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Fundulopanchax walkeri - Walker's KillifishMagyarul / Hungarian
Fundulopanchax walkeri - Walker's KillifishFundulopanchax walkeri - Walker's KillifishFundulopanchax walkeri - Walker's KillifishFundulopanchax walkeri - Walker's Killifish
  • Scientific name: Fundulopanchax walkeri
  • Synonyms: Fundulus walkeri (Boulenger, 1911), Aphyosemion walkeri (Boulenger, 1911), Nothobranchius walkeri (Boulenger, 1911), Fundulus spurrelli (Boulenger, 1913), Aphyosemion spurrelli (Boulenger, 1913), Aphyosemion walkeri spurrelli (Boulenger, 1913), Fundulopanchax spurrelli (Boulenger, 1913), Fundulopanchax rubrofasciatus (Brüning, 1930), Aphyosemion rubrofasciatum (Brüning, 1930), Fundulus rubrofasciatus (Brüning, 1930), Aphyosemion litoriseboris (Radda, 1976)
  • Common name: Walker's Killifish
  • Group: Killifish
  • Distribution: Africa; Ivory Coast and Ghana.
  • Size: 6 cm
  • Biotope: Inhabits small streams, swamps and ponds in areas of coastal rainforest and forested savanna.
  • Social behavior: They can be kept in a community tank, but it is best to keep them in a species tank, because they are quite aggressive for their size, and will eat any fish that can fit in their mouth. They also prefers slightly cooler temperatures than many species.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; in the aquarium they should be fed with small live and frozen foods, but they also accept good quality dried foods.
  • Breeding: Quite easy
  • Tank: Minimum 30 litres
  • Population: 1 male and 2-3 females for 40 litres
  • Decoration: The tank should have dense areas of planting and pieces of wood and roots that serve as hiding places. Use dark colored substrate and the use of floating plants to diffuse the light is also recommended. Their aquarium should be covered, as they are excellent jumpers. The water in the aquarium may be filtered through peat or use peat extract to color their water.
  • Temperature: 20-23 °C
  • pH: 6.0-7.0
  • Hardness: 5.0-12.0 dGH
  • Lifespan: 3-5 years
Description: Males have a turquoise blue colored body often with a little greenish sheen. Their body and caudal fin are covered with dark spots. The fins of male Walker's Killis are orange in color with black edges. Females have a drab coloration, the body is often light brown with faint dark brown spots and colorless fins. Fundulopanchax walkeri have many different populations in the wild, some of which are now threatened or extinct, due to rapid human development in their natural habitat. It is not a common fish in the hobby.

Males are larger, and more brightly colored than females.

Breeding of Walker's Killifish is quite easy, they will spawn even in a small 12 litres aquarium. Many breeders do not use filtration in the breeding tank at all, yet a small air-driven sponge filter is recommended to prevent stagnant water. Use soft, slightly acidic (pH 6.5) water with a temperature of 23-24 °C. The water can be filtered through peat. Lighting is not necessary. Keep the sexes apart in separate aquariums and condition the fish on a varied diet of live and frozen foods. This method allows females to rest, and recover between spawnings. Select the best looking male and the plumpest females and place them in the spawning tank. Add at least 2 females to a male. Eggs are deposited either in the substrate or in clumps of vegetation in nature, so a layer of peat as substrate or clumps of Java moss or perhaps spawning mops can be used in the spawning tank. The fish deposit 10-30 eggs each day for around 2 weeks, and these eggs should be removed daily. The eggs can be left in the aquarium to hatch with the parents but some eggs and fry may be eaten. The parents should only be allowed to spawn for a week or so, because it is hard on the females and they can become fatigued and weak. After the parents removed, the eggs can be incubated either in water or by placing them on a damp layer of peat moss in a small container that protects the eggs from the light. When incubating in water, the water level in the aquarium should only be 3-5 cm deep and a use of some fungicide is also recommended. The tank should be kept in darkness as the eggs are light sensitive. Fungussed eggs must be removed. The eggs will hatch in about 21 days. When kept the eggs on peat in a small container, place the container in a warm, dark place and simply leave it for 8-12 weeks. To hatch the eggs, simply place them into water, which will stimulate hatching. The fry can be fed with small live foods. The water must initially be kept very shallow but the level can be raised as the fry grow.
