryn Jurica, No. 56


Theresa Valenta, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Havlik occupied the back seat, while two of the lodge's junior members , Carolyn and Daniel Pelech, rode at the hood. Rose HelWeg, Reporter (Editor's Note. Many thanks for your good efforts. it is indeed encouraging to see that some of our lodges are so active arid thoughtful to promote our SPJST at the opportune time.)

Wednesday, May 8, 1957 Broth12. Piano — Trombone Duet ers Bundil, Kleprlik and Brother Boll. This concluded our program and I do hope we can do better next time. Following this program, unfinished business was discussed and as I was not in this part of the meeting, I don't know what was discussed. I'm sure a better resport can be given on this meeting, by some other member. This will be all that I'll write about the meeting and let someone else have space in the Vestnik. Fraternally yours, Mrs. Betty Jurica P. S. Brother Editor. I am enclosing the welcome address, written by Brother Joe Koliha, Jr. I would appreciate it if you would put it in the Vestnik. I think that this address has a wonderful meaning. I also want to thank all of the Youth that helped with the program. WELCOME ADDRESS On behalf of the Youth of the Seventh District of tho S. P. J. S. T., it is my pleasure and honor to welcome you to our meeting today. We the Youth of this District, hope that you will enjoy the program that has been prepared by our Youth Directors, which program will be presented for your entertainment today. We are indeed grateful to have the opportunity to be here with you today and in a loyal National Spirit help to preserve the Constitution of the United States of America, and in a Fraternal Spirit, help to preserve , for the future generations, the principals of our beloved S. P. J. S. T. It is with programs and meetings such as the one we are attending today, that we have the opportunity of developing traits and practices that will help us to become loyal and staunch citizens of the United States of America, in the future years and also be useful leaders in our SPJST. The Youth of The SPJST is especially grateful to our Youth Directors, who spend, countless hours, patiently, working with us on the various projects, to make us youngsters better citizens of the United States of America, as well as better members of The SPJST, without the least thought of their own personal reward. Such is the policy of our Fraternal Order, the SPJST, and so long as we find 'members of this great Fraternal Order to do so, we are not divided, in the Principals upon which our Order was founded and although we may have different views , as citizens of these Free United States of America, we still stand united for those Principals upon which our SPJST was founded, by our fore-

VAST NI K— WEST, TEXAS fathers back in 1897, these Principals being BENEVOLENCE, HUMANITY and BROTHERHOOD. To our Brother Directors and Officers of The Supreme Lodge SPJST, we wish them abundance of health and the wisdom of edtermination to decide all matters in a fair and impartial attitude. As we present the program today, it is with a sincere wish that each and everyone 'of you, have a pleasant stay with us and that when you leave from this Meetingg, that you. will always have a reverent thought of all of us. On behalf of the Youth of the Seventh District, as well as the Youth of the entire State of Texas, I wish to thank each and everyone of you, for the splendid cooperation and it is my sincere wish that WE, all will help to preserve, for future generations, those principals upon which our SPJST was founded , that is BENEVOLENCE, HU1VIANITY and BROTHERHOOD. THANK YOU ) 4o SAN ANTONIO LODGE NO. 133 Dear Members: This is only a short letter of thanks to show our appreciation to those who helped in any way to make our picnic a success. I would like to thank those who worked in the kitchen, the bingo and cold drink stands. Also to those who brought cakes, kolaches or prizes. The following names were omitted from the list published in the last Vestnik of those who brought a donation for the picnic: Mrs. Dressler, a cake; Mrs. Charles Valicek, kolaches; Mrs. Hugo Woellert, $3 as a prize; Mrs. Jack Ross $2, and Mrs. Ed Valicek a prize. Now I would like to thank those who either baked kolaches, worked in the booths or picked them up for a "Night In Old San Antone." Our next meeting will be held on the third Sunday of May at 2 p.m., May 19. You all come! Sincerely yours, Mrs .Alfred Kalmus ) • 4 ° ( TOO TOUCHY TO TOUCH A fellow was having trouble with his car. From beyond the pasture fence, a horse said: "Better check your carburetor." When the horse repeated his admonition, the motorist took off for the nearest barnyard and told the farmer. "Was that our old white horse?" the farmer asked. "Yeah, he's white all right." "Don't pay him no 'tention," the farmer advised. "He doesn't know a thing about automobiles." ) • oT• • ( Let's all remember to Help our Rest Home for the Aged!

atrana 25

Resolution of Sympathy RESOLUTION OF RESPECT As it has pleased the Almighty Creator to call from oar midst Brother FRANK LLSIK Whereas Brother Elsik was a member of our lodge for a long tine and very faithful to his duties of brotherhood; good husband, father and grand father, and great grandfather. Be it resolved in behalf of lodge mem• hers to express our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family of Brother Elsik Jos. Tasks., Pres., Selay, Texas , Dodge 141 ) 4, 0 ( IN MEMORIAMm We have received the sad report that our good Sister Mrs. Julia Kaspar has recently departed to her reward. She was a member of Lodge 119, born in Czechoslovakia March 5, 1891, and died at the Austin State Hospital March 29, 1957. Survivors are her husband, Frank Kaspar, daughter Elsie and a son, F. Y. Kaspar Jr. Our sister was laid to rest at the Lu-, ther Church Cemetery, Brookshire. May, she rest in peace. ) o RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY Caldwell, Texas, April-29; We the undersigned committee of Lodge Novy Tabor No. 17 at behalf of all our members wish to 6k-s. express our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved wife and daughter Linda on' the passing away of our brother— J. Surovik who passed away April 17, 1957 at -the age of 29. He was buried in the thSt Firest Park Cemetery in La Marque, Texas. May he rest in peace. John Srubar, Joe Skrabanek, Mrs. P. P. Mikeska, Resolution Committee • • (-Thank's to machinery fueled and lubricated by petroleum, the United States can produce two to four times more goods with every man-hour of labor than the most highly industrialized countries of Europe. • 4 • Remember our Rest Home


ana 26

POLKA DANCE CALENDAR Wednesday, May 8 Emil Bartos and Joe Patek orchestras and Konvicka's Worthing Band — Plainview Community Center near El Campo. Friday, May 10 Joe. Patek orchestra — Plantation Club in Dallas. Saturday, May 11 Emil Bartos orchestra — Three Oaks Hall at Floresville. Lee use orchestra — New Pavilion in Warrenton. Ko nvick a Worthing Band — SPJST Hall in Buckholts. Sil Krenek orchestra SPJST Hall at Nelsonville. Rudy Kurtz orchestra K T Hall in San Antonia. Gus Lindemann orchestra Boedeker's Place near Shiner. Majek orchestra — Sons of Hermann Dance — Moravian Hall in Corpus l Adolph Migl orchestra — Firemen's nee — 'VFW Hall in Moulton. Bill ‘Mraz orchestra — Bill Mraz Hall In Houston. Joe Patek orchestra — SPJST Hall in Taylor. West Melodia.ns — Waco SPJST Linden Ha l l at Elm Mott . Sunday, May 12 Bacafs orchestra — Mother's Day Afternoon and Night Picnic and Dance Sponsored by ZCBJ — Torn Sefcik's Hall at Seaton near Temple. Henry Brosch orchestra — SPJST Hall iii Hillje. Lee Ilse orchestra — Taiton Co nity Center at New Taiton. Sil -Krenek orchestra — Frelsburg Hall. Rudy Kurtz orchestra — 2 p.m. Picnic end Dance — Comanche Park in • San Antonio. Jae Patek orchestra — Riverside Hall in East Bernard. Tuesday, May 14 Adolph Migl orchestra —. Wedding Dance in P.M. and Night — Recreation Hall in Hallettsville. Wednesday' May 15 Henry Brosch orchestra — Plainview Community Center near. El Campo. C



Anhe above dances are at night less otherwise specified. This is scrvi , e but applies only to those dances at which mainly polka and waltz music is PlVed by a live orchestra. The Vestnik or writer will assume no responsibility resulting from any dance announcement which is listed in this column.

circumstances indicating tha!,:iA.E10 nwrier will later return to claim than, such items, are nut eeoHdered lost. The proper custodian to nold them for the owners would be the proprietor or other person in charge_ Remaining' unclaimed, the property sometimes pose to this custodian, sometimes to the finder, The distinction here appears to be whether the place it is found is private or semi-private, or a place used by the general public. (This column, prepared , by the Slate Bar of Texas , is written to inform—not FINDERS KEEPERS? to advise. No person should ever apply "Finders keepers, losers weepers." In any law without the aid this old rhyme true or false? Lawyers of an attorney who is fully adVised con7 say it is not always strictly accurate cerning the Leis involved, netause',a under the law. It is sometimes rather slight varier-ice in facts . may\' change difficult to define the rights of a finder the apnlica or I in court. There are scivi_ lather fine distinctions, nd exceptino to Elie finders In case. of deal 1:hc, ‘.,. ecaetary of our keepers maxim t have 'a gned the rem a. lo., c courts — and nera- Suprene .1 lodge° rinc jer. tions. In the firs'; p_ n too not entitled to keep the ph Hoer! v un-1 less the original owner is 2. Official death noI, and cannot be located. Neither nay he keep it unless the obje c t is truly lost, 1°dge' The death notice must contain the and not merely mislaid. In general, property is legally "lost" names of all beneficiaries in the evens the beneficiary is deceased, wife or when parted with, involuntarily thin -accident, neglect, fOrgetfulnes or any ceased husband, the official death no, -, ether unintentional circumstance. Prop- tice must contain the names of all the erty is not lost in the, legal sense when children living or dead. If any of the voluntarily left by the owner, intend- children are deceased and left some ing to pick it up .later -- even though heirs, the , names of such hairs and the he fails to do so. Such prop e rty is "nns_. dates of their birth, if can yof them are under 21 years of age. laid." Thus , if one loses a watch on the By giving. of this information to street by having the clasp break, not the Grand Secretary, you will speed up knwing. where or when it was dropped, payment of the policy. ) • 40 • ( it is legally lost. The same is true of And Everybody's Happy! a fountain pen falling through a hole in one's pocket unobserved. In such "I hear your wife holds the purse cases , the finder owns what he has trings in your family. Must be pretty found against all but the true owner. tough, eh?" On the other hand, a package left on "New, if do real good, and my wife the seat of a bus is "mislaid" rather has to do all the book work. For inthan lost. In one southern state, a , poc- stance, most weeks I'll ask my wife for ketbook left in a barbershop by a cus- a $15-spending-money allowance , and to,nier was held to have been "left," she'll usually say she can spare only not "lost." The barber was arrested and $10. So, we argue about it a while and convicted of larceny when he spent the nearly always wind u p r,:plitting the difTerence. She gives me the $2 50 and money that was in it. Under the law the finder of either doesn't get sore about it either,' ) c „To o ( lost or mislaid property should make a Reserves of crude oil and natural gat "reasonable - effort" to find the real liquids now stand at a record 35.5 bil, owner. lion barrels almost three times those, iv. V,Then articles are left on a train or 1.93 j , Ritheu.9.1.) use ef pareleum hni bus, in a public hotel room, or even more tbon t:irned a nee then, when dropped on a shop floor, under Employment in the oil producing Listings from orchestras and danee balls branch alone of the oil industry inshould be received at least one week be- creased over 40 percent in the past ten fore publication. Send all listings to years — from 220,200 in 1946 to 31.2,00 Calvin Chervenka. ROuti'? 2, Rogers, Tex in 1955, interpret



Ve stredu, dne 8. kvetna 1957 EDUARD MICEK:

souhlas iidat na MALI? eTENAlk rnamence, Uete me eesky Cisti! pm vsec ozdabit. CAST SESTA, DOPLNENA 14o


Nebudeme zimomiive Silva Hlubinsky: do a dlit a hledet, Hola, deti, ui je tady tklive jara prvni posel mladST, zamlienim okem v dal, ktereho jsme eekaly, zavane tep1ST vanek, miza vrb naleva se, to zas Nude radovanek, hnedle budem &gat ,jakch nikdy nevidal. zase trkaikv a plit'aly. „Taro zlate, jaro mile, Jaro je tady!

si Pry ie wine bili eapka, trava hebka, z rolnik chysta osiva, sluneeko sviij at si cidi, jeite se sic tr chu stydi, ale ui se usmiva. To zas zpev a jasot budemodre, rude kvety budou v lukich stkvit, zase budemviti vence,

at' jsme

at uz muzem zase v haj, my to za to z Lasky same hodne hluene tame, zahudem ti na ialmaj! Preeti s tatinkem nebo maminkou a popros je, aby Ti vysvetlili neznama siova! Potinri spravne opi g do segitu! Nezaporncii na Den Matek! S pozdravem STRiCEIC MieEti I AUSTINU Adresa strS-eita je: Dr. Ed. Mie.ek, University Station, Austin, Texas. ) oeTe ♦ ( Nacieje se podoba muZi, snaZicimu se zachranit tonouciho. Kdo se ji chytne prilfAr pevne, utopi se i s ni.

Strana 27

DANESOVY DETI (Poltradovani) Mlada cikank.a prisla k Prokopovi, cell oblieej mu potrela takovou divn.ou tekutinou, snad to byl njakY olej — aby byl tak tmavY jako ostatni cikani. Prevlekla ho v otrhane gaty po Arpadovi, race mu zadernila sazemi s kotle a na hlavu mu posadila start', velikY klobouk, aby mu nebyly videt jeho pekne hnede vlasy. Udelala z neho za chvilku otrhaneho eikana.. . Zatim tu jiZ byl Arpad se c1Zbankem mieka a nekolika krajieky chleba, ktere yyZebral v blizke vesnici. Mieko cicistaly jen tri male de,Ai. Chia byl tehdk‘jegte yzacitY. tim se take gettilo ,proto rikanka dala jen po 'krajieku obema hocharn a cikan na ne vyktikl: "Ted' hybaj pro brambory! ptineste jich co nejvic, pak yam baba uvati poleyku!" Prokop se chtel zeptat, kam ma jit pro brambory, ale je gte neZ otevtel Usta, -gvihl ho stark cikan bieem a zatval: "Tahni, kluku!" Arpad se zasmal, chytil Prokopa za ruku a oba, utikali, aby zmizeli cikanovi s "Nic si z toho nedelej !" povidal se smi chem Arpad, "to start' to east() bieem znieri! Ptinese g-1i malt), dostane g bitI vice. Jen pojd', brambor je tu dost, za chvili jich budeme mit! Tamhle na tom poli je jich al, al! Jen pojd' pekne s chu ti do prace!" Prokop udivene se dival na cikanskehO hocha a ptal se: "CoZpak je to vase pole2" Arpad se dal do smichu a rekl: "N,_: bat', to jsou vgechno nage pole, celY svet je nag ! Vezmeme si v gechno, co potkame. Jen dej pozor, aby to hlidae nechytil! Budeg -li chytrY, budeg se mit dobre, jinak uvidig, co ti stark tekne!" Prokop nemohl pochopit takove keel. Vedel z domova i ze gkoly, ze senesmi nikomu nic brati, ze to je kradeZ. Jen zlodej krade — — a on nechce bYt nikdy zlodejem! I zastavil se a povidal: "Arpade, ty kradeg ? Vig, ze je to hrich!" Cikane se zasmalo a Pen): "To jsou same hlouposti, co povida g ! Pojd' radeji, at' jsme brzy zpatky ,nebo dostane g biti, ae se ani s mista nehne g . Pro par brambor y budcg cleat kazani." Co mel Prokop delat. Micky gel za Arpadem a drZel pytel, do ktereho malt' cikan rychie sypal brambory na poli vyharbane. A za chvili jiz ta,hli spoilt pill pytle brambor k cikanskemu taboru. Sotva dostali hogi trochu eesnekove polevky, jiZ zase je stark cikan hnal do vsi pro razne zboZi, ale bez penez. (Pokradovani)

trana 28 .•








das, kdy poeinalo vederni predstaveni. "JakY pa to hasi maji vevnitt," napadlo Sktivanka a hued se i s koaikem pritlakl k nejakemu z ylaSt' tlusternu navatevniku. Ja,ko iihot vklouzl za nim dost nesinele, skoro bojacne, a jako ptimrazen zastavil se tesne u , dveti. Fritiskl se ke zdi a prudce zamkkal. Bzueelo a gumelo to tu jako v ule. U pokladen kupili se a tladili lide, a aelcoli byl venku je gte bilk den, tu trZ svitily velike elektricke lampy. Mramorove, hlazene sl'aupy se leskly, prijemne teplo a sines rtiznYch vonavek gitila se kolem. vanek ani nedYchal. "Paneeku, tu je ko na kraji v nebi," poliboval si. "Hale jen co je pravda, svitit by tu e gte nemugeli. To je plyjtvani. Dyjt' mame sotva sedm. hodin a den jako tele," a hledel dal na v gecko zase jako by se octl v Jitikove videni. . . Ale kdyt videl, vgichni vystupuji po nekolika mramorovYch, airokYch schodech a ztraceji se naproti ye dverich, dodal si kurRe a pustil se za nimi. Dostal se do dost wip e, okrouhle chodbioky, kde asi dvema nebo them, sleeinkam stark. pant nejaka prave otevrela, dvere. Hrnul se rychle za nimi a chtel se zase talc eerstva protahnout. Led to pani byla nejaka. phisna. Rychle natahla rulcu, zastavila Sktivanka, dvete pied nosem, samy se mu zavtely a jen bylo sly get "Prosim, 11stek." "Zase listek," povzdychl si vYmenkat. "V ty Praze sou na listky zrovna posedli." Cerstve postavil kokeek na zem, dakanu zastreil pod rameno a sahl do kapsy. Chtel sine "Ja sem na tudleto divadlo vez kamen, mohli byste me tam tera, pustit zadarmo," piece vgak vytahl z mechuriny korunku a padal/al ji to eerne pant se slovy: "Rad bych nekam, de bych dabre vial, ha inch si s..ednout, but nohy necitim." "listky se prodavaji dole u pokladny — ten ko gik s holi musite odlotit v gatne a pak sem teprve ptijd'te," odpovedela mu: panioka, s ylidnYrn usmevem a Skrivanek teprve ted' si v giml, jak kaZdY, net mu otevte, podo ji listek, ona si z • kakleho kousek u glculane a pak teprve ho puSti dal.

Nerad sine, ale piece take yytahl z mechutiny krejcar a polokl jej do nastavene diane a pak teprve bez zavady veael na vlastni chodnik mostovy. Sluneeko na za.pade nad Strahovem a v jeho svetle i teple koupala se pied 0dima starcovYma Praha. "Zlata., zlata Praha," g eptal si Sktivanek a at zamrkal prekvapenim, kdyZ spattil sluncem zalite ostrovy vlta yske, ZidovskY, StteleckY a pak i Zofin, vaechny zelene, listnatYm stromovim posazene. Nad jezem proti produ dYmaly parnieky, retez VOru vtahoval se pod mostni oblouky, lide projadeli se na lodlokach, Iovili ryby, vytahovali pisek a voda sama dole v reeiati jako rortavene zlato, Ceti se, ttese, vinky pa ni beli, jinak vgak stoji, jako by to ne teka, ale rybnric byl. Ted' se podival bred sebe a naraz podle obrazku v kalendarich poznal Narodni divadlo. Pozlacena stfecha jeho horela ye sluneenim svetle a v oknech alehaly jakoby plameny. Musy na cimburi se unuivaly a bronzova triga, nedayno teprve postavena, vzpinala se jako k smelemu skoku zavratne vfae dolti do hlubiny na tvrdou dlallau. Dojem byl tak silnY a kouzlo umeleckeho dila tak podmarmjici, Ze prostieke srdce Sktivankovo zachvelo se mu v hrudi. Norko i mraz prebehly mu telern, slzy skoeily mu do °di a on mimovolne ruce sepjal i beranieku smekl. "Kaplieka — kaplieka na stribropermou Vltavou," vyhoupla se mu v duk frase, jak ji east° slYchal ditdval. Vzpomnel si, jak se na tohle divadlo sbiralo, jak vyiomili balvan do jeho zakladai na upati Oarchova, jak jej lipovymi vet yemi ozdobili, volky vyknotili a jak on — Skrivanek — tehdy mlady sedlak, jak jej vezl do mesta na nadrak. Na vaecko zaponmel, na policejni tedi"Tak si tera, dyt to itRUM byjt, teky telstvi, na straZniky, na malite Tra y -nieka,rovuspechalkdivu. koupim listek," mrzute povida stated a hrne se zpet. Zlost ma, co tihle PraZaX. ci nadelaji reel, pochIzek a zbyteenos"To Se podivi Travnieek, hat mu rek- ti. . Doma u nich y Borovne take, Ze hut sem i v divadle bull Sam to va. jednou, dvakrat y roce v gelijake disem do neho jako domri trefil, hani vo- vadlo, s Kagparkem, pa gijoptat sem se Zo.dnYho nernuall, hned sem ye hry, kejkliti nebo jina podivana. U je poznal," te gil se strYc nespou gteje a- dveri na Zidliece pekne sea pall fedici budovy a podivuje se, elm bMe •elova, na stoleeku pked, sebou ma dva tim vice jejins krasam. Celou do- talirke, usmeje se na. kaWha: "Pekne. kola si ji obegel a videl, jak se ut pani vitam," rekne, a kdyZ ji dedou gek cyrnhlavne panieky trousi do divadla. Bli- 'kne na talit dva gestaelcy, hued mu Pekila-se opravdu pomalu sedma hodina, ne rukou. ukaZe na sedaelcy v prvni ha-


sthedu, clue 8. kvetna 1957

de. ji, opta se ji Skhivanek po zdravi, pozve ji, aby pti gla zitra do gruntu na kousek heel, koafeek aby si s sebou vzala, Ze zabijeli, nebo nove brainbory to ut kopaji, nebo hrukcy to odesali. Nezna-li ji, opta se, co je zae, odkud prichazi, kam maji narnIteno, a kdy -1"] je po ptedstaveni spokojen, pochvall a taky pozve. "Hale tu! To je riakYjch zbyteenostit Ha dveti tu imaji jako v blazinci, gecko se to vobracene vorvira, div elovelcu nos nehurazi," huboval cestou, kdy. ' se nelcolikrat zmatl. Na vaecku krasu zapomnel Lue se mu zpenila. "Hani postavit se jim tu elovek dobte iepostavi, i na. ten koaik ha eakanu vo gklibaji, gecko audYZ jim pfekak," zlobil se duchu, kd'Y'Z jej potom upozornil u pokladny divadelni sluha, to mush jit jen s leve strany, netladit se, do hady se postavit a dekat, at na neho dojde. A doalo! Za sklem stal tam pan jako v Borovne tabadnik. Nevakl v gak to:Wk. nYbrZ z velke knihy listek po listku trhal a prodaval. Take Skrivanek jakoiestatni sklonil se k nemu a povida mu: "Dyj Pambil dobryj veder! Chtil bych riakyj ha lacnyj placek, hde bych gecko clobhe vide', ha slygel. Vime, sem zdaleka, habych mob potom Boma gruntovne gecko povedet, ca ha jak bude." Pan se usmal, sal-11 do knihy, utrhl 11stek a povida: "Tu je vstupenka do phizemi, budete spokojen, stoji etyri korunky." "Cakry g ! S • tyry korunky povidate?" pro jistotu optal se Skfivanek, zda-li se nepteslechl, a podrbal se phi torn za uchem. "Ano, etyti koruny." "Ha lacnijalho nemate nic?" • "Take mame. Naproti u kasy mista k stani a na galerlich. Ale to jsou mista vesmes daleko a vysoko od jevigte." "Ha cak — neslevil byste neco?" HlazitY smich se ozval kolem. "Zde se nesmlou ya," usmal se i pakladnik vesele, ale pak hued a dost osthe pokraeoval: "Musite se rychie rozhodnout a nezdrtovat mne, hle, obecenstvo eeka." Skiivanek se ohledl a vskutku videl, jak za nim netrpelive nrealapuje tadka lidi. "Tak si to nechte," furiantsky se rozhodl a odeael od kasy. Jak se otoeil, spattil tu zase polica.jta. Usual se na neho jako na stareho znameho a dal se s nim hned do teed. "Dela drahoty, dyz se mu lidi cpou, ha ty listky dou zrovna na, ch.apaelcu. Poekam, hat se to pfeZene. E,sli nevyproda, dyt' von bude jinde zpivat," chythe se usinival decloug. Ale straZ".nik zakroutil hlavou a povi-


VOIE,t1T.cliv I:lie 8. kvetna 1957 dd: "To -se tote Neehaji radeji rnista neobsazerik ,ne2 by s ceny bath:: ste vili." "'Pak sou blazni," vyboehl Skrivanek v spravedliven-i, hnevu, heed vsak zvaZnel. V i it straZniko, ze nel2e. Ale vyhedit lehkomyslne etYri kurunky zda se mu bYt tuze na povaZenou. Elektrieky zvonek pronikave se rozezvueel po ehoibdeh. "Cak to zvoni?" To spouSteji Zeleznou oponu. Za. ctvrt hodiny p-oenou hrat. . Tak! Z12.einat budou — ha beze inner "Cab delat? Mani strYe. dordil nernam?" bojuje v duchu a pailladva pokladne. Pied ni je v to ehvili prazdno. Pokla,dnik si tam nee° rovna. Ano, korunky porada..,Ma tam penez jai-to trisek. — pudu na "Dyt' si snad preee da r Skrivanehe &Ste. jedne " rd1aocH,i • "Tab, void i( nek a. .i, Co 11 :;te ja pa? 1 LUZ ho eSte d•e l ,ru,iLy do P r o ne nejde. 13 n, \ bratcskY, je eo?MysJial, sloya anY hiindlovani —" tab Zacirly Ted: prikroeil vSak dedeekovi db vadelnl sluha, here ho za ruku, odvadi od pokladny a povida: "NeobteZujte pana pokladnika. Kdy nemate na to penize, neetied'te do divadla —" "Cole? Co ste to povidal? vytrhl se mu Skrivanek a forie se ho celeho zmoenila. C'itil se doteena v nejslab:Sim miste sveho nitra. "Ja. Z"e nemam dye zlat-

by ?Abyste vedeli, hdo sem. JO. sem Krivanek z Eoroviaa! Jd postavil v Bordyne s tiny papirkem," eel j 4acion!kern — rozepinak 11 ? , vytahoval stovku rd -S, nnamor v okenko. Rozzlosti, aZ mu JIM krvi nabehly, dlv Ze eelY ohnern neebytl. Prepoeital pozorne penize, ktere mu pokladnik vratil, ulo'211 je a nikoho si vice nevimaje, hlcu'ou vztyeenou kraeel jako brat dovnitr. Z ruky do ruby tam set. Do satny ho zavedil, okazali urn plySove sedadlo, ba i sklopili mu je, lulyZ jim dlouho lomeoval a 1.12, se ehystah Ze to popadne obema rukama a vytrime, aby se piece niohl posadit, kdyz si zaplatil. . NejakY kink v bile cepici a zastere se to take minaanol a uctive se optal: "Calkrovi mete?" Ale strye ho zmeril opovrflivkai pohiedem a povidd: "Cab sera nakyj euedk kstiletyj, habych inns .l ettkrovi? Takhle holbjeku piva dybys mil, tu bych na to zlost yytab." tied1 koneene a poliboval si. Citii oI:avc7 u navu. Natahl nohy, mace si zazada optel o le/loch a rozhiedl .se kelena. Hiava se mu pri torn pohledu zatoeila.. F• hadkaf Heinena pohadka! Zlatem se vSeeko t?pyti, svetly a lampami aZ zrak prechazi. Hdy'Z se podival ke stropo, da nebe jako by hledjel KdyZ pied sebe se zardel, vide' oponu a na podivnY obraz, ohromny, to by se alai Travniek•avi do atelieru neveSel. A lidi vsude — od Nora aZ dont — hla ya na hlave. "Heleme se! Tote hnedle jako hu nas vo pouti v kostele. I kruchtu tu ma-

Strana 29

, ha nad ni eSte vyjS ,jako v storole vodr a harobalka," rozjima si .strYc a rad by se na vi1;eeko dtibladne vyptal, netroulal si. Dusi he prostredi. Nikoho tu nezna, zda. se mu, '2e tu sedi zeela opth:jiten, a proto razem mizi vSeehna jeho odvaho.. Seth jako lapenY ptaeek mezi dventa paniekami. Fred aim zase sama Zenska, naparadena, na.&sand, navonena, sem tam nejakY mtir:-‘ se pevskY, ale claleko od strYee, zvohe na neeem hozhodl — ern)_ nek , pohosla svetla a spu 1 1a nudba. — MuziLr.anty sloe nevidel, zato v;;ak srdce plesato. "V nebi muziku lepSi nernHou," pomyslil si a poslouchal. Jakteliv tab hrdt nesl/kl. K tend to neni, do kroko to neni jisnieka to neni, ale mordskY pekne je to. VSeeky nastroje slysi. Hon' lic•y zinzaji, basa bind, klarinet ted' i Oubny a trubky spustily, jake by k p • -v:Seckopta.zi,srdcevl slednitnu soudu troubily, a lined zas to olabem usedd. . . Tile leti malovand opona nahoru, lidsky hlas se ozval, lidmi zahemZilo se jeviae — opera poeinala. Stt lYe nastavuje pochopit, oe se jedpoctive ,nazi se deji — ale 'mune, Hrarna je se nejaka vla'Sska opera a vSeeka slova mu unikaji. Skrivanek 'acre umi zpelvahhin, be do:stir-1.yd i zlost na ne a. ztra.:. ei po chvili v:s'ieehen zajem. Pei druhem jedridni oZ se mu nelibi alai ;nuzika, a 1«.ly'd se tenorista Skrti vysokYm . "C" doeela se i durdi a bruel: "nununu — jen se nepretrhni — oak to tak muSIS vytahovat." Zato hlasi se tel.° Usporne be


2 Ta 92


po Various Games

Entertainments Throughout ternoon P


30 P. ii1A. rgers , Koraches, Cake and Coffee Will be Plentiful D NC'" (- PEN WIIT11 71 T':E

V pri ilobre hudb6

N. ljd'te a pFvecfle avole uelive vztr zi".ibavt°' Welcome

. .





Strana 30 svkm pravilm. Dedoug pojednou pod.t'uje Wad a Ezell. Saha po kapsach, ale nahmatl jen mi gek s tabakem a fajoieku. s ehlebem ma v ko giku a kog.ik s hell mu vzali a schovali. Rad by si ted' ukrojil kousek a zahnal hlad i Zizen — ale ani pomygleni na to neni, aby se zvedl a gel si pro kogidek. Co delat jineho, nea ogidit hubu. Na chvili to pomii2e, a jak bude po divadle, jiste se dostane k chlebu i pivu, najde si nocleh a Ttravnielca Travniekern uZ dries necha. Saha opatrne do kapsy, aby se loktem to ldehotinky vedle nedotkl a vytahuje Omdeku. Profould ji, troubel vytahl, moeku na, zem vylil, hlavieku vyklepal, dratem ji pozorne protahl a hlede na jevigte, po pameti pekne ted' ladoval do ni tabaoek. Mezi tou praci rostla mu na kouteni. UZ 1 gkatulku zednickS7ch sirek vytahl, uz ji otevfel, ba jednu sirku z ni vydobyl, jests vgak negkrtl. NejakS?- run vSrstup se prave odehraval na, jevi gti, zaujal ho na chvili, i hudba, sviZneji se ozvala. To se kontilo druhe jednani, opona se snesla dold, svetla zazatila, potlesk zaburacel divadlern a strSre v torn gkrtl a nesl ohSrnek k dStince. Poekal chvili, a fosfor a sira ohotely pak teprve pelcnS?-, jasny plaminek nasadil a zatahl, a vesele si nad ilutS7m kovanim poskoeil. Ale sotva dva, tti poky udelal, vstavalo hned vgecko kolem neho. "Pst pst," syeely hlasy. "Zde se nesmi koutit," volali — i hluenST smith se ozval a kde kdo v divadle ohliZel se po strSrei. 'A co bych J tento —" durdi se strSre — ja sem si zaplatil, de mi ma co poruoeet? 16ko je ptestavka!" Ale to Ili s balkonu divadla po schodech do piizemi letel main. Pilaf. Kdy se strhl ten 'gum v parteru kolem strSTce, i on narnitil sem svoje kukatko a vyIckikl pfekvapenhn. Spattil Sktivanka rozkroeeneho s koutici se dkmkou v naptagiene ruce, pochopil razem, co se deje, a klegte si lokty cestu, jako by vskutku hotel() tki schody bra,' vZdy jednim skokere ai pkihnal se prave k nejlepgimu. "Travnieku, chlap ge zlatyj, dobte '2e clete," jako sveho spasitele vital ho staiee skoro placky. "Koukyjte, jako srga,ci sou gichni na me! Napted ko gik, kakanu, gecko mi voreberou, ha idko se do me pougteji, ,d3TZ nic v race nemam, bych se moh vohnat." "Pane Sktivanku l Kde pak se to berete? Kdy pak jste plijel? A proe jste mi nepsal?" kroti hned tem' otazkami main' pobouteneho stOce, usrniva se pH tom na, neho, ruce mu tiskne a Sktivanek tichpe a krotne, jako pra yST ptadek sktivanek. "Krubijani," ulevil si jenom jests, z divadla po boku malite kdyZ


zase s takanou a koSiekem v ruce. by mi vratit pal vstupnS7ho, dy2 sem to eel* nevidel." A vypravoval Traynielcovi, jak seal trpelive, muzika ze se mu 11bile, ale ten zpev ho dopaloval, protole nerozumel. Pisnieky neznal, citil, to cele zpivani je naudene, od srdce, Ze nejde, jen od plic, byla, mu dlouha chvile. Hlad a Zizeri se dostavily, kolem sedely same Zenske, kaZda jinak pachla, jedna jakoby fialkami, jinx resedou, jina, rtIZemi, ale gecko to byly takeye zatuchle vane nejake, ktere se strYci protivily, nebot' se prase vtimi fialei nebo resedove jen podobaly. (Pokraeovani) ) * 4 * (-Chceme dosici piatelstvi? Snagejme se v gichni uptinine, dilverne a svorne, laskou bratrskou druh k druhu a na to pamatujme, Ze Caste , s maliekostech moZno rorttigtiti to nejyzacriejel pkatelstvi.

est J. H PRAVNIK MI Houston Title Bldg. Dallas and Caroline Sts. HOUSTON 2, TEXAS TELEPHONE: Preston esn

Kacii Leiikar a KamOV PRAVNICI TEMPLE, TEXAS itadovna Ind Floor Temple National Bank Building

Adolph D. Pailierek ntAvki 504-5 Sterling Bldge Tel. 7-9919 HOUSTON, TEXAS

ye stkedu, dne 8. kvetna 1957

Dr. Thos. N. DeLL,ney otNi LEisA1 Bryle spravne pripraven‘ Leas dlefunluvy 513-17 SPJST Bldg. Tel. iii•adovna PR 3-3248 Res. PR 3-2687 TEMPLE, TEXAS



SLUBA V beeline biu zrrsnouceni naleznete Edward Pr' • tohtebni itstav pohotovY k syn dckOmu vyrize. ni nezbytnYch jeduotlivosti a k vy• praveni dojemneho pohitu. Levne cent' jsou nazi zitse,dou

Pace Pobiebni feditel Clen S.P.J.S.T.—Tel. Prosl*et 3-3606 118 N. 5th St.. TEMPLE, TEXAS

Dr. Cha7. J. Hollub CeskS, Lekal a Opera.ter HOUSTON, TEXAS Telefon res.: Twinoaks 1225 Telefon ifradovny: Pres 2553 711 Medical Arts Building

Hilsher's Hou Supply Co. 2020 Washington Ave CA 8.8424 730 E. 20th at N. Main UN 9-1441 5225 Washington. UN 9-3387 9219 Jensen Dr. OX 4-8831 HOUSTON, TEXAS For All Your FURNITURE APPLIANCES and EVERYTHING ELSE FOR YOUR HOME Be Sure to See

John W. Leiikar



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StraTta 31


Pi'iroda dale 111i-wad v boil o byti neduveru.



Or e.nami elovek nema nepratele jen cln-01 em zavisti.

Finish high school r grade school at home. Spare tulle. Books furnished, Diploma awardoW Start where you left school, Writs. Columbia School. P. 0. Box 972, Ft. Woril-;., Texas (dzc) • (


uniatta raCi -Cis* be



"Beset-in" a '''p Jr ,: Dance maz tinka destane p;Iek

z rvkin pol'adateli


by n i " ,. : !ern Bohemian Frat. elation of Dallas Lodge 401




About two years ago I came to Dr. Albert II. Broden,, N. B. of Hailettsvlile, as his patient after I heard kch of him with a nearly paralloed left hip. My leg sn.olan and I had. to use a stick to lean on. and never did I had an ache or a pain since. ye 320 lbs. and I lost 120 lbs. I kept up•,; normal eight up to this writing and never took ark-..r tre w Several . o the ago I had a severe heart attack. Di F Mien was in Europe than and I had two months of' AS, but by the end of the two months I was worse tinm then I began. I was hoping Dr. Broden would re:turn and take care of me or I would not live could not work. Lay'gag riacist of the time in bed. Ohe y u. friciint of mine said Ed, you know your Doctor I 'oden is back in Hallettsville? As soon as I heard thai I made a point to go to Hallettsviile. I got about four treatments and soy pain in my heart left me and I got strong again. After ten treatments, I went to work and; I am doing the plowing as though I . a day. I feel better than I have in years. never was every ono. who suffers with heart or any other' as I have no other desire than 0,


near this new ba c1

y I remonan Ed. Branscky Flatonia, Rt. I, Box 85, Texas



Ve stfedu, dne 8. kvetna. 1957


wjl What are you doing to protect your family and yourself for that Rainy Day? Will your uirbrelia --- your Life Insurance cover them when bad weather strikes? For mop:: : --ifcr_aa i- on write


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