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Hello, There! Welcome to the World of Bettas!

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All About Bettas: The Picta Complex


Readers, its the end of a Time. This is the last complex of Bettas! Please suggest other topics for me to cover next. The Picta complex is a group of four paternal mouthbrooders.

Betta falx
This fish is endemic to Sumutra, and is mostly found in the Jambi province. It is 40-50mm in length. It likes acidic pH, but its habitat in the wild has a large range of acidic pHs. img src


Betta picta
This species lives in Java, part of Indonesia. It is found typically in the quieter areas of hillstreams. It tolerates pH from acidic to slightly alkaline. They are 40-50mm in length. img src


Betta simplex
This species’ name may mean plain, but this fish is beautiful in its own way. It inhabits peninsular Thailand. Their pH tends to be neutral to alkaline, making them one of only a few alkaline water bettas. They’re a bit large for this complex, at 45-60mm. img src


Betta taeniata
This fish likes acidic to neutral pH water, in the quieter zones of streams in Borneo. The water is shallow and warm. They are 50-55mm in length. img src


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