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Cotoneaster Horizontalis


  • Size: 3 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun, partial shade
  • Soil moisture: Well drained
  • Flowering Period: May
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 1m
  • Ultimate Spread: 1.5m

Cotoneaster Horizontalis commonly known as Wall Spray is trailing, deciduous shrub which forms a dwarf growth with long branches of flat sprays of glossy green leaves, these then turn a wonderful orange and red colour in autumn months. In May the Cotoneaster Horizontalis will produce these tiny white flowers, tinged with light pink covering the plant closely followed by red berries in autumn.

Can be grown in groups to create a hedge/screen, or banks, slopes, beds and borders where it will make a good impact. A variety of planting schemes and garden types making a good all round garden plant.

Cotoneaster Horizontalis care

Plant the Cotoneaster Horizontalis in a sunny, partially shaded area of the garden with well drained soil where it will thrive, simply cut back after flowering any dead, damaged or out of shape branches and apply a generous amount of good quality mulch to the base of the plant. Can only be planted in private gardens and not planted in the wild.