Maximum size : 10 cm

Golden Wonder Panchax - Aplocheilus lineatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Golden Wonder Panchax (Aplocheilus lineatus) exhibits an exquisite appearance coupled with robustness, peaceable temperament, and remarkable hardiness, rendering it a well-suited addition to most community aquariums. These Killifish present an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned aquarists due to their ease of breeding. Coexisting harmoniously with various medium to large-sized, moderately peaceful freshwater or brackish water species, the Golden Wonder Panchax offers compatibility with a diverse range of tankmates. This can include larger Barbs and Rainbowfish, amicable Cichlids, Corydoras, and Plecos.

However, it is vital to note that the Golden Panchax possesses a sizable mouth and exhibits predatory tendencies, relentlessly pursuing and consuming small fish. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid housing them with species of smaller stature, such as Neon Tetras, Micro Rasboras, Pseudomugil Rainbowfish, and Danios. Additionally, Golden Wonder Panchax may engage in conflicts among their own kind. Consequently, maintaining these fish either individually or in a group of no fewer than six individuals, preferably with a greater number of females than males, is recommended to minimize territorial disputes.

The optimal aquatic environment for Golden Wonder Panchax entails slightly soft water with a neutral pH and an abundance of hiding places. The inclusion of driftwood, aquatic plants, and floating vegetation facilitates the creation of such an environment. To accommodate their need for ample swimming space, it is advised to provide a sufficiently spacious aquarium. Dark substrates coupled with well-placed lighting enhance the aesthetic appeal of these fish. Adequate filtration and regular water changes are necessary to maintain the well-being of these fish. Furthermore, given their adept jumping abilities, ensuring a securely fitted lid is essential to prevent any escapes.

The Golden Wonder Killifish boasts an elongated, slender body with a subtly arched back. Positioned towards the posterior half of their body, the dorsal fin contributes to their distinctive physique. Notably, these fish exhibit flattened heads, a pointed snout, and an upturned mouth lacking barbels. Their coppery bronze body showcases metallic yellow-gold scales along the sides, extending gracefully into their fins. Dark vertical bars adorn the posterior half of their body, terminating at the base of the caudal fin, adding a captivating touch to their appearance.

Golden Wonder Panchax Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Golden Wonder Panchax is a relatively straightforward task. Males can be identified by their larger size and vibrant yellow colouration, accompanied by fainter transverse stripes and a more pointed anal fin. In contrast, females exhibit a paler hue compared to males, a slightly smaller size, and a more rounded anal fin. The stripes on females are more prominent and slightly wider than those observed on males. These distinctive physical characteristics serve as reliable indicators in discerning the gender disparities of this species.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Aplocheilus lineatus
Year Described 1846
Other Names Striped Panchax, Malaba Killi, Stribet Panchax
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cyprinodontiformes
Family Aplocheilidae
Genus Aplocheilus
Origins Sri Lanka , India
Max Size 10 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling No
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg Depositor
Average Lifespan Up to 2 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater/Brackish
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 5 - 20
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Golden Wonder Panchax represents a cultivated gold variation derived from the Striped Panchax species. As a result of artificial selection, this strain does not possess a specific natural habitat. However, the Indian Striped Panchax holds its endemic status in Sri Lanka and enjoys a wide distribution across Peninsular India in South Asia. These Killifish thrive in slow-moving freshwater and brackish water environments, primarily found at elevated altitudes in habitats such as swamps, paddy fields, streams, and rivers. These aquatic locales serve a practical purpose by employing these fish to control mosquito populations. Characteristically, their preferred habitats boast abundant lush aquatic vegetation, contributing to their natural surroundings.


During the spawning period, a pair of Golden Wonder Panchax has the potential to produce a considerable number of eggs, ranging from 50 to 300 daily, with spawning activities persisting over multiple weeks. These eggs are typically deposited in fine-leaved plants or designated spawning mops. It is advisable to remove these plants or mops on a daily basis and replace them with fresh ones. Subsequently, the spawning medium should be carefully transferred to a separate tank or container containing clean water, ensuring that the water parameters align with those of the adult tank.

The incubation period for Golden Wonder Panchax eggs typically spans between 12 and 14 days. Once hatched, the fry will possess a noticeable egg sac attached to their bellies. As the fry absorbs this sac, it becomes necessary to provide them with suitable nourishment, such as baby brine shrimp, microworms, or powdered dry foods. It is important to note that variations in development among the fry may lead to potential cannibalistic tendencies. To successfully rear a larger number of fry, sorting them according to size is crucial, effectively mitigating the risk of cannibalism. Vigilance during feeding sessions is paramount, as any uneaten food can swiftly degrade the water quality, necessitating careful monitoring and prompt removal of excess food.

Diet & Feeding

The dietary habits of the Golden Wonder Panchax predominantly align with carnivorous tendencies. In their natural habitat, these fish subsist on a diet comprising small aquatic insects, insect larvae, river worms, and diminutive crustaceans. Within the confines of a home aquarium, Golden Wonder Panchax display an adaptable feeding behaviour and willingly consumes high-quality dried foods, including flakes, pellets, and freeze-dried offerings. However, to optimize the visual appeal and overall health of these fish, it is advisable to supplement their diet with generous portions of live and frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, mosquito larvae, and daphnia.

Other Killifish

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