
Bed bug or book lice? #589922

Asked August 17, 2019, 4:35 PM EDT

The past couple months my dog has been getting bit. I suspected fleas but haven't done anything about it. I got bit a couple weeks ago and recently found a couple bugs on the window sill in my kitchen and grabbed one. Could this be identified?

thanks in advance 

Bronx County New York

Expert Response

The insects in the photos are booklice (family Liposcelididae). 

Booklice are common in many homes, where they are usually present in low numbers. However, their populations can build up under high humidity conditions. They generally feed on mold and are an indicator of high moisture but may sometimes feed on starchy material such as wallpaper and books. 

The best control measures are to reduce humidity and moisture by installing dehumidifiers in the rooms where commonly seen and fixing any sources of moisture (leaky pipe, clogged gutter, etc).

Michael Skvarla, Ph.D. Replied August 20, 2019, 3:17 PM EDT

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