Remembering Sandor Elès

Sandor Sandor Elès passed away 11 years ago today.  On this blog we especially remember him for his film roles 1,000 Convicts and a Woman (1971), Countess Dracula (1971); and The Evil of Frankenstein (1964).  His better known television roles were Upstairs, Downstairs (1973); and multiple roles in both The Saint and The Avengers in the mid-1960s.

Born in 1936 in Hungary, he overcame a difficult childhood before coming into his own as an actor: he lost both parents during World War II, then after the Hungarian Uprising ag1000convictsposterainst the Soviet Union, he was forced to relocate to the UK, which is where he started his acting career.

Actually, that is a bit of speculation on my part–his life and any career he had started before his emigration, which would have been when he was about 20 is mainly unknown to us.

At any rate, watch a classic Hammer horror films today to celebrate Elès’s life.

5 thoughts on “Remembering Sandor Elès

  1. remember the film into the darkness as a child in the 80s. he was good in it. but it was the beautiful scenery which amazed me. plus michelle dotrice. remember watchin him in crossroads at my grans. happy memories thankyou sandor!!!

  2. I’ve only known Sandor Eles for a while or so but within a week, he became my most favourite actor. It was his presence, acting, kindness and most of all, his wonderful smile that made me like him so much. I know he will always be my favourite actor and I’ll always love seeing him on the TV. He was a wonderful, brilliant, brave and amazing man and actor that should never be forgotten. Thank you Sandor, RIP and God bless you. Xxxxx

  3. Sandor was caring as in ‘genuinely caring of others’, and although I had no way of knowing of his death at the time, being situated in Dallas, Texas, I still recall the day in September 2002 when I found myself searching with some unease the internet to find out how and what he was doing. I do not believe the timing to have been coincidence.
    So I clearly recall the last time I spoke to him having bumped into him in Shaftsbury Avenue at Cambridge Circus, shortly before my move to Texas.when he had just visited his agent.
    A brief hurried conversation.
    You never know.
    RIP Sandor.

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