Maximum size : 15 cm

Whitespot Eartheater - Satanoperca leucosticta : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Whitespot Eartheaters (Satanoperca leucosticta) are a captivating species within the Cichlidae family, native to the tranquil and complex ecosystems of the Amazon River Basin. Renowned for its subtle yet elegant colouration and distinctive speckled pattern, this species has garnered significant interest among aquarists and ichthyologists alike. With growing popularity in the aquarium trade, Whitespot Eartheaters represent both a challenge and a delight for enthusiasts dedicated to replicating the nuanced conditions of its natural ecosystem.

The Whitespot Eartheater is a sociable species, typically found in loosely organized groups, especially outside of the spawning season. Juvenile Whitespot Eartheaters exhibit particularly strong social tendencies. To mirror this natural social structure in captivity, it is recommended to keep a group of at least 5 to 8 individuals, which will naturally establish a hierarchy. Smaller groups may lead to the targeting of subordinate fish by more dominant members or cause the group to exhibit unsettled, anxious behaviours.

As a relatively tranquil species of Cichlid, Whitespot Eartheaters can adapt well to communal aquarium settings, though they are often preferred in species-specific or biotope-focused aquariums or in the company of other compatible Cichlids. Ideal tankmates include similarly peaceful and size-compatible species that share their preference for soft, acidic environments. It is advisable to avoid housing them with aggressive, territorial, or substrate-dwelling fish and those requiring different water conditions.

A minimum tank size of 210 litres is essential for their well-being, featuring a fine sand substrate and an array of hiding spots fashioned from driftwood, rock formations, or dense vegetation. These fish engage in natural behaviours like sifting and burrowing through sand and may occasionally graze on certain live plants. Therefore, plants that can attach to driftwood and rocks, or those in pots, are recommended. They favour warm, soft, acidic waters with subdued lighting conditions, which facilitate their foraging activities.

Water quality is paramount for the health of Whitespot Eartheaters, as they are highly sensitive to poor water conditions and fluctuations in water chemistry. They should only be introduced to a well-established, mature aquarium. Soft, acidic water conditions are essential for their thriving and usually cannot be achieved with untreated tap water alone. Optimal water stability can be maintained with a combination of external canister filters or a sump system, accompanied by regular water changes of 50 to 70% per week. Neglecting these requirements may lead to health issues such as head and lateral line erosion or stunted growth.

In terms of appearance, Whitespot Eartheaters exhibit a base colouration ranging from tan to grey, accented with subtle vertical bands. Their flanks display blue-green to red iridescent scales, while their operculum features similar iridescent patterns. Their translucent fins are adorned with various markings in blue-green to red, contributing to their distinctive and attractive appearance.

Whitespot Eartheater Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Whitespot Eartheaters poses a notable challenge due to the minimal external sexual dimorphism observed in this species. Nonetheless, it has been noted that adult males generally attain a slightly larger size compared to their female counterparts, who tend to exhibit a marginally more robust body depth. This subtle variance in physical characteristics is often the most reliable indicator for sex differentiation within the species.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameSatanoperca leucosticta
Year Described1849
OriginsVenezuela , Guyana , Brazil , Suriname
Max Size15 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
DifficultyIntermediate - Advanced
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.5
GH 1 - 8
TDS 36 - 215
Ideal Temperature
68 - 82
20 - 28

Natural Habitat

The Whitespot Eartheater is endemic to the Guiana Shield, encompassing regions in eastern Venezuela, Guyana, northwestern Suriname, and northern Brazil. Its presence is definitively established in the river systems of Essequibo, Demerara, Nickerie, and Branco, and it is also presumed to inhabit the Cuyuni, Mazaruni, Berbice, and Courantyne Rivers within the Guianas. 

These fish are typically found in a variety of aquatic environments, ranging from the primary channels of large rivers to smaller tributaries and floodplain lakes. Their natural habitats are characterized by substrates of sand or mud, interspersed with organic detritus such as leaf litter and submerged tree branches, which play a critical role in their ecological niche and feeding behaviours.


Breeding Whitespot Eartheaters, which are mouthbrooders, presents a complex challenge. However, this process can be facilitated by specific environmental adjustments. Elevating the water temperature to between 86-87° F and providing an ample supply of live and frozen foods rich in protein can encourage reproductive behaviours.

The reproductive process begins with the female selecting and meticulously cleaning a flat surface, such as driftwood, a rock, slate, or large plant leaves, where she will deposit approximately 300 eggs. Within 1 to 24 hours post-laying, the female will carefully gather and carry the eggs in her mouth, ensuring their safety and development until hatching.

Both parents typically engage in the protection and care of the fry, which is similar to their safeguarding of the fertilized eggs. Approximately 2 to 3 weeks later, when the fry has developed into free-swimming juveniles, they are released from the protective confines of the parent's mouth. The diet for the fry initially includes baby brine shrimp or finely crushed flake food, gradually transitioning to more diverse food types as they grow. It is advisable to relocate the fry from the main aquarium within 2 to 4 weeks to ensure their continued growth and well-being in a controlled environment.

Diet & Feeding

The Whitespot Eartheater exhibits a specialized feeding behaviour, befitting its name. In the wild, their diet primarily consists of benthic materials, including various microorganisms, detritus, and organic matter that they meticulously sift through the sandy or muddy substrates of their natural habitats. This sifting process is facilitated by their well-adapted mouths, designed to efficiently excavate and filter nourishment from the riverbed. 

In addition to these natural food sources, their diet is supplemented by small invertebrates and plant matter, reflecting their omnivorous nature. In a controlled environment like an aquarium, their nutritional needs can be met with a carefully balanced diet comprising high-quality sinking pellets or granules supplemented with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms and daphnia. This diet not only caters to their natural feeding habits but also ensures their overall health and well-being in captivity.

Other South American Cichlids

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