Conociendo al Clamidosaurio de King (Chlamydosaurus kingii)

Habitat and distribution
King's Chlamydosaurus, scientifically named Chlamydosaurus kingii, is found mainly in southern New Guinea and northern Australia. These diurnal and arboreal lizards prefer to live in areas of humid and sub-humid forests, as well as in sclerophyllous forests, characterized by a climate that ranges between sub-humid and semi-arid.

Distinctive Physical Characteristics
This lizard is distinguished by its spectacular fan of skin that surrounds the neck, which is deployed in situations of threat or stress. In addition, they have long limbs, sharp claws, large heads and thin tails. Its coloration varies depending on its habitat, predominantly tones ranging from black to brown, including white and gray, facilitating its camouflage. The size of these lizards varies between 60 and 90 centimeters in length, with males being observed to be larger than females, and Australian individuals are usually larger than those from New Guinea.

Captive Care
King's Chlamydosaurus is a reptile that requires specialized care, being classified as a pet for people with advanced experience in handling reptiles. With the right conditions, their life expectancy is around 10 years.

Summary of Key Points

  • Habitat : Predominantly in subhumid to semiarid sclerophyllous forests and forests of New Guinea and Australia.
  • Physical characteristics : Characteristic fan on the neck, long limbs, sharp claws, and camouflage coloring pattern.
  • Size : Length from 60 to 90 cm, with differences according to gender and geographical region.
  • Captive care : Needs caregivers with advanced experience, average lifespan of about 10 years.
Clamidosaurio de king

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