Научная статья на тему 'A determination of the amount of vitamin c in some medical plants growing in the South- Western Zarafshan mountain ranges'

A determination of the amount of vitamin c in some medical plants growing in the South- Western Zarafshan mountain ranges Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mirkhamidova Parida, Khujanazarov Uktam Eshtemirovich, Mamatqulov Doniyor Anvarovich, Ziyamukhamedova Sabohat, Mukhamedov Gofurjon Isroilovich

This article involves the data about amount of vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect, growing in the South Western Zarafshan ridges such as Mentha asiatica, Ziziphora tenuior, Melissa officinalis, Rubus sp., Trichodesma incanum and Bunium chaerophylloides in different seasons.

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Текст научной работы на тему «A determination of the amount of vitamin c in some medical plants growing in the South- Western Zarafshan mountain ranges»

Section 1. Biology

Mirkhamidova Panda, doctor, of biology, professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, E-mail: parida.mirxamidova@mail.ru, Khujanazarov Uktam Eshtemirovich, candidate, of biology, associate professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, E-mail: khuzhanazarov74@mail.ru, Mamatqulov Doniyor Anvarovich, candidate, of biology, associate professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami,

Ziyamukhamedova Sabohat, candidate, of biology, associate professor, Chirchiq State Physical Training Institute, Mukhamedov Gofurjon Isroilovich, doctor, of chemistry, professor, Chirchik State Pedagogika Institute, E-mail: rector@tvchdpi.uz


Abstract: This article involves the data about amount of vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect, growing in the South - Western Zarafshan ridges such as Mentha asiatica, Ziziphora tenuior, Melissa officinalis, Rubus sp., Trichodesma incanum and Bunium chaerophylloides in different seasons.

Keywords: vitamin C, carotene, ketihin, flavonol, leaf, fruit, bloom, antioxidant.

Vitamins can play a major role in the life of plants. rich to ascorbic acids; and extracts, drip concentrates are

They participate in enzymes biosynthesis, that they are prepared from them and will be used for medicine [3]. main regulator of metabolism. Some vitamins participate Determination of vitamin C in medicinal plants is

in amino cycle metabolism [1]. Vitamin C, carotene, the most important biological indicator. We defined

ketihin and flavonols participate very actively in oxida- the amount of vitamin C, which has antioxidant effect,

tion and reduction processes in plant tissues. During this growing in the South Western Zarafshan ridges in the

process vitamins are oxidized and refined over time [2]. Kashkadarya basin and amount of vitamin C was ob-

Vitamin C is one of the strongest antioxidants and served in the leaves of medical plants such as Mentha plays an important role in reducing oxidation. Usually asiatica, Ziziphora tenuior, Melissa officinalis, Rubus the amount of vitamin C is higher in plants which are sp., Trichodesma incanum, Bunium chaerophylloides found in northern areas and highland areas than in the in different seasons. Determining the amount of vitasouthern areas. Vitamin C is found all of the plants of min C was based on peculiarities of ascorbic acid by the world. Especially, such as the fruit of Rosa - Fructus restoring of 2.6 - dixlorfenolindofenol. Rosae (Fructus Cynosbati), the fruits and leaves of Ri- Our results show, that the amount of vitamin C de-bis - Folia Et Fructus Ribis Nigri, the leaves and fruits of pends on the vegetation period of the medicinal plants forest strawberry - Folia et Fructus Fragariae Vescae are (Table 1).


Table 1.- An amount of vitamin C in medicinal plants (mg/%)

№ The name of medical plants Spring Summer Autumn

1. Mentha asiatica 121 ± 2.2 92.4 ± 3.5 86.24 ± 5.1

2. Ziziphora tenuior 81.9 ± 1 58.08 ± 2.5 57.2 ± 4.1

3. Melissa officinalis 76.56 ± 3.5 92.4 ± 4 81.8 ± 3.2

4. Rubus sp. 12.32 ± 4.6 49.2 ± 4.1 36.9 ± 6.1

5. Trichodesma incanum 29.9 ± 2.5 60.72 ± 5.1 72.28 ± 5.3

6. Bunium chaerophylloides 26.4 ± 1.8 25.5 ± 2.2 68.3 ± 3.6

The largest amount of vitamin C was found in Ru-bus sp., and Mentha asiatica plants in the spring season. Mentha asiatica blooms in June and August, and fruits ripen in September - October. Using organs are leaves and blooms. There are ether oil and flavonol in the leaves of Mentha asiatica [5]. There are vitamin C and ketihin besides ether oil in Asian mint. Drip and boiled solution of mint are used in medicine. The results showed, that the highest amount ofvitamin C consisted of121 ± 2.2 mg/% in spring, 92.4 mg/% in summer, 86.24mg/% in autumn.

We observed the amount of vitamin C in the leaves of Ziziphora tenuior, in various seasons. In spring its amount is about 81.9 mg /% and almost it is same in the seasons of summer and autumn. Ziziphora tenuior is the essential medicinal plant in the field of medicine in our republic. Especially, Ziziphora tenuior spread in the northern and southern slopes of mountain regions. Ziziphora tenuior is used to cure kidney, heart, and liver and stomach-intestine disorders in people medicine. The drip of Ziziphora tenuior helps to improve the activity ofheart, to decrease the arterial blood pressure and in curing of urine [4]. There are 2.5% of ether oil, vitamins of C, E, A in the stem, leaves and blooms.

Rubus sp. begins to bloom and ripen from July to September. Using organs are fruits, leaves and roots. There are vitamin C and carotene in the content of leaves of light blue Rubus sp. There are organic acids, vitamin C, plenty ofcelluloses, sugar substances, vitamin B and copper in the fruit of Rubus sp. Their branch is used by preparing boiled and drip solutions in people medicine. Our research deter-

mined that there is vitamin C in the leaves ofRubus sp. The received data showed, that the highest amount of vitamin C is in spring, consisting of 123.2 mg /%.

Bunium chaerophylloides blooms in June, ripens in July. There is ether oil of 2.75 - 3.0% in the fruit. There is about 20% of oil, 15% ofprotein substances and minerals in the fruit of it. Especially, the fruit of Bunium chae-rophylloides is used in medicine. The highest amount of vitamin C in the leaves of Bunium chaerophylloides consists of 68.3 mg/% in autumn.

A Melissa officinalis blooms in June - august, ripens in July-autumn. Using organs of Melissa officinalis are its leaves and the tip parts of branches. There are ether oil, vitamin C, urosolate and other acids in Melissa offi-cinalis. The boiled solution and drips are used in people medicine. According to our results, vitamin C in Melissa officinalis consisted of76.56 mg/% in spring, 92.4 mg/% in summer and 81.8 mg/% in autumn.

We defined the amount of vitamin C in Trichodes-ma incanum and vitamin C consisted of 29.9 mg /% in spring, 60.72 mg/% and 71.28 mg/% in summer. Trich-odesma incanum spread out in Central Asia. It keeps strong alcoholics in its contents. Most alcoholics are located in its seeds. We also found that there are alcoholics in its leaves, too.

Thus, Mentha asiatica, Ziziphora tenuior, Melissa of-ficinalis, Rubus sp., Trichodesma incanum and Bunium chaerophylloides have vitamin C and the highest amount of vitamin C is in Rubus sp. and Mentha asiatica, this amount will be appear in the spring season.


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