Family: Geraniaceae

Scientific Name: Geranium dalmaticum

Common Name: Geranium dalmaticum

DescriptionA vigorous rhizomatous plant with shell pink flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Sunlightfull sun or light shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersfive petals and are shell pink or white (G. dalamaticum album).
Fruitdistinctive beaked seed capsules, hence the common name of crane’s bill (geranium in Greek means crane
Leavesmostly three lobes and lobes divided into 5-6 wedge shaped divisions, glossy
Stemsrhizomatous stem
Dimensions6 inches tall, spreading
Propagationdivision of the rhizomes
Native SiteNative to southwest Yugoslavia and Albania.
Cultivar OriginFirst introduced in 1947 by Walter Ingwersen and commercially introduced in 1956.
Author's NotesThere is a nice planting of this Geranium at the Boerner Botanical Gardens by a set of stairs going down to another level. It is growing in front of and underneath a Firebird Ornamental Crabapple. I enjoy the sheet of foliage and mass of booms each year.
Notes & Reference#29-Hardy Geraniums (Peter F. Yeo), #231- The Gardeners Guide to Growing Hardy Geraniums (Trevor Bath, Joy Jones)
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