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Oxalis adenophylla

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Author:  Claude-Casimir Gillies, 1832
Origin:  Chile, Argentina
Soil:  Mix
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Medium - Maximum
Thickness:  5 Centimetres
Height:  10 Centimetres
Flower:  Pink
Propagate:  Seeds/Tubers
Names:  Chilean Wood Sorrel, Silver Shamrock, Pink Carpet Oxalis, Pink Buttercups, Pink Sauerklee, Sandoxalis
Synonyms:  Acetosella adenophylla, Kuntze, 1891.
Acetosella bustillosii
, Kuntze, 1891.
Oxalis bustillosii
Phil. 1856. 

This member of the Oxalidaceae family was described by Claude-Casimir Gillies in 1832. It is found up in the mountains of Chile and Argentina, growing in well-drained soil with some water and some to full sun. The caudex will get five centimetres in diameter, the leaves reaches for ten centimetres. The flowers are pink, and it can be reproduced both by seeds and dividing the tuber-like caudex. 

The genera name means 'sharp, pungent', as to leaf taste. The species name means 'bearing glands upon the leaves'.

Also seen in IPNI as Geraniaceae.