anthurium hookeri pink variegated, anthurium plants, anthurium pink color, anthurium hookeri variegated pink

Complete Guide on How to Care Anthurium Hookeri & Variegated Hookeri

General Information on Anthurium Plants

Anthurium plants belong to the genus Anthurium, which is a large group of flowering plants in the family Araceae. The genus Anthurium is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. Specifically, they are found in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil.

The plants were first discovered and documented by European botanists during the 19th century. The name "Anthurium" is derived from the Greek words "anthos," meaning flower, and "oura," meaning tail, which refers to the unique tail-like spadix structure found in the flowers of Anthurium plants.

Over time, Anthurium plants gained popularity as ornamental houseplants and were subsequently introduced to various parts of the world. Today, they are cultivated in many countries with suitable climates for their growth and are cherished for their vibrant flowers and attractive foliage. The cultivation and hybridization of Anthurium plants have led to the development of numerous cultivars and varieties, including different colors, shapes, and sizes of flowers and leaves.

The Popularity of Anthurium Hookeri

Anthurium hookeri was not widely known or popular compared to some other Anthurium species. However, it's important to note that plant popularity can change over time due to various factors such as horticultural trends, availability, and marketing.

Anthurium hookeri, also known as Bird's Nest Anthurium, is a tropical plant with unique foliage and occasional flowers. Its leaves are typically large, glossy, and resemble a bird's nest, which adds to its appeal. While not as commonly cultivated as some other Anthurium species, Anthurium hookeri has gained a following among plant enthusiasts and collectors who appreciate its distinctive appearance.

It's worth mentioning that plant popularity can vary by region, and new cultivars and variations may emerge over time. Therefore, it's possible that the popularity of Anthurium hookeri may have changed.

With the present knowledge of growers, Anthurium Hookeri have been preserve for its large foliage but “adding” few new colors to them. Or commonly known as “Anthurium Hookeri Variegated”.

In essence, both variety of anthurium hookeri and anthurium hookeri variegated are from the same origin. Therefore, there’s not much difference in their care. For specific care, anthurium hookeri variegated must be taken into some certain extend that is more than the original form. That is if you wish to preserve the beautiful and outstanding coloring among the variegated anthurium foliages.

Varieties of Anthurium Hookeri Variegated

Anthurium Hookeri Albo Variegated

It is a specific variation or cultivar of Anthurium Hookeri with variegated foliage. The variegation in the leaves refers to the presence of different colors or patterns, usually characterized by patches or streaks of white, cream, or light green contrasting with the darker green color.

Anthurium hookeri albo variegated has gained popularity among plant enthusiasts and collectors due to its unique and eye-catching appearance. The variegated foliage adds an extra element of visual interest and can make it a standout plant in any collection.

Due to the unique characteristics of Anthurium hookeri albo variegated, it may be more sought after and command a higher price compared to the regular Anthurium hookeri or other Anthurium species. However, availability and popularity can vary depending on the region and the specific market demand.

If you are interested in acquiring an Anthurium hookeri albo variegated, I recommend checking with local nurseries, plant specialty stores, or online plant marketplaces that offer rare or collector's plants. It's always a good idea to verify the authenticity and quality of the plant before making a purchase to ensure you are getting a genuine Anthurium hookeri albo variegated specimen.

Anthurium Hookeri Yellow Variegated

anthurium hookeri yellow variegated, anthurium hookeri aurea

It is also known as Anthurium Hookeri Aurea Variegated. Compare to the albo version, there’s not much of a difference between both variegated foliage. The only difference would be on the coloring of the leaves. As it implies, the aurea hookeri literally have shades of yellow color on their foliage.

The shades are clearly seen so it should be super easy to notice.

Anthurium Hookeri Pink Variegated

anthurium hookeri pink variegated

With pink hookeri, mostly in the market you will find only those with clear pink color on the foliage. Some people refer the pattern as “halfmoon” or “flag”. Simply because the variegation if on the other half of the foliage. So the color would be green & pink.

Not only “halfmoon”, there’s also another term used by sellers such as “marble” or “blizzard”. This type of variegation implies to “blizzard-like” of variegated pink.

Only for anthurium hookeri pink, mostly they have darker green color. Compared to the rest of the anthurium hookeri, the pink hookeri have almost black foliage. It is understandable since the origin of the pink variegation came from anthurium hookeri black crossed with anthurium hookeri yellow. Whether it’s true or false, so far that’s the best guess yet to exist to date.

How to Care Anthurium Hookeri and Anthurium Hookeri Variegated

Lighting for Anthurium Hookeri

Anthurium hookeri generally prefers bright, indirect light. Whether it’s natural sunlight or a UV light, I assume both have its pros and cons. However, both methods work fine. Here are some guidelines for providing the appropriate lighting conditions for Anthurium hookeri:

Indirect light

Place your Anthurium hookeri in a location where it receives bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, as intense sunlight can scorch the leaves and cause damage. Placing it near a window with filtered light or in a well-lit room is ideal.

Bright but filtered light

Anthurium hookeri thrives in bright light conditions, but it should be diffused or filtered to protect the plant from direct rays. Sheer curtains or blinds can help to provide the necessary level of brightness while filtering the harsh sunlight.


Observe your Anthurium hookeri closely to ensure it's receiving the right amount of light. If the leaves appear pale or dull, it may indicate insufficient light. On the other hand, if the leaves become scorched or yellowed, it may be a sign of excessive light exposure.

Adjusting light levels

If your Anthurium hookeri isn't receiving enough light, you can move it closer to a window or provide supplemental artificial lighting. On the contrary, if it's receiving too much light, you can move it slightly away from the window or provide shade during the brightest hours of the day.

Remember that lighting requirements can vary depending on the specific conditions of your home or location. It's always a good idea to monitor your Anthurium hookeri's response to the light it's receiving and make adjustments accordingly.

Temperature for Anthurium Hookeri

Anthurium hookeri thrives in temperatures that are warm and consistent. It’s not that tricky to grow them in their origin of course. Or in any countries with similar temperature. But what about in 4-seasons countries? I think you need specific guideline on that. Here are some guidelines for providing the appropriate temperature conditions for Anthurium hookeri:

Ideal temperature range

Anthurium hookeri prefers temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). It is important to maintain temperatures within this range for optimal growth and health.

Avoid extreme temperature

Anthurium hookeri is sensitive to extreme temperatures. Avoid exposing it to temperatures below 60°F (15°C), as this can lead to damage or growth issues. Similarly, it is best to keep it away from drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations.

Consistent temperatures

Anthurium hookeri benefits from consistent temperatures. Avoid placing it in areas with frequent temperature swings, such as near air conditioning vents, heaters, or doors that are frequently opened.

Tropical environment

Since Anthurium hookeri is native to tropical regions, it thrives in the warm and humid conditions found in its natural habitat. Mimicking these conditions as closely as possible can promote its overall health and well-being.

Monitor seasonal changes

Pay attention to seasonal temperature changes and make adjustments as needed. During colder months, provide additional warmth through gentle heating or by placing the plant away from cold drafts. In hotter months, ensure adequate ventilation and protect the plant from excessive heat and direct sunlight.

Remember that maintaining a consistent and suitable temperature is crucial for the well-being of Anthurium hookeri. By providing the right temperature conditions, you can help the plant thrive and minimize stress-related issues.

Humidity for Anthurium Hookeri

Anthurium hookeri, like many tropical plants, prefers a relatively high level of humidity. Here are some guidelines for providing the appropriate humidity conditions for Anthurium hookeri:

Ideal humidity level

Anthurium hookeri thrives in humidity levels of around 60% to 80%. This higher humidity helps to mimic the moist tropical environments it naturally grows in.

Increasing humidity

There are several methods you can use to increase humidity around your Anthurium hookeri plant:

Grouping plants

Placing Anthurium hookeri alongside other plants can create a microclimate with higher humidity levels as plants release moisture through transpiration.

Pebble tray or water tray

Set a tray filled with water and pebbles beneath the plant's pot. Ensure that the water level is below the top of the pebbles so that the pot is not sitting in water. As the water evaporates, it increases the humidity around the plant. This method is quite tricky. As it actually preserve water under the pot. With incorrect measurement, it can backfire on the anthurium hookeri and cause molds or rotten roots. Good air circulation with help to prevent such event happening.

Room humidifier

Using a room humidifier can help maintain a consistently high humidity level, especially in dry indoor environments.

Regular misting

Mist the leaves of Anthurium hookeri with room-temperature water using a spray bottle. Misting can temporarily increase humidity and provide some moisture to the plant.


Choose a location for your Anthurium hookeri that offers higher humidity levels, such as a bathroom or kitchen where moisture levels tend to be naturally higher. Alternatively, you can create a humid microclimate by placing the plant on a humidity tray near a water source.

Monitor humidity levels

Use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels around your Anthurium hookeri. This will help you ensure that the humidity stays within the desired range.

Remember that while Anthurium hookeri prefers higher humidity, it is also important to maintain good airflow to prevent issues such as fungal diseases. Striking a balance between humidity and proper ventilation is key to keeping your Anthurium hookeri healthy and happy.

Watering Anthurium Hookeri

Proper watering is crucial for the health of Anthurium hookeri. Some plant lovers do the shortcut by providing pebble tray or water tray in order to preserve water. That way they won’t have to spend too much time watering and / or keep forgetting when to or when was the last it was watered. However, like mentioned above, sometimes it backfires the plant.

Here are some guidelines to help you water your Anthurium hookeri effectively:

Soil moisture

Anthurium hookeri prefers consistently moist but not waterlogged soil. Before watering, check the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil. If it feels slightly dry to the touch, it's time to water the plant.

Watering frequency

Water your Anthurium hookeri when the top inch of the soil becomes slightly dry. The frequency of watering will depend on factors such as the size of the pot, temperature, humidity, and the plant's overall growth rate. Generally, you can expect to water your Anthurium hookeri every 7 to 10 days, but adjust the frequency based on the specific needs of your plant.

Watering technique

Thoroughly water the soil until water drains out of the bottom of the pot. This helps ensure that the entire root ball is adequately hydrated. Allow excess water to drain away, and then empty the drainage tray to prevent the roots from sitting in standing water.

Avoid overwatering

Anthurium hookeri is susceptible to root rot if the soil remains waterlogged for extended periods. To prevent this, make sure the pot has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape and avoid leaving the plant sitting in standing water.

Humidity considerations

Anthurium hookeri prefers higher humidity levels, so it's important to balance soil moisture with the plant's need for humidity. While the soil should be consistently moist, it should not be soggy. Maintaining a humid environment through methods such as misting or using a humidity tray can help support the plant's overall health.

Adjusting watering in different seasons

During the plant's active growing season (spring and summer), Anthurium hookeri may require more frequent watering as it utilizes more water. In contrast, during the plant's dormant period (fall and winter), you can reduce the frequency of watering as the plant's growth slows down.

Remember that these are general guidelines, and it's important to monitor your Anthurium hookeri closely. Adjust your watering routine based on the specific needs of your plant, taking into account factors such as humidity, temperature, and the moisture retention capacity of the potting mix. Always ensure the soil has partially dried out before watering again to prevent overwatering.

Anthurium Hookeri Soil

Anthurium hookeri prefers a well-draining soil mix that retains moisture without becoming waterlogged. Here are some considerations for choosing or preparing the right soil for your Anthurium hookeri:

Well-draining soil

Anthurium hookeri is susceptible to root rot if the soil remains waterlogged for extended periods. Choose a soil mix that provides good drainage to prevent excess moisture retention. Avoid heavy, compacted soils that can trap water.

Peat-based mix

Anthurium hookeri thrives in soil mixes that are rich in organic matter. A common choice is a peat-based mix or a well-balanced potting mix that contains a combination of peat moss, perlite, and/or vermiculite. These components contribute to good drainage while retaining moisture.

Perlite or orchid bark

Adding perlite or orchid bark to the potting mix can further enhance drainage and aeration. These materials help create air pockets in the soil, preventing it from becoming compacted.

Avoid excessive organic matter

While Anthurium hookeri benefits from organic matter, it's important not to use excessive amounts in the potting mix. Excessive organic matter can lead to soil compaction and waterlogging. A well-balanced mix that retains moisture without becoming overly compact is ideal.

pH level

Anthurium hookeri prefers slightly acidic to neutral soil with a pH range between 5.5 and 6.5. Regular potting mixes often fall within this range, but if needed, you can adjust the pH by adding amendments such as dolomite lime or sulfur.

Pre-packaged mixes

If you prefer convenience, you can find commercially available potting mixes specifically formulated for Anthuriums or other aroid plants. These mixes often have the right balance of drainage and moisture retention.

Remember to repot your Anthurium hookeri into a slightly larger pot with fresh soil every 1-2 years or when the current pot becomes too cramped. This allows the plant to have enough space for root growth and access to fresh nutrients.

By providing a well-draining soil mix that retains moisture appropriately, you can ensure healthy root development and overall growth of your Anthurium hookeri.

Anthurium Hookeri Fertilization

Fertilizing Anthurium hookeri can help promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Some growers or plant lovers do no prefer to use any type of fertilization. They want to keep the plants “natural”. That’s really up to you. But at some point, the use of fertilizer is very crucial especially when they’re dying. Here are some guidelines for fertilizing your Anthurium hookeri:

Choose a balanced fertilizer

Select a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with a ratio such as 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. These ratios indicate the percentages of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer. The balanced formula provides essential nutrients for overall plant health.

Dilute the fertilizer

Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for the appropriate dilution ratio. It's important not to over-fertilize your Anthurium hookeri, as this can lead to fertilizer burn and damage the roots.

Frequency of fertilization

During the active growing season, which is typically spring and summer, you can fertilize your Anthurium hookeri every two to four weeks. During the dormant period in fall and winter, reduce the frequency to once every six to eight weeks or suspend fertilization altogether.

Apply to moist soil

Before applying fertilizer, ensure the soil is moist. Water your Anthurium hookeri a day or two before applying the fertilizer. Applying fertilizer to dry soil may cause root burn.

Apply to the soil

Pour the diluted fertilizer directly onto the soil around the base of the plant. Avoid getting the fertilizer on the foliage, as this can cause leaf burn.

Flush with water

After applying fertilizer, flush the soil with plain water to prevent salt buildup. This can be done by thoroughly watering the plant until water drains out of the bottom of the pot.

Observe and adjust

Monitor your Anthurium hookeri for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses. Signs of deficiency may include yellowing leaves or poor growth, while signs of excess may manifest as burned leaf tips or wilting. Adjust your fertilization routine accordingly if you observe any issues.

Always follow the instructions provided with the specific fertilizer you are using, as different products may have slightly different application instructions. Additionally, it's a good practice to periodically leach the soil by flushing it with plain water to remove any accumulated salts from fertilizer application.

With proper fertilization, Anthurium hookeri can receive the necessary nutrients to support its growth and overall well-being.

Repotting Anthurium Hookeri

Repotting Anthurium hookeri is necessary when the plant outgrows its current pot or when the potting mix becomes compacted and waterlogged. Here are some guidelines to help you successfully repot your Anthurium hookeri:


The best time to repot Anthurium hookeri is in the spring or early summer, during its active growing season. Repotting during this period allows the plant to recover quickly and adjust to its new environment.

Select a new pot

Choose a new pot that is only slightly larger than the current pot. Anthurium hookeri prefers being slightly root-bound, so avoid choosing a pot that is too large, as excessive soil can lead to waterlogging and root rot. Ensure the new pot has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.

Prepare the potting mix

Use a well-draining potting mix suitable for Anthuriums. A mix containing peat moss, perlite, and/or orchid bark provides good drainage while retaining adequate moisture. Avoid using heavy soils that can retain excessive water.

Gently remove the plant

Carefully remove the Anthurium hookeri from its current pot. You can tap the sides of the pot or gently loosen the soil around the roots to aid in removal. Be cautious not to damage the roots during this process.

Inspect the roots

Examine the roots for any signs of rot, damage, or overcrowding. Trim any dead or damaged roots with clean, sharp scissors or pruners. If the roots are densely packed, you can gently tease them apart to encourage healthy growth.

Place in the new pot

Position the Anthurium hookeri in the new pot, ensuring that the top of the root ball is slightly below the rim of the pot. Add the fresh potting mix around the roots, gently pressing it down to secure the plant in place. Leave some space between the soil surface and the rim of the pot to allow for watering.

Water and settle the soil

After repotting, thoroughly water the plant to help settle the soil around the roots and remove any air pockets. Allow excess water to drain out of the pot, and empty the drainage tray to prevent the roots from sitting in standing water.

Post-repotting care

Place the repotted Anthurium hookeri in a location with bright, indirect light and maintain appropriate watering and humidity levels. Avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight or extreme temperature fluctuations during the initial recovery period.

Remember to monitor your Anthurium hookeri closely after repotting and make adjustments to watering and care as needed. Repotting is a great opportunity to refresh the potting mix and ensure your plant has adequate space for healthy growth.

Pests and Diseases on Anthurium Hookeri

Anthurium hookeri, like other houseplants, can be susceptible to certain pests and diseases. Here are some common pests and diseases that may affect Anthurium hookeri and how to manage them:


Mealybugs are small, white, cottony insects that often appear on the undersides of leaves or in leaf axils. They feed on plant sap, causing stunted growth and yellowing leaves. To control mealybugs, you can manually remove them with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol or use an insecticidal soap or neem oil spray.


Aphids are tiny insects that can be green, black, brown, or other colors. They cluster on the undersides of leaves and feed on plant juices. They can be controlled using a strong jet of water to dislodge them, or by using insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Spider mites

Spider mites are very small pests that often appear as tiny dots on the leaves. They suck plant sap and cause yellowing, stippling, and webbing. To manage spider mites, regularly mist the plant to increase humidity and use insecticidal soap or neem oil. Also, ensure proper ventilation around the plant.

Root rot

Overwatering and poorly draining soil can lead to root rot, a fungal disease that affects the roots, causing them to become mushy and discolored. To prevent root rot, ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering. If root rot is detected, it's crucial to repot the plant in fresh, well-draining soil and trim away any affected roots.

Leaf spot diseases

Anthurium hookeri can be susceptible to leaf spot diseases caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Symptoms include dark spots or lesions on the leaves. To manage leaf spot, remove affected leaves, improve air circulation, and avoid overhead watering. Fungicides may be necessary in severe cases.


Anthracnose is a fungal disease that can cause brown or black spots on the leaves, stems, or flowers of Anthurium hookeri. It thrives in humid conditions. To control anthracnose, remove and destroy affected plant parts, improve air circulation, and avoid overhead watering. Fungicides may be necessary.

Regularly inspect your Anthurium hookeri for any signs of pests or diseases, and take action promptly if detected. Maintaining proper care practices, such as providing good airflow, appropriate watering, and avoiding over-fertilization, can help prevent stress and make your plant more resilient to pests and diseases.

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