African Cichlids Placidochromis Milomo VC-10

African Cichlids Placidochromis Milomo VC-10

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Placidochromis milomo have an interesting common name - VC10, named for the Vickers VC10 jet airliner. One exporter coined this name due to their swift motions to dodge a net during catching. The VC10 airliner was a popular aircraft that flew between Malawi and England at the time. 

These fish have large lips that fold over, giving them a peculiar look while allowing them to grip and rip off stubborn algae in the deep, turbulent reefs where they live. Juveniles and females have thick brown stripes, much like P. johnstoni. Male get bright blue bodies with red spots on each scale. They are a solitary fish in Lake Malawi and tend to only act aggressively when spawning. 

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