Maximum size : 20 cm

Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark - Cyclocheilichthys janthochir : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark (Cyclocheilichthys janthochir) is an elegant, peaceful, and rare species in the aquarium trade, making them a unique addition to any tank. Despite their moderate size, these fish exhibit a timid and peaceful nature. They are shoaling species and should be housed in groups of 6 or more within a suitably sized aquarium of 300 litres or more, where they can coexist with similarly sized and peaceful fish. It is important to note that the Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark can be intimidated by boisterous or aggressive fish.

The preferred environment for Borneo Red Fin Silver Sharks should prioritize their comfort and natural behaviour. A soft sand substrate is recommended, complemented by abundant driftwood and sections of robust planting along the sides and rear. The inclusion of floating plants aids in light diffusion. To facilitate unobstructed movement, it is advisable to maintain a spacious open swimming area at the front of the tank.

Maintaining optimal water conditions is essential; therefore, efficient filtration and proper oxygenation are crucial components. Regular partial water changes are necessary to minimize nitrate levels. To accommodate the skittish nature of these fish, it is recommended to position the aquarium in a serene location away from frequent foot traffic. Their tendency to startle easily highlights the significance of providing ample shaded hiding spots within the tank. An impeccably secure lid is essential to prevent accidental jumps out of the water.

When selecting decor elements, caution is advised to avoid any sharp objects that could cause harm as these fish retreat for cover. Careful attention to these aspects will create a conducive and safe environment for the well-being of the fish.

The Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark has a torpedo-shaped body with reddish-orange dorsal and caudal fins and a distinct thin black stripe that runs from its nose to the base of its caudal fin on its pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins. These fish are skittish and easily spooked, so it's best to keep the aquarium in a quiet area and provide them with tight-fitting lids to prevent them from jumping out.

Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

It can be difficult to discern between male and female Borneo Red Fin Silver Sharks. Typically, females will exhibit a more robust physique and less vibrant colouration in comparison to their male counterparts, particularly when they reach sexual maturity.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCyclocheilichthys janthochir
Year Described1854
Other NamesBorneo Red Fin Silver Shark, Burmese Red Fin Silver Shark, Janthochir Barb
Max Size20 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 4.0 - 7.0
GH 1 - 12
TDS 18 - 179
Ideal Temperature
71 - 80
21 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark is a fascinating and unique species that call the dark, tea-coloured waters of the Kapus River in Borneo, Indonesia, home. These elusive creatures are found in blackwater rivers, streams, and old peat swamps, where the presence of decaying vegetation matter creates an environment that is both soft and acidic.

The forest canopy overhead provides shade, creating an intricate ecosystem where these sharks thrive. In their natural habitat, Borneo Red Fin Silver Sharks can be seen swimming amidst scattered twigs, leaves, and branches that form the substrate. The tannin-stained waters provide a captivating backdrop that adds to the allure of these intriguing creatures. Keeping these sharks in a home aquarium can provide a unique and captivating glimpse into their natural habitat.


To date, there are no documented successful captive breeding attempts of the Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark in the home aquarium setting.

Diet & Feeding

In captivity, Borneo Red Fin Silver Sharks are generally considered undemanding eaters and will readily accept a wide range of food options. However, to ensure that these fish remain healthy and vibrant, it is highly recommended to provide them with a diverse diet. In addition to high-quality flakes and pellets, they should be fed frequent servings of live and frozen foods, such as bloodworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia, artemia, and Mysis shrimp. Larger individuals may also require the addition of krill or finely chopped prawns to their diet. This well-rounded feeding regime will help maintain their excellent colours and overall well-being.


Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark Cyclocheilichthys janthochir - Rare Barb Fish Profile & Care Guide Thumbnail

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