Some new species added to collection

Hopefully i can propagate and flower them in the next coming months. Also in this shipment i have C. thwaithesii but i am still waiting for them to develop before i show them.

Barclaya longifolia / Hydrostemma sp.

One of the rare water lilies out there…

I have the privilage to get this plant as a small seedling and for the past 3 years i have had a few hundred of this plant because the plant can reproduce asexually by self fertilizing it’s flower.

Barclaya longifolia is the easiest to care for from the Barclaya family of water lilies. I have tried to grow Barclaya motleyi as well as Barclaya kunstleri and only manage to keep them alive for a limited amount of time as both of them require black water conditions of grow submerge in water.


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Due to the lack of root tabs, the flowers are rather small

A closed flower, possibly considered a fruit since it is plum, filled with fertilized seeds
The seeds have small tiny hair like structure which is hard.
The seeds usually float around for a while before sinking into the water
The seeds are surrounded and protected by a soft mucus tissue 
About 1-2 months growth from seed
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Since this plant readily reproduces, it can be easily shared amoung hobbiest interested in keeping it, but sadly it s disappearing in nature due to the upgrading of drains and the clearing of forests.

Cryptocoryne with a wrong name …

Any plant with a given name should not be trusted unless one can be sure that it is that stated species. A good example would be this.  This Crypt was sold to me as Cryptocoryne Pontederiifolia ‘red lip’. At first sight, it looked like Pontenderiifolia due to the shape of the leaves, however the leaves shape was also more pointed which made me doubt its origin. I was thinking of how this differed from the pontenderiifolia i first saw. which even the leave colour was darker than this plant.

A few weeks later this plant flowered and it turned out to be very different ….

This flower marries the characteristic of the yellow Pontenderfollia flower and the tall twisted limb of the flower of a Sri Lankan species . By the time I saw the strange flower, I was confirming with myself that this is definitely not ‘red lip’.

3 days before it opened

This was opened for 2 days

From the top the limb looks twisted


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Special thanks to Luke for helping me identifying this plant 🙂

Hence if you compare the twist of the limb and the colour of the spathe, it perfectly matches the photo hence instead of pontenderiifolia ‘red lip’ it should be pontenderiifolia x  Sri Lankan species, I presume its Cryptocoryne wendtii or Cryptoocryne undulata green because of the green coloured leaf and its leaf shape. These two species of crypt is also commonly available and grown together in aquarium plant farm.


Thanks for reading !

Over and out ! 🙂

Cryptocoryne Collection (1)

It has been a year since I started collecting Cryptocoryne, some have grown, some have died, however I would treat it as a learning process so that I am able to cultivate my plants more efficiently next time.

My first batch of Cryptocoryne Aura / Trade name : Cryptocoryne Cordata ‘Rosanervig Rotundifolia’

A very special plant I would say, since you don’t get such colours from the underside of the leaf of any other cryptocoryne

My 2nd batch of Crypt Aura, probably from a different location since the shape of the leaf is rounder

One of the rare ‘collector’ plants in the hobby 

Cryptocoryne Nakamotoi

Cryptocoryne Nakamotoi

Cryptocoryne Lingua

Cryptocoryne Spiralis ‘Red’

Cryptocoryne Fusca

Cryptocoryne Regina / Trade name : Cryptocoryne Silver Queen

Cryptocoryne Keei

Cryptocoryne Bullosa 


This is only part 1 😉

My Cryptocoryne collection as of June 2016

For the past year I have been trying to get my hands on as many Cryptocoryne species as possible from around the world. Some have grown extremely well and some didn’t even survive the shipping process. I would also like to thank all the hobbyist that i bought the plants from. Because without them, I would not have this collection today. The photos of the plants will be uploaded when they are in a better condition. I have uploaded two of them because they flowered in my previous posts.

These are the species that I have

Cryptocoryne Affinis, Cryptocoryne Affinis ‘Metallic Red’

Cryptocoryne Annamica

Cryptocoryne Aura / Cordata Rosanervig ‘Rotundifolia’

Cryptocoryne Bullosa

Cryptocoryne Balansae

Cryptocoryne Cordata var cordata, Cordata var ‘blassii’

Cryptocoryne Cripatula 

Cryptocoryne Ferruginea ‘brown’

Cryptocoryne Griffthii ‘Thomson’, Griffthii ‘NSSW’

Cryptocoryne Keei

Cryptocoryne Lingua

Cryptocoryne Nakamotoi 

Cryptocoryne Nurii

Cryptocoryne Parva

Cryptocoryne Spiralis ‘Red’

Cryptocoryne Striolata ‘Red Mini’, Striolata ‘Kab Hulu’

Cryptocoryne Sahali

Cryptocoryne Sivadasanii

Cryptocoryne Thwaitesii “Yala”, Thwaitesii ‘1997’, Thwaitesii ‘Kirindioya’, Thwaitesii ‘Debawewa’

Cryptocoryne Regina / Silver Queen

I will upload the photos of these plants once they have stabilized and are growing well.

Over and Out

Cryptocoryne flowering (1)

After collecting cryptocoryne for the past one year, two of them are finally flowering

Cryptocoryne Albida

The limb was twisted a little even before it opened
Because I did not dissect the spathe i presume the spots goes all the way down??

From this angle you can see that the collar is red and the throat has spots
Notice the twisted limb
I will update the flower of Cryptocoryne Vietnamensis in the next few days. Stay tuned !