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Addicted Aquarium

Echinodorus major

Regular price $5.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 SGD

Ruffle Sword plants have been a long-time staple for planted tank geeks. Their long, thick ruffle-textured leaves have beautiful striations that catch the eye, even in the back or mid-ground of your tank. Their bright green color makes an arresting contrast with red colored plants. They are easy to keep and a great option for beginners.

Ruffle sword plants can grow rather huge, so they need to be pruned regularly. They can be great plants for large size tanks and will grow either submersed or emersed. In their native habitat of Central and South America, they are typically found growing submersed along river banks and streams. With a nutrient rich substrate these plants will tolerate most lighting conditions, but moderate to high lighting is ideal. CO2 injection is not necessary but will help the plant grow faster.

Ruffle sword plants propagate through side shoots off of their leaves, which can be trimmed and replanted into the substrate. To control the size of your Ruffle sword plant you can remove the side shoots and older leaves.