Longear Sunfish | Lepomis megalotis
““Compared to other members of the sunfish family, longear sunfish are better at getting food in moving waters than still waters. This may explain why longear sunfish are more abundant in streams than lakes...

Longear Sunfish | Lepomis megalotis

“Compared to other members of the sunfish family, longear sunfish are better at getting food in moving waters than still waters. This may explain why longear sunfish are more abundant in streams than lakes compared to other members of the family. They cannot tolerate cloudy water. Throughout the 20th century their populations have been reduced in areas where their native streams have suffered increased cloudiness. The Longear Sunfish can grow up to 9.5 inches long.” x

(by Lance Merry)

Longear Sunfish | Lepomis megalotis

“Compared to other members of the sunfish family, longear sunfish are better at getting food in moving waters than still waters. This may explain why longear sunfish are more abundant in streams than lakes compared to other members of the family. They cannot tolerate cloudy water. Throughout the 20th century their populations have been reduced in areas where their native streams have suffered increased cloudiness. The Longear Sunfish can grow up to 9.5 inches long.” x

(by Lance Merry)

191 notes
tagged as: longear. sunfish. Lepomis megalotis. freshwater. underwater. aquarium. fish tank. fish. tank.

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