Maximum size : 5 cm

Triangle Rabbit Snail - Tylomelania sinabartfeldi : Complete Snail Profile & Care Guide

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The Triangle Rabbit Snail (Tylomelania sinabartfeldi) is a rare and captivating species that is highly sought after in the aquarium hobby. These snails are known for their slow and peaceful behaviour, making them ideal companions for other peaceful aquatic creatures like Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, and various types of shrimp.

However, they should never be kept with natural predators like Crayfish, Cichlids, Loaches, or Goldfish. In terms of habitat, it is recommended to use sand or fine-grained material as the aquarium substrate, allowing these snails to hide and rest comfortably. The Triangle Rabbit Snail prefers warm water environments, similar to its natural habitat, so the aquarium water should be slightly warmer than traditional setups.

As with other snail species, they tend to escape from the aquarium, making it necessary to cover the top of the tank as much as possible. One of the most striking features of the Triangle Rabbit Snail is its decorative shell, which is long and cross-corrugated. The shell colour can vary from dark brown to black, with white or creamy yellow dots on the foot and antennae. With their unique appearance and peaceful demeanour, the Triangle Rabbit Snail is a stunning addition to any aquarium, making it a highly desirable species among aquatic enthusiasts.

Triangle Rabbit Snail Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Triangle Rabbit Snails are a captivating species with a unique reproductive system. These snails possess both male and female genders, making it almost impossible to distinguish between the two with the naked eye. However, unlike other species where males and females have visible differences, Triangle Rabbit Snails exhibit no external characteristics that indicate their gender. This fascinating aspect of their biology highlights the complexity of aquatic life and the intricacies of their reproductive processes.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameTylomelania sinabartfeldi
Year Described2008
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asNA
Diet & FeedingHerbivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.5
GH 2 - 15
Ideal Temperature
75 - 86
24 - 30

Natural Habitat

The Triangle Rabbit Snail is a fascinating and unique species that are endemic to the Larona River in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in Southeast Asia. These snails are perfectly adapted to thrive in warm and alkaline waters, with a preference for sandy substrates often littered with decaying vegetation.

Their natural habitat provides a rich and diverse environment for these snails, with various food sources and hiding spots. With their remarkable ability to adapt and thrive in their natural habitat, the Triangle Rabbit Snail is truly a remarkable species that highlights the diversity and complexity of aquatic life.


Triangle Rabbit Snails are an interesting species of freshwater snail that reproduce once they reach around 4 cm in length. Unlike other snail species, they have a low reproductive rate, which ensures that even with a large group of snails in an aquarium, the population will not explode. These snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they carry both male and female genders, and it is impossible to distinguish between the two by eye. Females can carry sperm for an extended period and lay eggs for several months without the presence of another snail.

Under the right conditions, Triangle Rabbit Snails can reproduce in a freshwater aquarium, eliminating the need for a separate breeding tank. They reproduce by laying white egg pouches containing 11-67 embryos, similar to Nerite Snails. However, unlike Nerite Snails, baby snails can grow in complete freshwater environments without the need for saltwater conditions. Watching these snails lay their egg pouches and the growth of the baby snails is a fascinating and educational experience that adds a new level of intrigue to any aquarium.

Diet & Feeding

Triangle Rabbit Snails are fascinating aquatic creatures with specific dietary requirements to maintain their health and well-being. These snails predominantly feed on algae, making rocks or decorations with algae growth crucial to their diet. Additionally, broken plant leaves that have fallen into the aquarium substrate serve as another source of nutrition for them. While they primarily thrive on algae, you can also include vegetable-based fish and shrimp foods in their diet.

Incorporating vegetables like lettuce and spinach into their diet can also benefit their overall health. In addition, calcium is vital for their shell growth and support, so ensuring they have access to enough calcium is crucial during their care. It is essential to monitor the water parameters and enrich the water with calcium and magnesium additives if the water used for setup and changes is low in these minerals. By providing Triangle Rabbit Snails with a balanced diet and appropriate calcium support, these unique and captivating creatures can thrive in any aquarium.

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