Red Emerald Crab


Red Emerald Crab (Mithraculus sculptus)
Care: Easy
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Diet: Omnivore
Purchase Size: 1”
Max Size:2”
Water Parameters: Salinity 1.024-.26, Temp 77-78, ph 7.7-8.2 ( leave the same for all)
Population: 1/10 gallons
Reef Safe: yes
Lifespan: 4-6 years in captivity
Breeding: No
Gender: Yes, but very difficult to differentiate between the genders
Drip acclimate

As you might imagine this little crab is just like the emerald crab, except red. The Red Emerald crab shares the same prototypical crab shape with its green cousin, with a squat body and two large claws ,
except its body has a red colouration. The ruby emerald crab can be found scampering among the reefs of the Caribbean. It is primarily nocturnal and will sometimes spend the days hiding in caves or under ledges in a home aquarium. However, once they become comfortable in their new surroundings they can often be seen grazing over the rockwork during the day.
While the ruby emerald crab is an efficient omnivore who will scour a tank for all manner of algae or left over food, many aquarists hold the ruby emerald crab in high regard for one simple reason: It is a
voracious consumer of bubble algae. Anyone who has ever had an outbreak of bubble algae knows that few members of the clean up crew will consume it. Enter the ruby emerald crab. This little crab is a
bubble algae destroyer and will help keep a tank free of this type of algae. While the ruby emerald crab can generally find all the food it needs scavenging its diet can also be supplemented with chopped squid
or pellets if necessary.
This invertebrate makes a great addition to a home aquarium as with a general scavenger or a bubble algae specialist. Like most invertebrates they are not tolerant of copper based medications.