Syn.: Physanthyllis tetraphylla (L.) Boiss., Tripodion tetraphyllum (L.) Fourr.
Family: Fabaceae Lindl.

Anthyllis tetraphylla

Distribution: Mediterranean region, from southern Portugal and Spain through northern Africa and southern Europe to Syria and Israel.

Ecology: It grows in dry meadows and pastures, on margins of fields, roadsides and disturbed sites, up to an elevation of 1000 m. It blooms from March to June.

Description: Annual herb. Stem procumbent, up to 50 cm long, villous to hirsute. Leaves imparipinnate, with (1–)5 leaflets, the large terminal leaflet up to 3 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, obovate, hairy on both surfaces, much exceeding the small, lateral leaflets. Flowers in axillary fascicles of 1–7; calyx 12–15 × 4.5–6 mm, 5-toothed, densely sericeous, frequently reddish near the apex, the teeth subequal; corolla white-yellow, banner white, wings and keel yellow. Legume usually 2-seeded, constricted between the seeds.

Anthyllis tetraphylla
Anthyllis tetraphylla
Anthyllis tetraphylla
Anthyllis tetraphylla
Anthyllis tetraphylla

These images were taken in Italy, Gargano, Vieste (April 19, 2008).