Home / A LISTING OF ALL HEALTH CONDITIONS / Gastric (Stomach) Ulcer

Gastric (Stomach) Ulcer

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Photo by gastroscopy showing ulcer in the antrum area of the stomach.

Photo by gastroscopy showing ulcer in the antrum area of the stomach (lower area).

What Is A Gastric Ulcer?

Gastric ulcer is a painful stomach disorder characterized by an open sore involving the mucosa lining and deeper muscle layer of the stomach.

Gastric ulcer is associated with lymphocytic gastritis which is inflammation of the mucosal lining of the stomach. The thick mucosal lining normally protects the stomach from the erosive action of stomach acid.

Q: How do ulcers develop?

A: Ulcers develop if  hydrochloric acid secreted by the gastric glands of the stomach for the purpose of digesting food damages the normally resistant mucosal walls of the stomach. In the reverse, ulcers may be accompanied by achlorhydria (insufficient acid production).

Damage occurs when there is a predisposing factor that alters the health of the mucosal lining. The most common cause is infection with a bacteria called h. pylori bacter, stress and chronic use of the pain relievers aspirin and non-steroidal drugs like ibuprofen.

Smoking tocacco and consuming alcohol aggravate an ulcer but do not cause it to develop.

The most common location for ulcer formation is along the stomach antrum which is the area of the stomach before the pylorus, the lower region that empties liquid stomach contents into the small intestine.

What Is A Gastric Ulcer In Celiac Disease and/or Gluten Sensitivity?


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