Tag: Apalone ferox

Apalone ferox, 18 March 2018

Apalone ferox, the Florida softshell turtle;Miami-Dade county, Florida (18 March 2018). The Florida softshell is a distinctive and fairly massive freshwater species. Though they spend the vast majority of their time in the water, soaking up all that life has to offer, they do… Continue Reading “Apalone ferox, 18 March 2018”

Spring Break 2023: Apalone ferox

Apalone ferox, the Florida softshell (juvenile); Collier county, Florida (12 March 2023).Spring Break 2023 A not-so-great shot, but here’s a juvenile Florida soft-shell mucking about a small run of water in Fakahatchee Strand. Juvenile Florida softshells feature a fairly cool mottled pattern on the… Continue Reading “Spring Break 2023: Apalone ferox”

Apalone ferox, 15 March 2019

Apalone ferox, the Florida softshell; Miami-Dade county, Florida (15 March 2019). Perhaps my favorite Testudines species in the state, this is the ignoble-yet-awesome Florida softshell turtle. They’re very shy, much faster on land than you’d expect, and quite snappy if handled (for good reason,… Continue Reading “Apalone ferox, 15 March 2019”