
Research Paper on Anthriscus sylvestris Lignans Quantitative HPLC-UV Study

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Research Paper on Anthriscus sylvestris Lignans Quantitative HPLC-UV Study

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Title: Anthriscus sylvestris Lignans Quantitative HPLC-UV Study

Abstract: Anthriscus sylvestris, a plant from the Apiaceae family that grows wild, is consumed as food in Europe and eastern Asia. It represents a potential functional food due to the high concentration of lignans, which are known to have anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antiviral, and other activities. Quantitative information on lignans, however, is still limited to yatein, nemerosin, and deoxypodophyllotoxin. The content of 14 lignans in both the aerial parts and roots of A. sylvestris was assessed in this study using a newly developed and validated reversephase HPLC-UV method. Deoxypodophyllotoxin (2.0-42.8 mg/g), nemerosin (2.0-23.4 mg/g), yatein (1.1-18.5 mg/g), podophyllotoxone (0.7-20.5 mg/g), guaiadequiol (0.8-8.3 mg/g), and dimethylmatairesinol (0.1-5.2 mg/g) were found to be the most prevalent root components. The root samples showed a general trend of increased lignan content during plant development, despite the high intra-population variability, whereas the herb samples showed the opposite trend. One of the investigated compounds, 7-oxoaryltetralins, and dibenzylbutyrolactones, were found to have low stability and require cold, dark storage, according to a validation study. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that dibenzylbutyrolactones undergo rapid cis-trans isomerization; as a result, only the total amount of these isomers should be reported.

Keywords: Anthriscus sylvestris; Apiaceae; quantification; validation; HPLC; lignans

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Chemistry

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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