Maximum size : 7 cm

Bronze Corydoras - Corydoras Aeneus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Bronze Corydoras (Corydoras Aeneus) is a highly esteemed freshwater fish renowned for its peaceful nature and distinctive armored appearance. Originating from the tranquil freshwater habitats of South America, this species is adaptable to a variety of water conditions, making it a favored choice among aquarists of all levels. Characterized by its shimmering bronze body and energetic scavenging behavior, the Bronze Corydoras plays a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness of the aquarium by feeding on detritus and leftover food on the substrate. Their hardy nature, combined with a captivating presence, renders the Bronze Corydoras an ideal candidate for both novice and experienced fish keepers seeking to enrich their community aquarium.

In their natural habitat, Bronze Corydoras are shoaling fish, so it's best to keep them in groups of at least six individuals, preferably more. This will ensure that your fish feel comfortable and secure, leading to a more natural and engaging display. When it comes to tankmates, small to medium-sized Characins and Cyprinids, Gouramis, Dwarf Cichlids, and other peaceful Catfish make excellent companions for Bronze Corydoras. However, it's crucial to avoid housing them with aggressive or large species that may intimidate or harm them.

The ideal aquarium setup for Bronze Corydoras prioritizes simulating their natural South American riverbed habitat to ensure their well-being and natural behaviour. The substrate should consist of soft sand or fine, smooth gravel to protect their sensitive barbels used for foraging. The tank should also feature plenty of hiding places and areas of dense vegetation, utilizing live plants such as Anubias or Java Ferns to mimic their natural environment and provide shelter. Gentle filtration that provides clean, well-oxygenated water without creating excessive current is ideal, as Bronze Corydoras prefer calm waters. Regular water changes and monitoring of water quality are essential to keep these hardy fish healthy.

The body of the Bronze Corydoras is elongated and armoured due to the presence of bony plates on its sides. The primary body colour is bronze, which can range from light to dark shades or even brown. The sides of the body may have a slight greenish tint, and the head is large and flattened, also covered in bony plates. The transparent fins may have a slight orange or reddish tint, adding a beautiful contrast to their appearance.

Bronze Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Identifying the sex of Bronze Corydoras presents a nuanced challenge, given the subtle physical distinctions between males and females. Generally, females manifest a larger and more slender form compared to males, coupled with a comparatively subdued color palette. Additionally, females are characterized by an elevated body profile and a more pronounced abdominal area, distinguishing them from their male counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras Aeneus
Year Described1858
Other NamesBrown Cory, Bronze catfish, Bronze Cory
OriginsVenezuela , Argentina , Colombia , Trinidad and Tobago
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 8 - 12
Ideal Temperature
75 - 80
23 - 26

Natural Habitat

Bronze Corydoras are distributed across multiple South American nations, such as Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad, predominantly flourishing within the Rio de la Plata Basin situated east of the Andes. A notable characteristic of the Bronze Corydoras is their habitat preference, which includes calm, shallow waters of slow-flowing rivers and streams, characterized by soft, muddy substrates. For travelers exploring South America, the opportunity to observe these fascinating fish in their natural settings offers a unique and enriching experience, adding a memorable dimension to the journey.

 Rio de la Plata - Uruguay
Uruguay Flag


Breeding Bronze Corydoras is a relatively straightforward process. However, before breeding, it is crucial to condition them with a diet consisting of fresh or frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp, and high-quality flake food. The optimal water conditions for breeding are slightly acidic, and rainwater is a common choice.

To induce spawning, a 50% water change with colder water than the breeding tank is necessary. If this proves unsuccessful, mimicking rain by slowly adding water to the tank with a sprinkler motion often does the trick. The Longfin Bronze Corydoras become quite active during courtship. Males pursue females throughout the aquarium, frequently rubbing their bodies and barbels against the female. Once the female consents, the male will search for suitable egg-laying sites and thoroughly clean several fitting locations.

As the courting progresses, the roles ultimately reverse, and the female starts seeking the male. Spawning commences when the pair assumes the classic T position, triggering the release of sperm and one to ten eggs, which the female grips with her pelvic fins. Once fertilized, the female deposits the eggs at the pre-cleaned site. The eggs are sticky and securely adhere to the nesting site. This ritual continues for several days, with the female releasing a few eggs at a time until all the eggs have been laid.

After spawning is complete, the adults should be removed from the tank, or the eggs can be moved to a grow-out tank to prevent them from being eaten by the parents. Initially, the eggs are translucent but will gradually darken as they develop. After approximately four to five days, the eggs begin to hatch and feed off the yolk sac for an additional three to four days until they have consumed it. At this point, providing the fry with very fine powdered food or infusoria is crucial to their survival.

Diet & Feeding

Within a home aquarium setting, Bronze Corydoras benefit from a diverse diet that encompasses both plant and animal sources. They thrive on a foundation of high-quality dry foods, including granules, flakes, and sinking pellets, which are specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs and support overall health through a balanced blend of essential nutrients.

Incorporating live, frozen, and freeze-dried options such as mini bloodworms, daphnia, and tubifex worms into their feeding regimen once or twice weekly is not mandatory but highly beneficial. These additions enrich their diet with variety and natural nutrients, contributing to enhanced growth, vibrant coloration, and general vitality.

To closely replicate the Bronze Corydoras' natural foraging behavior, introducing blanched vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and zucchini as occasional treats or regular diet components is advisable. It is essential, however, to moderate feedings and promptly remove any uneaten food to maintain water quality and prevent potential tank pollution.


Breeding Bronze Corydoras Thumbnail

Other Corydoras

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