Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Bidens ferulifolia Beedance Painted red

Common Name: Bidens Beedance Painted red


Bidens Beedance Painted Red (Bidens ferulifolia) is a very florific bloomer covered with golden yellow flowers with a painted red tip. . Can be used in a hanging basket, trailing in pots or as a spreading ground cover.

Plant TypeAnnuals, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone9-11
Sunlightfull sun
Moistureaverage, draught tolerant once established
Soil & Siteaverage
Temperaturehardy to 30 degrees F
Flowersgolden hued, outer edge of petals painted orange red, cooler temperatures brings on more of the orange red, honey scented
Stemstrailing, creeping
Dimensions12 by 18 inches (HS), good for trailing out of hanging baskets and containers
Maintenancevery little
Native Sitesouthern Arizona and Mexico
Cultivar OriginDistributed by Proven Winners.
Misc FactsBidens is made up of Latin bis (twice, in two) and dens (tooth) components with reference to the two-fanged fruit (seeds). (
Notes & Reference#109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterrowd)
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