Plant Care Adiantum Raddianum

Adiantum Raddianum

3.3 out of 5 (15 experiences)

Adiantum Raddianum has a Browns easily plant personality Browns easily
Adiantum Raddianum has a Fast grower plant personality Fast grower

Also known as

Pacific Maidenhair Fern, Pacific Maidenhair Fern and Delta Maidenhair Fern


Adiantum raddianum

How to care for Adiantum Raddianum

💦 Water

How often to water your Adiantum Raddianum

Water needs for Adiantum Raddianum
0.5 cups
every 9

Adiantum Raddianum needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.

Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

Calculate water needs of Adiantum Raddianum

Water 0.5 cups every

Does your plant get direct sunlight?

Select the pot size

☀️ Light

Finding light for Pacific Maidenhair Fern in your home

Light needs and placement for plant Adiantum Raddianum: 3ft from a window
3ft or less from
a window

Adiantum Raddianum may have difficulty thriving, and will drop leaves 🍃, without ample sunlight.

Place it less than 3 feet from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.

Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Adiantum Raddianum in your home 🏡.

🪴 Nutrients

How to fertilize Adiantum Raddianum

Nutrient, fertilizer, and repotting needs for Adiantum Raddianum: repot after 2X growth

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.

By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.

To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Adiantum Raddianum after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.

💡 FAQs
⭐ Difficulty Level

Adiantum Raddianum can be challenging to care for, according to some plant parents. Check out the reviews down below to learn from their experiences!

Benefits of Growing Pacific Maidenhair Fern →

Common Pacific Maidenhair Fern Problems →

💦 Water Needs

Adiantum Raddianum prefers for the soil to dry out between waterings and should be watered regularly. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

Pacific Maidenhair Fern Water Frequency →

Pacific Maidenhair Fern Root Rot →

☀️ Sunlight Needs

Adiantum Raddianum may have difficulty thriving and will drop leaves 🍃 without ample sunlight. Place it less than 3 feet from a window to maximize the potential for growth. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement in your home 🏡.

Pacific Maidenhair Fern Direct Sunlight Needs & Tolerance →

🐶 🐈 👶 Toxicity

Adiantum Raddianum is not known to cause harm to humans or pets. Regardless, if you, a family member, a cat, or dog has ingested any plant material, please consult a doctor or a veterinarian.

Pacific Maidenhair Fern Toxicity to Humans →

💨 Humidity

Adiantum Raddianum enjoys lots of humidity. Provide humidity for your plant by watering regularly and thoroughly, since plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves. They may also benefit from being placed next to a humidifier.

Pacific Maidenhair Fern Humidity Needs →

🪴 Soil

Adiantum Raddianum is very sensitive to dry soil, so choose a potting soil that retains moisture. A good soil will still drain well and contain lots of organic matter such as coco coir or sphagnum moss.

When and How to Successfully Repot Pacific Maidenhair Fern →

💩 Fertilizer

Adiantum Raddianum grows very slowly and doesn’t require added fertilizer. Replacing your plant’s potting soil once a year should provide them with more than enough nutrition. Remember, plants get their energy from sunlight, not fertilizer!

How Much and When to Fertilize Pacific Maidenhair Fern →

🌎 Native Region

Adiantum Raddianum is native to Worldwide.

🌸 Flowers

Adiantum Raddianum does not flower.

Pacific Maidenhair Fern Flowers →

⬆️ ⬇️ Growth Pattern

Adiantum Raddianum is a clumping plant, meaning new growth will emerge from the soil around the parent plant.

How and When to Prune Pacific Maidenhair Fern →

🌦️ Growing Outdoors

USDA Hardiness Zone
Adiantum Raddianum can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 9a-10b. Find your local hardiness zone here.

Pacific Maidenhair Fern Temperature Tolerance →

🌱 Propagation

Adiantum Raddianum can be propagated by division into new individual plants.

  • Check to see if there is more than one plant. In some cases they may still be beneath the soil surface. If you feel confident, you may remove the soil to check for baby plantlets below!
  • If there are multiple plants growing, unpot the plant and gently tug the plants apart, being careful not to disturb too many of the roots. They may be connected by large root segments which you may need to break to free the plantlet.
  • Pot up the new plant in well-draining soil
  • Repot the parent plant back into its original pot

🍂 Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves aren’t always a reason to panic, and can be a normal part of a plant’s life cycle. Unless brand new leaves are turning yellow or all the leaves change color at once, it’s likely just your plant shedding old leaves.

Overwatering and root rot are the most likely cause of problems in Adiantum Raddianum, since they are sensitive to wet soil. The leaves may also appear to be curling or drooping. Less often, yellow leaves are caused by underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, or pests.

Replace soggy soil with fresh, dry soil and download Greg to make sure your plant never gets overwatered again!

🧐 Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting a sad-looking houseplant, start by checking for signs of distress in its leaves, such as yellowing, browning, or drooping, which can indicate overwatering or nutrient deficiencies.

Inspect the soil moisture; too dry or too wet soil can cause problems.

Ensure the plant is getting the right amount of light, as too much or too little can stress it.

Finally, consider environmental factors like temperature and humidity, and adjust care routines accordingly to revive your plant.

Care Summary for Adiantum Raddianum

Adiantum Raddianum

Adiantum Raddianum

Greg recommends:


0.5 cups every 9 days


< 3ft from a window


Repot after 2x growth

Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

What other plant parents say

Adiantum Raddianum has a Browns easily plant personality Browns easily 8
Adiantum Raddianum has a Fast grower plant personality Fast grower 6
Adiantum Raddianum has a Large, lush leaves plant personality Large, lush leaves 4
Adiantum Raddianum has a Survivor plant personality Survivor 3
Adiantum Raddianum has a Pest magnet plant personality Pest magnet 1
@oceanbacon avatar
leaf-1 5 Plants
xp 136 XP
globe Sacramento, CA

my first houseplant. WHEW. i love her, as all plants have personalities. i certainly don’t REGRET buying her because it’s made every other plant i’ve gotten seem very easy in comparison.

These plants are gorgeous if you’re a fern lover like me. They do very well in bathrooms as long as they have windows, and they thrive in humidity. i’ve found that watering once a week works well, and that they love bright, indirect light.

i’m pretty strapped for humidity because my bathroom has no window, so i have her near my dishwasher which releases steam as it washes, and it seems to work okay temporarily, but once i get a humidifier for my room, i’ll bring her into the rest of the gang

sort of a diva plant. would reccomend for someone with a little experience.
grow sorta fast in good humidity and bright indirect light. Don’t overwater but don’t overthink it like i did lol. (watering once to twice a week is my recommendation). very sweet-personality plant.

Browns easily Browns easily
Fast grower Fast grower
Rachel avatar
leaf-1 2 Plants
xp 138 XP

Just don’t.

@Kace avatar
leaf-1 151 Plants
xp 12,581 XP

The most fickle plant I’ve ever had. We almost lost her but she’s slowly coming back. Really hoping to survive the winter.

Browns easily Browns easily
@tessasplants avatar
leaf-1 35 Plants
xp 728 XP

Maidens hair is very hard to grow so I’m trying my best with this one

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
Nicola avatar
leaf-1 6 Plants
xp 77 XP
globe Mexborough, England

It’s so difficult to keep alive!

Needs constant moisture & sunlight.

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
@Happyplantlife avatar
leaf-1 10 Plants
xp 409 XP
globe Corona, CA

I love how delicate it looks. The bright green leaves and dark delicate brown stems. It’s so dainty.

@owenwist avatar
leaf-1 29 Plants
xp 684 XP
globe Deposit, NY

Yellows quickly if not watered all the time, and very fragile

Fast grower Fast grower
@chungkim avatar
leaf-1 10 Plants
xp 406 XP

Lush, cute, likes cooler temp

Fast grower Fast grower
Browns easily Browns easily
@lucia avatar
leaf-1 34 Plants
xp 802 XP

very picky and requires water often but also is prone to fungus gnats. it’s definite not a beginner friendly plant. as u can see in this picture i’ve had to cut everything back as it browned out and all i have left is a small baby plant.

Pest magnet Pest magnet
Browns easily Browns easily

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