Helianthus debilis (beach sunflower)

Helianthus debilis (beach sunflower)

General info: Helianthus debilis is a native North American short-lived perennial that thrives in dry to medium soil types. Beach sunflower only reaches heights up to 2 feet tall. Be cautious this wildflower aggressively self-seeds.

Landscape uses: Helianthus debilis better known as beach sunflower would be a great groundcover for sandy areas. Beach sunflower could also be used for any wildflower garden or meadow.

Light Exposure Full Sun to Partial
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 1′
Foliage Color. Green
Moisture Req. Dry to Medium
Bloom Yellow Daisy Like
Origin East coast Gulf coast
Height without Bloom Select
Zone 8 to 10