
Posted 9M ago by @ILIKEMYPLANTS

What should I do with new plants

Hey Greg fam! So, long story short, I want to buy a nepenthes boschiana and a nepenthes maxima from carnivero. Both will be small and i just want to know, is there any special care I need to do for small #Nepenthes upon arrival?
I’ve really been wanting a pitcher plant/carnivorous plant too but it’s a little bit more involved, so I’m gonna wait till I’m ready or maybe start with a Venus flytrap 🤣 best of luck on your endeavors & maybe I’ll learn something from you! I know these plants need lots of water (they are usually kept in bins of water at nursery’s) and they also like a special soil which is usually a carnivorous mix. They might even need a humidifier depending on the plant. I would just do some research 🔬
Im also from the RDU area if you ever wanna switch cuttings or want plant mail!