Plant and Garden

Plants That Are NOT Good For Your Animals To Eat

We are often asked what plants can turtles and tortoises eat. We Share Our Progress As We Build, Make Mistakes, Learn, And Grow.

Very little research has been carried out into poisonings in Chelonia, compared with that done on poisonings in humans, other mammals, fish, and birds.

In the absence of definitive research, we felt it was easier to create a list of plants that are NOT good for your animals…. and probably your kids too.

(That is a joke)

It is a fact that animals such as tortoises often don’t know which foods are good to eat and which are not.

We do find that tortoises safely eat a wider range of plants than humans. As turtles can safely eat more plant varieties then tortoises. Evolution is an amazing thing.

How do I know if my plant is poisonous?

If you do not know, ask someone or assume it is poisonous until proven otherwise.

Try to identify all the plants that you have in your garden or yard.  Make a list of their names and look them up on our website for a guide as to their safety.

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Also, you may take a large cutting of the plant (including the flower where possible), to your local garden center or nursery and ask them to identify it for you.  Once your plants have been identified, always write their Latin names down alongside the common name.

This is important as sometimes different plants share the same common names and can only be accurately identified by their Latin name.

Different plant lists may give varying opinions as to the safety of certain plants for reptiles.  It is, therefore, your own responsibility to learn which plants are toxic and may poison our animals.

Toxic Plants and Parts Include:

Acokanthera – Acokanthera spp. (all parts toxic, except ripe fruit)
Amaryllis – Amaryllis spp.
Angel’s Trumpet – Datura spp., (leaves, seeds, flowers)
Apricot – Prunus armeniaca (pits, leave and bark)
Apple – Malus spp., (seeds, leaves, bark)
Avocado – Persea Americana (pit, leaves, unripe fruit, stems)
Azalea – Rhododendron canadenis
Balsam Pear, Bitter Melon – Momordica charantia
Baneberry – Actaea rubra, A. pachypoda
Belladonna – Atropa belladonna
Bird of Paradise – Poinciana and related spp. (seed pods and flowers)
Bittersweet – Celastrus spp.
Black Locust – Robinia pseudoacacia
Boxwood – Boxus spp.
Braken Fern – Pteridium aquilinum
Buckthorn – Karwinskia humboldtiana and related spp.
Burdock – Arctium spp.
Buttercup – Ranunculus spp.
Caladium – Caladium spp.
Calla Lily – Zantedeschia aethiopica
Catclaw Acacia – Acacia greggii (twigs and leaves)
Caster Bean – Ricinus communis
Cherry – Prunus spp. (pits, leaves and bark)
Chinaberry – Melia azadarach
Clematis – Clematis montana and related spp.
Coral Plant – Jatropha mutifida
Crocus (autumn) – Cholochicumautumnale
Cycad or Sago Cycas – Cycas revoluta
Daffodil – Narcissus tazetta
Daphne – Daphne mezerum
Death Camas – Zigadenus venenosus and other related species
Delphinium – Delphinium spp.
Devil’s Ivy – Epipremnum aureum
Dieffenbachia (dumb cane) – Dieffenbachia spp.
Eggplant – Solonummelongena (unripe/ripe fruit, leaves)
Elderberry – Sambucus mexicana (roots, leaves, stems, bark)
Elephant’s Ears or Taro – Colocasia spp.
Euonymus – Euonymus spp. (filit, bark, leaves)
European Pennyroyal – Mentha pulegium
Figs – Ficus spp. (sap)
Four o’clock – Mirabilis jalapa
Heliotrope – Heliotropium spp. (leaves)
Henbane – Hyoscyamus niger
Holly – Ilex aquifolium and related spp. (leaves, berries)
Horse Chestnut – Aesculus hippocastanum and related spp.
Horse Nettle – Solanum carolinense
Hyacinth – Hyacinthus orientalis
Hydrangea – Hydrangea spp.
Iris – Iris spp.
Ivy (Boston, English and some others) – Hedera spp.
Jack-in-the-Pulpit – Arisaema spp.
Jerusalem Cherry – Solanum pseudocapsicum and related spp. (leaves, seeds and flowers)
Jonquil – Narcissus jonquilla
Juniper – Juniperus spp. 
Lantana – Lantana camara
Larkspur – Delphinium spp.
Laurel – Kalmia spp.
Lily-of-the-Valley – Convalleriamajalis
Lobelia – Lobelia spp.
Locoweed – Astragalus spp. and Oxytopis spp.
Lupine – Lupinus spp.
Marijuana – Cannabis sativa
Milkweed – Asclepias spp.
Mistletoe – Phoradendron villosum
Mock Orange – Philadelphus spp.
Moonseed – Menispermum canadense
Monkshood – Aconitum spp.
Morning Glory – Ipomoea violacea (seeds)
Mushrooms – Amanita spp. And many others
Narcissus – Narcissus spp.
Oak – Quercus spp.
Oleander – Nerium oleander
Peach – Prunus persica (leaves, pit, bark)
Pear – Pyrus spp. (leaves, seeds, bark)
Peony – Paeonia officinalis
Periwinkle – Vinca minor, Vinca rosea
Peyote – Lophophora williamsii
Philodendron – Philodendron spp. and Monstera spp.
Plum – Prunus spp. (leaves, pit, bark)
Poison Hemlock – Conium maculatum
Poison Ivy – Toxicodendron radicans, includes T. rydbergii
Poison Oak – Toxicodendron querciflium and T. diversilobum
Poison Sumac – Rhux vernix
Poinsettia – Euphorbia pulcherrima
Poppy – Papaver somniferum and related spp.
Pokeweed – Phytolacca Americana
Potato – Solanum tuberosum (sprouts, leaves, berries, green tubers)
Pothos – Eprimemnum aureum
Primrose – Prmula spp.
Privet – Ligustrum vulgare
Ragwort – Senecio jacobea and related spp.
Red Maple – Acer rubrum
Rhododendron – Rhododendron spp.
Rhubarb – Rheum rhabarbarum (leaves)
Rosary Pea – Abrus precatorius
Sage – Salvia officinalis
Shamrock Plant – Medicago lupulina, Trifolium repens, Oxalis acetosella
Skunk Cabbage – Symplocarpus foetidus
Snowdrop – Galanthus nivalis
Sorrel – Rumex spp., Oxalis spp.
Spurges – Euphorbia spp. 
Star of Bethlehem – Ornithogalum umbellatum
Sweet Pea – Lathyrus odoratus
Tobacco – Nicotiania spp.
Tomato – Lycopersicon esculentum (stems and leaves)
Tulip – Tulipa spp.
Virginia Creeper – Panthenocissus quinquefolia
Vetches – Vicia spp.
Water Hemlock – Cicuta spp.
Waxberry – Symphoricarpos albus
Wisteria – Wisteria spp.
Yew – Taxus spp.

What Makes Them Toxic?

Oxalates: these plants contain oxalate salts. Contact with the sap can cause burning, swelling, and pain. Treatment includes rinsing mouth and washing skin with mild soap and water. Monitor for difficulty swallowing and/or breathing and drooling. Monitor for irritation, swelling or blistering of mouth and oral tissues.

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Toxic or Potentially Toxic: These plants can be toxic to varying degrees and should be considered with caution. Toxic effects can range from mild irritation to severe organ damage. Call poison control or your veterinarian if you think your pet ingested these plants.

Dermatitis: contact with sap can cause skin rash, itching or irritation. Rinse with water and if irritation persists, contact your veterinarian.

Unknown: Suspected toxicity but information incomplete. If contact or ingestion occurs contact poison control and your veterinarian.

Other Fascinating Poisonous Plant Facts:

As few as 20 holly berries would be fatal to a human child, but birds such as cedar waxwings, mockingbirds, American robins, etc. eat them just fine.

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The Monarch butterfly, of course, is well-known for exclusively eating toxic milkweed in order to concentrate the toxins in its own body, rendering the adult butterfly bitter and poisonous to other animals.

Deer browse on plants like skunk cabbage and false hellebore.

One tiny bite of skunk cabbage would leave a burning sensation in the human mouth for hours.

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Lots of animals eat acorns, raw, right out of the shell. Humans can eat them, but only after they’ve been washed repeatedly in water to remove the tannins – the nuts are toxic to us due to the high level of tannins, prior to that treatment (not to mention, too bitter to be palatable).

Deadly nightshade, aka belladonna is a plant that will cause hallucinations, delerium, and death in humans.

Only two berries will kill a child, and 10 to 20 will kill a healthy adult. Eating a single leaf may prove fatal. Cattle, horses, goats, sheep, and rabbits munch it down with impunity (though many of our pets may be killed by it as well)

What to do if you think your animal might have been poisoned?

Always keep your veterinary contact details near your telephone as this will save time in an emergency.

Seek immediate veterinary advice

  If you know what your animal has eaten, take the plant or any packaging with you to the vet, as this will help him/her decide what the poison is and the type of treatment that your tortoise will need.

Urgent veterinary help is essential when showing symptoms of acute poisoning

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The signs of poisoning do vary and can include some or all of the following:  respiratory distress, excess salivation, choking, vomiting, tremors, convulsions or paralysis. 

As death may occur as a result of poisoning, ensure there is no delay in getting your tortoise to a specialist reptile vet for immediate treatment. Some poisons work quickly, with catastrophic effects, and some work slowly, causing damage as they gradually accumulate in the body.

With cumulative poisoning, the symptoms may include the tortoise showing signs of muscular weakness, the tortoise unable to lift itself to walk or unable to walk, and gastrointestinal upset including diarrhea.

Do not attempt to diagnose a case of poisoning yourself: specialist veterinary help should be sought as a matter of urgency.

If the poisoning is one that is cumulative, the animal should make a good recovery if the offending poison is removed, is kept well hydrated, and is fed on safe food so that the toxins can be eliminated from the liver and out of the body.

Some Plants Have EdibleParts!





AgaveAgave sp.SucculentEntire Plant
AlfalfaMedicago sativiaCommon WeedsEntire Plant
AloeAloe sp.SucculentEntire Plant
Alyssum , SweetLobularia maritimaCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
Arizona Cottontop GrassDigitaria sp.GrassesEntire Plant
ArugulaEruca sativaHerbsLeaves, Flowers
Asperagus FernAsperagus setaceus & plumosisFernsLeaves
AsterAster sp.Cultivated PlantsLeaves
Baby’s tears, Irish MossSoleirolia soleiroliiCultivated PlantsLeaves
Bamboo Muhly GrassMuhlenbergia dumosaGrassesEntire Plant
BananaMusa sp.Tree/Shrubleaves, fruit
BarnyardgrassEchinochloa crus & galliGrassesLeaves
BasilOcimum basilicumHerbsLeaves
BegoniasBegonia sp.SucculentLeaves, flowers
BentgrassesAgrostis sp.GrassesLeaves
BermudaCynodon dactylonGrassesLeaves
Big BluestemAndropogon gerardiGrassesLeaves
Bindweed Convolvulus sp. & Calystegia sp.Common WeedsLeaves
Birds Nests FernAsplenium nidusCultivated PlantsLeaves
Birdsfoot TrefoilLotus corniculatusCommon WeedsLeaves
BittercressCardamine hirsuta & flexuosaCommon WeedsLeaves
Black mustardBrassica NigraCommon WeedsEntire Plant
Blessed ThistleCnicus benedictusCommon WeedsLeaves
Blue grama grassBouteloua gracilisGrassesLeaves
BluedicksDichelostemma pulchellumDesert Wildflower 
Bluegrass, annualPoa annuaGrasses 
Boston FernNephrolepsis exaltaFerns 
Bottle BrushCallistemonCultivated Plants 
BouganvilleaBouganvillea sp.Cultivated Plants 
BromeBromus sp.Grasses 
BromeliadsFamily BromeliaceaeCultivated Plants 
BuckwheatEriogonum fasciculatumCommon Weeds 
Buffalo grassStenotaphrum secondatumGrasses 
BuffelgrassCenchrus ciliarisGrasses 
BugleweedAjuga reptansCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
Butterfly BushBuddleja sp.Common Weeds 
California BuckwheatEriogonum fasciculatumTree/Shrub 
California FilagoFilago californicaCommon Weeds 
Canarygrass, littleseedPhalaris minorGrasses 
CarnationDianthus caryophyllusCultivated Plants 
CassiaSenna sp.Trees/ShrubsEntire Plant
Cat’s earsHypochoeris  sp.Common Weeds 
Cattle SpinachAtriplex polycarpaTree/Shrub 
ChamomileChamaemelum nobileCultivated PlantsFlowers
ChickweedCerastium vulgatum & arvenseCommon Weeds 
ChicoryCichorium sp.Common WeedsFlowers, Leaves, Roots
Chinese LanternAbutilon hybridumCultivated PlantsFlowers
ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum sp.Cultivated PlantsFlowers
Chufa, or Yellow Nut GrassCyperus esculentusGrasses 
Cinnamon fernOsumunda cinnamomeaFerns 
Climbing Nasturtium, Garden Nasturium, Indian CressTropaeolum majusVines 
Clover Trifolium repens & pratenseCommon Weeds 
ColeusColeus sp.Cultivated Plants 
Common greenbrier, CatbrierSilax roundfolia & sp.Common Weeds 
Common SorrelRumex sp. & Oxalis sp.Common Weeds 
Coneflower (purple) Echinacea sp. (Rudbeckia)Common Weeds 
CoreopsisCoreopsis giganta & tinctoria & atkinsoniana & calliopsideaCultivated PlantsLeaves, flowers
Corn PlantDracaena fragransCultivated Plants 
Cornflower or Bachelor’s ButtonsPlagiobothrys sp.Cultivated PlantsLeaves, flowers
Cotyledon orbiculataFamily Crassulaceae, Cotyledon orbiculataCommon WeedsFlowers, Leaves
CouchgrassAgropyon repensGrasses 
CrabgrassDigitaria sanguinalisGrasses 
Creeping BellCampanula rapunculoidesCommon WeedsFlower
Creeping CharliePilea nummulariifoliaVines 
Creeping JennyLysimachia nummlariaVines 
Curly Mesquite GrassHilaria belangeriGrassesEntire Plant
DahliaDahlia pinnata & roseaCultivated Plants 
Daisy, EnglishBellis perennisCultivated Plants/Common Weedsflowers
DandelionTaraxacum officinale,  Agoseris aurantiacaCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers, Roots
Day Lilies (NOT Easter or Tiger Lilies!)Hemerocallis sp.Cultivated Plants 
DayflowerCommelina diffusaCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
Deadnettle, Red or PurpleLamium purpuremCommon Weeds 
Deer GrassMuhlenbergia rigensGrassesEntire Plant
Desert DandelionMalacothrix glabrataCommon Weed 
Desert Four-O’ClockMirabelis spectabalisDesert WildflowerEntire Plant
Desert RoseAdenium obesumSucculent 
Dichondra, WonderlawnDichondra repensCultivated Plants/Common Weedsleaves, flowers
DockRumex sp.Common WeedsFlowers, Leaves, Roots
EchinaceaEchinacea sp.Common WeedsLeaves, Flowers
EndivesCichorium sp.Common Weeds 
Evening PrimroseOenothera biensisCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
Evening Primrose, Cut-leavedOenothera laciniataCommon Weeds 
FennelFoeniculum sp.Herbs 
Fern AcaciaAcacia angustissimaTrees/ShrubsFlowers
Fescue, BlueFestuca glaucaGrasses 
Fescue, TallFestuca arundinaceaGrasses 
Field mustardBrassica rapaCommon WeedsEntire Plant
Fig TreeMoraceaeTree/Shrubleaves, fruit
FilareeErodium cicutariumCommon Weeds 
Flowering MapleAbutilon sp.Succulentall
ForsythiaForsythia sp.Tree/Shrub 
FuschiaFuschia sp.Cultivated Plants 
GazaniaGazania sp.Cultivated Plantsleaves, flowres
GeraniumPelargonium sp.Cultivated Plantsleaves, flowers
German chamomileMatricaria chamomillaCultivated PlantsFlowers
Globe MallowsSphaeralcea sp.Common WeedsEntire Plant
Goat HeadTribulus terrestrisCommon Weed 
Golden bamboo or fishpole bambooPhyllostachys aureaTree/Shrub 
GoosegrassEleusine indicaGrasses 
Grape VineFamily Vitaceae & BerberidaceaeCultivated Plants/Vinesleaves, fruit, Flowers
Ground ivyGlechoma hederaceaVines 
Guava TreePsidium guajavaTree/ShrubLeaves
HawkbitsLeontodon sspCommon Weeds 
Hawk’s BeardsCrepis biennis & capilallarisCommon Weeds 
Haworthia reinwardtiiHaworthia reinwardtiiSucculent 
HeatherEricaceaeTree/Shrubleaves, flowers
Hen and ChicksEcheveria sp.Succulentall
Hen and Chicks , HouseleeksSempervivum sp.Succulentleaves, flowers
HenbitLamium amplexicauleCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
HibiscusHibicus rosa & sinensis & syriacusTree/ShrubLeaves, Flowers
HollyhockAlcea roseaCultivated Plantsflowers
HonestyLunaria annuaCommon WeedsRoot, Seed
HoneysuckleLonicera interrupta & japonica & periclymenum & caprifoliumCommon Weeds/VinesLeaves, Flowers
Honeysuckle, DesertAnisacanthus thurberiDesert WildflowerEntire Plant
HostaHosta sp.Cultivated Plantsleaves, flowers
Ice plantsMesembryanthemaceae familySucculent 
ImpatiensImpatiens glanduliferaCultivated Plantsleaves, flowers, seeds
Indian RicegrassOryzopsis hymenoidesGrasses 
JasmineJasminum officinale & grandifloumCultivated Plants 
Johnny-Jump-UpViola tricolorCultivated Plants 
Kalanchoe sp.Kalanchoe sp.Succulent 
KaleBrassica oleraceaCultivated Plants 
KikuyugrassPennisetum clandestinumGrasses 
KleingrassPanicum coloratumGrasses 
KnotweedPolygonum spp.Common Weeds 
KudzuPuerar lobataCommon Weeds/VinesLeaves, Flowers
LavenderLavandula angustifolia & labiataeCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
LilacSyringa vulgarisCultivated Plants 
Link & OttoTradescantia crassulaSucculent 
Live ForeverSedum purpureumSucculent 
Loquat bushEriobotrya japonicaTree/Shrub 
MallowMalva sylrestris &  rotundifolia & neglecta & moschataCultivated Plants/Common WeedsLeaves, Roots, Seeds
Mallow, DesertSphaeralcea ambiguaDesert Wildflower 
MapleAcer saccharumTree/Shrub 
MarigoldTagetes sp.Cultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
Milk ThistleSilybum marianumCommon Weeds 
MimosaDesmanthus illinoensisTree/Shrub 
Mojave AsterMachaeranthera tortifoliaDesert Wildflower 
Monkey PlantRuellia makoyanaCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
Moon FlowerImpomoiea alba & leptophyllaCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
Morning GloryFamily ConvolvulaceaeDesert WildflowerEntire Plant
Moss Roses, PurselanePortulaca sp.Succulent 
Mother of PearlGraptopetalum paraguayenCultivated Plants 
MuhlySporobolus asperifoliusTree/Shrub 
Mulberry TreeMorus alba & nigraTree/ShrubLeaves, Fruit
MustardSisymbrium officinale, Brassica sp.Common Weeds 
NapiergrassPennisetum purpureumGrasses 
NasturtiumsNasturtium sp.Cultivated Plants 
NasturtiumsTropaeolum majusCultivated Plants 
Needlegrass, desertStipa speciosaGrasses 
Nettle, StingingUrtica dioicaCommon Weeds 
NipplewortLapsana communisCommon Weeds 
OatgrassArrhenatherum sp.Grasses 
Orchard grassDactylis glomerataGrasses 
Ostrich FernMatteuccia struthiopterisFerns 
Owl’s Clover, Pink-BrushOrthocarpus purpurascensCommon Weed 
PampasgrassCortaderia selloanaGrasses 
PangolagrassDigitaria decumbensGrasses 
PansyViola sp.Cultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
Paper mulberryBroussonetia papyriferaTree/Shrub 
Pearl MilletPennisetum glaucumGrasses 
PennywortCotyledon umbilicus & venerisCommon Weeds 
PeppergrassLepidium spp.Grasses 
PersimmonDiospyros texanum & virginianaCommon Weeds 
PetuniasPetunia sp.Cultivated Plants 
PhloxPhlox paniculataCultivated Plants 
PigweedAmaranthus sp.Common Weeds 
Pineapple GuavaFeijoa sellowianaCultivated Plants 
Pink PerslaneMontia sibiricaCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
PlantainsPlantago major & media & lanceotataCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
Poppy, CaliforniaEschscholzia californicaCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
Poppy, WelshMeconopsis cambricaCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
PothosEpipremnum aureumCultivated PlantsLeaves
Poverty WeedMonolepis nuttallia, Iva axillarisCommon WeedsEntire Plant
Prickly LettuceLactuca serriolaCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
Prickly Pear CactusOpuntia sp.SucculentEntire Plant
PrimrosePrimula vulgarisCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
PurslanePortulaca oleraceaCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
QuackgrassAgropyron repensGrassesLeaves, Flowers
Quick WeedGalinsoga sp.Common WeedsLeaves, Flowers
Raspberry,  BlackberryRubus sp.Common WeedsLeaves, Flowers, Fruit
Red MaidsCalandrinia ciliataCommon Weeds 
RoseRosa sp.Cultivated PlantsFlowers
RosemaryRosamarinus sp.HerbsLeaves, Flowers
Russian Thistle or prickly saltwortSalsola kaliTree/ShrubLeaves, Flowers
RyeSecale cerealeGrassesLeaves
SageSalvia sp.Tree/Shrub/HerbsLeaves, Flowers
SainfoinOnobrychis sativaCommon Weeds 
Salad BurnetSanguisorba minorCommon Weeds 
Sea GrapeCoccoloba uviferaTree/Shrub 
Senna, DesertCassia covesiiTrees/ShrubsEntire Plant
Sesame grassTripsacum dactyloidesGrasses 
Shepard’s purseCapsella bursa & pastorsisCommon Weeds 
Slime LiliesAlbuca sp.Succulent 
Sow ThistleSonchus oleraceus & arvensisCommon Weeds 
Spider PlantChlorophytum comosumCultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
SpiderwortTradescantia pinetorum & occidentalisSucculent 
SpurgesEuphorbia sp.Common WeedsEntire Plant
St. Augustine, Charleston grassStenotaphrum secundatumGrasses 
St. Johns WortHypericum sp.Common WeedsLeaves
Staghorn FernPlatycerium bifurcatumFernsLeaves, Flowers
Sticky Monkey FlowerMimulus aurantiacusSucculent 
StonecropsSedum sp.Succulent 
Strawberries, domesticFragaria × ananassaCultivated Plants 
Strawberry, wildFragaria vescaCommon Weeds 
Swedish IvyPlectranthus australisCultivated Plants/VinesLeaves, Flowers
Sweet vernal grassAnthoxanthum odoratumGrasses 
Tea TreeLeptospermum scopariumTree/ShrubLeaves, Flowers
TimothyPhleum pratenseGrasses 
Tree FernDicksonia antarticaFerns 
Tree houseleekAeonium sp.Succulentall
Umbrella PlantDarmera peltata / Petasites hyrbridusCultivated Plants 
Vetch – Bush, Common, TuftedVicia sepium & sativa & craccaCommon Weeds 
VioletsViola sp.Cultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers
Wandering JewTradescantia albifloraSucculent/VinesLeaves, Flowers
WatercressFamily CruiceraeCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
Weeping lovegrass Eragrostis curvulaGrasses 
Whispering BellsEmmenanthe pendulifloraCultivated Plants 
White Tidy-UpsLayia glandulosaCommon Weeds 
Wild CarrotDaucus carotaCommon WeedsLeaves, Roots
Wild muscadineVitis rotundifoliaVinesLeaves, Flowers
Wild OatsAvena fatuaGrasses 
WillowFamily SalicaceaeTree/Shrub 
Willow, DesertChilopsis linearisTrees/ShrubsFlowers
WintercressBarbarea vulgarsisCommon WeedsLeaves. Flowers
WisteriaWisteria spCultivated PlantsFlowers
WitchgrassPanicum capillareGrasses 
YallowAchellea millefoliumCommon WeedsLeaves, Flowers
YuccaYucca sp.Succulent 
ZinniaZinnia sp.Cultivated PlantsLeaves, Flowers

Prevention is always better than cure

  • Wash all store-bought products thoroughly, separating all leaves and removing any plastic or wire ties before offering to your tortoise.
  • When collecting leaves and flowers from plants growing in the wild not only wash thoroughly but also inspect carefully to ensure there are no leaves from plants and shrubs/trees which are toxic and that may have been collected inadvertently with the safe weeds you have collected.
  • Look at the condition of plants collected from hedgerows or verges before you pick them, and if they look to be withering or changing color from green to a yellowish/brown do not collect.  This may be a sign that the Council or local farmers have been spraying with weedkiller.  A simple phone call to the local Council will identify for you where and when spraying is being undertaken.
  • In your own garden ensure that plants or trees that are poisonous are not planted anywhere near your tortoise enclosure.
  • Do not use weed killers, pesticides or lawn fertilizers on areas that your tortoises will be exposed to.

Don’t FORGET!  Information provided in this article is not meant to be a substitute for expert medical advice.  If you suspect that your pet has had an adverse reaction to any food, or has ingested poison in any other way, then specialist veterinary advice should be sought immediately.

We got this reference while doing research. Here are links we used.…

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