Chiloschista Viridiflava

Chiloschista Viridiflava


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Tribe: Vandeae
Subtribe: Sarcanthinae

Upon seeing Chiloschista in flower for the first time, the observer immediately marvels at how this leafless plant can produce such a multitude of flowers. In many texts, this genus is listed as a leafless epiphyte. In reality, however, some species produce leaves, although the leaves are caducous (shed at an early stage of development). This small genus was first named by John Lindley in 1832. The generic name, derived from the Greek words cheilos (lip) and schistos (cleft), describes the cleft lip found on the flowers. The genus is closely allied to Sarcochilus but separated by periodic leaflessness and differences in the lip.

For a portion of the year, these monopodial epiphytes consist of a massive root system emanating from a small, compact stem and nothing else. When leaves are present, they arise from the stem and grow to 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm) long and around 0.5 inch (1 cm) wide. By flowering time, the leaves are usually gone. The inflorescences are usually pendent and bear a few to many flowers. The small flowers are most attractive and flower color varies from creamy white to greenish to deep brown-red. Species from this genus include Chiloschista lunifera and C. usneoides.

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Light Condition

Shade, Partial



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