Maximum size : 6 cm

Spotted Skiffia Multipunctata - Skiffia Multipunctata : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Spotted Skiffias (Skiffia multipunctata) are fascinating and engaging fish that can add a touch of excitement to any community aquarium. These active and generally peaceful fish are a pleasure to watch as they navigate through the aquarium. However, it's worth noting that they can be nippy towards slow-moving long-finned species such as Fancy Guppies. Spotted Skiffias are excellent companions for small Catfish, Characins and Minnows. For the best results, keeping these fish in groups with more females than males is advisable. A ratio of three females to one male will keep overly passionate males in check and reduce the amount of attention that females receive.

To recreate their natural habitat, it's best to house Spotted Skiffias in an aquarium with mature, well-filtered water containing plenty of aquatic plants. Shady areas can be created using Sumatra wood or small driftwood pieces, mimicking a labyrinth of tree roots found in their natural environment. The bodies of Spotted Skiffias are primarily silvery in colour. Females have a few black spots, while males have much larger blotches resembling panda-like patterns. They also possess striking golden colouration around their anal, dorsal, and caudal fins, making them a visually stunning addition to any aquarium.

Spotted Skiffia Multipunctata Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Spotted Skiffias is a relatively simple task. Typically, females are larger in size than their male counterparts and display less patterning. Additionally, gravid females will have a noticeable bulge or gravid spot, indicating the presence of developing fry. In contrast, males are generally smaller in size and exhibit more intricate patterning than females.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameSkiffia Multipunctata
Year Described1901
Other NamesSplotched Skiffia, Speckled Sawfin Goodeid, Piebald Goodea, Sayula Multipunctata
Max Size6 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 4 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.5
GH 15 - 25
Ideal Temperature
77 - 82
25 - 27

Natural Habitat

Spotted Skiffias are fascinating fish that are native to the stunning Lerma River Basin in North America's Mexico. In their natural habitat, they thrive in a diverse range of environments, from small lakes to spring-fed ponds, quiet river channels, and ditches. Their preferred substrate is usually composed of mud, sand, silt, and rocks, and they tend to inhabit relatively shallow water. These fish are typically found in areas abundant with vegetation, such as duckweed, bulrush, water hyacinths, and plenty of green algae. Moreover, the roots of conifers provide an ideal hiding spot for these fish and an excellent opportunity to graze on aufwuchs, making their natural habitat a true paradise.


Spotted Skiffias are an intriguing and unique livebearing species that breed differently than other livebearers. Males fertilize the females by lining up their genital openings with the females, as they do not possess a gonopodium. With a gestation period of six to eight weeks, larger and more mature females may give birth to up to 20 babies, while the average brood is typically between 10 to 15. Fortunately, Spotted Skiffia fry are relatively easy to care for and feed. Adult Spotted Skiffias do not typically pursue or consume their young, especially in tanks with plenty of plant cover. However, to ensure that your Spotted Skiffias remain pure, it is recommended that you do not keep different species of Skiffia together, as hybridization may occur.

Diet & Feeding

In their natural habitat, Spotted Skiffias predominantly feed on aufwuchs and algae that grow on submerged plant stems, as well as insects that are found on the surface of the water. To ensure their optimal health and development, a diverse diet consisting of both dry and live foods is recommended for these fish in the aquarium. In addition to flakes, granules, and wafers, providing Spotted Skiffias with frozen and live foods like daphnia, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp are highly recommended. These fish may also benefit from some vegetable matter in their diet, such as blanched spinach or similar options.


Spotted Skiffia Multipunctata (Skiffia Multipunctata) - Goodeid Aquarium Fish Profile & Care Guide Thumbnail

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