Maximum size : 22 cm

Altifron Eartheater - Geophagus altifrons : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Altifron Eartheater (Geophagus altifrons) is distinguished by its peaceful nature and attractive appearance, making it a suitable choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. While generally docile, it's important to note that Altifron Eartheaters can display territorial behaviour towards smaller fish species. To foster a peaceful community in the aquarium, it is advisable to house Altifron Eartheaters with other fish of similar size. Inconsistent growth rates within a group may result in the dominance of larger individuals over smaller ones. Suitable companions for these Eartheaters include other peaceful South American Cichlids, larger Tetras, and Barb species, as well as Red Fin Plecos, Red Spotted Severums, Keyhole Cichlids, and various types of Catfish.

Known for their sand-sifting habits, Altifron Eartheaters are surprisingly compatible with many bottom-dwelling species, attributed to their gentle nature. They are a sociable species and thrive in groups, ideally of five or more. Considering their adult size, an aquarium with a capacity of at least 300 litres is recommended. Their environment should mimic their natural habitat with a deep, soft, sandy substrate to prevent damage to their mouths and gills. Incorporating natural décor such as rocks and bogwood not only enhances the tank's aesthetics but also provides necessary hideaways. These elements should be securely placed before adding the substrate to prevent accidental shifting.

The species' propensity for digging can challenge maintaining a planted aquarium; hence, using potted plants or attaching epiphytic plants like Anubias and Java Fern to hardscape features is advised. For the Altifron Eartheater, particularly in a community setting, efficient filtration is paramount. A filtration system capable of processing the tank's total volume at least five times per hour is essential to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Regular water changes and careful monitoring of water chemistry are critical to ensuring their well-being.

Altifron Eartheaters exhibit a distinctive morphological feature of five prominent scale rows along their dorsal aspect, with the median dorsal fin strategically positioned between the third and fourth scale rows. These fish utilize their dorsal, anal, and pectoral fins not only for navigation but also as a defensive mechanism against predators. In terms of colouration, the Altifron Eartheaters display a remarkable spectrum that includes shades of blue, green, orange, red, and various other hues, contributing to their striking appearance.

Altifron Eartheater Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Determining the sex of Altifron Eartheaters can be difficult until they reach their breeding stage when differences between males and females become more noticeable. Generally, mature males tend to be somewhat larger with more elongated finnage than females. Furthermore, the ovipositor of the female becomes distinctly visible during spawning, which is a helpful characteristic for sex identification.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameGeophagus altifrons
Year Described1840
OriginsPeru , Brazil , Colombia
Max Size22 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.0
GH 2 - 12
Ideal Temperature
79 - 89
26 - 32

Natural Habitat

Altifron Eartheaters are native to a range of river systems within the middle-to-lower Amazon Basin, specifically including the Rio Paru, Rio Xingu, Rio Tapajós, Rio Trombetas, Rio Madeira, Rio Negro, and the Purus. These fish exhibit a marked preference for clear and black water habitats, as opposed to the more turbid 'white' water environments. 

Their favoured ecological niches are typically found in gently sloping areas along the margins of shores or islands. These areas are characterized by substrates composed of sand, fine gravel, and mud. The specific features of their habitats can vary by location but often include elements such as scattered rocks and submerged tree roots and branches, which provide essential shelter and foraging grounds.


Achieving successful breeding in Altifron Eartheaters largely depends on the effective pairing of mates, a process best realized in a large aquarium housing multiple specimens. This setup allows for keen observation of social interactions within the group, aiding in the identification of potential breeding pairs based on their behaviour.

Once a pair has exhibited clear bonding behaviours, it becomes crucial to relocate them to a specialized breeding tank. This separate environment should offer a calm atmosphere conducive to spawning and the subsequent rearing of fry. It is important to note that Altifron Eartheaters practice mouthbrooding, with the female taking responsibility for incubating the eggs and caring for the young in her mouth until they are capable of swimming independently.

The breeding tank should be furnished with flat, smooth surfaces, such as slate or ceramic tiles, positioned over a sandy substrate. These are typically preferred by the fish for depositing their eggs. Courtship rituals, including circling, fin displays, and mouth interactions, are part of the process leading up to the selection and preparation of these surfaces for egg deposition. While flat rocks are frequently chosen, some pairs may excavate the sand to expose the glass bottom of the tank as an alternate spawning site.

Post-fertilization, the eggs are initially guarded by both parents for about one to two days, after which the female transitions to mouthbrooding. She will then protect and carry the developing eggs in her mouth until the hatchlings become free-swimming. At this stage, it is advisable to separate the parents from the fry to facilitate independent growth.

The fry's nutrition is critical for their development. Their initial diet should consist of specially designed fry food or live options such as brine shrimp nauplii, microworms, or vinegar eels. As they grow, transitioning them to small, sinking pellets formulated for young Cichlids is essential, providing the necessary nutrients for healthy development.

Diet & Feeding

The dietary needs of the Altifron Eartheater are unique within its family, requiring careful attention to the size of the food provided. Adults of this species do best with smaller food servings, emphasizing the need to include small to medium-sized items in their diet. Aligned with their natural behaviour of sifting through sand, Altifron Eartheaters necessitate sinking food types. This feeding style is more in harmony with their instinctual foraging behaviour than floating pellets, which are less suited to their needs.

For their diet, sinking pellets formulated for omnivorous fish should be the primary component. As adaptable omnivores, Altifron Eartheaters can also benefit from occasional treats of protein-rich foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp, adding variety and nutritional enhancement to their diet. When offering chopped frozen shrimp, careful preparation is vital to avoid any negative impacts on their health and well-being.

Other South American Cichlids

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