Cyperus Helferi - XL Size 12 inch +

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Cyperus Helferi - Easy to grow! Aquatic Plants - Canada Seller - Combined Shipping

Quantity: 1 bunch
Size: XL Size - 12" tall

Here's a summary of parameters for Cyperus helferi:

  • Scientific Name: Cyperus helferi
  • Water Temperature: 68-82°F (20-28°C)
  • pH Level: 6.0-7.5
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2-15 dGH)
  • Lighting: Low to Moderate lighting levels are preferred for Cyperus helferi. Provide 8-10 hours of light per day, preferably with full spectrum LED lighting.
  • CO2 Requirement: While not strictly necessary, CO2 supplementation can promote healthier growth and more vibrant colors, especially in higher light setups.
  • Substrate: A nutrient-rich substrate is preferred. Use a high-quality planted aquarium substrate or add root tabs to provide essential nutrients. Cyperus helferi has a unique growth habit where it sends out runners with new plants, so a loose substrate like sand or small gravel is ideal.
  • Propagation: Cyperus helferi propagates through its runners. Simply allow the runners to grow and develop new plantlets, then separate and replant them as desired.
  • Care Level: Moderate. Regular pruning is necessary to control its growth and prevent it from overtaking the tank. Trim any yellowing or dead leaves to promote new growth.
  • Special Considerations: This plant is known for its distinctive appearance, with long, narrow leaves that resemble blades of grass. It can grow quite tall, making it suitable as a midground or background plant. Cyperus helferi appreciates good water circulation to prevent algae growth and distribute nutrients. It is also quite hardy once established but may experience melting when first introduced to a new tank. New growth should emerge once it acclimates.

By maintaining these parameters and providing proper care, Cyperus helferi can thrive in your aquarium, adding a unique and striking element to your aquascape.

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We aim to assist you in replicating a natural ecosystem within your aquarium. Cultivating thriving aquatic plants contributes to a visually appealing and vibrant aquarium ambiance.