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Biography, genealogy and origin of the celebrity peter arne

What is the date of birth of peter arne?

Peter Arne was born on September 29, 1920.

celebrity peter arne

Learn more about the celebrity peter arne

What is the origin of peter arne's fame?

Peter Arne was an English actor who rose to fame in the 1950s and 1960s for his roles in various British films and television shows. He gained widespread recognition for his captivating performances in popular series such as "The Saint" and "The Avengers," as well as in acclaimed films like "A Night to Remember" and "The Moonraker." Arne's talent for portraying both charming and villainous characters captivated audiences and critics alike, earning him a reputation as a versatile and skilled actor. His performances were marked by a charismatic presence and a flair for drama that set him apart from his contemporaries in the British entertainment industry, solidifying his status as a beloved and respected figure in film and television during his heyday.

Biography of peter arne

Peter Arne was a British actor born on September 29, 1918, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He began his acting career in the 1940s and soon became known for his versatile performances in both film and television. Arne appeared in over 60 movies throughout his career, including notable films such as "The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb" and "The Moonraker." He also had a successful career on stage, performing in numerous productions in London's West End. However, Arne's life took a tragic turn when he was brutally murdered in his home in London in 1983 at the age of 64. His murder remains unsolved to this day, leaving behind a legacy of a talented actor whose life was cut short in a shocking and untimely manner. Despite his untimely death, Peter Arne is remembered for his contributions to the entertainment industry and his iconic performances that continue to captivate audiences around the world.

Genealogical research regarding the celebrity peter arne

Peter Arne was born on September 29, 1920 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to British parents. His father, William Margesson Arne, was a civil servant, and his mother, Dorothy Green, was a homemaker. Peter grew up in England and pursued a career in acting, making his debut in the film industry in the 1940s. He appeared in a variety of films and television shows throughout his career, gaining recognition for his roles in movies such as "The Moonraker" and "The Invisible Man." Despite his success in the entertainment industry, Peter Arne's life came to a tragic end when he was murdered in his London flat in 1983 at the age of 62. The circumstances surrounding his death remain a mystery, adding a dark and unresolved chapter to his genealogy.

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